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The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4)

Page 24

by J W Murison

  He saw her chin come up.

  ‘You do remember don’t you? That was when I took an extreme dislike to you. I remember him telling me of how you continually pushed him to better himself. He never had any dreams of becoming Emperor, but you always had dreams of becoming Empress. Ah yes, then it all began to make sense. Whispers on the pillow; you wouldn’t be the first female in history to push her partner to such extremes. I only wish I had thought to ask him why, and what part you played in this plot. It shocked me when your father asked for your execution. What was it he knew that I didn’t?’

  ‘I had nothing to do with it your highness. My children and I are innocent. The first we knew of the plot was when he was arrested. I was just as shocked and shamed as my father.’

  He turned his attention to the Chief. ‘What do you think Charlie would be saying right now if he was here Chief?’

  ‘With respect sire, I think she is very lucky he isn’t.’

  She scowled at the Chief. The Emperor smiled coldly.

  ‘I am sure they will have plenty time to get acquainted in the future.’

  ‘We shall see for certain then, sire.’

  ‘I don’t think I need Charlie for this Chief.’

  He turned his attention back to Glee. ‘The only reason you are alive is because of those two at your side. Your father is a valuable ally and I know his granddaughters are the light in his eyes; I realised that I could not possibly do that to him. I also realised that I could not give you to a noble. How long would it be until you took over his household and those whispers in the night began again?

  ‘It gave me quite a problem, but this is my solution. My most trusted servant, but not of noble birth. He has lands and estates on his home planet that he is never there to run, and his commoner parents struggle to. Something you could do with ease. You will work as his servant for the rest of your life. You will look after his estates and remove a burden from his and his parent’s life. I know he will make sure that your children are well catered for and schooled. From this day on, what he does with you is entirely up to him. He has a free hand. If he wants to kill you, it is up to him, if he wants to mate with you and your children, that is entirely up to him as well.’ He turned to the Chief. ‘Although if you do mate with her daughters, I will expect you to stay within the remit of the law, and take responsibility of them for the rest of your life.’

  ‘That will not be happening sire, I will not have a harem.’

  ‘That’s a shame, it would have saved me trouble trying to find them husbands in the long run.’

  She was in shock. ‘I will not prostrate myself for a commoner such as he.’

  ‘You had damn well better do as you are told.’

  It was too much for the Chief, he turned on her. ‘You will never have to my lady, because I do not want you or your daughters. Neither do I want such a person as yourself in my home. You will never see me either. I have vast responsibilities that keep me away. I have been home twice in five years. As for mating, I can assure you, it will be the last thing on your mind. I come from the ninth planet and it will take you two years to get used to the gravity.

  A word of caution. If I hear of you having any male over, in my home, when I am not there, I will have you executed. Expect to be very lonely for the rest of your life. You will receive a set budget from me every month; exceed it at your own peril. If you wish for more, then I will want a very good reason. If you have no wish to live like that, then please feel free to kill yourself.’

  The Emperor laughed gruffly. ‘Well said Chief. Who knows, we may make a noble out of you yet.’

  ‘It is an honour I can live without sir.’

  ‘You will do as you are damn well told!’ The Emperor snapped. ‘Now take your new charges and get the hell out of my sight!’

  The Chief took a step back and bowed. ‘Come with me.’

  He led the stunned females away.

  An hour later Glee was sitting with her daughters in a drab anteroom, deep within the bowels of the palace. The Emperor hadn’t been far from the truth and she shuddered at the memory of her husband’s face as he was blown out of the airlock. Would death be preferable to this? Her spirits had sunk to their deepest depths. Engineers came and went. Beyond the anteroom door there was a buzz of activity. A young Modloch male came out of the offices. His eyes swept over the three females, and the effect was that of walking into a brick wall. He didn’t know which one to look at. Glee was mildly amused that she and her daughters could still have that affect. The young male had a small money pad in one hand and a travel pad in the other.

  He approached and began to shake and stutter. ‘Ma’am, I have your travel passes here. Do you have your identity on you? I need it to confirm the details.’

  From a small pouch at her waist she took out three cards. He swiped them nervously and handed them back.

  ‘Thank you. I will be back to escort you to the port soon.’ He handed over the money tablet and turned away.

  Glee almost didn’t look at it. He was almost at the door when she did. She shot bolt upright.

  ‘Wait, is there a mistake here?’

  He turned back. ‘No Ma’am, I don’t think so.’

  ‘I was told I would get a monthly allowance.’

  ‘Yes Ma’am, that’s your monthly allowance and a little extra for travelling money.’

  ‘Oh! Thank you.’

  When he went through the door, she turned it towards her eldest.

  She also shot up. ‘That can’t be right.’

  ‘I am confused.’ Glee confessed. ‘This is almost equivalent to your father’s yearly wage.’

  Now the youngest was curious. She was old enough to realise the significance of the amount.

  ‘Oh wow.’

  A sudden tension erupted between the three females. Glee put the tablet away. ‘I think some questions are in order.’

  It was another hour before the youth returned. ‘I have to take you to your residence, to collect your personal belongings. Interstellar removals are already on their way. They will pack up the rest of your belongings and transport them to the Chief’s residence.’

  ‘That is very efficient of you.’ Glee smiled.

  The youth blinked, ‘Is it?’

  ‘I had a friend that was posted a few months ago, it took interstellar removals weeks to gather up their belongings.’

  ‘You are royalty Ma’am.’

  ‘Am I? Only by marriage, and my husband is now dead.’

  ‘I am sorry to hear that Ma’am. I just heard the Chief say that over the communicator to interstellar removals.’

  ‘He made the call himself?’

  ‘He did Ma’am. As you said, they told me it would be a month. The Chief took the call, had them make it a priority, a Grade A removal reserved for royalty.’

  ‘He is just an engineer, isn’t he?’

  ‘Yes Ma’am.’ He thought about it for a moment. ‘Sort of.’

  ‘I am sorry, I do not understand. Sort of?’

  ‘This way Ma’am, transport is waiting.’

  The transport module that arrived to collect them, wasn’t very clean or appropriate. Glee however decided not to remark on it.

  ‘You were going to explain.’ She prompted when they had settled in for the journey.

  ‘It is hard to explain the Chief. I have only worked under him for a few weeks. Most of what I know is just rumour.’

  ‘Indulge me please.’

  ‘He loves engines and engineering. He is the empire’s best engineer. He went with Admiral Gairloch across the barrier and was the only one to return alive.’

  ‘I do remember that, yes go on.’

  ‘Some have said that the Emperor tried to acquire him many years ago but Gairloch stopped it. Gairloch was the only one who could really stand up to the Emperor in that fashion.’

  ‘That is true. The Emperor loved Gairloch, adored him. It surprised me that he let him cross the barrier.’

  ‘The Chief says that n
o one is indispensable in the service of the Emperor Ma’am. He has a picture of himself and the Admiral. They look like they were very good friends.’

  ‘The Emperor has him now.’

  ‘Yes Ma’am, the Chief is always running back and forth. He is in personal charge of any craft the Emperor travels in, apart from transport ships. Some say the Emperor likes to torture him.’

  ‘It is strange enough that the Emperor even bothers himself with a common engineer.’

  ‘That’s out of my league Ma’am.’

  ‘Still, having to look after the Emperor’s personal transport must be quite daunting.’

  ‘Really it is just the city ship and the Emperor’s battle cruiser. It is still a huge responsibility though. He also gets lots of requests from many other departments. He is always shooting off somewhere to help someone out, or on strange missions for the Emperor.’

  ‘It doesn’t explain how he can afford to pay a high-ranking officer’s yearly wage as a monthly stipend.’

  ‘Oh! The Chief is independently wealthy Ma’am. He doesn’t even touch his salary.’

  She shook her head. ‘How can a commoner be so wealthy?’

  ‘He sponsored the Human PD music group. I don’t know how much, but he does get a percentage of the profits.’

  ‘I see.’

  One of her daughters pulled out her tablet, and her fingers raced across its face. She flashed the results at her. Glee thought her heart was about to stop. Even a small percentage of the monthly total the PD company of Earth was making would be an astronomical figure. A strange tremor went through her body.

  ‘The Chief has been very lucky, and his mate. Is she at his residence?’

  ‘Oh, he isn’t married. Will be before the end of the year though.’

  ‘Is she a noble woman?’

  ‘She works for a music company as a secretary.’

  The three females passed a look between each other. Glee decided then that the biggest threat was her own daughters. Her children recognised the look and knew the battle lines were being drawn.

  ‘She is a very lucky young lady.’

  ‘He is good and decent.’ The aid nodded absentmindedly.

  Chapter 44

  Glee and her two daughters were gasping for breath. Each felt as though a heavy weight had been placed on their chests.

  The journey had not been stressful. Although not luxurious, their accommodation aboard the cruiser had been comfortable and the food of a decent standard. The walk to the waiting transport had been short but arduous.

  It was midday and the sun was high overhead. A light breeze held the taint of freshly cut grass. The three of them collapsed into the back of the transport. Glee felt herself sink down into the soft seat.

  ‘How can anyone live here?’ She moaned.

  The driver glanced round unsympathetically. ‘You will get used to it. Don’t try and do anything strenuous for a few weeks.’

  Glee didn’t even thank him for the advice. The transport moved off, then took to the sky. Despite the speed of the transport, it still took an hour to reach the estate. The driver announced their arrival, and Glee struggled into a sitting position. Her mouth dropped open.

  ‘This is it?’ She gasped.

  ‘This is the address I was given Ma’am; so this is it.’

  It was a stately home fit for someone of royal status, not just a mere engineer. They came into land in a small carpark at the front of the building. As soon as it touched down, a wedge of servants rushed out from the main door. Three motorised chairs accompanied them. The three females were soon bundled out of the transport and into the chairs. Glee thought the servants looked cloddish at best. One elder seemed to be in charge, and Glee could see the intelligence in the Modloch male’s eyes.

  ‘Are you the Ambassador’s father?’

  He snorted. ‘Ambassador! You mean engineer?’

  ‘He is entitled to be referred to by the highest rank he achieved.’

  He snorted again. ‘He only became Ambassador because everyone else was dead. To top it all, his mother and I have been charged with looking after this monstrosity while he is galivanting all over the universe.’

  Glee looked up at the home. ‘It is very big, even for an Ambassador’s residence.’

  ‘It is the biggest on this planet. It is a royal residence, but no royal could stand to stay here for more than a day, so it was downgraded to an Ambassador’s residence. It was beginning to fall into a state of disrepair. According to the royal accessor, the Emperor gave him this residence because he was the only one who could afford its upkeep.’

  ‘That sounds like the Emperor.’

  His eyebrows shot up. ‘You know him.’

  ‘Only too well.’ Glee admitted.

  ‘I see. You must have fallen very far from grace to end up here.’

  She eyed him coolly. ‘Very far indeed.’

  ‘I suggest you just make the best of it then. It takes a while to get used to the gravity, and we do have seasons. They are a little more dramatic than what you will be used to, but they are actually quite refreshing. One of the good points of this planet is the higher oxygen levels in the air. It is an unpopular planet, so there’s much fewer people. The main cities are just as crowded as the home world though, and we have the same amenities.

  ‘Socially, you will have to make your own friends. There are those who consider themselves high and mighty. No doubt they will let themselves be known soon enough.’

  ‘That may take a while.’

  He looked down the side of his nose at her. ‘How so? A beautiful person such as yourself with two very beautiful daughters should get lots of invitations.’

  ‘My former husband was the king’s cousin.’

  They stopped inside the reception area and he looked straight down at her. ‘That cousin?’

  She sighed. ‘Yes, that cousin.’

  He shook his head. ‘In that case, you may well have to put up with the company of an old architect and his doting wife for a little while, at least to begin with.’

  ‘Do you stay here now?’

  ‘Not really. We stay as much as we can. I can’t stand it here, it is far too big for me.’

  ‘I thought an architect would love such a place.’

  ‘I spent a lifetime trying to save space where ever I could, so we could cram more citizens into the same space as before. I thought that a worthy cause, then I see this. What a waste of space.’

  ‘The wealthy and important also require somewhere to stay.’

  ‘This is decadent.’

  ‘It is a royal residence.’

  ‘It is still decadent. Neither is my son of royal birth, or even noble birth.’

  ‘A gift from the Emperor is not something you should turn your nose up at. To be quite frank, if your son refused, it could well have gone very badly for him.’

  ‘I believe he tried to refuse it.’

  ‘He also tried to refuse me and my daughters; look where that got him.’

  ‘Is he taking risks with his life?’

  ‘Anyone within the Emperor’s gaze is taking a risk with their life. Your son seems to spend more time in it than most do. One of your son’s aids told me that the Emperor likes to torture him.’

  ‘This certainly is torture for my son. He doesn’t like this, or want it. He just wants to work on his engines. It is all he has ever wanted to do.’

  ‘I think the Emperor will make him a noble.’

  ‘I hope not.’

  ‘Why does he even work?’

  ‘I told you, he loves his engines. It is all he has ever wanted to do.’

  ‘I am afraid I do not understand the common mind.’

  He smiled. ‘You don’t have to.’

  ‘I see, I simply have to accept it.’


  ‘Where are your apartments here?’

  ‘We had moved into a small cottage at the bottom of the garden. However, a few weeks ago a team of workers sent by the Emperor
himself descended on us. We were thrown out and the cottage was completely remodelled. It was also taken off the deeds of the property. We moved into the servants’ quarter.’

  ‘That isn’t good enough sir. You must take proper rooms within the residence.’

  ‘If you are taking over from me, my lady, you will see neither myself nor my wife for stardust. I retired a few years ago and intend travelling. With the money my son gave us we won’t have to set foot on home soil for a very long time.’

  Glee smiled. ‘Could you please stay long enough for me to adapt to this planet a little?’

  ‘Two weeks should see you properly on your feet. We will stay a lunar month.’

  ‘Thank you sir, you are very kind. Is there something else I should know about that cottage? Would it not be for the head gardener?’

  ‘You would know more about these things than I do my lady. I know that it has been lavishly refurnished, with furniture befitting a child.’

  ‘A child! Is the Emperor hiding a child in it?’

  ‘No, nothing like that. I called my son, he knew about it. It is for a friend of his, a Human. One who saved his life.’

  ‘Were they in a battle together?’

  ‘Nothing quite so exciting I am afraid. My son fell down a hole in that big city ship and became wedged. He maintains he would have died if the Human hadn’t found him. The Human climbed down, pulled him free and carried him back to the top.’

  ‘So, your son had the cottage refitted?’

  ‘No, he never paid a penny. That’s the strange part. The Emperor paid for it all. All my son would say was that he was an invaluable aid to the Emperor recently. It was my son’s idea to give the cottage to his Human friend, however the Emperor found out about it and has not only refurbished the cottage, but also bequeathed it to the Human for the rest of his natural life.’

  ‘So, it is no longer part of the estate.’


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