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End Zone (Game Plan Series Book 3)

Page 2

by Breanna Hayse

  “Rocky Road Chocolate Mousse pie and snickerdoodles.”

  She suppressed a grin as she glanced at the men’s faces. I’ll be damned, she thought. Cassie has their number for sure!

  “Would you like some? You’ve got to be hungry after the drive.”

  She didn’t wait for either to answer and quickly dished out two huge slices of pie with cookies on the side. Pouring the milk, she placed the glasses in front of them and then sat down with her hands placed demurely in her lap. “Is it good?” she asked hopefully.

  Bryon’s lips twitched as he dove into his pie. “It’s wonderful. I guess that my other girl put this together to entice us to soften up.”

  “Our darling Cassandra wouldn’t do anything like that,” Rob said with a chuckle.

  “Like hell, she wouldn’t. Well, Miss Kriss? Whose idea was this?”

  The redhead lowered her eyes in defeat. “She was just trying to help. She knew I’d be terrified and hoped that giving you something sweet would melt your hearts a little bit.”

  “I can say one thing for that girl, she knows how to cook. Taste this,” Bryon ordered, lifting a fork to her mouth.

  Her eyes widened as she groaned. “Oh, dear Lord, that’s a taste of heaven.”

  “You need to come over for dinner next Sunday. She promised to make me a chocolate lava cake,” Rob said, smacking his lips as he cleaned his plate.

  “That sounds nice. May I say something, please?” She hesitated as the two men looked up at her. “I screwed up. I know that. I stayed up writing because there were so many words in my head that I was afraid would go away if I didn’t put them down on paper. You’re also right about the number of hours I’m working at the restaurant. Honestly, I loathe that job but, out of habit, I push myself because I never know what’s waiting for me around the corner. It’s like a hoarder syndrome, only with finances. If it’s okay, I’d like your permission to quit. Suzanne said that my stipend would more than cover my expenses.”

  Rob and Byron stared at her and then looked at one another.

  “Well?” Rob asked. “She’s your Little Girl.”

  “Yes, and she’s your niece. This situation is about a grown-up issue, not one involving a little girl. That puts the decision in your hands.” Bryon announced, leaning back on the soft lounge.

  “Is that how it’s going to go?” At his brother’s nod, Rob turned to her, “Very well. It appears your bribe worked with Papa. However, there is the fact that you’ve been keeping this problem a secret from him for a while. I encourage you to put your thoughts down and, if they are this abundant, I suggest that you use a tape recorder from now on, so you don’t lose your train of thought.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll definitely do that,” Krissy agreed.

  “Do you have that journal with you? I’d like to see it. Bring it to me, please.”

  “Please, don’t read it. It’s very personal and has stuff in it that’s so embarrassing.”

  “I told you to do something, young lady.” Rob’s voice grew firm, making her cringe.

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll be right back,” she muttered, quickly leaving the two men to go to the living room and forage through her backpack. The journal itself was very plain. However, she had started covering it with Disney Princess stickers.

  “Kristina? No dawdling,” Rob called.

  Her hand trembled as she handed him the book and accepted Bryon’s invitation to sit next to him on the rattan couch. She buried her face in his arm as Rob started leafing through the pages.

  “Is this the truth?” he asked, closing the book and handing it to Bryon.

  She nodded, unable to meet his eyes.

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of,” Bryon said as he scanned the pages. “In fact, this would make a wonderful novel if you wanted to publish it.”

  “I could never do that! It’s too personal.”

  “Yes, but no one else has to know how real this is. I want you to consider it. You’ve got a gift of story-telling and could make quite a bit of money with it.”

  “No one would buy it.”

  “I would and so would everyone at the Playground. It wouldn’t take much to spread the word that we finally have an Age-Play author who knows what she’s talking about. Uncle Rob could even do your cover art for you.”

  “But this information is for Suzanne’s research.”

  “Aunt Suzanne will take the facts, but not make it into a story. I want you to begin putting it together as a fictional piece, okay? Use our real-life events as inspiration.”

  “Yes, Papa.” The last thing she wanted to do was expose her life to the world.

  Rob patted her thigh. “I’m glad to hear that you’ve come to terms with what you’ve done to bring us here today, but that doesn’t mean that you are going to escape discipline. We’re your family and take responsibility for your well-being. Because of that, you’re going to face the consequence of your actions. You know what that means.”

  She started to shake. “Please don’t. I swear that I’ll be good as gold from now on.”

  Rob took her hands and looked straight through her. His soft eyes were so much like Bryon’s, but the ‘bad-boy’ appearance of his handsome, unshaven face increased her nervousness. “I’ll never harm your body, soul or spirit and promise to guard you with my life. But, if you’re going to live this lifestyle, you need to trust us to do what’s best for you.”

  “Spanking me isn’t going to change anything!” She broke into tears. “I get what I did was wrong. I took responsibility for it and gave you a solution. I’ve learned my lesson and swore that I'd never do it again.”

  “A spanking is going to ensure this promise,” Rob said kindly. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Papa! Help me!” Kristina clutched Bryon’s arm. He patted her hand.

  “Not this time, Sweetheart. The fact that he hasn’t taken off his belt or asked you to bring him an implement means that he’s already showing leniency.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t do it.”

  “You can do it. Just an FYI,” he whispered in her ear, “his hand doesn’t hurt as much as mine does.”

  “But it’s so humiliating.”

  “That it is.” Bryon stood her up and handed her to his brother.


  Rob stood the trembling girl between his knees and wiped a tear from her cheek. “You understand why you’re getting this spanking, don’t you?”

  She nodded, unable to vocalize out of fear. The image of Cassie’s bottom wouldn’t leave her mind. It didn’t matter if Cassie enjoyed pain—the whole concept was still too foreign and terrifying to grasp. Even the first spanking that Bryon had given her, and the paddling she had received from Suzanne, didn’t frighten her as much as what she was about to receive from the huge, stern looking man in front of her.

  “Do you trust that I won’t harm you?” She hesitated and then slowly nodded again. “Good girl. I need to hear your consent. I won’t ever force you to do anything you are truly against. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Say it. Do I have your consent?”

  “What would you do if I refused?” Her question was sincere. She had to know if it would destroy any chance of her being with Bryon.

  “You have that right, Baby. I’m not going to make you do something you aren’t comfortable with.”

  She looked at Bryon. “Would I lose you?”

  “This is part of who I am. As much as I’d want to be with you, I also know that neither of us would be happy if we didn’t have our needs fulfilled.”

  “But you have Cassie.”

  “Cassie is my Little Girl. She won’t ever be my wife.”

  His words jarred her. Was he seriously considering her to be part of his future? Except for this aspect of the lifestyle, she was deliriously happy. The truth was that she had fallen in love with Bryon and wanted to be part of his family. She needed to decide if giving into her fear was worth the loss of s
omething incredible.

  Inhaling deeply, she stated, “I’m trusting that you won't harm me, so I consent to let you do whatever you want to. Do I get a safe word?”

  “She’s been doing her homework.” Rob chuckled. “Yes, you may have a safe word for the time being. It will only apply to something that is triggering you into a panic. It’s also temporary and will not be honored during a hand spanking, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Your safe-word is ‘red,’ like the color your bottom will be when I’m done with it. Put your backside over my knee, hands on the floor and no reaching behind.”

  Kristina was already crying by the time he had settled her into position. His warm hand rested on her back and rubbed gently. “How many spanks do you think you deserve after fibbing to your Papa, putting your safety at risk, and being irresponsible with your schooling?”

  “Please don’t make me do this,” she begged.

  “That should be what I ask of you, but what kind of uncle would I be if I allowed you to keep hurting yourself? Now answer me.”


  “Maybe I should explain how this works. Honesty goes hand in hand with trust. Trust is vital if we pursue this dynamic. You wanted a real family, and now you have one. Are you going to let that go because you don’t want to accept the consequences of your actions?”

  Guilt filled Kristina’s heart, and she felt herself drifting into the place of vulnerability. It was where she felt safest with Bryon and knew that she needed to accept the same feeling with Rob.

  “I’m sorry, Uncle Robby,” she sniffled. “I’m sorry. I can’t do anything right.”

  “By calling me Uncle Robby, you just took the first step. Thank you. It’s a learning process, Honey, and we all go through it. Now, how many?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t.”

  “Bry? You’re her Papa. What do you think?”

  “I think that you should just spank her until you are confident she’s learned her lesson.”

  “Then that’s how it will be.” Rob slid the hem of her skirt to expose her little white cotton panties. He patted her chubby curves. “You have the perfect bottom to spank, darling. I’m afraid that we might start looking for reasons to play with it.”

  “I do? It’s fat.” Hearing the compliment from the man sent a quiver of pride through her. She had always been self-conscious about her body and never expected to be praised, especially like this.

  “You do, and it’s not fat. It’s ample and has that perfect little swell that jiggles under the hand. Spankers love that more than anything.”

  “But Cassie…”

  “We’ve been trying to get Cassie to plump up a bit, but her metabolism defies the orders of her Doms,” Rob answered with a chuckle. “I’m afraid that after seeing this sweet curvy thing first hand, I might be taking advantage of reddening it as often as possible. I also think you’ll enjoy it when you learn to relax.”

  “I don’t see how I would ever enjoy this. Papa? Help me.”

  “I already told you how much I loved your bottom. Maybe now you’ll believe me. Enough of the compliments, it’s time to get down to business,” Bryon said firmly.

  “Ow!” She shrieked as Rob’s hand clapped across the material covering her backside. It burned like the dickens!

  “Naughty little girls get spanked on their bare bottoms, but I’m doing you the courtesy of a warm up because this is your first time with me.” He clapped his hand over her rump again, and she started to kick.

  “Papa! You lied to me! You said your hand hurt worse!”

  “Papa obviously wasn’t trying to punish you if that's what you think. He has a reputation that no one will dispute. From what I understand, that left hand of his is worse than a paddle. One more and these are coming down.” Rob stayed calm as he easily held her in place. A third smack caught the under-curve of her bottom. He hooked his finger under the waistband of her panties and slowly slid them down to her thighs. He then rested his palm on the pink cheeks.

  “Look how rosy she is already!” Bryon exclaimed. “Have you ever seen anything so pretty?”

  “She’s a redhead, so I suspect that this bottom’s going to turn the color of a sunset. Let’s see if we can make that happen.”

  The shock of the next spank was beyond Krissy’s imagination. Rob’s hand fell into a natural rhythm, alternating from cheek to cheek, from the crown of her bottom to the delicate sit spots. She kicked, twisted, tried to reach back to protect herself, and yelled at the top of her lungs—none of which deterred Rob from his goal. She began to anger as she struggled against him and started swearing at the top of her lungs.

  “Kristina Renee Barker!” Bryon’s voiced boomed. “If I hear one more cuss word out of your mouth, I will take over.”

  “Fuck off! Both of you!” she shouted, punching Rob’s leg with her fist and kicking violently to escape.

  “Give her to me. I won’t tolerate this behavior for a second from either a Little Girl or a Big one,” Bryon commanded.

  “Let me go!” she hissed, kicking him in the shin.

  “I think you managed to bring out the beast in our little beauty, Big Brother,” Bryon grunted as he lifted the struggling girl with one arm and plopped her across his lap.

  The Legendary Left Hand of Bryon Johnson had earned its repute among those in the scene for a good reason. The first clap took Kristina’s breath away before she released a loud yowl.

  “Uncle Rob was very merciful to you, young lady. The spanking would have been over a long time ago had you tried to submit and take your punishment like a Big Girl.” He spanked her again three more times, ignoring her screeching. “Instead, you had to get nasty and call him names. Then telling me to fuck off? That is completely unacceptable. This spanking is going to continue until you decide to show some respect.”

  Pinned in place against his monstrous thighs and restrained under his arm, she howled as he rapidly sent his hand flying across every inch of her jiggling flesh. She quickly tired of her struggling and her anger shifted to remorse. She finally collapsed and cried into his thigh while begging forgiveness. Satisfied that she was genuinely contrite, Bryon stopped the spanking but kept her immobilized with his hand on her hot flesh.

  “Rob? Do we have some new items in the toy box?” he asked his brother.

  “Sure do. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’m very disappointed in you, young lady,” Bryon scolded the crying girl. “You spoke the right words, and I had hoped it was sincere, but then you tried to manipulate us, didn’t you?”

  Busted. “Yes, Papa. I’m sorry.” She hiccupped. “I didn’t want the spanking.”

  “I know you didn’t, and yet you ended up with much more than we had planned for you. Unfortunately, your bottom is now going to pay the price. Thanks,” he said, accepting an item from his brother. He tore off the wrapping and then parted her bottom cheeks.

  “No! Stop!”

  “I will not. I’m hoping that you will think twice before I hear anything like what I did again.”

  She gasped as he drizzled the cold lubricant between her cheeks and then pressed the tip of the glass plug to the entrance. Having never been penetrated anally before, this sent a whole new sense of panic.

  “Stop! You can’t do this! Papa! Red!”

  “Red?” He paused. “Are you calling a safe word?”

  “Red! Red! No one’s ever been down there before! Red!”

  “Very well. Breathe. There’s no reason to panic. Rob? Do we have any roots?”

  “I’ve got an entire plant happily growing in the back. I’ll pull up a finger for you and peel it. I’d also like to set up the horse. I have a feeling that it will make an impact.”

  “Good idea.” After Rob had left the room, Bryon patted the bright red bottom and tsked. “I think you are about to regret your decision to call things to a stop, Little Miss. You would have been sitting in the corner wearing this plug for about five minutes, but now you
get to experience figging. I hope it was worth it to you.”

  “I told you that I’ve never had anything put up there,” she cried. “It scared me.”

  “Didn’t I tell you that we would never harm you? You didn’t trust us, so now it’s going to be much harder for you.”

  “What’s figging?” Krissy sniveled, squirming uncomfortably over his lap.

  “Peeled ginger root is used as an anal plug. It’s much smaller than the glass plug, but the effect is more pronounced.”

  When Rob returned, he was wearing examination gloves and holding a peeled ginger finger that was about the size of Bryon’s thumb. He handed Bryon a pair of gloves.

  “Why are you putting on gloves?”

  “We don’t want to risk getting ginger juice in our eyes by accidentally rubbing our hands on our face,” Rob explained, rubbing the peeled plant between his fingers.

  “Why? What does it do?”

  “You’ll see. Now be quiet. You said that you’ve never been penetrated anally, correct?” Bryon asked.

  “No. This is humiliating. Please don’t go down there,” Krissy whimpered, pinned in place as he spread her bottom cheeks wide apart with his large hand. She gasped as he dipped a gloved finger into her pussy and lubricated her untried hole.

  “This is just my finger. Move, and I will get a hairbrush.”

  Kristina hid her face in her hands as he rubbed the tip of his finger around the rim of her asshole before inserting the tip past the tight sphincter. It wasn’t as painful as it was embarrassing, especially when he moved it in and out. When she stared to relax, he pulled his finger away and quickly slid the wet root into her back passage, pressing it in until the flange that Rob had carved rested along the soft, pink flesh between her cheeks. Bryon held her cheeks together and waited in silence. To her relief, other than the strange feeling of being filled, the effect of the ginger plug was reasonably uneventful.

  “How are you doing?” Bryon asked.

  “This isn’t bad.”

  “Give it a minute.”

  Her eyes widened as the juice from the root began to sting and grow to a burning sensation. “Take it out! Take it out! It’s burning me alive!” she shrieked, still held solidly in place over Bryon’s knee.


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