FIGHT Part 1

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FIGHT Part 1 Page 4

by M Dauphin

  There’s no way I would put a girl like her in possible danger just because I can’t get my mind off of her, though. I need to find another release, I need to get to the gym or head over to Dave for more ink on my back.

  When I started getting inked, it was purely to cover the scars he left. They didn’t mean much, just tribal ink I liked to look at. The sleeves were first, then a few on the chest. I have my mom’s name on my collarbone and the word ‘survive’ twisted into the design on my right arm. Currently Dave has been designing a scene across my back that involves angel wings for my mom. It’s going to be amazing when he’s done, I can’t wait to see it finished. Sometimes I would just go to him and tell him to work his magic while I would blank out for a while. He knows me well enough now that I trust him putting forever marks on my skin. Nothing could be worse than the scars.

  Sitting here thinking about everything has made me really fucking down. It’s almost three in the morning, I should be sleeping but I can’t get Red out of my mind.

  Grabbing my gym bag I decide the only way to get tired enough is to hit the gym for a crazy early workout. Some weights and hitting the bag should be good enough to help me get some rest.

  Pulling the door shut behind me I hear the door downstairs close and freeze. It’s possible it’s her coming back, but not very probable. She was pissed earlier. Either way, I’m going to cross paths with whoever is walking up the steps, it’s inevitable, so I stand and wait for them to get around the corner and to the top of the stairs.

  Unprepared for those eyes to hit me again, being that I talked myself out of her actually coming back, she rounds the corner and I loose my breath completely. She’s soaked, upset, and the most god-damned beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  She stops at the top and looks at me with those glowing hazel eyes, eyes I could most definitely get lost in.

  “Hey.” Her voice is quiet this time around.

  “Hi.” I give her nothing, curious what she’s going to say next.

  “So, uh, sorry about that earlier. It’s been an awful night.”

  “Oh yea?” I raise my eyebrows, crossing my arms at my chest.

  “I need your help getting into my apartment...” She trails off and looks over at the door across the hall from mine. Her apartment? Fuck. Me. She fucking lives right next to me and I didn’t even know it?! How fucking dense am I?

  “Your apartment? That-” I say pointing at her door, “is your apartment?”

  “Do you see any other ones around here?” she snaps.

  “How do you think I can help you with that?” I don’t want to help her, I want to fuck her up against the wall and get her out of my system.

  “The key broke in the lock. I need your help getting it out...” she trails off again, unsure of herself.

  “Sweetheart, if the key is broke inside the lock there is nothing I can do. You need to call a locksmith, and at this hour it’s going to be one hell of an expense.”

  She sighs and nods. Fuck I feel like I just killed her puppy. I shouldn’t feel bad for being honest with her, I don’t know how to fix something like that, but her defeated look makes my chest hurt.

  “Okay then. Thanks for nothing.”

  “So...what are you going to do?” I ask, hoping she didn’t have another plan. Hell, if I could get her in my apartment I’d be one happy fucking man. Just one time should be enough to get her out of my mind, but all night would be even better.

  “Sit here and wait until a reasonable hour to call a locksmith I guess.” She says as she plops her cute as hell ass down next to her shit.

  “I have a couch if you are interested. Much more comfortable than a cold floor. Plus you are soaked. Come on in I should have something dry for you to wear.” Please please please say yes. The rational part of me keeps screaming ‘stop! Don’t let her get close to you!’ but every other sense in my body is screaming at me to get closer and closer. Being around her is like a high I don’t want to come down from, which scares the piss out of me. Her eyes meet mine again, every damn time it catches me off guard how intense one look from her can be. She is thinking about it, I can tell she is just as torn as I am.

  After way too fucking long staring into her eyes, I finally speak up. The tension in this hallway is too much to handle. I can see we aren’t getting anywhere fast tonight, so I do the only other thing I can think of.

  “Listen, my name is Eddie, since we never had a real introduction. Here’s my key. I was heading to the gym. If you decide that you want a more comfortable, safe spot to sleep, head on in. Just don’t steal anything...I know where you live.” I grin and hand her the key. Stupid, maybe, that I feel as if I can trust this random girl with all of my belongings, but something tells me she is the most trustworthy person I’ve met in a long time.

  When our hands touch I hear her gasp and pull away as fast as she can. Well well well...she did feel it. Fuck I’m in way over my head with this tiny one.

  Chapter 7


  That grin. My insides start thawing the minute that grin’s directed at me. Thaw isn’t the right feeling, though. It’s more of an intense burn that starts in my chest and travels all the way between my legs. Then he hands me his keys to his apartment and our hands touch. The heat and electricity that charge between us is unmistakable. Who is this man? Oh, I wanted to learn more, most definitely, but tonight isn’t the night. I’m soaked from the pouring rain and he’s leaving.

  After I hear the door downstairs close, I take it upon myself to enter his apartment. I’m not that stubborn to realize that a couch is much more comfortable than the floor. What other choice do I have? I’m NOT going to call Jase and I definitely do not want to pay a locksmith after hours pay.

  His apartment is, literally, a mirror image of mine. It’s strange being in here without him here, but it’s much warmer than out in the hallway. Eddie. The name doesn’t fit his appearance, but I like it. I don’t know any other Eddie’s, and it is nice finally being able to put a name to his face. Being nosey I look around his place, trying to find any signs of a girlfriend. Nothing stands out, and I feel a little better about being in here.

  My clothes are seriously soaked, and starting to give me the chills. Deciding to take it upon myself to grab dry clothes, I walk into what I think is his bedroom and look around. Bed is made neatly, things are hung in the closet in order. Who as this guy? Most men that I know that look like him are slobs, but not Eddie. He’s got computers all over his living room, making it look more like an office than an apartment, and his organization is outstanding. Almost better than mine. I laugh to myself, because I really have no form of organization.

  I finally find a pair of boxer shorts that will have to do rolled up, and a dry Rancid t-shirt. At least he has good taste in bands.

  I have no clue when he’s coming back, but I’m crazy exhausted. Grabbing a blanket off the foot of his bed, I head to the couch and curl up after unlocking the door for him. My phone has been exploding for about ten minutes so I finally grab it to check what the noise is all about. I’m sure it’s Jase, and my predictions are correct. I’m not sure why it has been bothering me so much tonight, it’s not like his behavior has changed at all. He has always been protective of me, but I always thought it cute in an ‘older brother protective’ way. Now that the realization has hit that he may be that way because he has a thing for me I can’t help but be annoyed by it. I have never given him any reason to think that I may have feelings for him.

  JASE: You okay?

  JASE: Gwynn I’m worried about you. Please let me know you are safe.

  JASE: I swear, Gwynnie, reply to me just to let me know you are alive. I don’t like the thought of you alone on the street tonight.

  JASE: GOD DAMNIT Gwynn. I’m coming back over.

  Shit shit shit! I don’t want to see him tonight! I just want to fucking sleep! I call him a few times but it goes straight to voicemail. Great. Looks like I won’t be going to sleep as soon as I thought.

  No sooner did I put the phone down from attempting to call him and ward him off that I hear him in the hallway banging on my door.

  “Open up Gwynn! I just need to know you are safe!” The pounding keeps going on. Maybe if I don’t answer the door he will eventually go away. He isn’t banging on this door so it isn’t like I’m ignoring him...just avoiding him. He keeps banging and yelling, growing more and more irritated.

  “Fuck Gwynn, please just fucking let me know you are alive!” he yelled.

  I’m about to open the door and confront him when I hear Eddie’s unmistakable baritone voice through the door.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Jase asks.

  “Eddie Roe...I live here. Who the fuck are you?”

  “Jase, uh... Gwynn’s friend. You heard from her?”

  “Chick with the red hair? Sure, she’s good. I’m assuming she’s inside my apartment. Hopefully sleeping tonight off. I’ll let her know to call you...uh ...Jase was it?” Oh thanks, Eddie, now I get to explain this one too. I could go out there, but looking down at myself wearing Eddie’s clothes, a man who I just met a few days ago for the first time, might not go over well with Jase.

  “What do you mean ‘sleeping tonight off’?” Jase’s voice has lowered significantly. Shit.

  “She’s had a...busy...evening. She was exhausted, I’m pretty sure she is still sleeping. That much activity would put any woman to sleep.” Dammit, Eddie. Stop, just tell him the outright truth!

  “Huh. Well... wow. Great.” I hear Jase say, then hear his footsteps pounding down the stairs.

  Opening the door I glare at Eddie

  “Seriously? You barely know me and you are insinuating that I slept with you?”

  He smiles proudly, not saying a word as his smile turned into a lust filled, appreciative grin. Shit this man is beautiful. I couldn’t even stay pissed at him if I tried.

  “You found dry clothes I see.” His voice is low, full of so many unspoken words.

  “I did, thank you. You know you didn’t have to be so rude to Jase.” I try to recollect my thoughts, because ever since his look traveled down my body I had forgotten what I was so upset about.

  “Nope, that wasn’t an option. I try to be nice to people that deserve it. He didn’t deserve it.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “He’s pounding on a girl’s door in the wee hours of the morning, screaming profanities at her. That behavior doesn’t deserve niceness. Excuse me.” He says as he brushes past me. There’s a slight glisten on his skin, either from the gym or the rain, but it makes his tattoos gleam from the hallway light. I just want to reach out and trace them, they’re exquisite. I should be upset at his words, but they hold truth in them. Jase had no right to do that. Maybe he really isn’t the friend I thought he is.

  Maybe Eddie isn’t who I thought he is either. I guess looks can be deceiving.

  Chapter 8


  The gym is right at the end of my block, so it takes me no time to get there. I need to cool down. That girl is so beautiful I almost actually fucked her in the hallway. Sure I had my fair share of women, but this one’s different. I keep telling myself fucking her once would get her out of my system, but something tells me once I had a taste I wouldn’t ever want to move on. That’s not an option.

  My mind is all over the place on the walk back home. If she’s in the hallway I’m not sure I could take it. If she’s in my apartment I’m not sure I’ll get any sleep tonight. Either way, as much as I want to fuck her, I can’t. I will not bring her into this, into something as messed up as I could potentially be. I don’t know her at all really, but I know she deserves better than me.

  I hear yelling when the downstairs door opens and my heartbeat quickens. Taking the steps two at a time, I race upstairs to make sure she’s okay. It’s so fucking early, no one should be yelling at this time of day. What I find is a scrawny guy pounding on her door yelling for her. He hasn’t seen me yet, so driven to get her out of her apartment that he doesn’t hear me come up the stairs. He is pissed. Like, red face, red eyes, fists clenched pissed. I’ve seen that look before, plenty of times. Too many times to count. There is nothing good about that look.

  Confronting him, trying to keep my cool, I play it off like it’s no big deal he’s fucking screaming at a woman outside her door this early in the morning. I’ve never had the urge to kick someone’s ass, ever, until now. Now I know what that urge feels like it scares the shit out of me. Why would this girl, one I barely even know, make me feel like this? I need to get her out of my life, this is getting too close to being incredibly dangerous.

  After her ‘friend’ leaves, pissed that she’s in my apartment, she opens the door and I can’t fucking believe my eyes. She’s in my boxers, ones that I just put away this morning, and my favorite old Rancid shirt. I groan inwardly as my fucking dick, with a fucking mind of its own, starts making it incredibly uncomfortable to be standing in front of her. I can’t take my eyes off her, and I think I’ve lost all words. Dammit why does she have to be like this, so comfortable around me, comfortable enough to go through my fucking drawers and put on my fucking clothes? Above all, though, why am I incredibly okay with her invading my privacy like this?! Deep down I know the answer, I just don’t want to accept it. I can’t.

  She’s pissed. Jesus she’s even hotter when she’s pissed. So what if I let her friend believe we fucked, he needed to leave and the only way to get him to do that was to super piss him off. I brush past her and notice her stiffen, staring at my tattoos as I slowly move past her. She smells so fucking wonderful, like cookies or something. Not any fucking flowery scent that every other girl wears, this is different. She’s a walking contradiction with her punk hair, tattoos, sweet voice, and smelling like home baked cookies. And I can’t get enough.

  I need to get rid of her, but I already offered her to stay. She looks so tired I bet she hasn’t had a wink of sleep tonight.

  “You tired?” I ask, knowing the answer but not knowing what else to say around her. What a tool.

  “Yea, pretty fucking exhausted.” The curse coming out of her mouth makes me even harder. Dammit.

  “So I can take the couch, the bed’s more comfortable anyway.” I try and sway her to my bedroom, not wanting to be an ass and make the woman take the couch. Plus my bed is going to smell a-fucking-mazing tomorrow.

  “You have a huge bed, Eddie. I don’t mind sharing.” Her voice is low and I know exactly what she’s fucking doing. No. Nope. Not happening. I can’t. But GOD I want to.

  “I’m good, thanks. You enjoy it. Spread out, it’s a wonderful mattress.” I head towards the couch before my body takes me into my bedroom.

  “Please?” she whispers. I look over at her and there she is, standing there, her hands playing with the hem of my shirt, she looks nowhere near as tough as she puts off. This woman is going to be the end of me. “I’ve been having..uh..nightmares of sorts lately. It’d be nice to have someone close by. Maybe I will sleep better.” I’m a goner before she even finishes the sentence.

  I sigh and run my hands over my buzzed hair. It’s going on five in the morning and neither of us have slept tonight. We both are exhausted and I just want to sleep. What could sleeping in the same bed with the woman you can’t stop thinking about hurt? Everything, it could hurt everything. But I don’t fucking care.

  “Fine, you win,” I sigh. She smiles brightly and walks into my bedroom like she owns the place. Why does that make me so happy?

  “You know, our places are mirror images of one another!” she yells from the bedroom. “So it’s like I’m in another world. I know pretty much where everything is, it’s weird.” She won’t stop talking as she strips the bed down and climbs in. It doesn’t get any worse than this. I can’t touch her, I can’t let myself go that far with her because I would never come back from it, but I’m going to be sleeping in the same damn bed with her. This is going to be the hardest th
ing I’ve ever done.

  “So, you have a problem with me sleeping shirtless? I’m normally a no clothes type of guy when sleeping, but I’ll spare you that tonight.” What am I saying, why am I flirting? She doesn’t need to know that. Looking over at her I see the lust in her eyes and notice she has stopped getting comfortable.

  “Yea. Great. Thanks,” she says awkwardly, as if her thoughts are light years away.

  I climb in bed, attempting to stay as far away as possible from her, but her scent is drawing me closer. She turns away from me and curls up.

  “Goodnight Eddie, and thank you again.” I hear her say, then she sighs the sweetest of sighs. This woman. I shake my head.

  “No need, just helping a friend out. Now get some sleep.” What am I going to do with her?

  Her ass is so fucking close to me I swear my dick is going to reach out and touch her. I can’t lay on my left side for fear of that little fact, my back doesn’t want me laying on it either, and I’m afraid of the damage that would be done to my dick if I attempted to lay on my stomach. Curling on my right side I attempt to sleep but thoughts of her so close keep haunting me. It’s going to be a long ass sleep. This woman may have just made me break every damn rule I lived by, and I’m not entirely sure how I felt about that.

  Minutes after telling me goodnight I hear her soft snores. I smile to myself, thinking how damn cute that was.

  Dammit why can’t I stop these thought!? She needs to leave, but I can’t stand her being gone. That’s how fucking bad it’s gotten in the last few hours. Now that she’s here I don’t want to let her leave. I want to reach over and kiss the sadness in her voice away. I want to be hers, and goddamned if that didn’t piss me off. I’m not meant for this, and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, but I’m not stopping now.


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