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Beyond The Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1)

Page 13

by Lumtrexa

  His piercing eyes watch me, I'm trapped under his heavy weight.

  His head twitches and I'm able to breath once he lays down next to me.

  I have to be patient, soon he'll be out of his mood and we can get out of this place.

  Pulling me out of my thoughts, he lurches his head forward literally giving me a bloody kiss on my forehead. My face heats up and an odd warm feeling blooms inside me. When he pulls away he just stares at me.

  I'm about to tell him we should start walking again, who knows if the guards are close by. Before I can say anything, he falls asleep.

  Snoring loudly, he sleeps like a log. Frustrated, I shake his shoulder.

  "Wake up Lorcan!" I hiss. We are completely in the open. Someone might see us. Who knows what we might run into or what might run into us out here. The last thing we need is for a were animal or something worse to smell the blood Lorcan's covered in.

  The evening sky makes me more paranoid.

  There's no way I can carry Lorcan up into one of the tree's, the idea is laughable. I roll my eyes and pull up the sleeves of my cloak.

  I walk off a short distance and dip my hands in a small creek, letting the dirt and grime wash away. Then I cup my hands full of water quickly walking back to Lorcan and drop the water right onto his face. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't wake up. In fact, if its possible, his snores seem to have grown louder.

  I go get another scoop of water and put it on his face. Then, I wipe the blood off his face then wash my hands.

  I finally am able to take a rest, I lay flat on my back watching the shimmering of my wings under the moon's glow. I can keep watch. If I just close my eyes for five seconds...


  "I'm glad she's gone. It's about time they come already. We don't get paid enough." Dad says quietly as if he's talking to himself. He's sitting in a chair faced away from me. His voice seems distant, muffled. What is going on? I can feel myself crying.

  I turn around and walk into a small room, oh I see, this is my room. I lay down on my bed . Now what?

  "Elaine? Come down here!" My stop mom hollers.

  I run downstairs in a haze, to find the living room empty as well as the kitchen. Where are they?

  "The real question is, where are you?" My step mom says from behind me. I let out a shriek of surprise and turn around to meet her accusing glare.

  My eyes burst open and I gasp for air.

  "Shhh it’s okay. Just a dream..." Lorcan murmurs in my ear.

  Lorcan's holds me as if I'm a teddy bear, we're still laying on the ground.

  "I'm fine." I huff crankily.

  "You were the one crying." Lorcan says with an evil snicker.

  "Yeah cause you were snoring so freaking loud!" I retort.

  "Whatever." Lorcan says half asleep.

  His hold on my tightens and I almost can't breathe. I keep quiet though, I feel safer. The dream makes me wonder where I really am. Maybe Lorcan will tell me. I'll save that question for the morning though, I'm too tired to think much more about it.

  Hearing Lorcan's silence I sneak a look up at him.

  I look up at Lorcan to find him watching me.

  "Can you go back to sleep now?" He asks almost impatiently.

  I jump slightly, I took his silence for him sleeping.

  "Aren't you going back to sleep?" I ask.

  "No." He says sinisterly.

  "Aren't you tired?" I ask confused.

  "No." He says.

  "Then what are you going to do?" I ask.

  "I'm going to do what I always do while you're asleep." He says as if it’s the most obvious thing.

  "What do you do when I'm asleep?" I say slightly frustrated at not getting a forward answer. Maybe he will go hunting or off on a walk. Then again its night time. Is he always awake when I'm asleep? I'm pretty sure he's fallen asleep when I have. Would he really just wait until I fall asleep to go off and do something?

  "I watch." He says.

  "Oh you keep watch, like a lookout." I say.

  "No I just watch." He says.

  "Watch what?" I ask sleepily.

  "I watch you." He says eerily with a slow smile.

  Chapter 25-Plan

  "What-" I huff, but Lorcan's loud yawn drowns out my voice.

  I try not to be disturbed by his latest revelation. After all, he is probably just being protective.


  Lorcan has been ranting about the guards and how far behind they are from us. According to Lorcan, they are a little less than a day behind us. Lorcan says we have to be extra careful now, apparently we are entering the Skenix, where the weres are known to originate from. He says that's not even the worst of it. Scattered throughout the Skenix area are where the criminal fae hide out because no sane faeries go out here, unless they want to never come back.

  The weres prowl around mostly in the evening and night time, the criminal fae have developed hideouts all around here.

  The area we walk on now is scattered with huge boulders, every so often we are forced to fly over them. Each time we do, it drains my energy, I don't think Lorcan is affected by it. Perhaps it’s because I'm still not use to my wings yet and using them this much.

  Suddenly, Lorcan throws his arm out in front of me causing me to stagger backwards.

  "Look." He says grimly.

  I take a step forward to match his spot and follow his stare to find a mutilated pixie body with the eyes rolled back in its head. The horrendous smell is too overpowering and I have to hold down vomit.

  "What did this?" I ask Lorcan in a whisper.

  "It would have been consumed if a were killed it." He says with a hard face.

  "You don't mean...criminals? Why would they just kill a pixie like this?" I ask. Even though the pixies I met before weren't the nicest of beings to say the least, killing one by itself and leaving it like this doesn't seem right.

  Despite what I want to think, it looks a little similar to the victims of Lorcan's killing.

  "Some say the fae out here are a little...more...deranged than the ones back in Aeringdal. The line between instincts and intelligence to the fae out here is nonexistent. There is little difference between them and a wild animal to put it simply." Lorcan says with a grim look.

  Well, from my point of view, Lorcan can be a little maniacal at times too.

  "What?" Lorcan says with a curious look.

  "Nothing." I say dryly.

  Time passes as the sun grows higher in the sky, every so often I'm able to squeeze through the spaces between some boulders. The sun beating down on us is surprisingly warmer than I expected. After all, the trees are thinning out.

  "Now would be a good time to tell you we're being followed." Lorcan says from beside me.

  "Uh okay. What's the plan?" I ask looking over my shoulder, surely they are far enough away that I can't see them. Lorcan might have seen something earlier.

  "There is no plan. We aren't going to let them slow our pace down. If we try to escape it will only lengthen our time out here. When they come out, and they will, we will just face them head on." He says bluntly.

  "Isn't there a way to avoid them? I don't think we should fight them head on." I add nervously, grasping a small pebble up off the ground.

  "I don't care what you think human, haven't you figured that out yet?" He says coldly.

  "You can't call me human anymore, you turned me into this!" I screech. I stop walking and put my hands on my hips.

  "How many times do I have to tell you, that wasn't me! It was a mistake." He retorts.

  In other words, I'm a mistake.

  "Even if you say that, your "other side" is still part of you. I don't know if you have multiple personality disorder...or whatever. Even when you're in Stythe you're still you." I reply.

  "Stythe? Who told you about Stythe?" Lorcan asks with fury.

  "Aifric mentioned it. Why? What is Stythe exactly?" I ask.

sp; "That's for me to know and you to not." He says shortly.

  "But-" I say, but he cuts me off with a growl.

  "Shut up! I don't care what you think. When will your little pathetic mind realize that?" He vents.

  "But I'm with you for now, so you might as well explain a few important things to me." I add gently, drowning down the urge to scream back at him.

  "I'll tell you something important. You are nothing to me, but a human." he spits.

  Something about that makes me flinch inside. Why is he getting so angry?

  "Fine. Just tell that to your other side." I reply with a huff.

  He raises an eyebrow at me, but quickly hides his surprise with a stone cold glare.

  An awkward silence fills the space around us, finally he speaks up.

  "When I'm in Stythe I have no sense of consciousness, it’s as if I'm fading, while I feel something else taking over. The rest after that is a blur until it ends." He says vaguely.

  So basically he's saying he doesn't know or has any control over what he does.

  Lorcan urges me forward and we continue walking around rocks and boulders. I think carefully over our conversation.

  His short explanation about Stythe almost makes it seem to me like he's leaving something out.

  Something perhaps important.

  And if Lorcan won't tell me, maybe Stythe Lorcan will.

  As we continue walking I form a plan.


  After a while, Lorcan said we gained enough distance from whatever was following us.

  We found a small cave, who knows what was living in here.

  The air smells like that of after a heavy rain, a faint smell of mold lingers around the entrance of the cave too. Inside the cave it is dry. It of course, is also very dark.

  As we sit on the hard surface of the cave floor, I watch the glow of our wings bounce off the shadowy walls of the small cave.

  I watch Lorcan nod off to sleep.

  He really must be exhausted after all.

  I fumble around with the small sharp pebble I picked up earlier.

  I'm going to assume he will go into Stythe if he sees blood. Well, at least, that's one of the many reasons he could.

  Without a second thought, I quickly scrape my arm causing a tiny cut. I wince momentarily, but the scratch is so tiny, it only leaves a slight irritated feeling.

  I swipe the tiny swab of blood onto my index finger. The image of Lorcan's teeth covered in blood flashes in my mind, but I shove it out of my thoughts.

  I stand up slowly, watching his steady breathing as I approach him.

  Then I sit on my knees beside him and quickly stretch my finger out in front of his face.

  Feeling silly, I contemplate whether he will even be able to smell it or not.

  Embarrassed, I begin to pull my hand away from his face.

  Suddenly, a strong firm hand grabs my wrist and yanks me forward.

  His crimson eyes stare back at me, a toothy smile creeps onto his face.

  This is definitely "Stythe" Lorcan.

  Without breaking eye contact, he licks the blood off my finger while he makes a guttural purring noise.

  I swear his eyes darken, but its hard to tell with the lighting of the cave. I struggle not to jerk my hand away.

  My breathing grows heavier as his smile falls and his blood red eyes continue to watch me silently.

  I'm starting to wonder if he will even answer me if I'm able to ask him my questions.

  "I missed you." He chuckles darkly, inching closer to me with a familiar psychotic look in his eyes.

  Chapter 26-Back

  Well looks like my logic was right, at least I think it was. Unless his other side just felt like showing himself. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

  "I'm going to take you somewhere." He breathes into my ear. Yep, he's definitely in Stythe.

  "What do you mean?" I say with new interest.

  "Well this idiot I'm trapped in doesn't really know how I do my business now does he?" He says with a sinister look in his blood red eyes.

  I have to wonder, is this really Lorcan that is talking to me right now or does he really have another...being inside him? I want to believe this is genuinely Lorcan, but the difference in personality is hard for my mind to get around. I know he's still in there, but how is this...different personality even in him to begin with?

  I guess I have a lot to learn about Stythe.

  I'm pulled out of my thoughts when something tickles my face.

  I wipe away the itchy dust, inspecting my hand I let out a small smile seeing the dark red glitter.

  "I have a question for you." I ask carefully, meeting his piercing gaze.

  "What are you...what is Stythe?" I ask hugging my arms. The sleeves of my cloak start to itch my dry skin.

  "Stythe?" He says with a hint of amusement.

  "You think you've seen me in Stythe?" He asks in a mocking tone.

  "Well to be honest, I don't really know much to begin with." I say quietly.

  "Don't be afraid of the truth for I shall explain." He says with a creepy chuckle.

  "O-okay." I stutter nervously.

  "You've probably guessed," He says pointing at himself," I'm not all faery." he says with a smirk.

  "Let's just say I'm Lorcan's real...conscience. His inner instinct. And you wouldn't believe how hard he tries to block me out. As you can see there are occasions when I win." He says.

  "But where do you come from?" I reply.

  "I've always been in him. Waiting for my chance to...emerge." He says with a dark laugh.

  "How is Lorcan able to come back when he's in Stythe?" I ask.

  "You seem to not understand, I am Lorcan. Stythe is just how a mate acts when angry. Normal fae would get aggressive, maybe fight off their enemies or just start yelling. I haven't even gone into Stythe yet and I know you've seen me fight before. I let him take control of himself again, but he thinks he has control over me. Little does he know." He snickers.

  "So basically, you’re like his inner self. Why don't other fae, like his brother, have something like you part of them?" I carefully ask.

  "That is because I never really told you exactly what I am." He says looking at the ground.

  "Then just tell me." I say tiredly while standing up to stretch my legs.

  "No." He says bluntly.

  "Why?" I ask while running my hand through my hair in irritation.

  "I don't want to tell you yet." He replies childishly with that evil grin of his. Suddenly his wings appear behind him, arched menacingly above his shoulders.

  "Alright." I sigh in defeat.

  Lorcan walks to the outside of the cave, I follow after him.

  "So how long until you decide to let Lorcan take over?" I ask feeling slightly silly.

  "If I had it my way, it'd be never." He says darkly.

  "What!" I yell frantically.

  "Shhh." He coos while clamping his hand over my mouth. He towers above me, the moonlight from the deep blue night sky shines gently through his red hair. I shoot him a glare.

  Stythe Lorcan or whatever he is, definitely has a gentler side, very different from his psychotic killing sprees I'm so used to seeing.

  I look up to him, his smile widens and I take note of his sharp teeth. He then turns his back to me while walking over to a fallen log outside the cave entrance.

  Suddenly, I ask him a question that I've been contemplating over for a while now.

  "I know you're Lorcan. Since you told me you're like his conscience...well maybe you will tell me the truth." I mumble. Finally, I decide to ask him. I meet his piercing gaze.

  "Am I really your mate?" I ask fumbling with the sleeves of my cloak.

  "Yes." He says replies in a serious tone. He takes a step closer to me. His presence feels really intimidating, maybe I've noticed it before...its almost like I can sense the power he's emitting. Or maybe I'm just crazy.

  He reaches out toward my
hand, but I flinch away. Should I really be even talking to him? How can I stand to be around someone who kills others so easily, whether my mind wants to deny it or not, I know deep down that he enjoys it.

  Lorcan comes from behind me and rests his head on my shoulder.

  "I think I will take you somewhere, you seem distracted." He purrs slyly.

  "I'll pass." I reply quickly.

  "Are you sure?" He asks. Something passes over his face, but is quickly gone.

  I shake my head then walk back towards the cave.

  "I can take you somewhere...anywhere." He murmurs from right behind me. I almost jump out of my skin at his close proximity.

  "W-what?" I stutter.

  "You know there's many things I can do. Much of them Lorcan isn't fully aware of himself." He says.

  "Right." I reply uneasily.

  "You name it and I'll take you there." He says.

  I already know where I want to go, but something tells me this isn't a one sided deal.

  "I want to go back...home." I finish quietly.

  "Okay." He says.

  "Really?" I reply excitedly.

  "I have one favor to ask of you in return though." He says.

  "Let me touch your wings." He says mischievously. A smile creeps onto his face and he cocks his head while waiting for my answer.

  I vaguely remember someone mentioning if you touch a fairy's wings they die. When I touched Lorcan's wings, nothing happened though.

  "Deal." I say quickly.

  "We don't have much time, I'll take you to your house first, but we have to come back. We can worry about my side of the deal...later." He says.

  "Is Lorcan waking up, when Lorcan wakes up where do you go? Lorcan told me he feels like he's fading when...I guess when you take over." I reply.

  "Enough talk." He says grasping my head with his hands. I'm confused at first, but then he explains.

  "I need you to stay still and keep your eyes on me." He tells me with a deep look of concentration.

  "Alright." I say nervously.

  The air suddenly becomes thick. I feel hazy and its almost as if the air itself is vibrating. Lorcan, however, remains still. Then, everything goes dark.

  A moment passes, I can still feel Lorcan's grip on my face.


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