Book Read Free

I Swear

Page 9

by Sable Hunter

  John wrinkled his nose. “Did you wash these good before you cooked them?”

  “Yes, I most certainly did.”

  Their teasing was interrupted by the sound of Jonah’s phone ringing. Frowning, he made a grab for it. “Hello?” After listening to the caller, he nodded. “All right. I’ll head out that way.”

  Delaney watched his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, nothing. There’s an abandoned car on the side of the freeway. I need to haul it to the impound lot.” He finished his pie quickly. “Dang it. I’ll probably be a while.”

  “Am I going with you?” John asked his son.

  Jonah looked to Delaney. “Usually, he has to ride with me.”

  “Not anymore.” She picked up the empty dishes. “Don’t worry. I’ll get him ready for bed. You go do what you need to do. We’ll be fine.”

  “All right.” Jonah looked worried. “He doesn’t need much help in the shower. Just getting him in and out safely.”

  Delaney could see he looked guilty. “Hey, I’ve done this before. Everything’s okay. Your dad is in good hands.”

  “I know.” On impulse, Jonah took one of her hands and raised it to his lips for a brief kiss. “Thanks, Delaney. You’re a lifesaver.”

  She cleared her throat and smiled shyly. “You’re welcome.”

  Following him from the kitchen to the living room, she watched him leave. As he was driving off, she whispered to herself, “Wow. Do you know what you’re doing, Delaney?” Shaking her head, she chose not to think too hard about it. “Just wait and see what the next few days have in store.”

  Chapter Five

  After getting Mr. John settled in the living room in front of the TV with the animals for company, Delaney kept herself busy cleaning the kitchen. As she went about the mundane tasks, an unfamiliar feeling of anticipation and excitement made her steps light and her mood lighter. When she finished, she found Jonah’s dad asleep in the recliner. “Hey, sleeping beauty. Let’s get you ready for bed. We’ve had a big day today.”

  He grumbled a bit but followed her up the stairs. “Okay, let’s gather your night clothes before you get in the shower. You sleep in pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, don’t you?”

  “I can do this. I don’t need no dang nursemaid.”

  Despite his condition, Delaney could see he was a tad embarrassed. “Okay. Let me just help you a little and you can do the rest.” She turned on the water, got him a towel, then helped him off with his shirt. When she did, Delaney was surprised to see the rash on his back. “This is why you’ve been itching. How long have you had this rash?”

  “I don’t know. Off and on for a while, I guess.” She lifted up his arm and saw there appeared to be some swelling in his lymph nodes also. He jerked his arm from her grasp, but she didn’t move. “Hold on. Let me feel your neck.” When she did, she found a bit of swelling there also. “What other aches, pains, or complaints can you remember having?”

  “Lately?” He sat on the commode as she helped him off with his shoes. “I get a headache pretty often and I always seem to be tired.” John chuckled. “But I’m getting old.”

  “You’re not that old. Let’s get you in the shower.”

  “You go out before I pull down my drawers.”

  “All right. I’ll be right outside the door if you need me. When you get out of the shower, we’ll put something on that rash.”

  She hoped there was some calamine lotion in the house. Knowing her luck, it was probably in Jonah’s room. This thought made her smile. Truth be told, she’d like to hang out in his room and wait for him to come home. If she were a braver girl, she might do just that.

  Thankfully, she located a bottle of the soothing lotion in the bathroom she’d been using. When John finished, she daubed some onto the reddened areas. “There, you’ll feel better now.” As she helped him put on his clothes, Delaney couldn’t help but puzzle over his condition. Something didn’t feel right, but she wasn’t exactly sure what that something could be. She’d have to give it some thought.

  …The road home seemed longer than normal. Maybe he was just anxious to get there. Wonder why? he asked himself with amusement. “You know why.” There was someone home waiting for him besides his father and a dog – and he didn’t mean the cat. “Heaven-help, I can’t get that kiss off my mind.” He licked his lips, remembering how sweet she tasted.

  When he pulled into the driveway, the porch light was on. The sight caused a pang in his chest. He couldn’t remember the last time someone left a light on for him so he wouldn’t have to stumble around in the dark. Entering the house, he paused a moment to listen. The hour was late, but not too late. Was Delaney already in bed?

  After checking all the locks and the animals, he made his way to the second floor. After looking in on his dad, who was sound asleep, he moved to Delaney’s room where the door stood slightly ajar. Touching the wood lightly, he pushed it open a few more inches. She wasn’t asleep. His heart clinched in his chest to see her sitting up in the middle of the bed painting her toenails. “Hey, need some help?”

  “Geez! Oh, man.” She made a grab for the bottle of nail polish as it tipped over. “You scared me.”

  “Hold on.” He ran to the bathroom to wet a washcloth. “I’m sorry I startled you.”

  “Damn.” Taking the rag, she dabbed at the light pink spot on the sheet. “I’ll replace the linens.”

  “Nonsense. This was my fault. Besides, these sheets are old as the hills.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. The sight of her long shapely legs made his chest hurt. “Can I join you?”

  “Looks like you already have.”

  “Do you mind?” He held his breath waiting for an answer.

  “Would it matter? This is your house.”

  Jonah hesitated. “Of course it would matter.” He stood, unsure of himself.

  “Sit,” Delaney told him. “Just know I’m not going to sleep with you tonight.”

  He sat and grinned. “Tonight?”

  She frowned at him. “Stop it. Your dad has a rash.”

  “He’s had those before.”

  “What causes them?”

  He shook his head. “I have no idea. They come and go. Can’t be serious, can it?”

  “I’m not sure. I think his lymph nodes are swollen also.” She dabbed at the stain on the sheet some more. “I’ll try to get this out with nail polish remover.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Do you think Dad needs to go to the doctor?”

  “Who is his doctor?”

  “We go to the VA in Kerrville. Sometimes they send us to the one in Austin or Temple.”

  She rested her chin on her knee. “I’ve had some experience with the VA. They’re so overwhelmed.”

  “You can say that again. Sometimes you have to wait weeks for an appointment.”

  “Well, we need to make one. Until then, I’ll watch him closely.” She looked at her toes. “I guess I should finish this pedicure.”

  “Let me.” Jonah surprised himself, offering before he realized he’d spoken.

  “You?” Delaney couldn’t help but giggle. “You don’t want to do this.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” He needed to get his hands on her – any excuse would do.

  “Are you any good?” she asked, then realized what she’d said and ducked her head with a blush on her cheeks.

  “I don’t know. I think I used to be.” He touched her foot lightly. “Want to try me out and see?”


  “I know. I know. All we’re talking about is putting some…” He picked up the bottle of polish. “Put It In on your toes. Put It In? Are you kidding? That’s the name?” He laughed out loud.

  “Give me that. You make it sound dirty. The name’s Put It In Neutral.”

  “I know. I just wanted to tease you.” He picked up one of her small feet and put it on his knee. “You’re pretty all over. Did you know that?”


  “Well, you are.” Jonah ran his palm down her leg from knee to ankle. “Your skin is so soft and such a beautiful shade of creamy gold.” He cradled her foot in his palm. “Your foot is narrow with this delicate arch.” Jonah looked into her eyes. “I love your long, dark hair and those big amber eyes.”

  “Jonah…please…” She trembled at his caressing touch.

  “I know. I know. We’re not having sex.” He winked at her. “Tonight.” Turning his attention to the task at hand, he took up the brush. “Okay, let’s see.” Dipping the tip in the pale pink liquid, he moved to apply a light layer of lacquer to the small nail of her second toe.

  “Have you ever done this before?” She couldn’t imagine he had, but he seemed so confident.

  “No.” He chuckled. “But I paint pinstripes on cars. I have a steady hand.”

  Jonah might be steady, but Delaney was tingling from the inside out. She steeled herself from the pleasure of his touch. If she fainted, she’d be so embarrassed. Of course…he might kiss her awake. Delaney actually debated the matter, which floored her. What was wrong with her? She never thought this way. As he moved from one toe to the next, she held her breath.

  Jonah was aware of every move Delaney made. Ultra-aware. He could feel the slight trembling of her body. And when she stopped breathing, he glanced up at her in alarm. “Are you all right?”

  Delaney gasped for a breath. “Yea, I’m…wonderful.”

  “Yes, you are.” He moved to her other foot. “See, I’m handy. This isn’t taking any time at all.”

  He was right. Yet, when he finished, he didn’t let go of her foot. Again, she held her breath as he lifted it to dust kisses from her ankle to her toes. Delaney couldn’t find her voice or the will to protest. When he screwed the top on the polish, he held it between his thighs and used one hand. With the other hand, he held her in place. Setting the bottle aside, he moved over her, kissing a trail from her ankle, up her leg, then up her thigh. Just before he reached uncharted territory, he moved up her body again to capture her lips.

  “Oh, God,” were the only words she managed to say before he settled on top of her to claim her mouth. Unable to think, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Nothing had ever felt more right.

  Jonah was in heaven. He hadn’t realized how much he missed this. How much he needed this. Being in Delaney’s arms changed everything. He wanted her – body and soul. Craving more, he began to move his hips, showing her what he needed more than air.

  Nearly out of her mind with passion, Delaney raised her hips, welcoming each thrust of his body. She could feel him large and heavy through their thin layers of clothing. Passion coursed through her, making her femininity ache with the need to join with him. Oh, how easy it would be to surrender. But she couldn’t…it wouldn’t be right. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she turned her head to one side – breaking the kiss. “Jonah.”

  “What, baby?” He sought to join their lips once more.

  “We need to stop.”

  Stop. The word permeated his mind. She said stop. And he would.

  Even if it killed him.

  “Yes ma’am.” He laid his head on her shoulder, his chest still heaving with desire.

  “We just don’t know one another well enough to…”

  “Make love?” Even the words felt foreign on his tongue. Jonah knew he’d never made love before.

  “Yes.” She closed her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “No. Don’t be.” He kissed her eyelids. “You’re right. We should get to know one another first.”

  “Really?” She’d halfway expected him to say it was a now or never proposition.

  He rolled off of her and grabbed a pillow to cover his throbbing groin. “Really. I mean, why shouldn’t we? I already know you are kind and honest. You’re absolutely stunning and sexier than a woman has a right to be. I look forward to learning all there is to know about you.”

  This made her smile. “I feel the same way.”

  “Well, good.” He raised up to kiss her once more. A lingering, tongue-tangling kiss full of promise. “Sleep well, Delaney. Tomorrow, the fun begins.” With a tender smile, he left her wanting more.

  * * *

  Delaney awoke wondering if she’d dreamed the events of the night before. A peek at her painted toes brought a smile to her lips and frissons of excitement to her skin. Suddenly, her world was exciting and new. She looked forward to what the day might bring.

  Rubbing her eyes, she realized John must’ve slept through the night. Concerned, she grabbed her robe to go check on him. Sure enough, he was still sound asleep.

  While standing in the hall, she listened for any sound coming from Jonah’s room. When she heard nothing, she couldn’t prevent her feet from carrying her in that direction. Like her, he’d slept with his door open. She supposed he was used to responding to any noise John might make if he needed help. Holding her breath, she peered through the narrow crack. Since the sun was barely breaking dawn, the light in the room was still dim. Yet, she could see him stretched out on the bed, his big body taking up most of the space on the mattress. The sight of him caused Delaney to tremble. What would he do if she slipped into his room and under the covers? Her entire body jerked with a wave of longing so strong she almost went to her knees. Fighting temptation, she whirled around, padding to her own room on swift bare feet.

  While she readied herself for the day, Delaney let her imagination run wild. Their whispered midnight plan was to get to know one another better. The process sounded intriguing, and the proposed reward was one she couldn’t stop thinking about. What would it be like to make love to Jonah? What would it be like to belong to him?

  “Whoa! What?” Her own thoughts brought her up short. “Where did that come from?”

  Immediately, doubts began to filter into her mind and heart. What was she doing? After years of devoting her days to caring for others, she was finally free. Was she ready to step into a similar situation? Oh, there would be a definite upside – Jonah. But…

  Stopping all movement, she stared at herself in the mirror. “Okay, you’re getting ahead of yourself. You’re going places that no one has invited you to go. For all you know, all Jonah is interested in is a roll in the hay.” This analogy brought a nervous giggle to her lips. From what she could tell so far, she would enjoy that tumble in the hayloft immensely. But…could she do that and not get emotionally involved? “Dammit,” she whispered. Delaney didn’t know. She didn’t have enough experience to know how she would react in such circumstances.

  “Stop it,” she chided herself. “You’re taking a simple physical encounter, a pleasurable physical encounter – and you’re just going with it. You’re letting your imagination run wild. Just calm down.” Picking up her brush once more, she tidied her hair. “My recommendation is to take one day at a time and just enjoy yourself.” The advice she gave herself pleased Delaney. “Yea, just have a good time.”

  “Who are you talking to, Miss Margaret? Have you lost your mind too?”

  Hearing John’s voice caused her to jump in place. She laughed at his comment. “Maybe. Let’s get you dressed, then head downstairs. We need to make Jonah his breakfast before he goes to the shop.”

  …Jonah lay still, listening to the delightful feminine laughter. The sound was music to his ears. Yet, his mind and heart weren’t the only parts of him to react to Delaney. Weak with longing, his hand strayed to his erection. He was hot, hard, and nearly mad with need. Taking matters into his own hand, so to speak, he lay there and imagined what loving her would be like. How he would touch her – and where. How he would fill his hands with her breasts, molding them until she begged for him to suck her nipples. How he would pet her, rub her, worship her body until she was begging for him. All of him. Asking him to fill her. Take her. Love her. With a groan, he bucked his hips, stroking himself to completion.

  Once he was spent, he lay there pa
nting and sated. God, he looked forward to more of her. The joy they’d shared just hours before was merely an appetizer. Just a taste of what lay in store. Jonah was famished to indulge in the whole banquet of her body. He longed to take his time and love her like she deserved – the way he dreamed of doing. Sadly, he could barely remember the last time he’d lain with a woman. And he certainly couldn’t remember the last time it had meant anything beyond satisfying a need. Something told him this would change with Delaney. And in some ways…that possibility scared the hell out of him. Sitting up, Jonah swung his legs off the bed.

  In spite of the uncertainty he felt, Jonah looked forward to the day. Unusually enough, he’d slept well. No nightmares. No cold sweats. No flailing and fighting enemies from the past. Just having her in the house seemed to soothe him. He certainly looked forward to spending more time with Delaney. No matter what the days to come held in store, getting to know her would be a pleasure.

  After he showered and dressed, Jonah hurried downstairs. Before his feet touched the first floor, his stomach was growling at the wonderful smells. If he wasn’t mistaken, he was about to dine on biscuits with sausage and gravy. Holy hell. “Morning!” He greeted the trio of males in the kitchen – his father, his dog, and his cat – who were all watching Delaney put the final touches on a sumptuous breakfast. In addition to what he’d identified by smell, there was also scrambled eggs and… “Is that grits? Now, this is what I call breakfast.”

  “Yes, grits are a favorite of mine. I eat them with sugar and butter.” Delaney smiled as she saw how excited Jonah appeared as he sat down at the table. “Great. The gang’s all here.” She poured him a cup of coffee, then topped off John’s cup. “How was your night?”

  Her question caught him off guard and he actually blushed, then he blushed harder at the implication he could be embarrassed by such an innocent inquiry. “Oh, just fine.” He cleared his throat. “Yours?”

  “Pretty good.”

  John cleared his throat. “Well, I didn’t sleep worth a damn. Thanks for asking.”


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