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The Reindeer's Halloween Claim

Page 5

by E A Price

  Alden nodded. “True,” he agreed slowly, “however, she has known for more than six months that shifters exist.”

  “But she didn’t know that Carson was a shifter when he gave her the belt,” chimed in Temp. “Surely that counts for something.”

  Mal folded his beefy arms. “I did a quick background search on this guy Carson. His pride used to be pretty big and owned almost as many hotels as our herd, but they lost a lot when it was discovered that they were importing women from Eastern Europe and Asia to work in the hotels. They would bring the girls here for a better life and then force them to work off their debt by becoming prostitutes for the guests.”

  “Charming,” groused Ariel.

  “Just over a year ago, a lot of the higher members of the pride – including the alpha – were arrested for human trafficking. The shifter council refused to intervene, and they’re currently serving life sentences in human jails.”

  “I remember,” said Clay. “Before that, we always wondered how their hotels were so prosperous – they were second rate compared to ours and charged higher rates, yet they always seemed to be booked up.”

  “The pride is on the brink of financial ruin. The hotel here is about to become the property of the shifter bank. Carson put in a loan request a couple of days ago, but it was denied.”

  Temp furrowed her brow in confusion. “But what on earth does that have to do with Heather?”

  Branch’s cheek ticked. “Heather is an honorary member of our herd.”


  “And we are duty bound to help members of our herd.”


  Branch’s eyes flashed furiously, though not in anger at his sister-in-law – nope, it would all be reserved for the cougar. “So, if her mate asked us for a loan, we’d be duty bound to give it.”

  Jax listened in increasing anxiousness. It was true; they were duty bound to help herd mates in need. You could argue with your herd mates, you could dislike them, heck, you could break their hearts and never call them back for a second date, but unless a herd mate broke one of the rules, then other herd mates had to rally when they needed help. It was a law that generally didn’t have to be enforced, because most herds, packs, and prides were close-knit.

  If Heather mated the damn cougar, and he asked for a loan from the herd, or help in rescuing his pride’s dying businesses, then they could be forced to help, or risk being stripped of everything by the council of shifters. The council didn’t dick around when it came to doling out punishments.

  Clay tapped his fingers on the counter. “With all due respect, Heather is not a member of the herd.”

  “No,” grunted Branch, “but she’s as good as – do you think the council will see a difference? She knows of us; she is trusted with our secret – therefore she is an honorary member.”

  “Because of me,” whispered Temp, sagging in misery.

  Harlan tightened his arm around his mate and glared at anyone lest they try and say anything.

  “He did this because of her connection to us,” muttered Jax, feeling inordinately angry on Heather’s behalf.

  It was somehow more forgivable if the male had done it because he desired or loved Heather. The fact that he did it with the goal of screwing the herd out of money infuriated him. Surely Heather deserved so much more.

  “You don’t know that for certain,” started Ariel.

  But she stopped, and they all flinched as Branch’s cell phone rang. He answered it and made a few grunts before slamming it on the counter.

  “According to my assistant,” he hissed, “the new Ritchley alpha called, requesting a meeting.”

  They all groaned, and Jax managed to smash the alpha’s cutting board in his irritation. There was a muttered chastisement that he would have to pay for it, but he wasn’t particularly put out.

  Things were not looking good for Heather, and that bothered his reindeer more than it should for a female he had just met.

  Chapter Eleven

  “So, what’s your favorite?”

  Jax flicked a look at her, and she grinned. He was adorably confused. “Huh?”

  “Pie,” she cooed, “what’s your favorite pie? We are going to get some, right? You did say we would.”

  She pouted prettily, and he swerved slightly as he was driving. “Ah, I’m not sure it’s a good idea…”

  “I think it’s an excellent idea. There’s a Momma Pie second on the right. Grab a parking space, and we’ll go in, I’m thinking,” she licked her lips, and another swerve happened, “something with pumpkin, it being nearly Halloween and all.”

  “I, ah, I’m supposed to take you home,” he argued weakly.

  “And you will – after pie. I mean, come on, I’ve had a nasty shock – some crazy cougar tried to claim me.”

  Though, truthfully, she was pretty sanguine about the whole thing. Branch assured her they were going to deal with it, and although she didn’t exactly love his high-handedness, or the fact that she was being left out of the loop, she wasn’t going to worry about it. She trusted them, plus, Jax was kind of distracting.

  “The least I need is pie right now,” Heather added.

  For a moment, she thought he would argue, but he didn’t. He dutifully pulled into the parking lot. Jumped out the SUV and ran around to help her down. He lifted her like she weighed nothing and she was disturbingly pleased with just how dainty she felt in his arms. She rather liked how almost unbearably large he was. But he wasn’t brutish – not in the least. She found his shyness rather appealing. He was definitely not her usual type, but… she couldn’t deny he elicited a certain quiver inside her the likes of which she hadn’t felt in a long time, or perhaps ever.

  “Shit,” he exclaimed and she dragged her gaze away from his dreamy, blue eyes to look down at her sweater. His wristwatch had snagged and pulled a thread. “Sorry,” he muttered while working himself up to mortified.

  “Oh, honey, don’t worry – it’s a sweater, and an old one. I have fifty others.”

  He grunted and disengaged, managing to brush her boob in the process. The movement had her nipples tightening and him almost exploding in embarrassment. Hmmm, but how to get him to do it again?

  They made their way to the entrance, and he moved in front of her to hold the door for her, managing to hurl a guy through the doorway who held onto the opposing door handle. He did not look thrilled, especially given that he had been trying to hold the door open for his date – who was now goggling at Jax.

  “Such a gentleman,” Heather teased, pressing her lips together to stop her mirth.

  Jax smiled bashfully and apologetically to the couple, as Heather skipped through the entrance and made her way over to the hostess. The young woman gave her a standard smile, but when she caught sight of Jax – the impressive man-mountain – her fake smile suddenly became very real. Interest danced over the young woman’s face, and her bust seemed to grow two cup sizes. Heather was a little impressed by that, though not enough to withhold the glower that she was now sporting.

  Something strange sparked in her at the idea of this woman being interested in Jax. In the same way it had sparked earlier when Marion was practically groping him at the center. It was almost as if she was jealous. Heather knew her reaction was silly – she shouldn’t care what Jax did and with whom. As long as it wasn’t with this young woman said the jealousy surging inside her.

  Heather slipped his arm through Jax’s in a proprietary way. Jax stiffened slightly, but he didn’t shake her off or ask her what the hell she was doing. So, she smiled with deceptive sweetness and said, “Table for two, please. A booth if you have one.”

  The hostess’ smile returned to its usual fake sheen, and her cup size sagged back to normal – the natural order was restored as she led them through the restaurant to their booth. On the way, Jax managed to elbow two people and knock over a waiter carrying soup – the tables in the restaurant really were too close together, and certainly not arranged with the god-like Jax
in mind. It did nothing to alleviate his embarrassment, but Heather found it charming. He didn’t swagger or preen like her usual dates. No, he bumbled plain and simple and she loved it.

  Jax ensured Heather was seated before he slid in opposite her.

  The hostess passed them menus. “Your waiter this evening will be Kari who will be along in a moment to take you through the specials.”

  “Thank you,” said Heather in a crisp voice, hoping she would read between the lines and hear the words, ‘get lost.’

  “I personally like the banana cream pie,” she said leaning over Jax’s menu and tapping at the bottom of the card. “Right here, see.”

  “Ummm,” he grunted.

  The hostess hesitated, hoping to get his attention, but by now he was engrossed in the menu, and a narrowed-eye look from Heather sent her on her way. So rude – the girl could see that Jax was with her!

  Jax frowned. “Someone’s written on my menu. I can’t see all the names of the pies.”

  “Really?” murmured Heather, peering over, and not too concerned. It was a family place after all; it was probably just a kid.

  She clenched her teeth as she saw it was a name and number, no doubt for the hostess. The totally slutty hostess her inner jealous demon howled.

  “You can have my menu,” she hissed.

  “Thank you.”

  They switched, and she watched him, wondering if he really was as oblivious to the attention of the pretty, young woman as he appeared. He caught her look and froze, like a reindeer in headlights, and yep, red dusted his cheeks.

  “Do I… do I have something on my face?” he asked in increasing worry.

  “No.” She beamed at him, and he relaxed marginally.

  Their waiter, Kari, turned up and took their order a few moments later. She too was much impressed by the walking slab of hot meat that was Jax, and yet, he didn’t seem to notice her interest either.

  Jax really wasn’t like any of the men she had ever shared a meal with. Being with a guy who wasn’t staring at every other woman’s butt, or who wasn’t plying her with false compliments because he wanted to get her into bed was different, and yeah, it was kind of nice.

  Chapter Twelve

  Heather chatted amiably about anything and nothing. Jax was happy to stay quiet and let her. She had a million funny and interesting stories, and he enjoyed listening to her, relishing the animated way she gestured with her hands, and the sly little jokes. Enjoyed watching those plump lips move while just imagining how they would look…

  He felt another blush coming on and tried to tamp it down. Instead, he stuffed another portion of peach pie into his mouth and Heather beamed approvingly. When he couldn’t decide, she had ordered a tasting platter for him – something that was usually for parties of four or more and seemed almost gleeful that he was going to finish it all by himself. She actually seemed to enjoy watching him eat, which was a change from any other human girl he had come into contact with – they couldn’t hide their displeasure at watching him wolf food as if it was going out of fashion. But then, Heather wasn’t some girl; she was a woman. She was a beautiful, sleek, curvy woman and… and… His body vibrated almost uncomfortably, and he was mighty glad that Heather couldn’t scent his arousal. Rutting season was damn near eating him alive. As his eyes devoured her, he crammed the last piece of pie into his mouth, lest he let out a lusty hoot as his reindeer wanted.

  “You’re a fast eater,” she said, smiling serenely.

  “Ummm, sorry.”

  He generally had to be. When he went out to dinner with his family it was a free for all, where if you moved too slowly you wouldn’t get anything.

  “Oh no, don’t be sorry,” she chuckled. “Nothing wrong with a healthy appetite. I may not be a fast eater, but I do like to eat a lot. I’m definitely taking a full pie home with me when we leave. Do you want anything else?”

  “Nah, I’m fine.”

  He should be given that he was freshly coming off the family-sized bucket of chicken he ate for lunch.

  Heather took a dainty bite of her pecan pumpkin pie, and her eyelashes fluttered as a near orgasmic look spread over her face. At least, he assumed that was an orgasmic look – he was woefully lacking in that department. He wondered how she did look in bed when she… she…

  Jax was damn near panting as he grabbed his glass of water. It was a struggle not just to throw it in his face. But no, he restrained himself and managed only to guzzle it. He downed it in one and still felt parched. He waved his glass at the waitress – he was going to need a lot more. Though, he doubted that anything the waitress could give him would quench his thirst. Nope, as he stared at Heather, he knew it was thirst, and hunger, for something very different to water.

  “So, tell me about you,” Heather said brightly, snapping him to attention.

  Jax shrugged, and thankful for the distraction he almost became verbose in his answer. “Not much to tell. Still live with my family – mom, dad, four brothers, and my two oldest brothers’ mates.”

  “Maris told me you have a twin.”

  He grunted. There was no denying it. Even if he did, the fact that they were identical in looks would give him away – like when he was thirteen, and he tried to pretend he wasn’t with the uncouth youth who was hanging around the ladies’ changing room.” Dex developed an interest in women from a very early age.

  “I don’t know how you manage. I don’t think I could stand to live with my mother. I couldn’t wait to leave when I was eighteen.”

  Jax rolled his shoulders. It was generally the norm for shifters to live at home until mated, and even then you didn’t necessarily leave – like his brothers.

  “But I’m told it’s normal for shifters to live at home,” she said, echoing his thoughts.

  Heather was quiet as the waitress appeared and refreshed his glass of water, her eyes flicking toward the young woman before returning to him. Then, just as he was taking a sip, she blurted, “So, do you have a girlfriend?”

  Jax almost choked. “No,” he gasped.

  It wasn’t just his imagination; her face lit up at his quick denial. She was glad he didn’t have a girlfriend. For once, so was he.

  She opened her mouth, about to say something when someone called her name. Almost reluctantly, she turned, and he followed her gaze to see a well-dressed male sauntering in their direction. His inner reindeer huffed, not liking the smarmy male one bit. Though, at least he wasn’t another cougar.

  “What a surprise!” he exclaimed in obvious delight.

  “Oh, hi, Derrick,” she murmured, slowly rising to her feet. “I didn’t think this was your kind of place.”

  “It isn’t, but they do the best apple pie in the city, and I have a family dinner to attend. I wouldn’t dare show up without dessert.”

  Jax gripped the table, lest his hands try to get a grip on anything else, as she allowed him to kiss her on the cheek. She didn’t seem thrilled to see him, but she wasn’t exactly annoyed either.

  She sat back down, and Jax narrowed his eyes as the male followed suit, and edged her along the booth. Derrick gave Jax a cursory glance but then paid him no more mind. The male clearly couldn’t believe for a second that Jax and Heather were on a date and he was interrupting. They weren’t, but that wasn’t the point.

  Derrick and Heather chatted about people they knew. They ignored him completely. Well, that wasn’t fair. Heather tried to involve Jax, but since he had no idea who Bucky Brennan was, he was totally lost and instead downed his glass of water. Though, not with the same enthusiasm as before - his ardor had been mightily cooled by the appearance of this other male.

  Finally, as Jax didn’t think he could take it anymore, Derrick left, stating he would call her. Jax tried his best to smother a scowl.

  “Sorry about that,” she said sincerely. “We went to college together. He’s a nice guy if a little full of himself.”

  “Oh. You dated him?”

  Heather blinked at him, while his inner
reindeer howled at him. Why did he ask that? Why did he want to know? What good would it do? But he saw the way the male covetously watched Heather as he spoke to her – it was the way Jax was sure he was watching her – and he just couldn’t help himself.

  “As a matter of fact, I did,” she replied slowly.

  “You’ve probably dated lots of guys like him,” he murmured, half to himself.

  Heather gave him a strange look. “I have.”

  Jax said nothing. He supposed that kind of guy was her type – funny, chatty, well-dressed guys who didn’t manage to almost give people concussions just by walking through a crowded restaurant. The hell was he thinking that Heather would be interested in him? She could and had dated all kinds of sleek, professional men, and he was just some idiot who had only had sex once and had made a fool of himself on his one and only date.

  He slumped into silence and growled at the waitress to bring him a key lime pie, so he could continuously filled his mouth so he couldn’t say anything to embarrass himself.


  Heather had silently fumed all the way home. When Jax finally pulled up in front of her apartment building, she had politely and tersely said thank you, before slamming the car door and running all the way up to her apartment. Well, not actual running – she lived on the twelfth floor, so naturally she took the elevator.

  But when she finally got into her apartment, she let out a cry of frustrated anger, shouting, “Vampire balls!” She just wished she had shut her front door first before she did it. It would have avoided the smirking laughter from her neighbor Halle at least.

  Heather slammed the door and looked around for something to throw. All her stuff was too pretty to ruin, so she settled on a cushion, which she only threw on the floor, and then picked up again because as lazy as she could be about cleaning, it was just silly to leave a cushion right in the middle of the floor. Jax would probably fall over it she thought almost fondly before she remembered she was pissed. Not that he was likely to see the inside of her apartment. No, why would he when he apparently thought she was some kind of harlot.


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