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Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1

Page 23

by Cole, Samantha

  "Keon, as you know, I've been pounding the pavement trying to find out why these guys have a bull’s-eye on their backs. Aside from a few vague and unsubstantiated rumors, no one's come forward with a who or a why. After the quote-unquote drunk driving accident which totaled Brody's truck and sent everyone swimming the other night, I decided to head back here to keep a closer eye on things.

  "I got back in the area around eighteen hundred hours and decided to do a little scouting outside the line of detection of Egghead's security system to see if I could figure out who was targeting them. I knew the team was sequestered inside the compound, so it was a good bet the tango would be trying to find another way to get to them. The geek's system is one of the best I've ever come across so..."

  "Wait a minute. One of the best, my friend? Oh, is the best." Brody always became indignant whenever his almost-unbeatable-system was questioned. Everyone in the room who knew it groaned except Carter, who rolled his eyes.

  "Or so you keep telling everyone. Anyway, I took a defensive position beyond that point and was scouting the area through my scope. I was damn lucky I spotted the guy when I did because he was preparing to take his shot." He gave his shoulders a dispassionate shrug. "I took mine before he took his. My shot was justified. I had no chance to warn the team or anyone else and there was no opportunity to take him alive. After I eliminated the threat, I went over to see if I could figure out who he was. Unfortunately his face is pretty much gone and his fingerprints were removed a long time ago with acid." His gaze shifted back to Keon. "It's all I got. Write it up, and as usual Larry, leave my name out of it and then shred it."

  Even though it wasn't all Carter had to say and the redacted report wouldn't actually get shredded, Keon acknowledged him with a single nod. He would get the rest of the info from the man after the local SAC was out of earshot.


  After Carter finished talking, he sat back and crossed his arms. SAC Stonewall eyed his superior with a stunned expression and began to turn red again. "That's it? That's all I get? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? I've got three crime scenes and a dead John Doe out there, for fuck's sake."

  Keon sighed with what felt like the weight of the world on his shoulders. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. Damn, he was exhausted and at fifty-five, he was getting way too old for this crap. "You do exactly as the man said and forget you ever laid eyes on him. From this moment on, this entire incident is classified. I'll have some people in your office first thing in the morning. They'll take possession of everything–photos, SIM cards, evidence, reports...everything. If I find out there's copies of anything or something accidentally gets left behind or lost, shit's going to come down on the head, which is you, Frank. Understand? There's already someone responding to pick up the body. Now, why don't you go check on your agents. I have a few more things to discuss with these people."

  The irate federal agent stood and stormed out of the room, not bothering to shut the door behind him. After one of the MPs in the hall did the honors, Brody performed his best James Bond impersonation, even though their spy-friend didn't have a British accent.

  "'The name's word...and it's all you need to know about me. Don't write it down and forget it after you leave this room'...damn, I wish I could remember the rest." Smiles and snorts of laughter filled the room, while the man being teased only gave them a small smirk and remained quiet. "Shit. I love you, man. Every time I see you, I almost end up peeing my pants."

  Boomer snickered harder. "I think Stonewall was close to it, for a moment there, and not 'cause he thought Carter was funny. You, dude, are the one person I never want to be on the wrong side of."

  "Amen," Devon added when everyone else nodded in agreement.

  Wanting to get the conversation back on track so he could leave for his hotel and get some much needed sleep, Keon glanced at Ian. "No luck on the Colombia files, yet?" The last he'd heard, they got the coded message from their former lieutenant and narrowed down their search to one mission.

  Ian shook his head with mild exasperation. "No. We almost finished going through the paperwork between waiting for you to get here and Stonewall's questions. We'll finish up tomorrow then there's a ton of photos we took which we need to go through. Whatever Jeff found or thought he found has got to be in there somewhere. I'm not wrong about this."

  The deputy director nodded. If Ian said the information they needed was there, then it was. "Like I said, I'll deal with Stonewall and get him off your backs. Do you need anything else for now?"

  Ian scanned the faces of his team and they all shook their heads. "No, we're good. Just need some down time and a few hours of sleep."

  Keon turned his head back toward the black ops agent and sighed. "Okay, tell me the rest."

  While remaining in his comfortable position, the man filled in the gaps of information for everyone. "I recognized our corpse out there right before I blew his head off. Name's Rueben Vega, mercenary for hire out of Colombia...the question still being, who hired him? Unfortunately, my contacts haven't been able to come up with any possible answers for me yet, but they're working on it. Vega had deep connections to Ernesto Diaz and his brother Emmanuel. He used to be one of the best, but rumor has it he's been hitting the booze too much over the past year and getting sloppy. I was a little surprised to find him here. It's been a while since I've heard he was associated with a job in the states, but that's not to say he didn't visit for other reasons. He didn't work exclusively for Diaz, but a majority of his jobs were contracted through their empire.

  "You all know Emmanuel has been rebuilding what the U.S. of A. destroyed when they took out Ernesto. He's not at the point of operating on the scale his brother had been, but he's getting there. I thought the hit on the SEALs might be some sort of payback for Ernesto but according to my sources down there, it didn't come from the Diaz family. However, I firmly believe whoever hired him used the connection to do so. Whoever it is, he also has a connection somewhere within Uncle Sam because how else would they've known which men were on that mission. I've got a lot of ears on the ground, and hopefully one of my contacts comes up with something soon, but for now, that's all I've got. Wish it was more." Carter looked at Ian and raised an eyebrow. "Mind if I grab a shower and bed upstairs for a few hours?"

  Ian jerked his chin up once. "Mi casa es tu casa. You know you can crash here anytime. And thanks again for having our sixes. As usual, we owe you."

  The black ops spy stood and smiled a real smile for the first time since he walked into the compound over three and a half hours earlier. "Anytime, and by the way, this time...I wasn't just here for the food."

  Thank God for that.

  * * *

  A few minutes later, the team stood out in the compound, checking in with the guards, making sure the perimeter was secure and seeing Keon, Chan and Dobrowski off. After the feds finished up at the scene outside the fence line, Ian arranged to have four snipers take position beyond Brody's system's limitations, as a precaution. It was highly unlikely whoever hired Vega would hear about the man's demise anytime tonight, but the team wasn't taking any chances.

  As she climbed into the passenger seat of the rental car her partner was driving, Barbara Chan looked at them. "Let's try this again, gentlemen, shall we? This time without the gunfire. We'll see you at oh-eight-hundred with breakfast."

  Devon and the others nodded at the woman, then he turned around, headed back inside and took the stairs to the second floor. He found Jenn and Kristen sleeping on the two couches in the rec room. Tucking a blanket around his niece, he was careful not to wake her. She'd be fine there until morning with the rest of the team in the rooms down the hall and Beau sleeping on the floor next to her. He gently woke Kristen who, although a little heavy-eyed, willingly stood and let him lead her back to his apartment. He knew he was being selfish by waking her, but he needed her in his bed with him. They'd survived another close brush with death but thanks to Carter, the o
nly person needing a rush order on a new coffin was the enemy. The team hadn't told the two women how close they'd come to a different conclusion of events since they'd been freaked out enough by the rifle shot.

  By the time they walked up the stairs to his place, Kristen was once again wide awake and Devon could see his own desire mirrored in her eyes. The moment he shut his apartment door, he had her flattened against it, his hands delving into her hair and his hips grinding hers. He kissed her with an intensity he couldn't rein in and she gave it back to him in spades. The only sounds were their heavy breathing, moans and wet mouths and tongues dueling with each other.

  He ripped her clothes from her body as fast as he could without hurting her, then removed his own as well. Grabbing her below her ass, he lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his hips and ground his steel erection into her mound. The change of position brought her breasts up so he easily dipped his head and began to lick and suck them until she was begging him for more. Her fingers were clutching his hair, her body writhing in his arms.

  "Please fuck me," she panted as her head fell back against the door with a thud and her eyes fluttered closed. Her moans of pleasure and desire were almost his undoing.

  She began shifting her hips, trying desperately to position his cock at her entrance when he tightened his grip and lifted his head. "Easy, Pet. Slow down. I don't have a condom with me."

  "Don't care."

  Devon froze at her words and she opened her eyes again. "I was tested after I found out my ex was cheating on me and you're the only man I've been with since then. I've been on the pill for several years to regulate my periods. Please. I want to feel you, all of you."

  Staring at her beautiful face, he knew he couldn't say 'no' to her nor did he want to. The thought of taking her with nothing between them thrilled him. "I'm tested every six months for the club and had my latest physical right before we met. I've never had sex without a condom. Baby, are you sure about this? This is a big step for us and I need you to be certain."

  Kristen had never been more certain of anything in her life. She wanted him inside her with no barriers, just as nature intended. "Yes, I'm positive. Please fuck me now."

  When she again tried to impale herself on him, he wouldn't allow it. "My way," was all he growled as he lifted her away from the door. Shifting his hands to her ass, he carried her down the hall and into his bedroom.

  Setting her down on his bed, he ordered her lay down in the center of it and put her head on the pillows. While she hurried to do as she was told, he worked his way around the bed, pulling out the leather straps he'd attached to the four posters earlier in the week. He'd kept them tucked under the mattress, waiting until he found the right opportunity to surprise her and it appeared that now was the perfect time. At the end of the straps were wrist and ankle restraints. She was still bruised from the accident and he was glad he'd chosen ones with a thick faux-fur lining.

  At her wide eyed expression, Devon smirked. "I've wanted to do this to you since the afternoon I shackled your wrists at the club. Stretch your arms up and out toward the corners and spread your legs wide. Do you trust me, Pet?"

  There was no hesitation in her verbal and physical responses to his commands and question. "Yes, Sir."

  He could see her pulse had increased by the rapid throbbing of the artery in her neck. The sight caused his own heart rate to surge. He grabbed her right arm and brought the leather restraint to her wrist. Before he attached it he asked, "What's your safe word?"

  "Red, Sir."

  His cock jumped at her husky answer. He swiftly worked to restrain her wrists, taking a moment after each strap was secured to check he could place two fingers between the fur lining and her skin. He needed them tight enough so she couldn't get out of them, yet loose enough so they didn't hinder her circulation or further bruise her tender skin. When he was confident she was comfortable yet at his mercy, he turned to his nightstand and took several items out of the drawer. An evil grin crossed his face when he heard her breath hitch at the sight of his chosen torture devices–a small leather flogger, a clit clamp and the largest anal plug from the set of four he'd been using on her. He'd been increasing the size of the plugs he had her wear for several hours at a time during the past week and this would be the last one she would need to prepare her for when he fucked her tight ass for the first time.

  He placed the flogger and the jeweled clamp on the edge of the bed next to her where she could see them from her confined position. Although he'd told her he wouldn't clamp her nipples due to her fear, tormenting her clit was on her soft limit list and therefore fair game. He'd picked out the green and amber stone decorated clamp at the club store the other day with her hard little nub in mind. Taking the plug and a tube of lubricant, he walked around to stand at the far end of the bed and took a moment to study her.

  Damn, she was stunning. Her mouth was red and swollen from their make-out session in the other room and her hair was messed from him running his fingers through it. Her cheeks were flushed and her nipples had stiffened, shamelessly begging for more attention. And her pussy....fuck, her pussy was drenched with her need for him. He wrapped a tight fist around his cock dragged his hand up and down the shaft several times as he watched her tongue shoot out and moisten her dry lips. As much as he loved to fuck her sweet hot mouth, he had other ideas for her body at the moment.

  Dropping the plug and lube within reach, he climbed up on the bed between her widespread legs, ran his fingers through her wet folds and brought them to his mouth. He couldn't resist taking a quick taste of her. She moaned at his actions and he watched as more of her juices flowed from her core. After licking his fingers clean, he grasped the back of her knees and bent them upwards toward her chest. He then moved forward on his own knees, spreading them out before resting the back of her thighs on the front of his. The position she was now in was perfect for what he intended to do. Reaching back he grabbed the tube and applied a generous amount of lubricant on her exposed asshole. Being gentle, he breached her entrance and eased one, then two fingers into her, working to get her ready for the larger object. Kristen was panting hard but she concentrated on keeping her ass muscles and sphincter as relaxed as she could. "Oh God, Sir. It feels so good. Please...more, please."

  How he loved to hear her beg; it was music to his Dom ears. He alternated between plunging his fingers in and out of her hole and scissoring them open to stretch her further. "Oh, you'll be definitely getting more, Pet. Trust me, you'll be getting a lot more."

  While he kept up the rhythm he'd established, he grabbed the anal plug with his other hand and covered it in more lube. When he was sure she was ready, he pulled his fingers from her tight cavity and replaced them with the plug. Her sphincter tightened for a moment as he worked the larger item into her and suddenly he was able to get past her body's natural defenses and the plug slid home. Her rim closed around the notched end, greedily holding it in place. More liquid flowed from her pussy lips and she groaned.

  "Don't forget, Pet. You're not to cum without permission."

  "Y-yes, Sir. Oh God!"

  Her thighs quivered and her hips jerked upward when he flicked her still hidden clit. But that was about to change. He lowered her legs as he climbed back off the bed. Grabbing one ankle and then the other, he restrained them until she was spread wide open, her pussy exposed for what he planned for her next. Stepping into his bathroom, he hastily washed his hands before returning to her side and grabbing his next torture implement.

  The flogger was made of soft black leather with a knot tied at the end of each of the dozen strands extending out from its handle. Starting at her right foot, he dragged the ends up to her shoulders then back down again on her opposite side, her eyes tracking them every inch of the way. He repeated the entire process, once then twice, teasing her until her breathing was short and heavy and her hips began to shift in impatience. "Don't lose the plug, Pet."

  His mouth turned up at the corners when he saw her c
lench the muscles in her butt, which in turn sent tiny shock waves through the nerves being affected by the foreign object. The sensations caused her to groan and she began, once again, to beg him for relief. "Beg all you want, sweetheart, but I'll continue at my own pace. You won't get what you want until I'm good and ready to give it to you."

  Returning to her right foot, he began to lift the strands off her skin and then let them fall back down softly. After another full rotation around her body, he would start over and make the contact a little harder each time. When the thudding increased to the point her skin began to turn a pale red, he concentrated on her thighs, hips and breasts only. He'd near her crotch but not close enough for the contact she didn't even know she was pleading for. He flicked his wrist hard and the knotted strands connected with her clit and pussy lips. She shrieked as the pleasure-pain shot through her and her empty vagina clenched in search of something to hold on to. Devon repeated the strike again and again until she was alternating her screams between his name, curses and pleas for mercy. Her wrists were straining against their leather and fur manacles to no avail. When he finally tossed the flogger to the floor, she was so close to her orgasm it would've crashed over her if he struck her clit one more time and he gave her a few moments to come back from the brink of ecstasy.

  Grabbing the clamp, he positioned himself between her legs once more. Her little pearl was no longer in hiding and he was able to attach the clamp without any further coaxing. Kristen was so far into all the different sensations running rampant through her body, he didn't think her brain even registered the clamp. The small weighted stones were attached by a thin piece of fishing line to the rubber coated ends. It was designed so they would hang down, pulling on the little nub. For now though, they would be in the way, so he rested them along the crease of her hip.

  Reaching down, he undid the restraints around her ankles and once again, bent her knees up toward her chest. Kneeling at her sopping wet entrance, he lined up his uncovered cock and plunged into her with one smooth thrust, burying himself to the hilt without pause, despite the huge plug in her ass. Her walls cinched around him and he saw stars. "Oh fuck, sweetheart. You feel so good, like silk." She jerked her hips trying to get him to move but he stilled her with his hands. "No, Pet. Give me a second or it'll all be over too soon. Fuck, I've never felt anything like this before. You're my heaven and hell all wrapped into one incredibly tight, hot package."


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