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End Zone (Game Plan Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Breanna Hayse

  “Yes. I met him through The Gentleman’s Club. He was in the Royal Navy and served as the private physician for the royal family.”

  “That sounds like a pretty cushy job. Why didn’t he stay?”

  “I left because I got tired of the cheeky attitude and wasn’t permitted to deal with it. Dorian heard me griping one night during a TGC event and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I have my own practice with no restrictions, get double the money, a gorgeous cottage on the beach, maid service, gourmet food, and stunningly beautiful patients that I get to spank if they act up. Hello, Cassandra. I’m Daniel Paige.”

  Cassie bit her lower lip as she shook his warm hand. Dr. Paige was a distinguished older man with graying hair, bright blue eyes, and a boyishly handsome face. She wondered how many Maids got ‘sick’ just to visit him.

  “Have a seat. How have you been, Dorian? Are you sleeping any better?”

  “I never sleep, and you know it. Please remember that we’re here about my girl. I want you to check her weight and see if there is anything we can do to plump up her bottom.”

  The doctor laughed. “We all appreciate a plump bum. Tell me about your health, Cassie.”

  Relieved that he addressed her casually, she shared her history and reported no issues. She added that there was no reason for an examination and that it was just a waste of everyone’s time.

  “She’s a Little, correct?” Dr. Paige asked Dorian.

  “Yes. We’re working with her Dom and her Daddy.”

  “Poly? Are you on birth control?”

  “I have a hormonal IUD, but Robby wants me to get an implant because it worries him.”

  “If you’re engaged with two partners, that might be a good idea. The risk of perforation is low, but if you’re involved in double penetration, you might consider it. We can take care of that today.”

  “Does it hurt?” She subconsciously reached for Dorian’s hand.

  “Not at all. You’ll wear a pressure bandage for twenty-four hours and then a bandage for a couple of days. All our girls have one. I’ll need to do a pelvic exam and remove the IUD.”

  “I don’t want a pelvic exam.” Cassie crossed her arms.

  “I was wondering how long it would take before the protests began.” Dorian sighed. “Let’s give her a full overhaul.”

  “That’s a good idea, especially if she’s poly. You’re a tiny lady, my dear. May I ask about your partners?”

  “What about them?” She snipped.

  The physician frowned and looked at Dorian. The master shrugged. “She’s all yours, Dan. I already warned her about her attitude and your intolerance. Cassandra? If Dr. Paige ends up disciplining you, you will be spending a long time over my knee. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she grumbled.

  “Answer his question.”

  “I’ve never been with anyone else so I can’t compare. I think they’re pretty big.”

  “Even more reason to pull that IUD. I’ll run some labs and then we’ll get to it. I need to know your preference, Dorian.”

  “Given the attitude, let’s go the Graye Way,” Dorian answered without hesitation.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll be right back.”

  “What’s the Graye Way?” Cassie asked nervously. “Dorian?”

  “Didn’t I ask you to behave like a Big Girl for me? The Graye Way is for adults and will hopefully teach you a few lessons.”

  “I don’t like the sound of this.”

  “You should have thought about that before you showed your defiance. You made a promise to me and broke it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I keep hearing an awful lot of apologies, but not seeing much change. My advice is to cooperate and behave yourself, or we will have some private time together.”

  “Do you hate me now?” Her lower lip began to tremble.

  “Just because you’re being corrected doesn’t mean my feelings for you have changed, Cassandra. In fact, if I didn’t care, I wouldn’t say anything. Now why are you crying?”

  “I can’t do anything right, and all of you are going to give up on me and throw me away.”

  “It sounds like someone is a bit insecure,” Dr. Paige said, entering the room. He handed Cassie a tissue as he sat next to her on a stool and took her blood pressure. “I don’t think you understand how elite Graye Manor is to our world, Cassie. From what I’ve heard, no one has ever been ‘thrown away.’ Am I right, Dorian?”

  “You are. We did have one woman allowed into the program who was not qualified. She caused so much dissent among the ranks that I was afraid we would lose the qualified Maids and several of the staff. After two months of training, I gave her the choice of transferring to THC in England or leaving. She left. The situation was my responsibility because I was inexperienced and too arrogant to listen to my wife’s warnings. It takes more than misbehavior and defiance for me to give up on someone. It takes mistrust. If I catch someone lying to me, I’ll confront them and give them an opportunity to own up to it. If they lie to me again, they’ve lost my trust and are on probation. Lying to me a third time will be the last.”

  “He’s not talking about fibbing, either. He means serious lies. I’m certain you haven’t even come close to that, have you?” She shook her head and sniffled. “The essential point is that you’re stuck with us. Give me your arm. This won’t hurt, I promise.”

  Cassie made a face as he performed the venipuncture and filled up the little tubes. He was right—the only thing that hurt was the tourniquet.

  “That’s done. Let’s get you undressed.”

  “Where’s the gown?”

  Dr. Paige glanced at Dorian, who nodded and crossed his arms. “The Graye Way doesn’t use a gown. Remove your clothes and put them on the counter.”

  “What? You want me to be naked in front of both of you?”

  “I’ve already seen your bare bottom, and Dr. Paige is a physician. This is the last time either of us will repeat ourselves.”

  Cassie was certain that the entirety of her pale skin had flushed to a bright pink as she slowly peeled off her clothes. Unlike Bryon, who enjoyed an audience, she wasn’t an exhibitionist and felt extremely self-conscious as she stood on display before the two men.

  “Uncross your arms and stand straight,” Dorian commanded. “Lift your chin and show pride in your body. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  They made her stand in place for several minutes, allowing her time to acclimate herself to the process of being viewed.

  “Have you been taught the first two positions?” Dorian asked. She nodded. “Good. First position.”

  She placed her hands behind her head, spread her feet apart and arched her back to push out her breasts and extend her bottom. Dorian rose and ran his hands over her side as he made slight adjustments in her stance. A warm tingling between her legs confused her. Was it from his touch or because two incredibly handsome men were taking in the sight of her naked body?

  “She is very beautiful. Perfect proportions for such a little thing,” Dr. Paige commented as he jotted down some notes. “Turn her around.”

  Cassie swallowed as Dorian responded. They had her stand in place, again giving her time relax under their gaze. He measured and weighed her.

  “She’s a tad underweight for her height. I agree that a little filling out would be good, but she does have a lovely backside. We can start her on the protein shakes that you guys use for working out. One a day should do the trick, and she can divide it up if she wants to. Also, no skipping meals.”

  “I already told her that. Second Position on the table.”

  She hesitated and yelped as he sharply smacked her bottom. Humiliated, she climbed on her hands and knees onto the padded examination table. Another smack urged her to complete the order by spreading her legs wide apart and forcing her bottom high into the air.

  “Yes, very lovely.” She gasped as she felt gloved finger gently probing around her asshole. “She has a bit of swelling. Ha
ve you had anal penetration recently?”

  “Yeah… OW! Yes, sir. Just before we got here.” Tilting her head, she glared at Dorian with his crop in his hand. Did he sleep with the damn thing? She wondered.

  “Do you want to say something to me?” he asked. She shook her head. “I didn’t think so. Please continue, Doctor.”

  “There’s no tearing, so they've been very careful with her. Relax, this is nothing compared to whatever caused this swelling.”

  Cassie groaned as she felt the cool glass of the rectal thermometer invade her anus. Dr. Paige held it in place with his wide hand as he and Dorian talked about the weather and the evening’s menu. The more indifferent they sounded, the greater her humiliation.

  “I know damn well that it doesn’t take ten fucking minutes to take a temperature! I wasn’t born yesterday. Take that damn thing out.” The room grew deadly silent as the thermometer was removed. Oh God, what have I done? She buried her face in her hands and muttered “Please?”

  “It’s a little too late for manners, young lady. Stand up.” Dorian took a step back and crossed his arms. “Why is it so difficult to mind your mouth?”

  She looked at the floor. “It’s a bad habit.”

  The sound of clearing his throat made her look up. She frowned—he didn’t appear to be angry. Neither did the handsome doctor; in fact, he looked rather amused.

  When in your Little, be spontaneous and do whatever comes naturally, even if it results in some consequences.

  But she wasn’t in her Little! She eyed the door. Why not? It was time for a football move. She yelled “Hail Mary” and dipped past Dorian, turning only to stick out her tongue before she ran like the wind.


  “That took long enough,” Dr. Paige laughed. He pointed to the window where a naked Cassie raced over the grass. “There she goes.”

  “She lasted longer than I expected.” Dorian dialed his cell phone and put it on speaker. “Elias? Our little chicken has flown the coop.”

  “How long did it take for the Graye Way to work?”

  “I’d say about twenty minutes. Ten minutes of the rectal thermometer did the trick. She’s outside and running as fast as she can.”

  Elias laughed. “By the sound of your voice, I guess she slipped into her Little.”

  “Tongue and all. Do you want to hunt her down?”

  “Do I get to spank her?”

  “That’s up to you. Just keep her in that place. We don’t want her falling out of that mode just yet. We still have things to finish here and the doc thinks her Little will make thing less uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t understand. If you’re probing around her pussy, shouldn’t she be in her adult?”

  “We want her to be able to separate sexual contact and casual contact,” the doctor explained. “If she’ll allow me to treat her and stay in her Little, then she’ll feel more empowered. We’re pushing her limits and showing her that she’s in control of that part of her life.”

  “I suppose that makes sense. So, no nipple pinching?”

  “No, Elias. This is serious so don’t fuck it up.”

  “Uh-oh, the Lord and Master dropped the F-bomb!”

  “You’re a jackass. Good-bye.” Dorian grunted, ending the conversation.

  “Do you think she’ll be okay with him?” Dr. Paige asked with concern.

  “If there is anyone I trust with that little girl right now, it’s Elias. They already formed a bond, and this will seal it.”


  Cassie paused to catch her breath after running at full speed as far away from the clinic as possible. She looked over her shoulder with confusion. Why weren’t they coming after her? After a couple of minutes, she turned and body slammed straight into Elias.

  “What do we have here?” he asked cheerfully. “You’re naked as a jaybird.”

  “I’m as stupid as shit. Can I have your shirt, please?”

  The man chuckled as he held the t-shirt out of her reach and made her jump to get it. Frustrated, she elbowed him in the diaphragm and grabbed the shirt when he bent over.

  “I grew up with boys, remember?” she said, slipping the shirt over her head and smoothing it down past her knees.

  “I remember now,” he wheezed as he straightened himself.

  “Be thankful. I could have gone lower.”

  “What got your panties in a knot? Oh, wait. You aren’t wearing any.”

  “Don’t tease. I’m so screwed right now.”

  Elias offered his elbow for her to take and starting walking toward a small wooded area. “What happened, kid?”

  In a single breath, she confessed, ending with her confusion regarding Dorian’s failure to chase her. “I practically invited him to run after me, and I have no idea why I’d do something so dumb. I must be losing my mind.”

  “Dorian never chases anyone. He expects people to come to him. You’re also not losing your mind. You’re giving yourself permission to let go of the comfort of control, that’s all. Isn’t that what he asked you to do?”

  “Yeah, but without the cussing. I blew a gasket, Elias.”

  “I see. Did he look angry?”

  “That confused me even more. He and that doctor looked like they were trying not to laugh. Was I being set up?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Why, in the world, would they set you up to get into trouble? That wouldn’t be right, would it?” Elias asked, leading her to a fire pit surrounded by several large logs.

  “I s’pose not.” She plopped on the log and rested her chin in her hands.

  He sat on the ground in front of her and mimicked her position. “So, if you s’pose not, what else could it be?”

  Cassie wrinkled her nose and then stuck her tongue out. “It hurts to think, so stop it.”

  “It’s going to hurt to sit if you stick that little tongue out at me again,” he warned with a wag of his finger.

  “You and Merry do it all the time. I see it.”

  “Auntie Merry is also my little sister. And no talking back.”

  “You talk back to Uncle Dorian all the time.”

  “You’re quite the little smart ass, aren’t you?” The big man placed his hands on the ground and leaned back. Cassie raised her right eyebrow. He was baiting her, but why? She decided to bite.

  “It’s better than being a dumb-ass.”

  “Are you calling me a dumb-ass?” Elia asked, rising to his feet and brushing the dirt from his hands.

  “I didn’t call you anything. I merely responded to what you called me,” she said saucily, once again lining up a path to escape. If there was one thing she had learned while living in a house full of football players, it was how to run different plays. This occasion called for a quarterback sneak.

  “Oh, shit! They found me!” Elias turned his head in the direction she was pointing, and Cassie raced off like a bat out of hell.

  “You brat! Just wait until I catch you,” Elias shouted, running after her.

  The sound of his footsteps on the grass grew closer before he dove to tackle her. Cassie shrieked and slipped from his grip, scrambling to place a flowering shrub between them.

  “You know what’s going to happen when I catch you.”

  “You mean if you catch me. You’re big, but I’m fast. I’m also a lot younger.”

  “Are you calling me old?”

  She grinned, zig-zagging to keep the obstacle between them. “I hope you have your oxygen ready, Grampa. You’re going to need it.”

  “You …”

  She feigned a move as he again dove for her and landed belly first on the ground. She jumped over his back and sprinted towards the water. She was laughing so hard that she didn’t see the retaining wall and dove nose first into the sand.

  A big shadow blocked the sun as she turned over.

  “Are you okay?”

  “The body is fine. The dignity, not so much,” Cassie said as Elias pulled her to her feet.

  “Catching you is l
ike trying to catch a greased pig.”

  “That’s what the boys used to say when we played tackle when I was little. I didn’t realize how much I missed rough-housing. When we go home, I’m going to ask if we can start doing that again.”

  Elias nodded in approval and took her hand. “That’s an excellent idea. Now, let’s talk about name-calling.”

  “No!” Cassie screeched as he fell to the grass and plopped her in his lap and lifted the shirt to expose her bare bottom. “No spanking!”

  “No little girl is going to call me a dumb-ass and not get spanked,” he scolded lightly, smacking her briskly. Cassie squirmed and wriggled, trying to avoid his palm. He had warned her that his hand was made of wood,

  “I’m sorry! I thought I was supposed, to tell the truth.”

  “Really? Are you talking back while getting spanked? Are you insane?” The spanks grew harder, but not enough to stop her laughter. “Do you think this is funny?”

  She did. Something inside of her had been freed, and she didn’t feel the hurt in her heart any longer. “Just let me know when your arm gets tired, Gramps. Ow!”

  “Does that feel like an old man’s hand blistering your butt?”

  “No. It feels like someone let the butterflies loose on the island. Yeow!” She kicked in protest as he upped the ante. Then she started to snort. Within seconds, Elias was on the ground next to her and laughing so hard that tears ran down his cheeks.

  “Come here, you little brat,” he ordered, scooping her next to him, so her face was on his chest. She tried to push away. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Let go of me! You’re sweaty, and it’s gross.”

  “Aw, come on. I’m just glistening.”

  She smacked his hard stomach. “Bryon and Rob used to do this to me and I hated it. Let go or else.”

  “Or else what…. Ow!”

  She grinned evilly as her fingers twisted the hair on his chest. “I warned you.”

  “You need a real spanking, young lady!” Elias growled, suddenly flipping so that he sat on top of her. He untangled her fingers and held her hand to the ground.


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