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It's Always Been You

Page 9

by Max Hudson

  When we got to my place, we were all lips and hands. I’d been patient and had tried to do right by Owen. I’d needed him to know that I wanted him for more than just sex. I’d needed him to realize how special he was to me. I loved him and I was about to show him how much.

  “The first time we did this, I let you inside of me,” I said against his lips, which caused Owen to shiver. “This time, I want inside of you. Will you let me?”

  Owen whimpered and hissed out his consent. I led us toward the bedroom and began stripping off his clothes as we went. I loved the feeling of his skin against my hands. He was hard lines and soft skin. Touching him the way I did felt like a dream.

  I laid him across the bed and kissed his neck and collar bone. His hand sifted through my hair as I kissed and nipped my way down his body. He moaned the closer I got to his hardening cock. I wanted to send him to heaven the same way he’d done to me the first time we were together. So, when I took his cock into my mouth, I worshipped it. I took my time teasing the head and stroking the base.

  Owen cursed and moaned as he pulled at my hair. I grabbed the lube and opened the cap before pouring some onto my fingers. I didn’t take his cock from my mouth as I slowly rubbed and probed at his rim.

  “Yes, fuck yes, put it in,” Owen moaned.

  I sucked him deeper and he shouted as I swallowed around him and pressed my finger inside. He was tight and hot inside. He clenched around my finger as I began moving it. He cried out my name as I matched the stroke of my finger with the rhythm of my mouth. I slid in a second finger and began opening him for me. By the third finger, he was leaking precum on my tongue. I sucked him harder, pumped him faster until he was begging me to fuck him.

  I slid my fingers from his body but didn’t stop sucking him as I opened the condom and slid it on my rock-hard dick. I added more lube to the condom, and only then did I let him slide from my mouth.

  I kissed up his body until we were face to face. Owen’s legs bent and wrapped around my waist. My cock pressed against his tight hole and I slowly pressed inside. Owen and I both moaned as he stretched around me. He was tight, so fucking tight I didn’t know if I was going to last.

  “Oh fuck,” Owen moaned. “More, fuck, Benji, give me more.”

  I slid in deeper and Owen’s back arched off the bed. His cock was hard and arching toward his stomach as he rotated his hips. I hissed and grabbed his waist before I slammed home. We both shouted as I planted myself all the way inside. It was the best feeling I’d ever have. He fit perfectly around me, like he was made for me.

  “So good,” he moaned. “You feel so fucking good, babe.”

  “You too,” I whispered as I began to move in and out of him. My rhythm started off slow. I wanted to savor my first time being inside of the man who stole my heart so many years ago. Listening to Owen moan was the sexiest sounds I’d ever heard. It motivated me to give him more, which I did and I was rewarded with his sounds of pleasure.

  My body was on fire. It was exactly as it had been eight years ago. Only better. Owen’s hands gripped my ass as he met my thrusts. I groaned and buried my face in his neck. I pulled his legs further back and swiveled my hips until I found that spot inside that drove him crazy. I knew when I found it because Owen screamed my name as I pegged it.

  “Right there, fuck yes, right there, Benji. I’m going to cum.”

  I growled and picked up speed. I pegged his prostate over and over and looked down to watch his cock drooling for me. Owen’s moans and shouts filled the room and then I felt him clamp down hard. I gripped his cock in my hand and sat back on my knees to watch him get off. I wasn’t disappointed. His neck arched, his mouth fell open and then his abs tensed as he tightened around me and his orgasm hit. His cum splashed onto his stomach and chest as he let out a guttural shout.

  My own orgasm hit me like a semi, but I didn’t close my eyes. I watched Owen writhe in pleasure as I emptied myself into the condom. My muscles tensed as I came, and it was impossible for me not to shout Owen’s name as I did.

  “Kiss me. Need your mouth Benji,” Owen said, his voice sounded like it was full of gravel and it made me smile to know I’d made him hoarse. I gave him what he needed. I leaned forward, dick still planted deep inside of him and kissed him. It was slow, sensual but so full of love and passion.

  We kissed until my dick softened and slid from his body. Only then did we break apart. But only so we could get up to clean up. I led Owen to the shower where we cleaned each other’s bodies. We kept kissing during the shower, like we couldn’t get enough of touching each other in some way. It was perfect.

  When we crawled into bed, we didn’t do our usual spooning. I laid on my back with Owen’s head laying on my chest. My arm was wrapped around him while his thigh was tangled with mine and his arm thrown across my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair and he sighed.

  We laid there in silence and I thought that maybe he’d fallen asleep but then he said, “I don’t think I could ever walk away from this,” he said. “Not that I was thinking about it. A month ago, I had every intention of leaving. Settling in one spot makes me anxious but I don’t feel the need to be on the go. I’m happy being here. I know it’s only been a week, but I can’t lose you Benji. I don’t think… I don’t think I’d handle it well.”

  I squeezed his hip and kissed the top of his head as I gathered my own thoughts. “We’ve been in love for a very long time Owen. We just never admitted it. Us dating is new, yes but our feelings aren’t. We’re just finally acting on them and I’m glad we did. I’m glad you’re here because I have no intention of ever letting you go. No matter where you go, I’ll always be here waiting for you when you get back. I know we can make this work and that’s what I want.”

  He pressed a kiss to my chest before he laid his head back down. “Love you Benji.”

  My heart swelled and I kissed his head again as I tried to tamp down the emotions that were building inside of me.

  “I love you too, Owen. Now, sleep.” I said and he did. I however was up for a few more hours. Liz and Tony were coming back from their trip and we were all expected to see them when they got home. I had to work tomorrow night. Friday was one of our busiest nights of the week and I couldn’t leave my team high and dry. I knew I’d see them soon though; Liz wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I didn’t know if Owen still wanted to keep things from his parents and decided I’d follow his lead. If he wasn’t prepared to tell him then I wasn’t going to push. We’d tell them when he was ready. As long as I had him with me every night, that was all I cared about.

  I looked down at Owen and the craziest thought occurred to me. I wondered how willing he would be to give up his apartment and move in with me. It was a huge leap, but I was tired of waiting. I was tired of pacing. I wanted Owen and I wanted him for forever.

  Chapter Fourteen


  We were at my parents’ house for dinner and Mom had linked her phone to the TV and was currently scrolling through her thousands of photos, telling Connor and me all about their adventures. They looked more relaxed than I’d ever seen them, and I wished Benji had been there to see what his gift had given them. But it was Friday, one of the shop’s busiest nights and I understood why he couldn’t take the day off. His work was important to him and I’d never make him feel guilty about that.

  Mom got to a photo of an intricately designed piece of art and it made me think of Benji. Apparently, it did the same for Mom.

  “I thought of Benji as soon as I saw this. It reminds me of some of the sketches he used to do. Mixed up designs blended into one beautiful piece of work. I hate he couldn’t take the night off, but people need his beautiful art on their bodies. I’d be selfish to deprive them of that.”

  I smiled down at my lap, just loving my mom a little bit more. Her love for Benji was unbreakable, and I felt like an idiot forever thinking our relationship could ruin that. On that thought I pulled out my phone and shot him a text.

bsp; Owen: Hey, babe. If you’re okay with it, I’d like to tell Mom and Dad about us. If you want to wait to be here, then I can wait. I just got this strong urge to tell them.

  I didn’t expect an answer right away, but my phone pinged with his reply.

  Benji: I’m proud of you! Tell them.

  Owen: I love you.

  Benji: Not more than I love you. See you at home.

  Home. In the course of a freaking week, Benji’s apartment felt more like home to me than my apartment. An apartment that I haven’t spent one-night in. I wondered if I could talk my way out of my lease and just move in with Benji. Okay, that was jumping the bullet a bit. I didn’t even know if Benji wanted me to live with him. Would he think it was moving too fast? Would it freak him out and scare him off? I needed to slow down.

  “What’s got you so smiley?” Mom asked.

  “Huh?” I said as my head snapped up.

  “Something in your phone had you smiling like a love-struck teenager,” she said with a knowing smile. “Got yourself a boyfriend?”

  Connor choked on the soda he was drinking, and I rolled my eyes. Such dramatics. Mom looked from Connor to me and her smile widened.

  “You do have a boyfriend! What’s his name? Is he cute? When can we meet him?”

  “Mom, slow down,” I said with a laugh. I took a deep breath and said, “He’s more than cute; he’s hot as hell. Gorgeous even. He’s kind and sweet. He looks a little rough but he’s just a big softy. He’s caring, protective and loves his family. He’s super smart and amazingly talented. He’s just… he’s everything.”

  Mom smiled and shook her head. “Well he sounds amazing. Actually, he sounds a lot like Benji.”

  Connor choked again just as Dad said, “Well, fuck me.”

  Mom looked at all three of us before her eyes widened. “Benji?!” she shouted. “Oh my God, you’re dating Benji?”

  I smiled and nodded, and Mom squealed in excitement. She ran over to me and wrapped me up in a hug. “That’s amazing news, Owen.” She stepped before she turned to glare at Dad. “And you knew about this and didn’t tell me?”

  Dad shrugged and said, “Well, I knew they’d had sex eight years ago. I wouldn’t really constitute that as dating.”

  “What?” she shrieked, and my ears rang from the sound of it. It was my turn to glare at Dad. He just smirked and shrugged, the traitor. She turned toward me and demanded I explain. So, I did. I told her about my crush on Benji and Benji’s crush on me. I told her how I persuaded him and my freak out when it was over. I told her the reason I stayed away for so long. Then I smiled as I told her about us finding our way back to each other and how much I loved him. She had tears in her eyes by the time I was done.

  She cupped my cheek and said, “I’m sorry that you both had to go through all of this to be together. And I’m sorry that you ever felt you couldn’t tell us. We love Benji, we’d never just toss him aside, but we’d always consider your feelings, both of your feelings. I hope this works out for you both because I can’t imagine two people more deserving of having someone to love.”

  “Hello! Other son, sitting right here,” Connor said, and mom rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, please Connor. We all know that you have no plans of settling down any time soon and when that day comes, trust me, we’ll be just as happy for you too.”

  Connor grumbled and we all shook our heads before mom turned back to me. “So, I take it this means you’re sticking around a while?”

  I blushed and nodded, which caused her to laugh. “Remind me to make Benji his favorite pie as a thank you.”

  “I’ll tell him tonight when he gets home.”

  “Home?” she said, and my eyes widened when I realized what I’d just said.

  “Yeah, we live in the same building. I see him when he gets home.”

  “At three in the morning?” Connor helpfully added and if looks could kill, he’d be dead.

  “Yes,” I said through gritted teeth. But none of them looked like they believed me. I wouldn’t be broken though. I’d already said enough. There was no way I was telling them Benji and I were practically living together.

  “Right,” Mom said, showing she didn’t believe me at all. But she wouldn’t push when she could tell it was something I really didn’t want to talk about. It was another thing I appreciated about her. She let us pace ourselves; she never pushed and waited patiently until we were ready to talk. Then she’d give us advice or scold us for being idiots. Either way, it was always out of love.

  “Anyway, I’m just glad we’re going to have you home for a while. And who knows, if this thing between you and Benji lasts, we can legally call him our son one day.”

  I expected myself to freak out at the thought of marriage and settling down. But the opposite happened. Thinking of my life and a future with Benji set my heart at ease. I actually smiled as images flashed in my head.

  “Oh my God, he’s really in love,” Mom said, and I huffed out a laugh. I was starting to think what I felt for Benjamin Cole was beyond love. He was making me better every day and I couldn’t imagine a future without him in it. We’d wasted eight years of our lives and I wasn’t going to waste another second of it. I needed Benji to understand he was mine and that I would do everything in my power to keep him.

  It was close to half past three when Benji got home. He’d given me a key that morning before we’d left for work so I could let myself in if I decided to come back. I was sure we both knew whose bed I was going to be in that night.

  I was half asleep when he climbed into bed and wrapped himself around me. He kissed the base of my neck and sighed. “Missed you today,” he said, and I grinned into my pillow.

  “Missed you too.”

  He squeezed me tighter and settled into his pillow. “Mom and Dad are happy, like, more than happy. Mom says she’s making your favorite pie as a thank you for getting me home.”

  Benji laughed and cuddled closer. “Well, that’s good to know. I’ll have to take them out to lunch next week.” He fell silent for a moment and then he said, “Move in with me?”

  My heart nearly jumped out of my chest, “What?” I croaked.

  “Move in with me, or we can do some nights at your place and some nights here. I just… I want you with me. I want to wake up to you in the morning and know that when I come home, you’re here. I love you, Owen and I know this may be going a little fast, but I have no plans of ever letting this end. You’re it for me and I don’t know any other way of showing you that other than marrying you and since I don’t want to freak you out, I’m not even going to suggest that for another few years.” He kept talking but my brain clocked out at the word marriage. It was the second time that day it had been brought up and the thought of marrying Benji was making me happier than I thought possible.

  “I’d marry you,” I found myself saying.

  “What?” Benji said, this time it was him who croaked.

  “If you asked me, I’d marry you. It might be foolish, but I would. I’d marry the shit out of you Benji.” Benji’s breath hitched and then he turned me to face him.

  “I want you to remember that because one day I am going to ask you to marry me.”

  “Okay,” I whispered and Benji smiled before he bent his head and kissed me deeply. His hands began to caress my back as his tongue tangled with mine. His hand moved to cup my ass and pull us closer together. My dick was already getting hard and I could feel Benji’s was doing the same.

  “What do you want baby? Wanna fuck me? Want me to fuck you? Whatever you want Owen, it’s yours.” From his tone, I knew he was talking about more than just sex. I also knew he meant every word of it.

  When I slid inside of Benji that night, it was about more than sex. It was us solidifying what we had was real. We loved each other until we were consumed with our need for each other. And when I came, I did so with so much love in my heart that I thought I’d explode. Benji was mine, totally and completely.


>   Benji

  Two Years Later

  Nervous wasn’t the word I would use to describe how I felt. Owen was on his way home and I couldn’t wait to see him after two weeks apart. Around eighteen months ago he started getting restless and I’d suggested he take an overseas job. He’d been skeptical at first, but I knew Owen. He needed to be moving. It wasn’t as bad as it used to be, but it was still a part of him. I loved him so I understood it. As long as he always came back to me, I didn’t mind him needing to get away. And he always came back.

  He’d moved in with me officially once his lease was up. We’d moved back and forth from his apartment to mine and it had worked for us. Things hadn’t been perfect over the past year. We bumped heads and argued. Some of those arguments lead to us sleeping in different apartments. Sleeping was an exaggeration; I didn’t get a wink of sleep on those nights. The next morning I’d find Owen waiting for me at the door or he’d find me at his. The fights never lasted long.

  He was on his way home after a trip to Hong Kong and I had something for him. I shouldn’t have been nervous. I knew what his answer would be because he’d told me two years ago what his answer would be, but it was still a big step.

  The beginning of our relationship had gone at warp speed. We knew it was fast, but we knew what we wanted, and we went for it. Here we were two years later, and nothing had changed. I still loved him as much today, if not more than I did back then. He was my soulmate and I knew we were ready.

  I heard his keys jingle and took in a deep breath as the door swung open. He wasn’t expecting me to be home. It was a Friday, and usually I’d be at the shop. He gasped when he saw me standing there then his eyes widened as he took in the living room. The lights were off, and the light from the room came from the candles placed around the room. Rose petals covered the floor and soft music played in the background.


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