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End Zone (Game Plan Series Book 3)

Page 11

by Breanna Hayse

  “Excellent. We have some work to do, so I want you to explore the grounds and see what interests you. Don’t forget; you are not to do anything above your age group,” he warned.

  “Maybe I’m mature for my age-group,” Cassie responded saucily. Merry winked at her.

  “Then we will alter the limitations. Just keep in mind, Little Girl, that the older you are, the more severe the discipline. Six-year-olds don’t write lines, but ten-year-olds do.” He pinched her nose. “They also don’t carry their stuffies around.”

  Cassie gripped the kitty and turned away from him. “Don’t you dare touch my stuffie!”

  “Dorian? I think our Little Miss needs to experience a taste of what might happen should she disobey your rules,” Merry suggested.

  “Hey! Whose side are you on?”

  “Good idea. Over my lap, Little One.”


  “You’re making the Maids jealous, Dorian,” Merry giggled.

  He looked up and frowned. “If you ladies are this interested, you’re welcome to meet me in my office.” Just as quickly as they gathered, they scurried away. “I thought that would help change their minds. Now, let’s work on yours. Cassandra? Across my knee.”

  She protested vehemently as he easily slung her over his long thighs and pulled up the edge of her skirt. Before she could object, the little cotton panties were pulled down to her knees.

  “This is just a taste of what will happen if you don’t mind me.”

  “Holy shit!” she yelped as his palm clapped across her bare bottom. As seasoned as she was with accepting pain, nothing had prepared her for the Whip Master’s hand.

  “Now, now, Young Lady. Little girls don’t swear.” Twice more, his hand came down upon its target.

  “I’ll be good! I promise!”

  “I’m not convinced yet.” Dorian’s voice was calm as he administered another set of three smacks. He held her tightly in place with her bottom in the air. “What are my rules?”

  “Yeow! I’ll be good! Please stop!” She was close to tears. It felt as though he was branding her instead of spanking. “Be safe!”

  “Good. And the next?” His palm landed another three strokes.

  Her voice choked. “Be respectful to everyone.”

  “And the last?” Six spanks covered her bottom.

  “Don’t do anything above my age-group or go anywhere without telling someone,” she whimpered. “Please, Uncle Dorian. I’ll be good.”

  “I know you will now.” He pulled up her panties and smoothed down her dress before perching her on his lap. “Give me a hug.”

  “I don’t like aftercare,” she sniffled.

  “I didn’t ask.”

  Reluctantly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her body relax in his hold. It felt good enough to stay there all day, but the master of the manor had work to complete. She was dismissed to explore with a pat on the bottom and a kiss on the forehead from Merry.


  Armed with her kitty and a caramel apple that one of the Maids secretly slipped to her, Cassie wandered outside to stroll along the beautifully manicured paths. She knew there were other guests, but everything was kept so isolated that she felt that she was the only person except for the Graye’s and the Johnson boys. The sound of popping made her peek around the corner where a couple played tennis wearing nothing but sneakers. Biting her lip, she retreated in the opposite direction until she came upon a corral and horse stables.

  No one heard her sneak up to watch the proceedings in the training ring. Elias, dressed only in brown leather pants, held a long buggy whip in his hand as he directed a young woman to trot along the perimeter of the white fence. She was wearing a leather body harness, shoes that looked like horse’s hooves, restraints holding her arms tightly behind her back and a leather bit in her mouth. Elias coached her gait, snapping the tip of the whip to her exposed backside and thighs as he ordered her to lift her feet.

  “Come on, girl! You’re doing dressage, not wading through the swamp. Higher!”

  The woman stopped mid-stride as she noticed Cassie peeking behind the corner and neighed while pawing the ground. Elis turned to the alert before Cassie could sneak away.

  “Cassandra? Stay right there. Let me put the mare into her stall and get changed.”

  Unsure of what to do other than obey, she sat on a bale of hay, wincing slightly at the remaining sting of her bottom. Several minutes later, the burly red-headed man returned wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He sat next to her and smiled.

  “Bet you never saw anything like that before, have you?” She shook her head. “She’s a show pony, and I’m teaching her special moves for competition. I know you weren’t supposed to see anything inappropriate, but then you are at a BDSM training facility. Do you have any questions?”

  “Why do you dress her like that?”

  “It’s part of the pony-play regalia. Pony boys and girls are drawn to this part of the lifestyle just like you’re drawn to being a Little. It’s part of who you are, and the clothes help keep you there. That’s a very pretty kitty, by the way.”

  Cassie liked the man. Despite the gruff exterior, there was something very gentle and nurturing inside that made it easy to be in her ‘special place’ with him.

  “Auntie Merry got her for me,” she said, offering the stuffie for him to see.

  Elias turned it over in his hands, and a warm smile rested on his face. “I bought one almost exactly like this for Merry when she was a little girl. She had to get her tonsils taken out and was scared, so I got her a kitty to keep her company.”

  “You sound like you were a good big brother.”

  “I tried my best. I practically raised her since the time she could walk. Our parents were not very involved, so I took control.”

  “Uncle Elias? Did you ever say anything mean to her that hurt her feelings?”

  If the man was surprised that he had been ‘promoted’ to a family member, he didn’t show it. “Not that I can remember. If I did, it was never on purpose. Sometimes stupid things come out of our mouths that hurt people.”

  “Glenn told me to grow up.” She twisted the edge of her dress. “We used to play when we were kids, and he always was laughing. After he had started seeing Aunt Suzanne, he stopped having fun and started yelling at me. He hates this… this thing I am.” She gestured towards her body.

  “I heard what happened. It sounded like he was taking a stand on his girlfriend’s behalf after you had worried her.”

  “It hurt my feelings.”

  “Yea, I guess our feelings don’t care about the ‘whys’ when they get hurt. My parents stopped speaking to me when they found out I was gay. It wounded me, but Dorian and Merry loved me through it.”

  “Did you ever make up with your parents?”

  “No. I tried, but they wanted nothing to do with me. Because of that, Merry also stayed away from them. They both passed away several years ago without either of us being able to have the chance to say good-bye. Think about that, Little One. You don’t want to lose your brother because he made a dumb mistake, do you?”


  “Then I suggest you practice some forgiveness and just chalk it up to him being a stupid jerk.” Elias patted her thigh and stood up with his back to her. “Hop on and let’s go for a walk.”

  Cassie giggled as Elias galloped around the stable-yard and past the stalls that held both the pony-girls and the actual horses. The girls clapped for him while the equines twitched their ears and snorted. He then trotted to the white sandy beach and pulled off her shoes and socks before setting her on her feet. Her hand was engulfed securely in his as they walked in the warm water and picked up shells.

  “What are you thinking?” the man asked as they sat on a rock.

  “Two things. First, my butt still hurts from the warning spanking Uncle Dorian gave me.”

  “Be happy it was him and not me. My hand’s made of solid wood.”

she grunted before continuing. “Second, I don’t ever get to do this. The only time I’m able to be Little is when I’m at Rob’s or Suzanne’s house, and it always feels planned. It’s like I have a time limit and a curfew on being Little. We’ve never even gone anywhere that I didn’t have to adult.”

  “Don’t worry. Rob and Bryon will be getting all the lessons they will ever need, including this one. They’ll do anything for you.”

  “Except get rid of that girl.”

  “Tell me something.” Elias patted her hand. “Do you just dislike her as a person or is it the threat she presents?”

  Shrugging, Cassie answered. “She’s nice and all, but she got to do things with them that I didn’t, and it made me feel like I was disposable.”

  “Did you say something?”

  “Yeah, and they apologized and promised to be more considerate of me, but it still happened. Since then, I don’t even like to think about her.”

  “That’s understandable. Your trust was compromised. It wasn’t her fault, though. You know that.”

  “Still …”

  “Still, nothing. You’re blaming her for something those dimwits did. I’m also sure that it was just them being stupid, not malicious.”

  “They tried to make it up to me, but now I’m more scared.”

  Elias sighed and wrapped his heavily-muscled arm around her frail shoulders. “I was an embassy guard in Afghanistan before I got discharged from the service. My unit commander knew that I was scared to death. I wasn’t just facing the war against the Taliban, but I was in a country that Sharia law declared the death penalty for homosexual acts.”

  “Weren’t you protected by the embassy?”

  “You can’t live by hiding in the safety of four walls. Not only could a bomb be dropped on us any minute, but I had to be a bodyguard to the ambassadors which meant leaving the embassy grounds. I got to the point that I thought everyone knew about me, even though I never said anything. That’s when I learned about the true nature of fear.” He kissed her palm and then squeezed her hand. “It’s an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. When we succumb to our imagination, we give fear power to paralyze us.”

  Cassie considered Elias' words. “Are you saying that I shouldn’t be afraid until there is something to be scared of?”

  “You’re a smart girl,” he praised. “Don’t throw your life away because of what might happen. Our thoughts and feelings change as we get older and gain more experience. I’ll bet if you just stopped worrying, things will fall into place.”

  “I want the truth from you. You’ve known Bryon and Rob for a long time. Do I have anything to worry about?”

  “The honest-to-god truth is no. The boys brought you here to become part of this family. They didn’t bring Krissy or Glenn. Just you. They have handed you over to the Whip Master, a man who would throw himself in front of a bullet for anyone he cares about. The degree of love they have for you was shown when they released their control to him. They’ll do anything to make you happy. The question is, will that be reciprocated? Do you love them enough to let them be happy?”

  Cassie winced at the question. “Ow. I guess I’ve been kind of selfish, haven’t I?”

  “Our feelings still exist regardless of the reasons, remember? You will always have a home at the Manor, and we will always be here for you if, or when, you need us. We’re a simple phone call and a couple of hours drive away, okay?”

  “’Kay. Thanks.”

  “Enough of this grown-up talk. I say we go to the golf course and hide balls when they come over the hill. Are you with me?”

  Giggling, she nodded. Still barefoot, with Cassie clinging to his back, the two went on their mission.


  “Cassie? What type of trouble have you gotten into? I know that look,” Bryon asked during dinner.

  She fought back a snicker as Elias winked at her from across the table. They had spent the rest of the afternoon snatching balls off the golf course and throwing them into the woods and then hid behind bushes to watch the players scratch their heads with confusion. Elias had her completely immersed in her Little, and she enjoyed every moment.

  “None, Daddy. I was with Uncle Elias the whole afternoon.”

  “That statement just raised the first flag of concern,” Dorian said. “Elias? Do you have anything to add?”

  “Me? Why would I add anything? We had a great afternoon, went to the beach and picked up shells. I don’t know why you always need to blame me for things.”

  “He blames you because you’re usually in the middle of causing trouble for him,” Merry stated. “I’ll give you this, Big Brother. Whatever you did, keep doing it. She’s positively radiant. Good job.”

  “Giving him carte-blanche might be a mistake. Meredith. Look at his face. He’s up to something,” Dorian warned.

  “If you spent more time eating your meal than in admiring my face, dinner would be done by now, and we’d be having desert.”

  “You guys haven’t changed a bit.” Rob laughed. “I’m not going to wait so long between visits. I forgot how much I love this place.”

  “You better not. I finally found a little someone who adores and accepts me, warts and all,” Elias responded, lifting his glass in Cassie’s direction. She grinned and lifted hers in response.

  “I’m very worried now,” Dorian told his wife.

  She nodded in agreement. “This time, I have to agree with you. Cassandra? Don’t you like your dinner?”

  “I’m not that hungry. You made me eat that banana split, remember?”

  “As I recall, Dorian ate the banana split while you and I got in a spoonful or two. You certainly didn’t eat enough to spoil your dinner. You need to eat, Baby. You’re too thin.”

  “This is one of our ongoing battles, Merry,” Rob commented. “We spoke with Dorian about it on the way over.”

  “It’s been taken care of. I had Fifty set up an appointment with our physician tomorrow at nine. We’ll get her fattened up, so don’t worry.”

  “No!” Cassie slapped the table. “I’m not going to the doctor, and you can’t make me.”

  “You don’t think so?” Dorian asked, calmly placing his napkin down. “Do you remember that little bit of personal time we spent together today? If not, I’ll be happy to remind you.”

  “Leave the kid alone, D. She’s fine the way she is,” Elias intervened.

  “Rob? Bryon? She belongs to you. What do you want?”

  “I think we both agree that it would be good to get a little meat on her. She gets chilled very easily, doesn’t always have a lot of energy…”

  “…except to argue with us,” Bryon added.

  “And tends to look a little gaunt at times. She’s always been slender, but I suspect that she’s underweight for her height,” Rob continued.

  “I’m fine, Robby! Listen to Uncle Elias.”

  “As I said, her appointment is at nine.” Dorian’s face started to shift into a frown as the girl muttered under her breath.

  “We have that training class you assigned to us. Should we cancel it?” Bryon asked.

  “No, I’ll take her. Cassandra, stabbing the table with your fork is not going to change anything, so please stop.”

  “Screw you,” she muttered. Unfortunately, it was loud enough to be heard.

  “I warned you about breaking my rules.” Dorian walked to Cassie's chair and turned her to face him. “Stand up, apologize to everyone for your rudeness and then come with me.”

  Elias shook his head when she looked pleadingly in his direction. “Sorry, kiddo, but I already told you that it was better him than me. I wouldn’t have given you the choice to leave the room.”

  “Auntie Merry? It was an accident. I hate doctors!”

  “I can’t help you with this, Sweetheart. Showing respect is one of the big rules that no one breaks here without facing a penalty. I’m sorry.”

  “Daddy? Robby?” When they shook their heads, she pitched a r
oll and hit Rob in the head. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “Dorian? If you like, I’ll be happy to take care of this.”

  “My house, my rules. This lesson is something she needs to learn from me. Apologize this instant, Cassandra.”

  The sound of his voice made her tremble. “I’m sorry I was rude to Uncle Dorian in front of everyone,” she whispered. With one last pathetically pleading look cast over her shoulder, Dorian led her out of the room.

  “Master Dorian? May I speak with you, please?” Fifty hurried towards him.

  “Not right now. I have business to take care of.”

  Fifty looked at Cassie and then touched his arm. “Please try to remember how frightened I was the first time you disciplined me. The care you took to show you loved me was what made me trust you. That’s all I wanted to say.”

  Dorian inhaled deeply and cupped her face with his free hand. “You’re a good girl. Yes, I remember and thank you.” He kissed her forehead and continued up the stairs and turned in the direction of his suite.

  “I’m sorry, Uncle Dorian.” The tiny voice matched the tiny women.

  “I know,” he said, sounding sad as he led her into the room. “Go stand in that corner until I tell you to leave.”

  Her lower lip trembled as she went to obey. Bryon had stood her in the corner countless times, and she hated it, but this time it allowed her time to anticipate the unknown. She started crying within seconds of touching her forehead to the wall. It was still her first day, and already she had disappointed her new ‘uncle’ and his family.

  “Cassandra Lynn? Why are you crying?” The sound of her full name pushed her into another zone of vulnerability, and she slid to the floor with her hands covering her face. “Come here, please.”

  Still sniveling, she crawled a couple of feet before standing and then dragged her feet across the room. Dorian sat in a large mahogany and burgundy chair that could have easily been a throne. His long right leg crossed over the left, and he rested his chin in his left hand. She struggled between wanting to climb into his lap and groveling on the floor at his feet.


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