I Swear

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I Swear Page 24

by Sable Hunter

  A little let down at the way things turned out, she crawled into his bed and went fast to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jonah stretched, rolled over to his side, and smashed his pillow underneath his cheek. When he did, he sniffed and smiled. The special scent he associated with Delaney filled his senses.


  Why was Delaney’s perfume on his pillow?

  Raising his head, his eyes widened. “What the heck?” He wasn’t in his room. He was in Delaney’s bedroom. So, where was Delaney? “Delaney!”

  Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes. And it all came back to him. She’d given him a massage.

  Jonah frowned. He’d been in her bed, nearly naked, with her hands all over him.

  “And I went to sleep?” Damn, they should take away his man card. He couldn’t believe what happened. “Delaney!”

  In a few seconds, he could hear her footsteps on the stairs.

  “What are you yelling about?”

  She looked fresh as a daisy. “What the hell happened?”

  Delaney smiled, crossing her arms over her breast. “I set out to seduce you with a massage. Unfortunately, I bored you into a stupor. You do a great Sleeping Beauty impersonation.”

  “Christ.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry.”

  “No worries.”

  “No, I’m seriously sorry. And mad at myself. I can’t believe I did that.”

  “You were exhausted, and you had a weird day yesterday. That thing with your Dad was emotionally draining, I’m sure.”

  Memory of his father’s confession came tumbling back into his head. “Right. Still, it’s no excuse.” He gave her an apologetic look. “Give me a second chance. Please?”

  Delaney wrinkled her nose at him. “Maybe. Come on down. Breakfast is ready when you are.”

  “Hell. I’ll be right there.”

  When she was gone, he made his way to his room. “Boy, you blew that one, Callan.” What could he do to make it up to her? “I was in her bed. In her bed!” Flinging his closet open, he stared at the freshly laundered and pressed clothes. Delaney did this too. On top of cooking, cleaning, and taking care of his father. “And I don’t think I’ve ever said thank you.” He touched one of his crisply ironed work shirts. “She goes to so much trouble for us. Way more than she should.” With a sigh, he grabbed what he would wear today, then set out for the bathroom. While he showered, he needed to make a plan.

  In the kitchen, Delaney took a frittata from the oven. “Are you hungry, Mr. John?”

  “Starving. Just as soon as I scarf down these vittles, I have to hit the trail.”

  “Where are you headed today?” she asked him as she set the table.

  “Cattle drive. Hitting the Chisolm Trail. Taking a herd to the stockyards in Fort Worth.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  “Fun? It’s damn hard work.”

  “I imagine.” She poured him a glass of milk and a cup of coffee. “Can I come along?”

  “Nah, no place for a woman.”

  Jonah joined them. “We’d better try and keep Delaney close, Dad. I don’t know what we’d do without her.” He touched the front of his shirt. “Thanks for doing my clothes.”

  “Oh, you’re welcome.” She gave him a sweet smile. “I hope you like frittatas.”

  He studied the food on the table. “What’s not to like? Sausage, potatoes, and eggs.”

  “Peppers and onions.” She completed the ingredient list. “Today’s Monday. I think we’ll go into town and buy groceries today.”

  Jonah pulled his wallet from his jeans. “Here. Use this.” He gave her his credit card. “Buy something for yourself too. As payback for buying the groceries before.”

  She took the card. “Like what?”

  “A new dress if you want.”

  “Is there a special occasion I’m dressing up for?”

  “Well, nothing fancy.” He took a bite of the food and paused to appreciate the flavor. “This is good.” He took another bite while Delaney waited patiently for him to finish his thought. “I have to work at Tebow today, do some equipment maintenance. After work, I thought we might all meet at Hardbodies for supper.”

  “Okay.” The invitation made Delaney happy. “I thought Hardbodies was a bar.”

  “Oh, Hardbodies is a lot of things. A diner, a meeting place.” He lowered his voice. “I’ve never been there myself, but I have it on good authority there’s a BDSM dungeon in the basement.”

  “What?” Her eyes bugged in disbelief. “Why?”

  “Because Isaac’s a Dom. He and Avery are into that stuff.”

  “What?” Delaney was flabbergasted. “I don’t think they know what that stuff is in Sabine Parish, Louisiana.”

  “That’s not all.” He gave her a conspiratorial wink. “Avery writes risqué romance novels.”

  “You’re kidding.” She could see he was enjoying their little discussion. “Have you read any of her work?”

  “No, but I could get us a copy.”

  “Us?” She loved how his eyes danced with mischief.

  “Hey! I’m still in the room!” John banged the table with his fist. “Be careful, I’m impressionable.”

  “You’re incorrigible, that’s what you are.” She kissed John on the cheek. Her mood was very good.

  “Hey, where’s my kiss?” Jonah asked, cocking his head to offer a spot to kiss.

  “Right here!” She bestowed a quick one, almost purring at the way his scruff felt on her lips. “What time do you want us to meet you?”

  “Uh, say six-thirty, seven.”

  “We’ll be there,” she told him. “How about lunch?”

  “Oh, Libby usually feeds us on days like this.”

  “Lucky you,” John interjected. “If there’s brownies, filch me one.”

  “Will do.” As Jonah finished eating, he basked in the company of the two people who meant so much to him. He and his dad might’ve had their problems, but those were behind him now. And Delaney…Delaney made all the difference. She brightened his world in ways he’d never expected.

  …Later on the afternoon, Delaney pirouetted in front of the mirror. She’d taken Jonah up on his offer and purchased a new dress. Oh, it wasn’t expensive. She’d found it on the sale rack at Walmart. A flouncy little red number, it seemed to play up her best features. “I hope he likes it.”

  “Oh, he will. Button my cuffs for me, please.” John held out his arm. “My hands are shaking too bad to do it.”

  “All right.” She was glad his doctor’s appointment was drawing near. “You look nice.”

  “So do you. My boy’s a lucky man.” He tipped his hat at her.

  “Yea, he has you!” She gave John a hug. “Let’s go feed the animals and then we’ll take off.”

  “All right. I’m excited. I plan on playing a few games of pool.”

  “Oh, good idea.” They left her room and set off on their adventure.

  …At Hardbodies, Jonah walked through the crowd, speaking first to one friend and then the other. The customers were rowdy tonight. The weather was cool, it was football season, and everyone felt good. He’d already put money down on a couple of football pools and there were several more circulating around. Who knows? He might get lucky. This was his first foray into gambling since cashing in the scratch-off ticket he’d bought the night he found Delaney. Somehow, he just hadn’t felt the need to play any of the games. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel lucky, he did. No, the difference was that he felt rich. Before, he’d always been so focused on what he didn’t have – and now, he was just counting his blessings. Delaney seemed to take what little they had and work wonders with it. She knew how to make a house a home.

  “I know you want in on this pool, Callan.” Cruz Catano, a young cowhand from Tebow, held one of the grid diagrams filled with numbers out to him.

  “Yea sure.” He grabbed the paper and picked a square at random
. “How about that one?” He pointed at the other paper Cruz was holding.

  “I don’t know.” He held the paper out of Jonah’s reach. “I’m not sure it would be fair for you to play on this one. I think it would be called inside betting.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Give me that.” He stood and snatched the paper from Cruz’s hands. “I’m feeling lucky.” Jonah circled his finger in the air, then stabbed at a square. “I’ll take this one!” He scribbled his initials on the paper. “There sure are a lot of these floating around tonight. How many games are we betting on?”

  “Everyone that’s being played, my friend. And then some…” He gave Jonah a cocky smile and waved the paper in his face. “Like this one. Love’s the ultimate game. Am I right?”

  “Right.” Jonah wasn’t really listening, his eye was on the door – watching for Delaney.

  “I see you picked today’s date. Really? You must have this game all sewn up.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, man. I just let the cards fall where they may.”

  “Did you even read the names of the players in this game, Callan?”

  Jonah gave Cruz a funny look. “It doesn’t matter. Whatever is fine.”

  Cruz held up his hands. “Whatever is right. Good luck, by the way.”

  “Yea. Sure. Fine.” He moved away from the young cowboy. “Sorry. I got more important things on my mind.”

  “I doubt that. Just keep us informed and know this. If you win, you’ll have to spend the money on drinks for everybody!” He waved the paper in the air.

  “I’m sure you’ll know the outcome before I will. I’ve got other things on my mind.”

  Jonah noticed how confused the young man looked, but he didn’t have time to worry about it. Raising a hand, he called across the room. “Delaney!” She was here!

  “There he is.” Delaney kept a protective hand on John’s back as they made their way through the throng. “Gosh, this place is jumping tonight.”

  “What did you say?” he yelled in her ear.

  “Nothing, just head toward the back. Jonah’s waiting for us.” She managed to keep him going in the right direction, sidestepping rowdy cowboys and bikers who’d already enjoyed a few drinks.

  “Come on.” Jonah reached them. “I have a booth in the back for us. Away from some of this noise.”

  When they reached the booth, Delaney sat down gratefully. “Oh, this is nice. A little private alcove. At least we can hear one another talk.”

  “I’m glad you’re here.” He kissed her on the cheek. “You too, Dad.”

  “I need a drink, son.”

  “Coming right up.” He glanced at Delaney. “What would you like?”

  “Something non-alcoholic for both of us. I don’t want to risk any reaction with his meds.”

  “Absolutely. Soft drinks?”

  “Perfect.” She gave him a sweet smile. “I’m glad to see you.”

  “Me too.” He kissed her again. “I want this night to be special for us. I want to pick up where we left off last night.”

  “Before you fell asleep?” She teased him.

  “Right. Before.” Jonah managed to look sheepish. “Ah, here comes my first surprise.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked just before she spotted one of the waitresses coming forward with a big bouquet of flowers. “Oh, my word!”

  “I believe these are for you, Miss Delaney Ellis.” The woman sat a vaseful of beautiful sunflowers and zinnias in the middle of the table.

  “They’re breathtaking.” Delaney placed a hand over her chest to regulate her breathing. “Thank you, Jonah. I love them.”

  “I’m glad.” He passed a bill to the waitress. “Thanks, Doris.”

  “No problem. I love romance!” She tucked the bill in her bra and hurried off.

  “Okay, I’ll go get the drinks now. Be right back.”

  Delaney watched him walk away, admiring how handsome he looked. There might be other good-looking men in attendance, but she took no mind. She only had eyes for Jonah.

  “Did you order me a whiskey?”

  “No. Sorry.” She pulled on John’s bolo tie. “I ordered you a sarsaparilla.”

  “Oh, criminy. I’ll get laughed right out of the cowboy hall of fame.”

  “I think you’ll be all right.” She took his hand in hers. “You’re important to me. Did you know that John?”

  “Yea, I know it.” He gave her a big grin. “I’m irresistible to women.”

  She laughed heartily, noticing Jonah returning with their drinks. “Just like your son.”

  “Here you go!” He sat their drinks down and joined them. “I took the liberty of ordering us some food. Jalapeno poppers as an appetizer and steaks with all the trimmings to follow.”

  “Now, that’s what I’m talking about.” John raised his drink in full approval.

  “And look, I got this for you. I know how you like to fiddle with these things.” He gave his dad one of those small wooden games with the colored dowels.

  “Oh, yea. Good!” John took the game and got busy trying to beat it.

  Meanwhile, Jonah pulled his chair close to Delaney and sat down to lean near to her face. “Now, let’s talk about us.”

  “All right. My favorite topic.” She folded her hands and leaned into his shoulder. “What’s on your mind?”

  “You, all you.” He licked his lips. “Make love with me tonight?”

  Immediately, Delaney’s body began to tingle. “All the way?”

  “Oh, yea. All the way.”

  “That was my plan last night.”

  He groaned. “Don’t remind me. I won’t make that mistake again. I can’t wait to show you what you mean to me.”

  Feeling a bit nervous, she took a sip of her drink. “Is this like an adult game of show and tell?”

  “They say words are cheap and action is satisfaction.”

  Delaney giggled. “I don’t think they say that.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe not, but it seems like I’ve been waiting to make love to you forever.”

  The words he whispered gave her chill bumps. “I’m on the pill,” she informed him.

  “Good to know. I would’ve protected you, though. I hope you know that.” He slowly twirled his glass in the condensation on the table. “I’m going to make you so happy. I swear.”

  Delaney believed him. “I can’t wait.”

  They both looked up as their food arrived. “Hey, Seren,” Jonah greeted the pretty waitress. “How are you doing tonight?”

  “Just peachy. How are y’all?”

  “Good.” Delaney moved her hands from the table to make room for her plate. “This looks good.” She admired the succulent looking steak and the potato mounded with cheese and butter. “Very fattening.”

  “That it is,” Seren lamented. “Why are the good-looking things always bad for us?”

  Delaney glanced at Jonah, hoping that wasn’t a universal rule. “Are they?”

  “Sometimes.” Seren touched John on the shoulder. “How’s my cowboy tonight?”

  “Better since seeing you, angel.”

  After topping off their drinks, she waved goodbye. “If you all need anything, let me know.”

  “She’s nice,” Delaney observed as the woman left. “Is there something going on between her and Canyon?”

  “I think so. I’m not sure.”

  “Of course there is.” John chimed in. “You two need to keep up.” He turned his attention to the band that came on stage. “Yee-haw!”

  “I’m not into that sort of gossip thing,” Jonah whispered just for Delaney’s ears. “I have a hard time managing my own love life.”

  “Oh, is that so?” Delaney asked with interest. “Tell me about your love life, Romeo.”

  “You know all there is to know.” He reached under the table to put his hand on her knee – then inched it higher a few inches u
p her thigh. “Although, I do hope to make some progress in that area tonight. Can I interest you in giving me a hand?”

  “Oh, is a hand all you want?”

  “No, I want all of you. Over and over again.”

  Delaney jerked in her chair, spikes of pleasure causing her to quiver. “We need to stop. I’m getting a little excited.”

  “You’re not the only one.” Jonah shifted in his chair, adjusting his jeans to give his interested manhood a little extra room.

  For a few minutes, they ate and listened to the band. “They’re good,” Delaney observed. “Do you dance?”

  The idea took Jonah by surprise. “No, I don’t. Do you?”

  “Not very well.” She laughed at the panic on his face. “Don’t worry, I’m not asking. I’ll be in your arms later. Right?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. I promise you we’ll have more fun than we would on the dance floor. I’d step all over your toes.”

  “I doubt that. You’re graceful. Like a big lion. I love to watch you move.”

  He stared at her, mouth slightly open. “You say the damndest things sometimes.” He held out his hand. “Look. I’m shaking.”

  Delaney touched his hand. Hers was trembling also. “I’m about ready to go home when you are.”

  “Hey, Jonah! You gotta minute!” A man spoke up from right behind Delaney. “I gotta a truck problem.”

  “Missy, I gotta go to the bathroom.” John tugged on her sleeve.

  Jonah and Delaney looked at one another with regret. “You talk to this man, and I’ll take your Dad to the restroom.”

  “Hurry back.” He stood up as she did, then held out his hand to greet the potential customer.

  “We will.” She gave him a meaningful look. “Come on, John. Stay with me.” Taking the older man by the arm, they began to make their way across the room. Along the way, she wondered at the funny looks people were giving her. Was her slip showing? She glanced down, but it wasn’t – thank goodness. Oh, well. When they came to the hall where the restrooms were located, Delaney could see there was a line. “Looks like we have to wait.”

  “Dang it.”

  “You’ll be fine.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Did you enjoy your steak?”


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