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Beyond The Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1)

Page 3

by Lumtrexa

  Just a dream...a dream that's all it was...I mentally repeat to myself.

  Trying to control my breathing, I read my alarm clock, it's six in the morning. I see I didn't get that much sleep. Great.

  The best thing I can do right now is try to forget about that terrifying dream. I can't erase those eyes from my mind though. How all that glitter got on me in the first place is a mystery and now that dream.

  It's too much for me to take in at once. In my half awake mind, I think of going back to sleep, but its pointless after everything that's happened.

  I tip toe downstairs, careful not to wake my stepmom. I reach the living room, I spot her on the couch fast asleep.

  For some reason I'm holding in a giggle even after that terrifying dream. My stepmom is lying on her back with her mouth wide open, snoring very loudly. She looks peaceful though. I smile and open the pantry grabbing my favorite blueberry flavored cereal bar.

  Since she's probably going to wake up soon, I decide to make breakfast.

  I grab some bacon from the freezer and crack open some eggs. Soon everything's ready and I set the table. It isn't long till my stepmom wakes up.

  "Well something smells good." My stepmom says.

  "I made some bacon and eggs." I reply.

  "Oh that's a surprise. Where's my tea?" She says in a clipped tone, shutting the fridge.

  "You drank it all yesterday-" I say, but she interrupts me.

  "Why do I always have to ask for things to be done? Why can't you do it on your own? You need to learn to take care of yourself!" She says, her voice steadily rising.

  "I always do the chores-" I say, but she cuts me off.

  "Don't you back talk to me. Don't you even dare! You need to move on! I know you're depressed." She yells slamming her glass down.

  I think about how often I find myself remembering mom and wishing she was still alive.

  A stray tear falls down my cheek, I clench my jaw.

  Without a second thought, I run up to my room and slam the door shut behind me. I look out my bedroom window and look outside trying to distract myself from my stepmom's words.

  Maybe I am depressed. I certainly am not lazy though, I can take care of myself.

  I tighten my fist in frustration.

  "Elaine! Elaine? Look I didn't mean-" She hollers upstairs in an apologetic tone, but I try to block out her voice.

  I close my eyes and look over at my flower shirt on the dresser. I decide to wear it today and put on some jeans.

  I open up my bedroom door, I head downstairs to see she left a note.

  I read the note aloud,"Going to grocery store. Might stop at boutique on way home. I finished cleaning the kitchen. I'll be back in about three hours."

  It's been awhile since she's voluntarily cleaned anything.

  After all the strange things that have happened so far, I realize confronting my parents at this point about it is out of the question. It's time I answer these questions for myself.

  The only place I think of is that boutique. There aren't many bookstores around here. I might find a book that could possibly answer my questions in that shop though.

  I hop onto my old blue bike, the seat is dusty, but I ignore it anyway and ride the short distance to the boutique.

  I'll have to get my sleeping bag and the rest of the stuff I left in the backyard later.

  I reach the boutique and put my bike in the bike rack.

  Opening up the door to the shop, I head straight back to the sales section. Out of curiosity I look for the green book with no title. I scan over the books, reading over the titles.

  "Hello again." A raspy voice says from behind me.

  Chapter 6-The Green Book

  "Oh hi..." I say, trying to not appear startled at her sudden appearance.

  "Are you looking for something?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

  I debate whether to ask her if she even has anything about hearing voices. Then again, who else can I talk to about hearing voices in my head? Something tells me this lady is different.

  "I was looking for a book, but I can't seem to find it." I trail off, glancing at the practically empty bookshelf.

  "Oh I see, I'll be right back." She says.

  I watch her as she heads to the front of the shop. She reaches over the counter and seems to pull open a drawer. I watch her as she comes back, carrying the green book.

  "Something tells me you were looking for this." She says with a glint in her eye. Suddenly the happy atmosphere in the room vanishes.

  I don't know if I should bring up the voices or not, since she's already handing over the book.

  "Thanks." I reply. I quickly take the book carefully out of her hand and carefully feel the worn, soft old green leather binding.

  "I have a question, why is there no title?" I ask her with a nervous waver in my voice.

  "Well, it seems there might have been one a long time ago, it probably faded though over the years. You see, that book really wasn't suppose to be for sale. In fact, it's actually one of my personal belongings, but hey we don't get many customers." She says with a light laugh. While she laughs, I notice we are the only one's in the boutique. I really need to just buy this book and leave, immediately.

  "Oh no! I couldn't possibly take this, it is your book." I explain. Getting a bad feeling, I consider leaving without it.

  "I don't read it any more. It usually sits in the back of the shop collecting dust bunnies anyway. I don't know how it got on that bookshelf the other day." She says walking me over to the check out.

  "How much is it?" I ask.

  "Oh dear, this one's on me. You can have it for free!" she says grabbing my arm with her freezing wrinkled hands. Her happy face falters, but only for a moment.

  "That's very kind of you, thank you." I quickly say. I'm starting to get that bad feeling again, like when mom and I came the other day. Now that I have the book, I feel I have no reason to stick around any longer.

  She puts my book in a brown bag and asks if I found anything else.

  "No this will be all. Thank you." I say quickly.

  With that, I grab the brown bag and head out the door.

  "Come again!" She hollers.

  I don't think I will be going there ever again.


  The ride home was short. I have to admit I am excited to read this book. I guess mom didn't go to the boutique after all because she is sitting on the porch when I reach our driveway.

  "Where were you?" She spits.

  "I went to that shop we visited the other day." I reply as calmly as I can.

  "Oh. Anyway, I need you to clean out that shed. You know, it is starting to grow moldy on the inside, your tools are all cluttered on the ground in there. When was the last time you cleaned it out?" She says tapping her foot.

  I open the front door and walk by her.

  "Oh a couple weeks ago. I'll clean it later." I say running up to my room. The sooner I can read this book the better.

  "Alright, as long as it gets done." She replies.

  I shut my bedroom door giddily and lay on my bed opening the book to the first page. I don't believe I've ever been this excited about reading a book.

  Maxine's Discoveries of Garden Life is written on the title page, in what looks to be ink. Garden life? This almost seems to be a journal, it definitely is not a modern book. Also, why didn't the shop lady tell me the title since it was written in the book?

  Maybe she forgot.

  I continue to the next page, despite my doubts.

  The few pages after the title page contain many detailed and lightly hand drawn pictures of regular plants. I skim over them, reading some of the notes. Nothing in particular stands out so I continue flipping pages.

  Suddenly, I come to a page that spikes my interest.


  What? Maybe this person had mental problems like me and instead of hearing voices saw fairies.

  The page is blank except for
that one word, fairies.

  I continue to the next page.

  A small drawing of a life form with graceful light green wings, standing next to a small shrub sits in the middle of the page.

  Either this is a children's book or some kind of joke. Curious, I turn the next couple of pages.

  I see both girl and boy fairies some look older than others. One even had a beard. I never even considered old fairies though, I thought they were all young. However, all the fairies were dressed with similar type of clothing. Most of them wore simple, yet elegant clothes. They all seem friendly and have kind eyes.

  All of the fairies have magnificent wings, whoever drew these pictures was very good. All of the fairy wings are colorful in bright shades of, yellow, pink, purple, green and more. Contrary to the first half of the book, these pages have no notes next to the pictures.

  Suddenly, I realize I'm at the end of the book, so I quickly turn to the last page.

  The image looks like it's been drawn quickly, sketched. There is only a little bit of color added in this picture.

  It's enough to startle me though.

  Unlike the fairies before, this one looks completely different.

  It's wings are sharp and pointy. The wings are darker. It's hair is short and wild, it is a boy fairy. It's clothing is torn and worn, definitely not as fancy as the previous fairies. The eyes are light brown. It's eyes seem sad, it almost looks angry.

  The thing that bothers me the most is not exactly the image itself, but the tiny word scribbled next to it.


  I nervously laugh for a moment. Then I gulp and shake my head.

  I can't help but think, are the words and voices I've been hearing coming from these images, fairies?

  I fall back on my bed and laugh. Maybe, just maybe, this is real.

  I shut the book carefully and place it on my dresser. Perhaps there are two different types of fairies then, according to whoever had the journal. Maybe, there are good and bad fairies. Since I have nothing else to do, I might as well see if they exist for myself. My mind keeps reminding me though, this can't possibly be real.

  There are multiple questions bubbling in my mind, but I realize the time and remember I have to clean out the shed.

  I pull on a light jacket and run downstairs. I walk out the back porch, skipping to the shed with a new glimmer of hope.


  I open up the wooden shed, sure enough my tools are scattered all over the floor. The little shelves are coated in a nice layer of dust.

  Getting to work, I pick up my tools off the floor and put them in their bins. Next I wipe off the shelves with a rag. To me, I think it looks clean enough, so I shut the door to the shed and start to head back.

  Suddenly, I remember I still haven't brought my stuff inside from when I slept outside.

  I walk to the very back of the yard and grab my sleeping bag, flashlight and other belongings that I left behind.

  Remembering those haunting eyes, I am quick to just grab my stuff and go.


  "H-hello? Is anyone there?" I say turning my head towards the direction of the sound, the woods beyond our fence.

  Not hearing anything in response, I turn back towards the house and walk five steps.

  Nice going, now she heard you! Hurry up!

  My eyes widen and for some reason I'm stuck in place, I turn my head around ever so slowly, toward the voice.

  But to my dismay, I see nothing.

  Sighing, I continue walking back to the house.


  Mom made dinner tonight, we had ham, potatoes and salad. Dad also got home tonight from his trip.

  I sit on my bed reading through the journal again.

  As I flip again through the carefully sketched drawing of fairies, I consider that they could be real. I just need some evidence. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know the glitter has something to do with all of this.

  I shut the old green book, I get get ready for bed while humming a random song.

  "Elaine?" My dad says, making me jump at the sound of the voice. I guess I didn't hear the door open.

  "Hey dad. How was your trip?" I ask.

  "It went okay. I just wanted to say goodnight." He replies with a tired smile.

  "Goodnight dad. Have a good day at work tomorrow." I say, while shutting my closet.

  "Goodnight, Elaine." He says shutting my door.

  Now alone, I walk over to my bed and pull the covers over me.


  The curtains of my window blow gently back and forth. Maybe I should shut my window tonight, it might rain.

  I get up and look out the window, into the backyard.

  Lightning bugs gracefully flicker through the tree line, what a peaceful night.

  Abruptly, the temperature outside seems to drop and a shiver chills me to the bone. I'm quick to slide the window closed.

  Sure enough, just as I lay back in bed, I hear the howl of the wind outside. I shut my eyes anyway, trying to get to sleep before the storm gets louder.

  I turn over on my side, facing the window.

  I really hope it quiets down or else I'm never going to get to sleep.

  However, my eyes slowly fall closed, my heart beat slows its pace.

  Suddenly, I see a flicker of red pulse by window. There's no way that's a firefly. No, it's too big, in fact, it seems to grow every time its red light pulses.

  Now wide awake, I freeze in panic, this is almost exactly like that dream I had.

  Then, just like that, the red flickering light vanishes. However, I don't feel like it's completely gone.

  All of the sudden, I hear a click.

  My window slowly opens, inch by inch.

  Chapter 7-Red Glow

  My fists clench at my sides, with a feeling of dread, I slide the covers back from me and sit up in bed. I mentally prepare myself for whatever is opening my window.

  When my window opens all the way, by a seemingly unknown force, I squint my eyes.

  All of the sudden, a red glowing orb illuminates right in front of my face, two inches away. I jolt my head back and bang it against my head, I groan in pain.

  Strangely, when I focus in on the floating red orb, it stays still, as if its watching me.

  When my heart calms down, about a minute passes and I start to feel a warmth radiating off of the floating orb. I swear it is watching me, its almost like its alive. Is it a UFO? Maybe I'm hallucinating.

  I squeeze my eyes shut then open them again, sure enough, the floating orb is still there.

  As if pulled by an unknown force, my hand extends slowly toward the mysterious red glowing orb. When my hand just touches the edge of its light, it flickers violently and bolts across my living room.

  The orb goes crazy as I watch it fly around my room hitting against the wall and bumping into my bookshelf.


  I jump with a start, glancing out the window I spot lightning. Great, now its storming out while I'm stuck in here with this freaky light orb.

  Finally, the orb hits my ceiling light and seems to fade away, disappearing.

  I sigh out loud in relief.


  I hear my window slam shut, turning toward it I shriek in terror.

  "Ah! W-w-who are you?" I whisper scream.

  Right in front of my window stands a tall man with the most bright red hair I've ever seen. His hair is short and a little spiky. He looks like he is older than a high school student, maybe he is in college. He seems to have lean muscles, he is also rather pale. His clothing is worn out, dirty and old looking. It seems like he was in a fight or something.

  However, what throws me off the most as he stares at me, is his eyes.

  He has the exact same red eyes I saw when I was sleeping outside.

  I watch in terror as he scans my room and seems to analyze me too. When his crimson red eyes land on me, I dare speaking up.
br />   "Please leave-" I say nervously, but he cuts me off.

  "Human." He says narrowing his eyes menacingly at me. Why would he call me human? Isn't he human too?

  The thunder and lightning echoes, rattling my house.

  "Who are you and what do you want?" I ask nervously. If he tries to attack me I don't know if mom and dad will be able to hear me.

  He remains silent though, strangely enough he walks to my dresser and picks up my green book, placing it on the window sill.

  "Little human, do you know what happened to the person that wrote this book?" He asks indicting the green book, with a sinister grin.

  Tired of him not answering, I take this as a chance to call for help.

  "Mom! Dad! Help! Help! Dad! Help!" I scream while banging my hand violently against the wall, in hopes to wake them up.

  Suddenly, a large hand covers my mouth, muffling my screams.

  "Silence human." He commands. Who does he think he is, coming into my house and telling me what to do?

  I don't give up, I struggle against him and rip his hand away from my mouth.

  "Help!" I scream.

  "Enough!" He hisses, glaring at me.

  I stop shouting, watching him carefully. I feel my heart race uncontrollably, noticing he now sits right next to me on my bed.

  I quickly scoot away from him.

  He watches me curiously and stays still. I'm about to make a run for it, but he jumps up from my bed and grabs me. He stands above me using one hand to pull my hair painfully in his grasp, he uses his other hand to grab my arms.

  "Ow!" I whimper when he yanks my hair tight in his fist. I struggle to get away, but his grip on my hair causes excruciating pain every time I move.

  A familiar chuckle resounds in my ears. I watch as he starts laughing like a maniac, while watching me struggle. His menacing laugh makes me cringe.

  As if splashed by ice water, I shiver when I realize that his evil laugh matches the laugh I heard from that night I stayed outside. There's no doubt about it, it was him that night.

  "Human, I didn't think you would put up such a fight, but its my turn now." He says with a mischievous glint in his crimson eyes.

  I gulp in helpless defeat as I realize he is not going to release my hair or me.


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