Book Read Free

I Swear

Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  I want one of your massages. I’ll be glad to pay the going rate – or more.

  Okay, you might think this was silly. I just wanted to open up the lines of communication. Mainly, I just wanted you to know that I think of you all the time. I’ve mashed my fingers a record number of times at work because I can’t get you off my mind. At night, I fantasize about you. If you knew what I lay in bed and dreamed of doing with you, you’d probably slap me silly. Be assured, it’s all respectful, tender, and consensual. And sexy as hell.

  Finally, I want to tell you that I’m glad you’re here. Not only are you amazing with Dad, you’re a joy to have around. I didn’t realize how lonely I’d been until you came along. Having you near makes me eager to get out of bed every morning. Of course…that would be different if you were sharing it with me.

  All right, so here’s the next thing. If all of this is okay with you, wear your necklace in the morning.

  You have me in the palm of your hand,


  When Delaney finished reading the note, she fell over to one side, clutching it to her chest. “Oh, my God!” she squealed. She was just blown away. Raising the note in front of her face, she read it again – then again. Impulsively, she brought the letter to her lips and kissed it. Would she wear the necklace? Yes. Even better, Delaney decided that she’d write him back.

  Jumping up, she pulled out one of her cases. If she was lucky, there’d be a small notepad in one of the side pockets, courtesy of one the motels she’d stayed in the last time she’d visited her mother. “Yes!” She found one. Next, she retrieved a pen from her purse, then plopped down on the bed to pen a letter of her own.

  Dear Jonah,

  Yea, that sounded more masculine than dearest.

  Your note came as quite a surprise. I don’t think I’ve ever received one like it. This is hands down the most romantic things anyone has ever done for me. The necklace is just beautiful. Yes, I will be wearing it tomorrow.

  Your apology wasn’t necessary, but it was very thoughtful. Funny, how things can be misconstrued when you don’t know the whole story.

  I enjoy being here with you both also. Being near you is a very heady experience. I’ve never known anyone like you. From everything I do know – including your newest revealed secrets – you are an honorable man. I haven’t been around many of those in my lifetime.

  You shy? I’m not sure I agree, but if it’s true – I think it’s adorable.

  And as for you pursuing me, the idea is thrilling. I have to tell you I look forward to finding out what you mean. Like you, my life has been difficult. Fun was never a priority. To say the least, I look forward to having some with you. As for being close? The very idea sends ripples of excitement through my body. There have been nights in my life when I’ve been so lonely I’ve ached. Wow, I hope that wasn’t too much information.

  As for secrets – let me see…

  I can’t ride a bicycle. Never learned. I guess I was always too busy with something else. Maybe you can teach me how?Or a ride on your motorcycle would be fantastic.

  I have sleep paralysis sometimes. Not often. You know when you wake up and can’t move. I know it will pass, but it still scares me to death. I don’t like it.

  I still believe in Santa Claus – or I want to. I crave a little bit of magic in my life.

  Your secrets weren’t boring and those things you want to do with me…just say the word.

  Here are my thoughts:

  I want to sit outside with you on a cool night to look at the stars – snuggled up under a warm blanket. The same blanket. Together.

  I’d like to wash your hair for you. I love your hair. It’s so sexy. I want to run my fingers through it.

  I know it’s not possible with your Dad and all, but I’d love to go parking with you. Old fashioned lovers lane type thing. I’ve never done that and I think it would be…amazing – with you.

  I hope you don’t think this stuff is silly. I don’t have a lot of experience flirting like this. In fact, I’ve never had a best friend before. I sincerely look forward to being close with you. Since, best friends tell each other everything – let me make a huge confession that might change everything for you.

  I’m a virgin.


  Folding it quickly before she could change her mind, Delany rose from the bed. With note in hand, she crept out into the hall. Yes, she needed to check on John. Peering into his room, she could see he was sleeping peacefully. Now – since she was close by, she decided to peep into Jonah’s room.

  With bare feet, she took slow measured steps. If he happened to be awake, she didn’t want him to know she was spying on him. If he was asleep, she wanted to leave this little note somewhere he’d find it – before she lost her nerve.

  One step. Two.

  A board creaked. “Dang,” she whispered.

  Tree steps. Four.

  Near the door, she moved just close enough to see inside the room. Like before, he was lying on his back, sprawled out on the mattress like a big lion. She stood still for a moment to make sure he was asleep. When he didn’t move, she made a move of her own.

  Closer. Closer. When she could reach it, she tossed the letter onto the bed with him. When it hit his knee, she froze. Oh, this wasn’t smart. What would she do if he woke up and found her in his room?

  Please. Please. Stay asleep.

  When he didn’t react to what she’d done, she let out a breath – then began to back up.

  Slowly. One step. Two. Farther. Farther.

  When she was in the hall, she panicked and ran – probably making enough noise to wake the dead.

  “Whew.” Back in her room, she launched herself onto the bed and giggled at her silliness.

  “That was fun.”

  …Down the hall, Jonah chuckled. Delaney was so stinkin’ cute. He’d been aware of every move she made. Little did she know that it took a mammoth amount of restraint on his part to keep from pulling her into the bed with him. Raising up, he grabbed the note she’d tossed at him. After turning on the light so he could see, he unfolded the small scrap of paper and began to read.

  The farther he read, the harder his pulse pounded. What she said touched him on every level. When he came to the part about what she wanted to do to him – he almost lost it. “Holy Mother of God.” He could feel his male anatomy reacting to every suggestion. “Yes, yes, and yes.” And when he came to her last confession, Jonah’s heart almost stopped.

  Delaney was a virgin?

  She was right – this changed everything.

  “There’s no way I’m going to sleep now.” Rolling over, he took a pen and pad from the drawer of his beside table. “No better time than the present. I believe in being punctual with my correspondence.”

  Dearest Delaney

  Your note rendered me speechless. Good thing I don’t have to speak to respond.

  The idea that you’ve never been with a man affects me greatly. To know you’ve belonged to no other touches a possessive chord within me. Some men might be challenged – but I am humbled. I can’t wait to share all of these things with you.

  You said to give you the word for the couch cuddling, Scrabble playing, and the massage. Well, here it is. WORD WORD WORD!

  I tell you, my poor old heart is pounding like a bass drum. Every line I read makes my skin tingle. My arms feel empty. To be honest, I’m having a hard time remaining in my bed when I know you’re just down the hall. So close.

  As for secrets – yea, I’ve got more.

  I haven’t had sex in years. I’ve never had sex with anyone I care about – so techinically, I’ve never made love. I’m a virgin too.

  Wow, I’m so stuck on A – it’s hard to come up with B. Oh, yea. I feel like a failure sometimes. I’ve gone from soldiering to caretaking with nothing really to show for it.

  I’m not a religious person. I think I’m spiritual. Like my mother’s people, the Free
thinkers, I just want the freedom to think for myself. I don’t like to be told what to do – unless you’re into BDSM, then I’ll be your sex slave anyday.

  After reading what you want to do with me, I’m pulling at the reins. Just thinking of your fingers in my hair makes me hard. I hope that doesn’t offend you. I’m not sure if you realize it or not, but I’ve been hard since the day we met. As for other things I’d like to do with you – well the list is endless…but here’s three for your consideration.

  I love kissing and I haven’t got to do it nearly enough in my life. If you give me the green light, I’ll kiss your beautiful lips until you’re breathless. Then, I’ll kiss you…all over.

  Wow. Okay, okay – let me change gears before I burn out a bearing over here. Ha! I can’t wait to take you out on the town on a proper date.

  Proper is all well and good, but I can’t wait to worship the ground you walk on. And you can take that anyway you please.

  As you can tell, this little love note I sent you has taken wings and flown. Which…gives me an idea. I hope you’re still up.

  Because I am


  After Jonah folded his note in the required manner, he pulled on his pants for modesty’s sake. Padding down the hall to her door, he glanced inside. He couldn’t tell if she was asleep or not, but she was lying down. Taking aim, he drew back his arm and let his note fly.

  …A slight sound at the door caused Delaney to turn her head. She didn’t see anyone there, but what she did see made her smile. A small paper airplane was winging its way toward her. With utter grace, it flew over her bed and made a safe landing on her pillow.

  “Oh, good gracious.” She couldn’t wait to see what he had to say. Sitting up, she turned the light back on, giggling at the way he’d delivered his message. Now, she could admit how wrong she was when she assumed Jonah wouldn’t be any fun.

  Excited, she unfolded the note and pressed it flat. Her eyes ate up the words and the more she read, the higher her heart soared. “Oh, Jonah.” By the time she made it to the end of the letter, she was trembling all over. Every fiber of her being ached to run to his room and beg him to make love to her. But…the hour was late and John would be up soon. More importantly – despite the bravado, she was still primarily an innocent. As the old saying goes, talk is cheap. She didn’t know if she was prepared for such a step. She didn’t know if she’d be any good at it.

  Better to follow the plan and take things slow.

  No matter how frustrated she became.

  * * *

  Jonah was up and awake before his alarm went off. He was dressed and downstairs before Delaney and his dad made an appearance. Excited and anxious, he put on a pot of coffee, then decided to start a batter for waffles. When he heard steps descending the stairs, the waffle iron was hot and the batter was ready to go.

  “What is this, pilgrim?” John asked his son as he rounded the corner. “Are you the new chuckwagon cook?”

  “No, I’m just helping out.” He gave his dad a wink, before his unsure glance moved to the pretty woman at his side. When he saw the small heart hanging around her graceful neck, he smiled. “It’s good to see you this morning.” He spoke in generalities, but he only had eyes for Delaney.

  “It’s good to see you, son.” John did something a little unusual when he went to give Jonah a hug.

  “Aw, how sweet.” Delaney couldn’t help it, her emotions were running high. Hastily, she reached up to wipe a tear from her eye. “You made breakfast?”

  “I did.”

  “Thank you.”

  As he tended the waffle iron, she set the table. “Didn’t I hear Libby say you were participating in a powerlifting competiton sometimes soon?”

  “Yea, next Saturday night in Kerrville. You two ought to come.”

  Delaney imagined watching Jonah lift heavy things would give her a case of high blood pressure. “We’ll see if Mr. John feels up to it.”

  “I don’t want to go,” John announced calmly as he took his seat.

  “And why is that?” Jonah asked as he dished up a waffle for his father.

  Taking the syrup from Delaney’s outstreched hand, he shrugged his shoulders. “Everytime I go to that bar, somebody challenges me to a gunfight. Best I stay away, safer for everybody.”

  “Ah. Whatever you say, John,” Delaney looked at Jonah who seemed disappointed. “We’ll find something to do, then stay up late and wait for your son to come home.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Jonah put a plate in front of Delaney. “Eat up.”

  “Looks delicious,” she said as she started spreading some creamy butter over the golden brown nooks and crannies. “Thanks for doing this.”

  “Couldn’t sleep. Too excited.” He gave her a pointed look. “Did you get any airmail last night?”

  His question made her blush and smile. “I did. You’ll probably get an answer by pony express today. The mail may be running a bit slow, considering our agenda.”

  “Oh, what do you two have planned for the day.”

  “Housecleaning. From top to bottom. Now that we have our routine down pat, I can devote some attention to household chores. You know – mopping, dusting, etc.”

  Jonah looked pained.

  Seeing his concern, she assured him. “Oh, I won’t leave our cowboy alone. I’ve worked out a plan so he’ll be near me at every stage.”

  “I’m wasn’t thinking of that,” Jonah said. “You have enough to do with Dad. I don’t want you wearing yourself out cleaning this house.”

  She dismissed his concern. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll pace myself. I promise to conserve my energy.” Giving him a meaningful look, she whispered, “I think I could manage a walk after dinner, if you’re so inclined.”

  Jonah chuckled. “Oh, I’m so inclined I’m halfway to the moon.” He moved his hand up in the air like an airplane taking off. “I’ve been waiting on that walk for days.”

  “You two.” John made a gagging motion with his finger in his mouth, causing the younger couple to collapse in laughter.

  “How about you? What are you doing today?” Delaney asked Jonah once they’d sobered enough to talk.

  “Oh, just regular stuff. A brake job. Tire rotation. An oil change and an inspection or two. I’m also testing some paint colors for Aron’s pickup.”

  “Oh, how is that project coming?”

  “Very good. I’m pleased with my progress and so was Libby.”

  “I hope this restoration leads to others, if that’s what you like to do.”

  “It is.” He reached across to touch her hand. “It would be nice if I could become the next Jesse James.”

  “That outlaw? Conniving thief. He’s one I was never able to catch,” John muttered as he ate.

  “No, not the outlaw.” Jonah thought a moment. “Well, he probably likes to consider himself one, but I’m talking about the mechanic who became famous for his restorations at Austin Speed Shop.”

  “The one Sandra Bullock married. Briefly.” Delaney nodded, knowing who he was referring to. “I can see you doing something like that.”

  “Just a dream.” Jonah rose to put his plate in the sink.

  When he started to run water, Delaney stopped him with a touch on his arm. “I’ll take care of the dishes. You go on and start your day.”

  “Okay.” He searched her face with a tender look in his eyes. “The sooner I start, the sooner I can come back.”

  “Right.” She held his gaze, her breathing shallow and excited.

  “While you two make goo-goo eyes at each other, I’m going to set a spell in the outhouse.”

  “Okay.” Delaney held up a finger so she could listen and make sure he was headed to the right place. “All right. He’s good.”

  “Those notes we passed back and forth like school children were something else.”

  Her cheeks bloomed with heat at his intense gaze. “The subject matter certainly wasn
’t appropriate for anyone but an adult.”

  “And that’s what we are.” He lifted his hand slowly, giving her time to move if she wanted to. When she made no effort to back away, he fit his palm to the side of her neck, his thumb grazing her cheek. “I sure enjoyed playing with you like that. I enjoyed it more than anything I’ve done in a long time.”

  “Me too.” She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying his touch. “When you take a break this morning, you can read this one. I woke up early too.” Delaney pulled a note from the pocket of her pants and transferred it to the front pocket of his jeans. He jerked when her hand came into contact with his body, but instead of moving away – he came closer.

  “Damn.” He tightened his grasp on her neck slightly. “You’ll never know how much I want to ki…”

  Delaney didn’t give him a chance to complete his thought. She took one step nearer to him and rose on tiptoe to layer her mouth to his. The kiss was over quicker than either wanted and Jonah’s head instinctively followed hers – wanting more. Placing a hand on his chest, she could feel the heavy beat of his heart beneath her palm. “There, that should hold you until tonight.”

  “I want you to hold me.”

  “I will.” She gave him one more quick kiss. “Now go…before I beg you to stay.”

  Jonah turned to go, giving her a wicked smile full of promise. “Save your begging for tonight, I promise to make it worth your while.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jonah made it to the shop, unlocked the bay doors, then headed straight to his mechanix stool to take a seat. “Yea, I can’t wait. Sue me.” He pulled the note from his pocket, his fingers shaking a bit from the anticipation. There was already a big grin on his face as he began to read.

  Dear Jonah

  You are full of surprises. I could barely keep myself from paying you a midnight vist.

  “Ah, damn, honey. Why didn’t you?” He continued on reading.

  I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds. We’re learning about each other so fast. And I have to tell you that I’m liking what I’m learning. I know you realize these notes are playing havoc with our intention of going slow. I don’t know about you, but I’ve gone all the way with you in my imagination. It’s going to be hard to keep my hands to myself.


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