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The Sheikh's Bride of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 15)

Page 9

by Cara Albany


  'They're here," Eva said as she walked back into the sitting room in Zaheer's palace. "And Grace is with them," she added with a note of victory in her voice. Eva glanced toward Qazim and smiled broadly.

  Qazim's heart quickened instantly and stood up from his chair. He started to pace nervously. Zaheer and Riaz were seated on a wide sofa. His brothers watched him and they both laughed out loud.

  "Calm down, brother," Zaheer said. "It'll be fine. I told you Becca would persuade Grace to come."

  Eva smiled at Qazim. "There's nothing more persuasive than an American woman, Qazim. Don't you know that, already?"

  "I suppose I should," he answered hesitantly.

  It was a good-natured jibe from his brother Riaz's wife. Qazim smiled weakly at Eva. She was elegantly dressed in a plain traditional robe that clung to her figure. Her head was uncovered, showing her blonde hair which was tied back in a bun. Her soft skin was tanned, the effect of having lived for almost a year in the desert with Riaz. Her bright blue eyes had a mischievous glimmer in them.

  Qazim felt nervous, but that shouldn't have surprised him. This was probably the most important evening of his life, so far. Everything rode on this last, desperate effort he'd arranged. If he didn't persuade Grace that this was where she belonged, he didn't know what he would do.

  He glanced around the room. These three people were amongst the most important in his life.

  Apart from Grace, of course, who had become everything to Qazim. The entire focus of his existence. Especially now that she was carrying his child.

  His heir.

  He paced a bit more, glancing from time to time at the others. His oldest brother, Zaheer was leaning back nonchalantly, one arm stretched along the back of the sofa. Zaheer was obviously enjoying watching Qazim suffer.

  He recalled Zaheer's comments from their earlier conversation. Qazim wished he had Zaheer's confidence that everything was going to work out. That Grace would consent to staying, even temporarily.

  His other brother, Riaz, sat stiff-backed and erect, looking out of place and mildly uncomfortable in these sumptuous surroundings. Truly, Riaz looked like a figure out of the past, an exotic figure, with his traditional robe draped around him, and his headdress with the corded wrap.

  Qazim was pleased, though. Glad to be supported by these people. People he loved. They were family. And that was all that really mattered when it came down to all the important decisions in life. He'd witnessed what Zaheer had gone through in winning Becca's hand in marriage. He'd seen how much Zaheer had suffered. But, in the end there had been triumph. For Zaheer and for Becca. A happy ending.

  Qazim wanted the same for himself and Grace. The happy ending. But, it wasn't going to be easy. And it might not happen right away.

  But, he was determined it would happen.

  And, part of that tonight, held the promise of a truly momentous decision.

  Qazim hadn't told anyone about the baby. He couldn't have done that. He had to respect Grace, and revealing that would have put her in an awkward position. Especially now that she'd come to Zaheer's palace.

  But, Qazim had made it absolutely clear to every one of his brothers and sisters-in-law, that Grace meant everything to him. That he needed their help.

  And why had he agreed when Becca had offered to go to Grace's apartment and persuade Grace to come for a family gathering, on her last evening in Qazhar?

  Because there was no other option. That was why. It was his last chance. Qazim had realized that time was running out. He needed to make a grand gesture that would demonstrate the importance of him and Grace staying together.

  And, there was no better way of doing that than showing Grace just what life was like for two women who had already made the decision to remain in Qazhar. Two American women who had married Qazhar sheikhs and were enjoying life to the full.

  If he let Grace see what it really meant, then perhaps, Qazim thought, she might be tempted to stay. Might even be tempted to become his wife, even if it would only be a wife of convenience.

  To begin with, at least, Qazim told himself. It would be a start. It would give him the chance to make it into something lasting.

  A convenient marriage always had the possibility of turning into something more permanent. The simple fact of living with Grace would give Qazim all the opportunity he needed to show her just where she belonged.

  With him, by his side. Being loved and cherished.

  Qazim had held onto that thought all day, since he'd left Grace at her apartment.

  He heard footsteps and voices. Laughter. The squeal of Tariq's voice. More laughter and words he couldn't quite make out.

  Qazim glanced at the other three people in the room. They all gazed steadily right back at him.

  It was his time, now.

  Butterflies fluttered in Qazim's stomach. He moved quickly to the wide-open, high double doors. Just as he reached the doors, Becca appeared, carrying Tariq in her arms. Anilya was beside Becca.

  And, right behind them, was Grace.

  Qazim's heart raced even quicker. Just seeing her again had an instant effect on him. She glanced at Qazim. If he'd expected her to be glad to see him, then he was quickly disappointed. Her gaze was stern and unflinching.

  Then Becca cried out. "We're here!" Becca looked at Qazim. "Maybe you should do the honors, Qazim," she said. "Introduce Grace," she said turning to look at Grace, who looked suddenly awkward.

  Becca handed Tariq to Anilya. Becca and Anilya walked past Qazim leaving him standing next to Grace. There was a long pause and then Qazim slid his hand to Grace's back and prompted her to step into the room.

  "Everyone, I'd like you to meet, Grace. She's been working with me for the past few months."

  Qazim felt Grace's body stiffen slightly as they moved further into the room. All eyes were on Qazim and Grace.

  Zaheer and Riaz stood and came forward. They both bowed formally.

  "It's an honor to meet you, Grace," Zaheer said.

  Riaz nodded. "I'm honored also," he said.

  Eva scoffed loudly and came to Qazim and Grace. Eva shook her head and peered at her husband, Riaz. "I think what Riaz means is that we're so happy to meet you, Grace."

  Eva gave Raz one more look of admonishment. Qazim tried to suppress a smile. That was just like Eva. She always preferred telling it like she saw it. She had no time for pretence or formality.

  Eva came to Grace and hugged her. Both women exchanged air kisses.

  Eva peered at Grace. "It's so nice to meet another American."

  "Hey, what about me!" Becca exclaimed with a smile.

  Eva tilted her head. "Of course, sister-in-law. How could I forget you?" she replied with a wide grin.

  "You wouldn't dare," Becca joked.

  Qazim saw Grace looking quizzically at him. He just shrugged.

  "You know you're always in my thoughts," Eva said Becca.

  "Even when you're lost in the desert for most of the year?" Becca added, lifting a brow at Eva.

  "You don't know what you're missing," Eva said.

  Qazim saw Zaheer and Riaz exchange glances. It was always like this when Becca and Eva got together. They were always joking with each other. Riaz and Eva only came to Zaheer's palace a couple of times a year. And even then, it was only for a special reason. This time, they'd wanted to pay a visit because it would soon be Tariq's first birthday.

  Qazim saw Grace smile at Eva and Becca.

  "I hope you're not too hard on Grace," Eva said digging an elbow into Qazim's side. "What about it, Grace? Is he a tough boss."

  Grace peered up at Qazim. He could feel his face redden as he wondered what she was about to say.

  Grace squinted thoughtfully. "I'd say he was tough, but fair."

  Zaheer laughed out loud. "Qazim, fair? I've heard people say just about everything else, but fair? That's a new one."

  Qazim narrowed his eyes at his older brother. "Please," he said mockingly. "I'm trying to mak
e a good impression here," he pleaded with a wide grin.

  Eva shook her head. "Well, you're a doing fine job, Qazim," she said easily. "Real fine."

  Qazim smiled at Eva. He could tell they were all just trying to break the ice, make Grace feel at home.

  Anilya spoke quietly to Becca and then Anilya held Tariq up.

  "Time to say goodnight, for the moment anyway," Becca announced.

  Everyone said goodnight to Tariq and then Anilya left the room carrying the disappointed child, who just stared blankly at everyone as he was carried out the room.

  A servant came in carrying a large tray. On it were a tall silver teapot and cups. They were laid down on the table between the two long sofas.

  Qazim guided Grace gently toward the sofa. Zaheer and Riaz sat on one sofa. Becca and Eva sat on the other. Becca patted the sofa next to her. "Grace, you sit next to me."

  Grace sat down next to Becca. That meant there was a choice for Qazim. He could sit down alone on the chair by the table, or he could sit next to his two brothers. He chose the latter.

  Tea was poured and cups handed out. Overhead, the fans turned lazily, but, for some reason, the cool air didn't make Qazim feel any less warm. He tugged at the collar of his white shirt.

  He gazed across at Grace. Eva and Becca were fussing with her, chatting casually. It was clear to Qazim that his sisters-in-law had taken charge for the moment.

  Qazim glanced at Zaheer, who was sitting right to him. Zaheer said nothing as he looked across at the three women. He merely smiled knowingly at Qazim.

  Alongside Zaheer, Qazim saw Riaz, stiff and erect, watching the sight of the three women talking animatedly. Qazim thought Riaz looked pretty uncomfortable. At least he wasn't the only one suffering here, Qazim told himself.

  Of course, his brother wouldn't be used to anything like this, Qazim told himself. Riaz's life revolved so much around his tribe, the life he had chosen for himself. Maybe, Eva had changed some of that, but by the looks of Riaz, there was still some work for Eva to do if Riaz was to be completely comfortable in situations like this.

  The conversation amongst the three women continued for quite a while. Qazim was struck by how animated they were together. All three seemed genuinely excited to see another American woman. Their accents were so distinctive, sounding almost sing-song. Grace had relaxed considerably and from time to time glanced over at Qazim.

  Qazim spoke quietly with his two brothers. Riaz told Qazim about what had been happening out in the desert. How Eva had been adapting to her chosen life. How he had been getting to know her, their life bringing them closer together. He seemed really proud of her.

  Qazim knew the circumstances which had brought Riaz and Eva together had been unusual. But they seemed to have created a powerful bond between themselves out there in the desert.

  Zaheer spoke with Qazim about his and Becca's plans for Tariq's upcoming birthday. Just like Riaz, his older brother seemed so incredibly proud of his life, obviously excited by this ordinary, yet special moment in his son's life.

  Was this the kind of life that awaited Qazim? The everyday pleasures of children's birthdays and spending time getting to know the woman you had chosen to be your wife?

  It all sounded good. Too good to be true. Was he about to let that slip through his grasp?

  He glanced across at Grace. The talking continued. He could hear Grace explaining to Eva and Becca all about her work, and all about the time she'd spent in Qazhar. There was no hint of what had happened between Qazim and Grace.

  No hint of the pregnancy.

  Grace only made a few vague comments about her and Qazim being just good friends. That was an understatement. Qazim saw Eva and Becca exchange a brief look as Grace tried to make light of her friendship with Qazim. They weren't going to be fooled, Qazim told himself.

  After a while, Becca announced that a light meal had been prepared and was going to be served in the dining room. Grace tried to resist that suggestion, at first. But, eventually she gave in to some gentle pressure from Eva and Becca.

  They all went to the dining room and for the next hour they shared a simple meal. Qazim noticed that Grace didn't eat a whole lot. He understood why and he wondered if his family members had noticed Grace's lack of appetite.

  The conversation was light. Everyone continued to make Grace feel right at home. After a while, Qazim noticed that Grace's mood had brightened noticeably.

  At one point she glanced across the table at Qazim. In contrast to the stern look she'd given him on arrival, this time there was a patient, understanding look in those beautiful blue eyes. Qazim smiled back at her. In response, she smiled at him.

  Qazim felt a surge of optimism. Maybe this hadn't been such a bad idea, after all, he told himself. He was proud of his family for making Grace feel so welcome.

  After the meal, they all went out onto the terrace. The sun was beginning to set and the air was cooler. The gardens which surrounded Zaheer's palace looked green and beautiful in the fading light. The gardens stretched out for hundreds of yards, ending in a high wall which kept out the surrounding desert.

  Drinks were brought. Grace insisted on drinking mineral water. Qazim did the same. He needed to have a clear head for what he was about to do.

  Sometime later, Qazim suggested to Grace that they both take a walk in the garden. At first Grace seemed to hesitate. But, after some cajoling comments from the others, Grace relented.

  Qazim and Grace headed down the wide steps and out onto the flat lawn. Nearby sprinklers spread a cool mist of spray into the air as they headed away from the terrace. Qazim was sure they were both being watched with eyes that were intent on examining every little gesture between him and Grace.

  Qazim resisted the urge to wrap his arm around Grace's waist. He felt relieved once they were out of sight of the others, hidden deep within a dense cluster of trees.

  They walked a little longer, saying nothing to one another. Finally they paused. Qazim faced Grace and she looked up at him. Her gaze was steady and expectant. She didn't say anything to Qazim.

  Qazim was sure they were completely out of sight of the palace. All around them were the branches of low-hanging trees and straight lines of hedgerows. There was only them, now.

  Finally, they were alone.

  Qazim smiled at Grace. "How was that?"

  Her eyes narrowed and she paused before replying. "Okay," was all she said. Her features were a still, impassive mask. She looked like she was waiting for him to say something. He'd expected more from her. Why was she being so reticent?

  Grace glanced away from him. Qazim searched his mind for something he could say. Was she just blocking him off? What about the way she had looked at him at the dining table? Hadn't that been a sign of her softening attitude to him?

  'Why did you bring me here?" Grace said suddenly.

  Qazim frowned. "I didn't bring you here. Becca invited you, didn't she?"

  Grace smiled sardonically. "Do you take me for a fool, Qazim? I know you planned this."

  He froze for a few long moments, taken aback by the suddenness of her outburst.

  "That's not true" he replied. "If Becca thought it was good idea to invite you, wasn't that enough?"

  The corner of Grace's sweet mouth lifted with an ironic smile. She shook her head. "And I suppose Becca was just passing my apartment. With Tariq? And helper?"

  Qazim tried to feign ignorance about Becca leaving the palace after he'd mentioned Grace. After he'd talked about his friendship with her. About how she might be leaving the next day and how that wasn't exactly what he wanted.

  "How did Becca find out where I live?" Grace asked.

  Qazim sighed, admitting defeat. "I might have mentioned where your apartment is," he said quietly.

  Grace snorted. "I knew it," she snapped. "This was all your idea." Grace lifted her head and pushed her face up toward his. "What did you want me to see, Qazim? How wonderful life is, being married to a Qazhar sheikh?"

gazed down into Grace's eyes. "Isn't that what you saw?" he asked evenly. "I would have thought it was plain to see."

  She peered at him, but said nothing. He could see she was considering what he'd just asked her. He was right, wasn't he? For the last couple of hours Grace had been given a glimpse of what awaited her.

  If she agreed to stay with Qazim.

  What had she thought about what she'd seen inside the palace? He gazed into her eyes, trying to judge how she was feeling, how she was thinking. But she'd put up a barrier. She wasn't going to make it easy for him.

  "What do you expect me to tell you, Qazim?" she asked.

  "Tell me what's in your heart," he replied.

  That seemed to surprise her. She paused a moment and then said: "It has nothing to do with what's in my heart. In any case, why would you care about that? You offered me a marriage of convenience. Nothing else," she said. She glared at him. "Or did I misunderstand your offer."

  He wondered why she was being so defensive. Why she seemed determined to drive him back. Even push him away as far as possible.

  "It doesn't have to be just a marriage of convenience," he murmured. He leaned closer to her and gazed into her eyes. "It could be so much more."

  Her eyes narrowed and she suddenly looked almost incredulous. "Do you mean love?"

  The use of that word stunned him for a moment. He hadn't heard her say that to him before. It sounded so sweet on her lips.

  There wasn't a softness in that gaze, though. She looked like she was on the verge of snapping at him again.

  He wanted to reach out to her, touch her, hold her. But he resisted the impulse. "Didn't I tell you how I feel about you?"

  Her features were impassive as she gazed up at him.

  "Don't you know how important you are to me?" He glanced downward. "How important you and the baby are."

  Her lips parted and he wanted to taste the sweetness he'd missed these past few weeks.

  But, Grace took a step backwards. The distance between them was re-established.

  She shook her head. "I don't want to do this, Qazim. Not here. Not now."

  "But this is the perfect place."

  She glowered at him. "To do what? Make up my mind. Decide to stay with you forever? Why must you always push me? Why is everything with you so urgent, so pressing."


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