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Where There's Smoke:

Page 9

by Bancroft, S. D.

  “Wait here, Annie.” Mason’s firm grip on her upper arm, halted her progress. “Let me check it out first.”

  She locked gazes with him before nodding in agreement.

  Annie watched intently as Mason made his way down the hall. He stopped first at the bathroom, scanning the interior of the room from the doorway. Times like this made her glad she’d opted for the glass shower doors. It was one less place that the boogie man could hide. His eyes locked on her for a split second before he disappeared into the smaller guest room.

  Annie’s nerves went on high alert, straining her ears for any sign Mason was in trouble. Less than a minute later he reemerged from the room. Annie exhaled the pent up breath she’d been holding. If she wasn’t careful she might end up passing out.

  Her gaze followed Mason’s progress toward her bedroom. Under different circumstances, the thought of having him there would send tremors of desire through her. At the moment, the only emotion she could muster, besides the sheer terror rumbling through her body, was one of relief. The knowledge that she didn’t have to face this alone offered some comfort.

  A minute later, Mason strode from her room. He stopped in front of where she now stood at the beginning of the hall.

  Annie searched his face for any clue of what he was about to say. An uneasiness she hadn’t witnessed before, clouded his face.

  “I didn’t hear a fight so I guess it’s safe to assume that you didn’t find anyone hiding in my closet right?” She tried to keep the fear from her voice.

  “Right.” He wrapped an arm around her tense shoulders, pulling her into his embrace. “Aside from the missing pictures I didn’t notice anything out of place, but you might want to take a look just in case. It’s not like I’m a regular visitor to your boudoir.” He kissed the top of her head. “At least not yet.”

  “Do you ever give up, Mason?” An unrestrained chuckle escaped her, buoying her flagging emotions. He had an effortless way of making her feel better. She loved his gentle camaraderie, his subtle wit. The fact that she loved anything about Mason should be cause for alarm. But, she couldn’t make herself feel one bit of concern at the moment. She snuggled closer to the warmth he offered.

  “Not when it’s something that I really want, Annie.”

  “So I can see.” she murmured. His declaration wrapped her in a silken cocoon of euphoria.

  They stood together for long minutes until Annie finally stepped back.

  Her gaze dropped to their interlocked hands for a second. Without meeting his look, she broke the hold. “Well, I guess I should go take a quick look around then.” She waved a hand over her shoulder in his direction. “Why don’t you grab the leftover Chinese from the fridge. I’m starving.”

  They mulled over the events of the day while they consumed the remainder of the leftovers.

  Mason left after extracting the promise to call if she needed anything. Did that include wanting him? Annie wasn’t about to find that out tonight. At the moment she needed her sleep more.



  This is going to hurt. The thought rocketed through Annie’s head as the rogue projectile hurtled in her direction. What seconds before had been a routine car fire, had taken a drastic turn. The second Mark had popped the hood of the small vehicle, the hydraulic cylinder that allowed the hood to stay open, burst from its housing.

  Annie watched as if in slow motion, as the metal spear spiraled toward her. The hoseline in her grasp jerked hard, pulling her off balance at the same instant the object penetrated the thick material of her turnout coat.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  The rage in Mason’s strangled voice surprised her. What did he have to be mad about? She was the one who’d nearly been impaled, not him.

  Annie watched as worry etched his dark gaze. She followed his stare to a spot on her shoulder. Confusion flickered through her head when her gaze landed on the cylinder protruding from her upper chest area.

  “Wha…” She stammered, her hand reaching for the offending hunk of steel.

  “Leave it there, Annie.” Mason was at her side, lowering her to the ground. “Lawson, get the medic unit over here stat.” His voice boomed in her ear. “Lay still, honey.” He turned his attention back to her. “I’m right here. Are you having any problems breathing?”

  Annie focused her muddled brain on his question. Inhaling deeply, she shook her head in answer. A cough escaped her, and she stifled a moan. Her hand shot up automatically to still the cylinder as it bobbed up and down where it protruded from her shoulder.

  “No, no trouble.” Tears filled her eyes. “Just hurts like hell.”

  “Well in this case, that’s a good thing, sugar.” She watched, through watery eyes, as his mouth turned up in a sexy smile. “But you know,” He leaned closer, whispering in her ear. “This is one hell of a way to get out of making love to me. It’s a first for me truth be told.”

  Annie laughed around the pain. “From what I’ve been told, when it’s something you really want, nothing can make you give up.”

  “Who said anything about giving up?” He winked down at her. “I’ll be right here waiting for it to heal.”

  The next several minutes passed in a blur of movement. After stabilizing the cylinder with bandaging to help staunch any blood seeping from the wound, they slipped her uninjured arm from her protective clothing before loading her onto a backboard. The straps that constricted her movements were like torture to Annie. She now understood how frightening it must be for her patients to be in this position. Traumatized by some incident then subjected to the inability to move if they desire.

  She closed her eyes, blocking out the concerned faces of her friends as they worked on her. Annie felt herself being lifted to the waiting stretcher where yet another set of straps was fastened in place around her. At least she had escaped the added torture of the cervical collar.

  Annie recognized the pressure from a rubber constricting band as someone placed it around her upper arm.

  “Little poke, darling.” Mason’s deep drawl drew her gaze to him. He knelt beside her on the ground, catheter needle in hand. “Ready?” She managed a slight nod. “Here we go then.”

  With a tiny prick of pain, the needle slid smoothly into the vein on the inside bend of her elbow. She watched through half closed eyes, as Mason deftly fastened the needle to the tubing attached to the bag of fluids, before taping the tubing and needle securely in place.

  “Nice job, Mason.” She croaked, her throat as dry as the desert.

  “Thanks.” He smiled down at her. “Time to go now.”

  “Okay, but don’t drive like a madman.” She murmured as her eyes drifted shut.

  Mason’s deep chuckle sounded through her hazy mind.


  Mason paced the confines of the hospital corridor. It had been nearly an hour since they’d arrived at the emergency room doors. After giving their initial report to the attending physician, they’d been instructed to wait in the hallway while the hospital staff did their evaluation.

  “What in the hell’s taking so long.” He growled at no one in particular.

  “Take it easy son.” Chief Daniels laid a hand on Mason’s shoulder, halting his progress. “As soon as they know anything we’ll be the first to know.” The older man’s haggard gaze lifted to a spot beyond Mason. “In the meantime, I need to go talk to Annie’s parents.”

  Mason’s gaze followed the Chief as he moved toward the middle-aged couple who’d just entered the emergency room. The petite woman bore a striking resemblance to her daughter. Annie was going to be as much of a knockout in twenty years as she was today. Mason looked at the large man standing slightly behind Charlotte Andrews. Nathan Andrews gaze locked on Mason’s.

  They stood at opposite ends of the hall, each assessing the other for several seconds before Mason covered the distance, extending a hand in greeting.

  “Mason Ramsay,” Chief Daniels began, “these are Annie’s parents, Cha
rlotte and Nathan Andrews.”

  “Nice to meet you, sir,” Mason nodded at her father before turning his attention to Annie’s mother. “Ma’am. Annie’s told me all about her family.”

  The surprised blue gaze of Charlotte Andrews locked on his. “Funny, she hasn’t mentioned a thing about you.” She winked, the action, so much like her daughter, took Mason by surprise under the circumstances. “But I understand why.”

  “Go easy on the boy, Charlie.” Nathan Andrews chimed in, pulling his wife back to his side. “If you scare him away Annie’s going to be mad as a hornet.”

  Mason watched the easy banter between the couple. In spite of the seriousness of the situation, they were still able to joke. Did they know something he didn’t?

  Nathan turned his attention to Mason, “The doc that called us assured us that our baby girl’s going to be just fine thanks to the quick thinking of her partner.” His Adams apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed hard. Mason could relate to the fear that Annie’s father must have experienced when he’d gotten the initial call. “I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank enough, Mr. Ramsay.”

  “No need for thanks, Sir.” Mason grasped the hand extended in his direction, and gave it a firm shake. “And it’s Mason, sir. Mr. Ramsay lives in Houston with my mom.”

  “Fair enough.” Nathan chuckled. “Now how about we go take a peek at Annie. Someone needs to prod her behind out of that bed.”

  Mason shook his head in amusement. Now he knew where Annie got her no-nonsense attitude and cheeky humor from. She’d come about it honestly. Was the rest of her family like this? He stepped aside, waiting for the couple to pass. Before he realized her intention, Charlotte had him locked in a hug so tight, he feared he might end up in the bed next to her daughters with a few broken ribs.

  “Thank you, Mason.” Despite the bantering of moments ago, tears brimmed along her lower lashes. “I’m glad there’s someone I can count on to watch over her.”

  “As long as I’m a member of the department, I’ll be glad to do it, Mrs. Andrews.”

  “Call me, Charlie.” She tucked her arm through his elbow, steering him toward the door to the trauma room. “Mrs. Andrews is much too formal for family.”

  Mason threw his head back and laughed. She definitely was her daughter’s mother. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Annie’s face when he walked through the door arm in arm with her mother. He wouldn’t miss this for the world.

  Mason pushed through the door. Annie occupied a narrow bed in the middle of the room. Her gaze flew from Mason to her parents and back again, disbelief clear in her eyes.

  “Mom, Dad,” She looked at each in turn. “What are you doing here? I told you I was fine.”

  “Well hello to you too, Annette Andrews.” A scowl crossed Charlotte’s face before sadness softened it again. “And you don’t look fine to me.”

  So Annie had taken the time to call her parents? While he’d been waiting, worrying, about what was happening behind the closed door, she’d been chatting on the phone. Guess he now knew where he stood.

  “Well hell, ma’am,” Mason didn’t bother to hide the anger coursing through him, “At least you knew she was still breathing. The rest of us can’t say the same thing.” He let go of Charlotte’s arm and turned to address the couple. “It was a pleasure to meet you both, but it seems as if I’m not needed here any longer.”

  He started toward the door.

  “Mason, wait.” Annie’s weakened voice called behind him. The sound of bedclothes rustling mingled with the beeping of the cardiac monitor she was attached to. “What are you talking about?”

  He dropped his chin to his chest, using the opportunity to gather his thoughts.

  Puffing out a breath, he turned to face her, aware that all eyes in the room were now on him.

  “I’m talking about the fact that the rest of us have been out in that hallway for more than an hour, waiting to hear if you were going to surgery or what.” His gaze pinned her in place where she sat on the edge of the bed. “And, no offense, sir, ma’am,” he nodded in their direction, “then we find out you’re in good enough shape to make phone calls. Yet no one has said a word to us about your condition.”

  Surprise rounded her eyes.

  “What do you mean no one told you anything?” She struggled to stand. “The nurse was supposed to let you guys know half an hour ago that the surgery wasn’t necessary.”

  She wobbled briefly before sagging to the bed once again. Mason was by her side in an instant, taking in her pale, clammy skin.

  “Lay down you little fool.” He ground out. “We’ll deal with this after you’ve regained your strength.”

  After helping her recline on the bed, he raised his gaze to encompass the other occupants of the room, before he went on. “Sorry, it’s been a long day.” He clutched her cool hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “No need to apologize young man.” This from Nathan Andrews. “How about you and I get us some coffee while the Annie’s momma fusses over her for a bit?” A knowing smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “Besides, it’ll give me time to grill you about your intentions with my daughter.”

  “Oh for the love, Dad.” Annie’s imploring voice filled the room. “Mason has no intentions.”

  Mason looked down into her pleading eyes. Normally he wouldn’t let her off that easy. Under the circumstances of the day, he relented.

  “It’ll be fine, Annie.” He squeezed her hand one last time before resting it in her lap. “We’ll just be a few minutes.” He bent, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead. “When I get back I want to know the details of how we are to deal with your recovery.”

  Her eyes rounded in surprise at the implied intimacy of his words.

  Unable to resist, Mason winked suggestively before leaving the room.


  “Well now there goes one interesting young man.” Charlotte Andrews gaze followed the men from the room. “And I’d say he just made his intentions very clear my dear.”

  “Oh mom,” Annie shook her head. “He was just messing with me because you and dad put him on the spot.” Her own gaze moved to the now empty doorway.

  “Annie, sometimes I swear I don’t know who you are. It’s as obvious as the nose on my face that Mason wasn’t fooling around.”

  “Ugh.” Annie wanted to pull the covers up over her head and hide, but the sling on her injured arm prevented the movement. “Can we talk about something else please?”

  “Sure, sweetie.” Charlotte perched on the side of her daughter’s bed, smoothing the wrinkled sheets. Concern etched deep lines in her face. “So what exactly did the doctor say about your arm?”

  “It’s not as bad as it looks, Mom.” Annie clasped her mother’s hand. “The cylinder missed all major structures so, barring any infection, it should heal just fine.”

  “How long before you can go back to work?”

  “That all depends on the next couple days. They’ve stitched it up both inside and outside the wound to help it heal faster. I won’t be able to lift any weight with it for a week or so. I haven’t had a chance to talk to the Chief about my options yet either.”

  “Please don’t rush back in too soon.” Pleading eyes landed on Annie’s. “I’m sure Art will tell you the same thing.”

  “I won’t, Mom.” Annie exhaled. “Hopefully they’ll spring me soon. They wanted me to stay overnight for observations, but there’s no way I’m doing that.”

  “Why not, Sweetheart?” Charlotte asked, concern shining in her eyes. “Do you think it’s wise to be home alone in your condition?”

  “Condition? Gee, thanks Mom, you make it sound like I’m afflicted with some disease.” Annie laughed.

  “Well you shouldn’t be alone at least.”

  “It’s not like I have any choice in the matter, Mom.”

  “You could come stay with your dad and me.” Charlotte offered.

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” Annie rolled her eyes
skyward in exaggeration. “I’m not going to stay with you guys.” She met her mother’s worried expression. “I’ll be fine. I promise.” When Charlotte seemed unconvinced, Annie went on. “Will it make you feel better if the doctor backs me up?”

  “As a matter of fact, it would.”

  Annie blew out a breath. “Okay then. Let’s wait until Dad and Mason are back, then at least I won’t have to go through the agony a second time.”

  They chatted for a while about the upcoming Hammond’s Bend Days. The annual week-long festival was set to begin in a weeks time. It culminated with the big fireworks display at the fairgrounds. Annie helped her mother tend to their horses that they housed at the fairgrounds for the week.


  Annie’s head shot up. Despite her current predicament, the excitement over the coming event had distracted her enough that she’d failed to notice the men return. Her gaze locked on Mason’s for a split second, and her heart turned over in response.

  Geez Annie, get a grip would ya?

  She breathed deep willing her crazy heartbeat to slow.

  “Dad,” her gaze bounced between the two men, “Mason.”

  “We were discussing Hammond’s Bend Days.” Charlotte rushed to fill them in. “You’ll be attending won’t you, Mason?”

  “Mom.” There was an almost imperceptible note of pleading in Annie’s voice.

  “This is the first I’ve heard of it ma’am.” His gaze lingered on Annie’s face. “But I’m sure Annie will fill me in on it.”

  “There’s not a lot to fill you in on. Will you take a rain check on it for now? I’m getting a little sleepy.” She yawned behind her hand in emphasis. “Now where’s the doc?” All she wanted to do was go home and climb into her comfy bed and sleep for the next two days.

  Mason glanced toward the doorway. “I’ll go round up the doctor. Hopefully they’ve got your room ready.”


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