Tommy Gabrini 4: Dapper Tom Begin Again
Page 13
“You weren’t expecting him?” Jerome asked.
“I hadn’t heard from him since he left seven days ago.”
“Who’s Tommy?” Kenisha asked.
“You haven’t heard from him all week, and then suddenly he’s in town? Yeah, I know those symptoms.”
Liz looked at him. “Oh, you do?”
“He does,” his wife said with a knowing smile.
“So if you know the symptoms, Dr. Rome,” Liz asked, “what ails him?”
“Love baby girl,” Jerome said. “It’ll make you do impulsive things like hop a jet and fly all this way to Chi-town. Tommy Gabrini is in love.”
“Tommy Gabrini is in lust,” Liz said unabashedly. “And not too deep in with that. He hadn’t called me in seven days.”
Jerome and Amanda looked at each other. “It’s love,” they said in unison.
“Who’s Tommy?” Kenisha asked again. “Will somebody please tell me who Tommy is?”
“Keep your shirt on,” Marilyn said. She was gorgeous in her own right, a woman who owned her own real estate business and business for her was booming. “He’s a man who visited Liz apparently. She didn’t bother to phone me and introduce us so I only know what I heard. I heard he’s Liz’s boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Liz pointed out. “You heard wrong.”
“Then who is he?” Kenisha asked.
But Liz was too busy texting Tommy back. “What’s the address to this place?” she asked.
Jerome searched the table, found a napkin, and handed it to her.
Liz typed in the address.
“He’s coming here?” Marilyn asked.
“Apparently,” Liz said.
“Cool,” Marilyn responded. “Since you won’t claim him, maybe he looks good enough for me to claim.”
“Oh, he looks good enough,” Amanda said. “Jerome told me how he looks. Looking good is not that man’s problem.”
“Well,” Marilyn said, sitting more erect. “I’m looking forward to this then.”
But after Tommy confirmed that he was on his way, Liz didn’t know if she was looking forward to any of it. If he would have called her Monday night after he left town, or even Tuesday night after he had a chance to settle back down at home, then she would have felt some kind of happy about his reappearance too. She was, if she had to admit it, really attracted to him. She also enjoyed his company, among other things, and was looking forward to talking with him again. But when he didn’t phone Monday, nor Tuesday, nor any other days to this day, her interest in him couldn’t help but fade. She was never the kind of girl to get all excited about a party she wasn’t invited to. She was not that girl.
And the way Tommy was doing her felt like a tease. He made love to her so passionately and then dropped her off in Dubai and never bothered to phone her for weeks on end. Then he found out she had been involved in a situation in Iraq, and he rushed to her bedside, showed such generosity toward her, spend the night with her, took her to work, and then he was off again with not so much as another phone call. He didn’t sound like a man who was in love, or all that much in lust if truth be told. He sounded like a man who was extremely busy, and was working her in when he could.
But why he was working her in at all was the intriguing part to Liz.
The evening progressed as Liz waited for Tommy’s arrival. She continued to have fun. Two hunks even joined their group, both sitting on either side of Liz, and both asked Liz and Kenisha to dance. Kenisha accepted, but Liz declined. She didn’t want Tommy to see her dancing with some other man. For some strange reason, she didn’t want him to think she was some big flirt. Then she smiled. She was a big flirt and, given the sexual harassment lawsuit where she admitted to his face she’d slept with one of her reporters , he already knew it too.
Outside of the boisterous club, Tommy stepped out of a cab, paid the driver, and buttoned his suit coat. He still could not believe he had done this. He was on his way to Copenhagen. He was on his way to Denmark for crying out loud. But before he could pull the trigger and leave the country, he felt this sudden great need to see her again. He’d been avoiding contacting her all week, because he knew it would lead to something, but when he could have kept it moving, he caved. Now he was walking into a club filled with kids half his age, to see a woman nearly a decade younger than he was, and he still couldn’t verbalize why.
But when the doorkeeper showed him the VIP section, and he saw Liz sitting there with some young man draped beside her, he understood why immediately. His heart melted when he saw her again. She wore a spaghetti strap, tastefully low-cut blouse tucked into a short skirt. And it was then and there, just seeing her again, that gave him clarity. Liz was the reason he jumped through these travel hoops to see her. And it wasn’t just because she knew how to fuck him, although she did powerfully.
But beyond her beauty and her rocking body and her bedroom skills stood a very smart, very sophisticated, very vulnerable funny lady who was winning him over in a way that no other woman ever had. She scared him, if he were to tell the truth. He stayed away, not because he didn’t want her, but because he feared he might want her too desperately. And she, like all the women before her, might break his heart too.
“Tommy!” she yelled and waved in that life-of-the-party, cheerful way of hers, and he smiled and made his way toward her.
Marilyn and Kenisha also smiled when they saw him coming. “That’s Tommy?” Kenisha asked.
“That’s Tommy,” Liz said, watching his gorgeous, muscular frame approach too.
“Damn, Liz,” Marilyn said. “I’m not into white guys, but that’s a good looking white guy.”
“You aren’t into white guys?” Jerome asked, surprised. “Since when?”
“Yeah, Mary,” Liz said, “I thought you were into AMW.”
Marilyn frowned. “What’s an AMW?”
“Any man walking,” Liz said, and they all laughed.
The younger guy next to Liz was asking her who was the man approaching, and he didn’t see the humor about another man invading his territory, but Liz wasn’t thinking about him. He intruded on her space, not the other way around. She didn’t owe him shit.
“Hey there,” she said cheerfully when Tommy made his way to her.
“Hey yourself.” He loved how happy she was to see him. And he couldn’t help himself. He was not a man given to public affection, but he leaned down and kissed Liz on the lips. Jerome elbowed Amanda. Marilyn and Kenisha exchanged smiling glances.
“Sit down,” Liz said, moving over, and Tommy took a seat on the opposite side of her. He was well aware that another gentleman was seated beside her too, and that the guy could very well be her date, but he was never a man to fly off the handle. They weren’t exactly in a committed relationship. Gorgeous girl like her would have her pick of the litter every day of the week. She had every right to date whomever she pleased. Problem was, it didn’t please Tommy to think she was exercising that right.
Liz looked at him. They were so close that half of her body was leaned back against his chest. “For those of you who haven’t met him yet, which is everybody except Rome, this is Tommy Gabrini.”
They all nodded and introduced themselves.
“So tell me partner,” the man who was seated beside Liz said, “how well do you know Miss Liz?”
Liz looked at Jerome, because she knew he would get it, and then they both burst into laughter. Tommy too was smiling. “Miss Liz you call her?” he asked.
“Yeah,” the young man said. “What’s so funny?”
“Why do you call her Miss Liz?” Tommy asked.
“Because I’m only twenty-two and she’s . . . kinda old.”
They all laughed with sidesplitting laughter, including Tommy.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing, Tommy Gabrini,” Liz said. “If I’m old at thirty-three, you must be ancient!”
“Oh, yeah,” Tommy said and stopped laughing, causing Liz and the others to laugh too.
And it was that kind of evening. Tommy didn’t think he could have had more fun. Liz embraced life. She laughed, she sang, she danced and even attempted to get Tommy out on that dance floor with her. She failed, but he appreciated her effort.
After they said their goodbyes, Tommy and Liz walked across the huge parking lot to her Lexus near the back gate. He placed his hand around her waist and felt the cool Chicago wind beat against his face. He felt at home with Liz. Too at home.
He looked at her. “So who was that guy?”
“What guy?”
“The one sitting next to you. The kid gawking at you all night.”
Liz smiled. “Some random guy, I don’t know. He wanted a pickup.”
“He was all over you.” Tommy said this in a way that wasn’t meant to sound accusatory, but that was exactly how it sounded.
Liz looked at him. “I don’t get your point.”
“If you don’t want to attract those type of guys, don’t entertain those type of guys.”
“How was I entertaining him? We were having fun in a club. That’s what you do in a club.”
“You can overdo it too. I want you to be aware of that.”
“Okay, look,” Liz said as she stopped walking. Tommy stopped walking and looked at her. “Some women out here might have daddy issues, but I don’t. Stop that.”
Tommy frowned. “I wasn’t doing that. Was I doing that?”
“Yes, you were. Bossy as a big dog.”
Tommy smiled. “Sorry about that.”
Liz smiled. “Just don’t let it happen again.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll take you over my knee and show you who’s the real boss.”
Tommy laughed. “Sounds good to me!”
“Oh, please!” Liz said with laughter, and they continued walking.
Tommy placed his arm around her again. “How have you been doing since I left?”
“I’ve been doing well.”
He looked down at her body. “Physically well?”
“And mentally I think, yeah.”
“Any further word on that lawsuit?”
Liz inwardly smiled. “I told you nothing would come of it. He dropped it.”
Tommy was pleased to hear that. “That’s good.”
Then she looked at him. “The fact that this guy I know broke his arm, didn’t hurt either.”
Tommy looked at her. Then he stopped her walking, and turned her to face him. This was the crust of the matter for him. Grace left him because she couldn’t deal with his tactics. She couldn’t deal with the dark side of his personality. “Do you have a problem with the way I handled that?” he asked her.
“Let me see,” Liz responded. “Do I have a problem with the fact that you broke the arm of a scumbag liar who was trying to extort me out of everything I worked my entire life to build? And you want to know if I have a problem with it? Hell no I don’t have a problem with that, are you serious?”
“I broke his arm.”
“I wish you would have broken his legs too.”
Tommy didn’t expect that answer. “I’ve done worse,” he added and searched her expression.
It went unchanged. “Worse with the deserving, or the undeserving?” she asked.
“Never with the undeserving,” he said.
“Then what’s the problem?”
Tommy smiled. Her response was certainly promising, but it was early days still. They finally made it up to her Lexus. “Keys?” Tommy asked her.
“Yeah, I have them,” she said as she pulled her key fob from out of her purse. She pressed the key fob and unlocked her car doors.
Tommy reached out his hand to take them. When he realized Liz was staring at him with a knowing smile on her face, he caught himself. “What?” Then he realized what. “There I go again?”
She nodded. “There you go again.” Then her look turned serious. “You’re not accustomed to a woman being in charge. I get that. Well I’m not accustomed to a man being in charge. You need to get that. We’ve both got some work to do.”
Tommy nodded. “You’re right, as usual. Now give me the keys,” he said, opening the passenger door, “and get in.”
Liz couldn’t believe it. “You’re a piece of work, you know that?”
“I know it.”
“Bossy and can’t help it, aren’t you?”
“I’m too far gone.”
She laughed, but she gave him the keys.
But as they drove home in quiet reflection, a different type of tension began to emerge. Sexual tension. Tommy was looking at her shapely legs beneath her short skirt. She was looking at the ever expanding bundle between his thick thighs. Not a word was spoken about it, but they both knew that it was the one topic that they intended to fully explore before the night was through.
And when they got out of her car and entered the home, and she began to walk away from the front door just as he was closing it, he pulled her back against him. Then he lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around him, and they began kissing with the desperation that separation imbued. They kissed as if they couldn’t get another of the other’s taste, and Tommy held the back of her head steady, so that he could kiss her even harder.
And he didn’t stop there. He lifted her blouse and bra off with one quick toss over her head. And he began sucking her bare breasts as if he was determined to suck them dry. Liz leaned her head back, and lifted her upper body as his mouth devoured her. Her bubs were swelling, and her vagina was jumping as he sucked her and licked her and wouldn’t let her go.
But he still wasn’t through with her. He carried her to her sofa, sat her down, and then got on his knees in front of her. He quickly removed her panties, tossed them aside, and opened her legs. Then the real work began. Because he put a job on her. His tongue circled her clit and sucked on her clit and swirled around her clit until it was swollen with passion. Her body was shuddering with spasms and jerks as he made her feel as if she could cum at any moment. He was licking her with such blistering licks, slicing between her lapia with surgical precision, that her folds wrinkled and withered beneath his attack.
He pulled her ass closer to the edge of the sofa, and her legs were on his back, as Tommy Gabrini went down on her so hard that she screamed out in delight and pain. And then his fingers entered her along with his mouth, and it all felt so intense it felt as if she was being gang banged by one man. That was how masterfully he did her. That was how incredibly he knew how to make her feel.
And just when she thought she could not hold out and was about to cum on his digits, and cum all over his mouth, he removed his mouth, slid out his wet fingers, and lifted her again.
“Ready for the boss?” he asked her as he carried her.
“I’m ready,” she said, breathing heavily too.
“You almost came with my mouth and fingers,” he said as he hurried up the stairs. “Imagine what you’re going to do when my dick fill you up.”
“Oh, Tommy,” she said, as she laid her head on his shoulder. “Fill me then. Fill me!”
And he did. He entered the bedroom, laid her on her bed, and undressed quickly, tossing his coat, his shirt, and his tie aside, and then unbuckling and unzipping his pants. When he freed his cock, and Liz saw that it was already sticking out stiff and ready, she couldn’t help it. She actually licked her lips. It affected Tommy so completely that he straddled her on top of the bed, moved up, and shoved his dick into her mouth.
Liz tasted his warm, salty pre-cum as soon as he entered her mouth. And began to suck him, and to lick him, and then laid there reveling in the feeling of him pushing his dick down her throat with the deepest down she’d ever experienced. She’d never gone this far down on any man in her life. She loved that she was going down like this on Tommy.
Tommy loved it too. He was mouth-fucking her in a way that made his entire dick vibrate with sensual delight. This was worth the trip alone, and it wasn’t even the reason he had come. He looked down at the woman who was
taking him in full. She was the reason. He wasn’t about to deny it. He came all the way, delaying his trip to Denmark by an entire day, because of this woman right here. Liz Logan. His woman!
He pulled his dick out of her mouth, moved down her lithe dark body, and entered her pussy with a shove that caused her body to lift up in a cloud of ecstasy. He took her breath away! And when he started fucking her, with those strokes that seemed to scrape her in the exact right spot every time he stroked, she began to writhe around the bed to get away from him.
But he pulled her back beneath him and fucked her even harder. Gentleman her ass, she thought. Tommy Gabrini was no gentleman in bed! And she loved it! He was fucking her so hard she came in orgasm after orgasm. He kept pounding and she kept cumming. By the time he began to cum, her upper body had arched and squirmed and writhed its way until it was off of the bed and almost on the floor, and her lower body, her pussy, was right at the edge still being pounded by Tommy.
And he kept stroking as he came. He never let up until he had gotten out every fear of heartbreak, every inch of desperation, every bone of contention in his body that wanted him to deny the obvious. He cared about this woman. He wanted to make it work with this woman. He wanted this woman!
Later, as they laid side by side, Liz turned toward him. He gave her grownup sex, something she’d been wanting from a man her entire adulthood but never truly experienced. Until she met Tommy. And she realized a profound truth: all those women he had been with didn’t stick around a man who wouldn’t commit to them just because he was good looking. Good looking men were a dime a dozen. But they stuck around, Liz now realized, because of his good loving. Tommy knew how to throw it down. She’d never met his equal.
She began circling her finger around his muscular, still heavily-breathing chest. “When do you have to leave?” she asked him.
He turned sideways too, facing her, his head resting on his elbow. “I need to leave tonight,” he said.
A sad look appeared in her eyes. When she looked into his eyes, his heart melted. And he knew, just like that, he wasn’t leaving her tonight. “But I’m going to stay the night.”