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Grace Between Mercy

Page 9

by S. Ferguson

  “This is your notice,” I say gruffly, watching fear cover Elizabeth’s face again.

  “Notice for what?” she hisses, trying to put on a brave face. She’s fucking pathetic.

  “This is checkmate. I’ve found you.” I pause, letting my words sink in. “There is nowhere you can run now, there is no place you can hide. There is nothing you can do to save yourself. You’re mine now.” I lean in, so close I can see the crow’s feet on her face. “And this is just the beginning.”

  I don’t give her a chance to respond, raising my fist and hitting her in the temple so hard she’s knocked unconscious. I give her one more disgusted look before I make my way back into the room set aside for Bree. Grabbing the stack of photographs, I make my way to my car and finally allow myself to smile.



  Ron has been up to something. I don’t know what, but he seems more relaxed. He almost looks relieved. He and Jake keep going into his office and talking for about half an hour every night. I don’t know how but somehow, I just know it’s more than business as usual. Then she started coming in.

  Lexi has been walking into Keegan’s more and more. Ron never looks happy to see her, but it doesn’t stop him from walking her right back to his office.

  Today I’m sitting in the main room of the bar, hanging out with Jake and Greg. Jake and I aren’t going to be best friends anytime soon, but Greg and I seem to get along just fine. Jake’s been sipping soda while Greg and I nurse glasses of whiskey. I found that I preferred the liquid gold over that awful vodka Bree gave me the first time.

  I’m debating asking Declan for a refill when I see Lexi strut out of Ron’s office, a triumphant smile still on her face. I want to pretend I don’t know what they’re doing in his office but I can’t anymore. My shoulder is mostly healed now, despite the occasional ache it hasn’t been much of an issue. I haven’t tested it in a fight yet, but that is definitely something I’m in no rush to do.

  So far working for Ron has consisted of a lot of sitting around and waiting. I’m bored and I’m restless. Technically, I don’t even know if I have a job anymore since there aren’t any more meetings as far as I know. Ron doesn’t send me out on jobs like he does with the guys. It makes my mind wander, gives me nothing but time to stew on the things I shouldn’t be. The things that I want but he clearly doesn’t.

  “Oh, still hanging around, are you?” Lexi sneers, making a point to pass me on her way to the door.

  “I work here, seems like you’re the one hanging around,” I grumble, refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing the hurt in my eyes.

  “Oh, there is nothing hanging when I’m around,” she taunts.

  I want to punch her in her stupid fucking face. I’ve never killed anyone out of anger, but something tells me she could easily be the first. I don’t know what I was thinking when I used her to deliver a message to Ron not so long ago. Their entire relationship is my fault. I was the one that introduced them and now I’m stuck with a front row ticket to my own heartache.

  “Don’t you have a dick to suck or something else constructive to do?” Jake pipes up from his seat next to me. Jake may not be a fan of me, but he hates Lexi. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that.

  “I’ve …” Lexi starts but Jake cuts her off.

  “Yeah, I know, you’ve sucked it already, shit, probably half the dicks in the city. Better get to work on the other half. Bye.” He gives her a flippant wave before going back to drinking his soda.

  Lexi stands there for a few seconds, her mouth opening and closing like a fish; but decides it isn’t worth it, storming out the heavy doors of the bar.

  I try to go back to the conversation around the table, but my mind is seething. Greg and Jake are holding hands under the table, Bree and Declan are cuddling behind the bar. I feel like I’m surrounded by reminders of what I’m missing out on. It seems like everyone has the one thing I want right now. The one thing I can’t have.

  I scan my eyes over the guys around the room. Some of them are good looking, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I never cared about saving my virginity or anything, but I just know Ron is the one for me. This thing between us, whatever it is, isn’t over. Not by a long shot. I’m never going to find anyone who compares to him, why would I want to even try? Mind made up, I jump to my feet, sending my chair squeaking across the floor behind me.

  “What the fuck?” Greg asks, jerking his head to look at me.

  “Kella, this is a horrible idea …” Jake lets the rest of his warning trail off.

  “Horrible ideas are my specialty,” I quip, already marching toward Ron’s office. I all but kick the door open, startling Ron so badly he jumps up, a gun in his hand.

  “Put that shit away,” I hiss, marching toward him, slamming the door behind me.

  Ron’s eyebrows go up, but he sets the gun on his desk.

  “I hate her,” I growl, reaching the desk and beginning to move behind it. “Did you fuck her?” I can’t seem to stop the words coming out of my mouth.

  “Kella …” Ron’s voice trails off when I grab his tie. Wrapping it around my hand, I shove with all my might and slam him against the wall of his office. The movement sends his office chair spinning across the room. He grunts from the impact. I know he can get me off him at any moment, so I go for it. I kiss him. Hard. With everything I’ve got. My tongue invades his mouth, giving his no chance to run before tangling with it. Our teeth clash. I taste blood, I don’t know if it’s his or mine. I don’t care. This is not like any pretty, romantic kiss I’ve seen before. This is nothing like the way he’s kissed me before.

  Ron growls, his hands rising from his sides. I expect him to push me away, but he wraps his right arm around me, his hand reaching down to palm my ass. His left hand weaves into my hair, gripping it tight. The burn makes me moan. I can feel him, hard and heavy, against my thigh. I grind into him with a low moan, making him growl again.

  “Here?” he asks, his eyes opening briefly. They’re filled with heat and a little lingering shock.

  I don’t give him an answer, I just start frantically ripping at the buttons on his shirt, eventually giving up and ripping the shirt apart. Buttons fly through the air, scattering across his antique wood floors. Ron pushes me backward until the back of my thighs hit his desk.

  “I liked that shirt,” he growls before reaching across the desk grabbing his gun, sticking it into the top drawer. He then uses the same hand to scatter the papers and pens off his desk, they land on the floor in disarray, his keyboard flies across the room and hits the wall. Laying me down, he pulls away. He stays standing between my legs, which are wrapped around his waist, urging him closer. He makes quick work of the fly on my jeans. Yanking them down with my underwear, he drops to his knees in front of me. I whimper at losing my legs’ grip on him, but before I can really complain his mouth is on me. There.

  I knew this was something people did, obviously, but I’ve never experienced it before. He kisses between my legs the same way he kisses my mouth. Wet, deep, using his tongue and teeth. I grip the short hair on top of his head, my legs shaking. I come on his tongue and he moans with me through my orgasm like it was just as intense for him. I’ve barely come down before he’s standing, lining himself up with my entrance. I knew he was big, but feeling it this way, makes me wonder if I want this after all. Of course, I do.

  “Oh fuck, this is really happening,” I babble nervously.

  “It is,” he grunts, his hand squeezing the base of his cock. “There is no fuckin’ way to make this not hurt. I’ll make it as quick as possible,” Ron grits out through clenched teeth.

  Before I can answer, he thrusts, deep, pushing all of himself inside me. My back bows off his desk, my mouth opening wide in a silent scream. Tears form in the corner of my eyes. The pain is blinding, white clouds my vision before the pain finally begins to recede.

  “Tell me when I can move,” Ron says, his body vibrating with the tension of ho
lding back.

  “Just move,” I grind out, using the back of my hand to wipe away a few stray tears.

  “I don’t wanna fuckin’ hurt you,” he hisses back, but I feel him give a shallow thrust.

  It’s not as painful as before, the pain is fading to an almost dull ache.

  “I’m good. Just go.” I wrap my legs around his waist again, urging him forward, deeper inside of me.

  Ron doesn’t speak, just slowly withdraws before pushing back into me, the movement painfully slow. Inch by inch he fills me again. This time I feel a spark of pleasure somewhere deep inside. I give a small moan and Ron smirks. He doesn’t hold back this time, pulling back quickly and slamming back inside even faster. He grunts as I groan. My nails scratch at his chest and biceps, any part of him I can reach. He hisses when my nails break the skin on his arms. The pain seems to excite him, his pace increasing.

  “Boss, everything okay?” I hear Jake’s voice and a knock on the door.

  “Go. The. Fuck. Away!” Ron wheezes between his clenched teeth, never stopping his thrusting. He rocks into me like a boat in a storm.

  I throw my head back and my eyes roll back in my head. This is everything I hoped it would be. It’s more than I could have even dreamed. There will be no going back after this for me.

  “I want you to come with me,” Ron grits, his pupils so dilated his eyes almost look black instead of blue.

  “I don’t know if I can,” I hiss, pushing my hips off the desk to meet his thrusts. The pleasure bubbling up inside of me in a way I can’t control, but I’m just not quite there.

  “You can and you will.” He finds my clit with his right hand, rubbing it in small circles with his thumb.

  My world ignites, fire racing up and down my spine.

  “Ron … Ron …” I start moaning his name, I don’t know what to say, my mouth barely able to form words.

  “Fuck yes, Kella!” he shouts, and I feel him pulsing inside me. Feeling him throb inside of me sends me over the edge and I come, hard, squeezing everything out of him.

  He collapses on top of me, careful to avoid my bad shoulder by putting weight on his elbow. He gives me a few light kisses on my lips before nuzzling my neck.

  “Happy now?” he says, I can hear the smile in his voice.

  “Why yes, I am. Thank you,” I retort, not bothering to hide the giant smile on my face.



  I pull out of Kella and expect regret to hit me but it never comes. I watch her as we fix our clothes and give a chuckle as she tries desperately to tame her wild hair. She returns the favor when I give up trying to fix my shirt. Kind of hard to fix a shirt that no longer has buttons.

  “You can try but everyone is going to know you just got fucked as soon as you walk out that door.” I laugh, dodging the fist Kella half playfully throws at me.

  I don’t miss the way her legs are shaking as she slowly stands, taking in the mess of my office. I lost control, I’ve never had sex in this office, it’s been a rule of mine before now to never mix business with pleasure. Kella is making me forget who I am, making me forget why the rules exist in the first place.

  And there it is. Regret rushing through me so quickly I almost gasp out loud. It’s not regret for sleeping with her; the beast inside me is so fucking happy. I’ve taken something no other man can. Something that can never be taken back. No, I regret that this can’t happen again. That I can’t enjoy her, take her home, put her in my bed and take my time. This must be as far as it ever goes and I know this is going to break her.

  “Here it comes, right?” Kella says, crossing her arms over her chest. Her cheeks are still flushed from her orgasm and the back of her hair is pushed up from being rubbed on the desk.

  “You know …” I start, I really have no idea what the fuck to say to her right now.

  “Save it,” she hisses, flipping me the bird and storming out of my office.

  I don’t hear any catcalls so I’m assuming the look on her face must have made the guys think twice about giving her a hard time.

  I walk to the door and motion Jake into the office before I begin picking up the scattered paperwork. Looks like the mouse to my computer is shattered from hitting the wall. I give a frustrated sigh and run my fingers through my hair as Jake walks in, shutting the door behind him.

  “You’re a fucking idiot,” he mutters, sitting down in a chair.

  “You gonna help me clean this shit up?” I reply, throwing a stack of paperwork on the desk.

  “Oh no, you made this mess, you’re gonna clean it up.” Jake chuckles but there is no humor in it.

  “I don’t want to deal with your mouth right now. Is it done?” I give up on straightening the room, grabbing my office chair and wheeling it back to my desk before plopping down in it.

  “This room smells like sex,” Jake says, he sniffs the air and gives me a disgusted look. I almost wonder if he realized he was speaking out loud.

  “Is.It.Fucking.Done?” I hiss, leaning forward on my desk, resting my elbows on the wood, remembering how Kella’s ass was just there a few minutes ago. Shit, I can still taste her on my lips.

  “Yes, it’s done. Her car will probably be considered totaled with all the damage. Sugar in the gas tank, shattered all the windows, spray painted cunt across the hood, that was my idea,” Jake stops speaking to give me a wink, “the tires were shredded, someone may have pissed in the backseat, and her stereo was taken for good measure.” He chuckles as if trashing Elizabeth’s car is a fond memory. Fucking psychopath.

  Not for the first time I’m grateful Jake is on my side. He’s rash and young, but he’s fucking crazy and not someone to take lightly.

  “Did you take care of your end?” Jake says, trying to avoid looking obvious while he studies the room. I know what he’s doing, searching for proof of sex.

  Then it hits me. Shit. We didn’t use anything. I know Kella’s clean because she was clearly a virgin, and I never go without them, but I doubt she’s on birth control. That’s the last complication I need.

  “What just happened?” Jake says, leaning forward. My face must have given away my train of thought.

  “Nothing. Lexi just dropped off Elizabeth’s checkbook, she grabbed it from her purse earlier today. Now I call our guy at the bank and watch her account get drained.” I smirk when Jake looks irritated with my avoidance.

  “Sounds like you just have everything under control,” Jake says, his voice mocking me as he stands.

  “I don’t like your fuckin’ tone,” I growl, more mad at myself than him.

  “I bet you fucking don’t, old man,” Jake growls back, walking out of the office and slamming the door behind him.

  A few weeks ago, I would have had his fucking head for talking to me that way. A few weeks ago, I would have never thought getting revenge on Elizabeth would be so easy. A few weeks ago, I would have never thought it was possible to get everything and nothing you want at the same time.



  I storm out of Ron’s office like my ass is on fire. I don’t even bother shutting the door behind me as I march straight for the bar, heading behind it and making my way to the alley. Thankfully only Bree tries to say anything. She got one good look at my face and backed away. Once I reach the door, I take a quick glance behind me to make sure no one has followed me before I let the tears fall. I make my way outside and lean against the cold brick of the building, covering my face with my hands. I feel so angry, so used. But honestly, I shouldn’t feel angry at Ron. He told me this was something that could never be. I was the one that had to go and push it. But he wanted me. He was just as into it as I was, he knew I was a virgin and he took me anyway, that must mean something. I’m trying to organize the chaos of my mind when suddenly I’m aware that I’m not alone anymore.

  “Look, just leave me alone …” I turn expecting to see Greg or Jake and instead see a man I don’t recognize.

  He’s tall, built like a linebacker wit
h tattoos running up his arms and his neck. He’s dressed like one of Ron’s guys, in slacks and a button-up shirt but there is nothing familiar about him.

  “Sorry, principessa, no can do.” He smirks at me and I lower my hands down to my sides, readying for a fight. The minute I hear his Italian accent I know something terrible is about to happen.

  “What do you want?” I hiss, grateful my back is against the wall. I don’t know if I can take him, but at least this way I know no one can come up behind me.

  “We doin’ this the hard way then?” he asks, cracking his knuckles.

  I think he’s trying to appear threatening but the move is so cheesy I crack a smile. He has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.

  He lunges before I expect him to, his left hand gripping my right shoulder and slamming me farther back into the wall. I hiss in pain as he squeezes my mostly healed bullet wound, and it distracts me from what his other hand his doing. Too late I realize his right hand is holding a knife against my throat.

  “You’re gonna come with me. Quietly. Or I’ll slit your throat right here,” he hisses, looking around nervously. He must have just realized he was trying to abduct me right outside Ron’s door. Dumbass. No one fucks with someone that works for Ron, but more importantly, no one fucks with me.

  “You know they have cameras out here,” I bluff, weighing my odds. They aren’t good. I grit my teeth, knowing what happens next is probably going to hurt.

  In one quick motion, I use my left arm to shove the hand holding the knife to the side, at the same time bringing my right palm up and shoving it up into the man’s face. His nose cracks and he swears, backing away from me, momentarily stunned. I don’t hesitate, kicking him right between the legs before he gets his bearing. I feel a slight trickle of blood running down my neck from where the knife nicked me but there is no time to worry about that right now.


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