I Swear

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I Swear Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “I did. Did you?”

  “Yep. The potato was a bit much.” She whirled around when someone tapped her on the shoulder. A woman stood behind her. “Oh, hello.”

  “Aren’t you Delaney?”

  “Yea. You look familiar. Do I know you?”

  “You and Jonah picked up my car yesterday. I’m Joplin. Joplin Capri.” She held out her hand and Delaney took it.

  “Pleased to meet you. Are you in line?”

  “No.” She held up a paper. “I thought I ought to give you a head’s up.”

  “About what?”

  “A little gambling game that’s making the rounds tonight. About you.”

  “Me?” She was stunned. “I don’t understand.”

  Joplin held up the paper “As I understand, the guys in this bar love to bet on football games. What the score will be. You know the drill. This pool is a little different.”

  “How?” She tried to look at the paper the other woman held.

  “This one is based on when you and a certain handsome mechanic will get it on.”

  “What?” Delaney couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Yep. See. They’re guessing the date you’ll get together. Sexually.”

  “Oh, my God!” She grabbed the paper to stare at it in disbelief. “Is this legal?”

  “Yea, I guess. People bet on everything these days.” She tapped one square with a pointed red nail. “Look whose name is on today’s square.”

  Delaney stared, her heart pounding. “Jonah.”

  “Right. Jonah is planning on getting you into bed tonight. And if he does, he’ll win a tidy little sum of money.”

  …Ready to go, Jonah kept his eye in the direction Delaney and his father would come from. He couldn’t wait to get her home. In addition to the flowers, he had a few more surprises for her, including a cute little outfit for her to wear to bed. He hoped his buying it didn’t offend her. The little black gown was sexy, but not nearly as sexy as she was. Either way, she wouldn’t have it on long.

  “There they are,” he muttered to himself, waving his hand to get their attention. When Delaney barely met his gaze, he couldn’t imagine what was wrong. Had something happened? All he could thing was that some idiot might’ve made a move on her. As for as his father was concerned, he looked a little out of it. “Are you two okay?” he asked as he moved forward to meet them.

  “We’re leaving.” Delaney tugged John’s hand to lead him toward the door.

  “I’m ready to go too.” He fell into step with them. “Did something happen?” Jonah couldn’t help but notice the look on her face.

  “Yea, you could say that.”

  Once they were out the door, he followed them to Delaney’s Camry. “Talk to me. Just tell me who bothered you, I promise that won’t do it again.”

  “Oh, really?” She faced him, her face a mask of disappointment. “Okay. The name of the man who hurt me is Jonah Callan.”

  “What? How?”

  “This!” She slapped the paper into his chest. “No wonder you’re working so hard to get me into bed tonight. You have money riding on it!”

  “No! What?” He stared at the paper, but it was too dark to see.

  “Yes! Your initials are on the square for today’s date.” She started to cry. “No wonder people were staring at me. They’re all betting on when you’ll get me into bed. What have you been telling them?”

  “Nothing.” He was so confused his head hurt.

  “This wasn’t very smart, son.” John put in his two cents.

  “Not now, Dad.” Jonah reached out to grasp Delaney’s arm. “You have to believe me. I had nothing to do with this. When I bought this block, I thought it was another one of those football pools. There’s a half dozen of them floating around.”

  “Likely story,” she bit out the words as tears streamed down her cheek. “Come on, John. We’re leaving.”

  “I’ll be right behind you. Drive carefully.” Jonah was furious. He whirled around and went back into the bar to find Cruz. When he did, he picked the younger man up by the collar. “What in the hell did you do?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This damn pool. How dare you?”

  “Hey, it’s all in fun, Callan.”

  “Give everybody their money back and apologize for your stupidity, you got it?”

  “Okay. Okay. Just put me down.”

  Jonah relented and released the younger man. “Just do what I say now!” Frankly, he wished he could punch out everybody stupid enough to sign up for the pool – including himself. “Dammit!” Wheeling around, he stomped out of the bar, ignoring several people who tried to stop him to have a conversation. “Not now. Sorry.” He had to get home. Delaney was hurt and he needed to fix it.

  …At home, Delaney fumed. She calmed herself long enough to see to John’s needs. “Don’t worry about me, bud. I’m fine.”

  “You’re unhappy.”

  “Yea, I’m a little sad,” she admitted as she helped him put on his sleeping clothes. “Can I get you anything? Water? Warm milk?”

  “No, I’m tuckered.”

  Delaney helped him into bed, a little jealous at his ability to shut the world out and surrender to rest. “Well, you sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day.”

  “I had fun tonight. Until you didn’t.”

  “Yea, me too. The food was good.”

  “Goodnight, Delaney.”

  “Goodnight, cowboy.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll be checking on you. Like I always do.”

  Flipping off the light, she left him to his dreams. As she entered the hall, little Tommy met her with a plaintive meow. “Hungry?” she asked him. “Where’s your buddy?”

  She headed downstairs with the small cat at her heels. “Rufus! Rufus!” Dang, she couldn’t remember whether he’d been in the house when they left or not. She’d been so excited to be with Jonah. “Wow, I am so pitiful.”

  “Rufus!” She walked out on the front porch and peered into the darkness. “Rufus!” Hearing nothing, she reentered the house and made for the back screened in porch. Out in the darkness, she called once more. “Rufus!” From behind her came a whimper. She turned around and saw the Catahoula coming from the kitchen, stretching, and yawning. “Were you asleep? I’m glad you’re okay.” Kneeling to pet him, Delaney gave the dog a kiss. “Don’t worry about it. You aren’t the only one who made me feel like a fool tonight.”

  From just inside the kitchen, Jonah spoke. “Delaney, I’m sorry about that. Believe me. I had no idea this was going on. I swear.”

  She held up her hand. “Don’t say that to me. You use that phrase all the time. Like a mantra. And what does it mean? What do you swear?”

  “I swear I’m telling you the God’s honest truth, that’s what. If you’d just listen…”

  Delaney rose upright. “Jonah, I don’t want to hear your explanations.”

  “Well, you’re going to. Please.” He came to her and clasped both of her hands between his. “I went in and found the man responsible. I instructed him in no uncertain terms to give everyone their money back and to apologize. This was just someone’s stupid idea of a joke – and I wouldn’t have had it happen to us for anything in the world. You’ve got to believe me. Please!”

  Listening to him carefully, Delaney weighed his words. “I don’t know what to think.”

  To her surprise, Jonah knelt at her feet. “I know how this looks. I am so, so sorry. Forgive me, please.”

  Seeing him on his knees touched her heart. “I remember how it felt when you didn’t believe me about Claudette. But this…”

  “I know, this is different. This is personal. Just know that I value you so much, I’d never put you in such a position. The man who did this doesn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain. I’m not sure how we came to be on his radar, but I promise you it won’t happen again.”

  “I’m just embarrassed.”

>   “Oh, love.” He took her hands. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Believe me, if I find out anyone says anything amiss about you – they’ll have to answer to me.”

  “All right.” Unable to resist what her heart demanded, she acquiesced. At a loss, she looked around. “I’m not sure what we do now.”

  Jonah stood to his feet. “We’re going to do things your way, that’s how it’s going to be. From now on, you’re in charge.”

  Delaney stared at Jonah, trying to understand what he was saying. His beautiful eyes seemed to plead with her. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  He held up his hands. “Just know I want you more than anything. You are so important to me – not just for what you do for my father and for me – you are important to my happiness. I value you as a person and as a friend. And yes, my body craves yours. You are the only woman I want in my bed, but…”

  She waited to see what else he would say.

  “I’m going to wait until you come to me.”

  “Come to you?”

  “To my bed. My door is open. My arms are open. My heart is open.” He gently kissed her cheek. “It’s up you, darlin’. Whenever you want me. I’m yours.” With that surprising declaration, he gave her a parting smile, and bade her goodnight.

  * * *

  Delaney didn’t know what to do with Jonah’s concession. He’d effectively put the ball in her court – and she didn’t know how to play ball. The last time she set out to entice him, he’d fallen asleep. Until now, she hadn’t realized how dependent she was on him making the moves. She felt inadequate and very reticent. Therefore, she didn’t do anything.

  Not that night nor the following night.

  …In Jonah’s case, he felt heartsick. He felt as if he’d broken something precious. Missed a once in a lifetime opportunity. As much as he wanted to go to Delaney – compel her, flirt with her, seduce her – he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He promised.

  This new reality left him in a super awkward position. For the first time since the misunderstanding about his father’s disappearance, he felt ill at ease with Delaney. Thus, here he was avoiding her again. When all he really wanted was to be with her. In every way.

  For the past two nights, he’d lain in his bed and ached for her. He’d listened for any sign of her footsteps. Any whisper of his name. But there’d been nothing. Jonah hated to admit it, but he thought he’d lost her. For good.

  As he got ready for work on Wednesday morning, he realized how difficult this would be in the long run. Truthfully, he didn’t know if he could coexist with her day after day and not be with her. Yet, he didn’t know how he could let her go.

  Pasting a smile on his face, he made his steps lively as he entered the kitchen. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, son.”

  “Jonah.” Delaney set a plate of waffles in front of him. “I fixed your dad’s favorite. Today is his doctor’s appointment so he insisted on being bribed.”

  “Oh, your appointment.” He frowned. “I forgot.”

  This hurt Delaney. “You forgot?” Shaking off her disappointment, she shrugged. “No problem. We’ll make it fine. Won’t we, John?”

  “No, I’ll rearrange things. I was just thinking about tonight and wanted to get as much done as early as possible.”

  “About tonight…” Delaney had been dreading this. “I’m afraid I can’t go.”

  Jonah glanced at her quickly. That she didn’t want to spend time with him shouldn’t come as a surprise. “Okay.”

  Delaney didn’t think she needed to explain, but she did it anyway. “I just don’t think I can face people. Not after that pool.”

  Her reason wasn’t what he’d expected. “Of course, I should’ve thought of that. I didn’t figure you’d want to go with me.”

  “I’m here with you now, Jonah,” she reminded him softly. “You go to the party if you’d life. But…if you decide to stay at home with us. I, uh, thought we might have a party of our own.”

  Jonah hung on her every word. “There’s no comparison. No competition. I’d rather be with you anyway. Party or no party.”

  This seemed to make Delaney happy. “Good. I thought we’d watch a movie. Pass out candy to kids. Maybe I could make some caramel corn and candied apples.”

  “Am I still going to see Cletus?” He looked at Delaney hopefully.

  She cleared her throat, stealing a quick look at Jonah. “Sure. I’ll see to it that you all have plenty to eat, and I’ll leave it up to you men how long you stay over.”

  “I love that idea,” Jonah held her gaze, hoping he was reading her right. “How about you, Dad?”

  “Oh, yea. Me and my pardner, we’ll have a blast.” He stood. “I’ll go find my playing cards.”

  As soon as he left the room, Delaney met Jonah’s gaze. “Could I interest you in a little trick or treat?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Could I interest you in a little trick or treat?

  Jonah stood to one side as he winched the engine from the frame. He had his work cut out for him today. As much as he had to do, his thoughts never strayed far from Delaney. When she’d asked him the intriguing question his response had been instantaneous and in the affirmative.

  “Hell yes, I am definitely interested. In whatever you have in mind.”

  He was just grateful she wanted to do anything with him at all. After last night’s fiasco, he wouldn’t have blamed her if she’d packed up and walked out on him. He still couldn’t believe that hotheaded Cruz was such a juvenile. If he could turn back time and erase the whole debacle – he’d do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, his talents were limited to oil changes and lube jobs.

  Glancing at the clock, he figured Delaney and his dad were at the doctor’s office. He knew she’d been disappointed when he opted not to go with them. He hoped she understood. When she’d voiced the possibility of his father’s misdiagnosis, he’d doubted the possibility. Yet, he longed for such a miracle with every fiber of his being. His father’s recovery would mean everything. He’d get a second chance at life and so would Jonah. He couldn’t imagine what it would feel like for the black cloud hanging over his existence to lift. Right now, he was trapped in a world with very few options. He’d give almost anything for a chance at freedom.

  Of course, he didn’t hold out much hope that Delaney was right. The idea that his father was suffering from Lyme disease seemed farfetched. Yes, it was possible, anything was possible. But how many times did such a misdiagnosis occur? He was sure it was few and far between. Knowing this, he knew he couldn’t face hearing the doctor dash their hopes against the wall. So, he’d played the work card and stayed behind – waiting to hear the verdict. What he fully expected was for them to return home with some type of rash cream and – that would be that. Hopefully, she wouldn’t hold this decision against him.

  After securing the chains holding up the heavy engine, he decided to take a water break. Pulling the stool in front of his worktable, he reached for his thermos. After taking a few sips, he wiped the sweat from his brow. Sometimes he wished that he could just work and not think. Lose himself in the scent of motor oil and gasoline fumes. Unfortunately, he was gifted with the ability to multitask. In this case, he could work and worry.

  One of the things weighing heavily on his mind was his father’s revelation. His stepmother wasn’t the one who didn’t want him to come home. Even formulating the thought caused a crushing pain to steal the air from his lungs. He couldn’t help but wonder if his dad’s confession was real or a product of the Alzheimer’s. Couple that big question with the absurdity of the circumstances – his father apologizing to his dead second wife – and Jonah didn’t know what to believe. What had he said – he reminded his dad too much of his mother? Sounded like a crock of shit to him. He couldn’t even imagine doing a son of his that way.

  A son. For a few seconds, Jonah let himself imagine a son with Delaney’s hair and eyes. He entertained
the vision only briefly before shaking his head to dispel the impossible thought.

  “Not in the cards, Callan. Not in the cards.”

  Regardless, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to those days when he’d left home. Living on the streets, barely surviving. A kid trying to do a man’s job. How many times had he dreamed his dad would come and find him, beg him to return home? Too many to count. But it had never happened. And now he knew why.

  “Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You’re thirty-two years old. That sorry ship has sailed.”

  In his case, too many ships had set sail. Here he was working on cars instead of the career he’d always dreamed of. When he’d enlisted in the army, being a police officer seemed to be such an honorable career. And he knew it was – for most. Not for him. Even though his name had been cleared, he never wanted to be put in such a position again. After his acquittal, he’d been offered a job in a security firm. His friend said they’d be to the army like FedEx was to the Postal Service. Jonah turned him down flat. No matter how sweet the deal, he had no desire to return to Iraq as military support.

  Before throwing his hat in with the Raider’s he’d briefly considered being a local lawman. Very briefly. Just the idea of picking up a gun again turned his stomach.

  Yet…he couldn’t discount his instincts in those areas. Right now, he’d give his eyeteeth to be hot on the trail of those idiots who harassed Delaney. Every time he left the house, he watched for them. He even questioned friends and acquaintances who spent time on the highway to see if they’d spotted the pair. So far, he’d had no luck. But he wasn’t giving up. Just knowing those fools were still roaming free to harm women bothered the hell out of him.

  Checking the clock for the second time, he stood to return to work. Breaktime was over. His father’s appointment time was fast approaching. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going on.

  * * *

  In Austin, Delaney followed John into the examining room.

  “Dr. Franks will be with you shortly.”

  “Thanks.” She felt a bit odd accompanying a grown man into his doctor’s appointment. The medical staff understood the circumstances, however.


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