Book Read Free

I Swear

Page 28

by Sable Hunter

  “Why don’t I bring it to you?”

  Jonah came forward to kiss her gently. “How sweet. Yes, if you have time that’ll be great.”

  “I’ll make time,” she assured him, giving him a sweet smile full of promise. Seeing him in the middle of the day, no matter how brief – would be a pleasure.

  * * *

  After seeing Cletus off, Jonah got down to business. His to-do list for the day was longer than his arm. Regrettably, he didn’t get started good before his cell rang. Dispatch was on the line. “There’s a wreck on I-10, mile marker 514, near the rest area. We need you to move a couple of totaled vehicles.”

  “Will do.” He tossed down the wrench he’d been using and hurried out to the wrecker. As he pulled out, Jonah looked toward the house. There was no sign of Delaney, yet just knowing she was in his home gave him a sense of peace.

  A little over an hour later, Jonah dropped off the second wrecked truck at the auto salvage yard. Thankfully, no one was killed. As he neared home, he spotted a black sports car parked on the side of the road a few dozen yards from his drive. He was almost past the vehicle before he noticed it, so he immediately applied his brakes and pulled over. When he did, the car made a U-turn in the road and took off. Something told Jonah he needed to follow them, so he made the same move with the wrecker – albeit a little slower – and gave chase. The faster he went, the faster the muscle car drove. Jonah gunned his old tow truck, but the sports vehicle was leaving him in the dust. Determined to follow them he kept up the pace, breaking the speed limit on Highway 27. When he reached I-10 he took the ramp to the right, figuring they’d choose the quickest getaway.

  After merging into traffic Jonah hit the gas, weaving in and out between semis and passenger vans. Peering ahead, he tried to spot the black car, but he didn’t have any luck. His foot was already on the brake to slow down when he heard a familiar whoop-whoop of a police car behind him. “Oh, hell.” Pulling over, he waited to see what cop didn’t have anything better to do than worry him.

  “Callan, is that you?”

  Glancing into his rearview mirror, Jonah recognized an acquaintance of his. “Officer Malloy. Fine day, isn’t it?”

  “Where were you going in such a hurry?”

  “Chasing a black sports car that was lurking near my house.”

  “Oh, really?” The cop came and leaned onto Jonah’s window. “You think it was that pair of no-counts we’ve been after for the past few weeks?”

  “I don’t know. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t.”

  “There’s was another incident outside of Kerrville, just over the county line. Another abandoned vehicle. Another missing woman.”

  “This is getting serious.”

  “Oh, it’s already serious.” He tapped the metal just under the window with his fingernail. “In fact, I think it would be a good idea if your girlfriend comes in and we do those sketches based on her description.”

  His girlfriend. The thought gave him pause. Was Delaney his girlfriend? “I bet you wish you’d done that to start with – instead of brushing off her concerns.”

  “It wasn’t my decision, Callan. I’m not the big dog in the meat-house. I’m low on the totem pole.”

  “I hear you.” Jonah nodded. “Some things are just out of our hands. I’ll give her your message. I’m sure she’ll come see you tomorrow. Does she need to ask for you?”

  “Yea, you give me a call when she’s on her way and I’ll make sure to be there.”

  “Good.” Jonah watched the traffic go by. “It’s time to get that threat off the road.”

  “I agree. You know, you ought to put your application into the force. Then you could track down the bad guys all legal like.”

  Jonah gave the man a wry smile. “Oh, no. I got my hands full where I’m at.”

  “Well, if your circumstances change you ought to consider it. We could use a man with your experience.”

  “My experience is why I’m doing oil changes.”

  “This isn’t Afghanistan, Callan.”

  “I realize that.” Jonah started his engine. “Am I free to go?”

  “You are. Keep your eyes open. If you see anything, call it in. Don’t go all vigilante on me.”

  “Oh, I’m not armed. Except for these.” He held up his fists.

  “Just be careful. Will you?” Officer Malloy tipped his hat. “See you later, Callan.”


  In a few minutes, Jonah was headed home. When he glanced at the time, he could see he’d missed lunch.

  * * *

  Delaney didn’t see Jonah until he came home after seven o’clock. She’d already fed John and kept the remainder of dinner warming in the oven.

  “Hey.” She met him as he came through the door. “You look exhausted.”

  “I am. Sorry about lunch.” He stopped to pet the dog and pick up the cat. “And dinner. I know I’m late.”

  “It’s okay. Come on. I’ll fix your plate.”

  “All right. I hope you don’t mind. I’m too hungry to shower first.”

  “Of course, it’s fine. I love the smell of gasoline.”

  Her quip brought a tired smile to his face. “I guess that’s a good thing. Considering.”

  “Sit down. I made something special for you.”

  “You did?” He watched her move gracefully around his kitchen. “What would that be?”

  “Lasagna. Garlic Bread. And chocolate pie.”

  “Oh, man. Bring it on.” He placed the kitten on the chair next to him and grabbed his fork. “Join me?”

  “Okay. I waited for you.”

  “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “I wanted to.”

  “You’re so sweet.” Just being in her presence made him feel ten times better. “I’m a lucky man.”

  “Yes, you are. Bad day?” She prepared her own plate and placed it next to his.

  “Busy day.” He broke a bread stick in two. “I talked to one of the local cops. They want you to come in tomorrow and visit the sketch artist. Another woman has gone missing.”

  “They’re finally getting serious about this. Wow. Took them long enough.”

  “Isn’t that the truth?” He took a bite of lasagna and groaned. “This is so good.”

  “Oh, that’s what you always say.”

  “It’s true!” He took another bite. “You’re a great cook.”

  “Awww, thanks. What else is going on?”

  “Just a lot of work. Nothing earth shattering. People just put off their car maintenance until something goes wrong – then everything is an emergency. How’s my father?”

  “Not bad. He watched television all day.”

  Jonah leaned over to glance into the living room. “He’s just staring at the screen.”

  “Yea.” She frowned slightly. “I don’t know. I thought he was just tired from his outing with Cletus. Maybe he’s taken a turn.”

  “I hope not.” They ate in silence for a few seconds. “I wish there was more we could do for him.”

  “I know.” She clicked her fingernails on the tea glass. “I’m just praying the tests will come back…positive.”

  “Isn’t that sad?” Jonah observed. “Being diagnosed with a serious illness is good news. Of course, in this case it would be. Anything’s better than this zombie like existence.”

  “Shhh.” Delaney hushed him. “He’ll hear you. Talk like that would devastate him. He still knows things.”

  “Yea, but for how long?”

  His question brought tears to her eyes. “You know I don’t have any answers.”

  “I know.” He gave her a sad smile. “I just dread it all. You know?”

  “Yes. Me too.” The need to ease his hurt was a tangible thing. “While you eat, I’m going to see if I can put him to bed. He can watch television until he falls asleep. If he’s cooperative, I’d like to do something for you.”

  “Like what
?” He could hear a certain tone in her voice. An enticing tone. To say his interest was piqued was an understatement. “Something good?”

  “Remember my list? I’d like to wash your hair. And the rest of you if you’d like.”

  “Where do I sign up?” His eyes were alight with interest. “Are you serious?”

  “Very. It’s something I’ve been thinking about.”

  This intrigued Jonah. “When we’re apart, do you think about…what we’ve done or what we might do?”

  “All the time,” she confessed softly as her tongue teased her lower lip.

  “Hot damn!” He ate a little faster.

  “Take your time.” She arose and kissed him chastely on the forehead. “I’ll see to John, and I’ll meet you upstairs.”

  Jonah was torn between the delicious meal and the sumptuous banquet waiting for him on the second floor. He couldn’t believe she wanted to do something so intimate for him. His mind was racing with possibilities. He’d have her in his shower. Naked. All slippery and wet. “Dang. Dang,” he whispered as he ate the chocolate pie too fast to properly appreciate it.

  …In John’s room, Delaney saw to his needs. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, I’m okay.” He turned over and curled into a fetal position. “I can’t think, Miss Margaret and I ache all over.”

  “Oh, John. I’m so sorry.”

  “Can you give me something to make me rest? I’m so tired.”

  She thought a moment. “I have some mild sleep aids. Natural melatonin.” An indulgent smile came to her lips. “In fact, it’s a gummi bear.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  She went to find the medicine, then sat by him as he chewed the gummi. “I’ll be right next door. I’ll keep the door open. Jonah will be with me. If you need us, call out.”

  “I won’t.” He closed his eyes. “I just want to escape for a bit.”

  Even after he slept, she sat with him until Jonah spoke to her from the hall. “How is he?”

  “He’s sleeping.” She pulled the covers up under his chin. “I so hope those blood tests can tell us something. Anything that would help him.”

  “I hope so too.” Jonah stretched out his hand. “Come let me take care of you.”

  “Let’s take care of one another.” She went with him as they entered her room. “It seems wrong for us to enjoy one another when he’s not doing well.”

  “He’s important, Delaney. But we’re important too. We can’t stop living. That won’t help him.” He opened the door wide. “We’ll listen for him. He’ll call out if he needs us.”

  She hoped so. “Okay. And you’re right, we need this.” Taking him by the hand, she led him to the bathroom. “I need you.”

  Jonah felt humbled at her admission. “The feeling’s mutual.” He watched Delaney closely, trying to take his cues from her. “What can I do?”

  “You can get naked.” She gave him a mischievous look as she turned on the shower. “Can I use my shampoo, or do you want me to go get yours?”

  “I like the way yours smells.” Jonah hurriedly removed his clothing. Once he was nude, he started on Delaney’s. “Look at me. I’m hard already. Being close to you does this to me.”

  She held up her arms as he pulled her top over her head, gasping as his hands caressed the creamy skin he’d exposed. As soon as she could see, she looked at him. “I like you hard.” With only a little hesitancy she touched him, wrapping her fingers around his thick girth. “You gave me more pleasure than I’d ever imagined.” When he jumped in her hand, Delaney gasped with excitement. “I love touching you.”

  “He loves to be touched.”


  Jonah chuckled. “Well, he’s not a she.”

  “No. He’s not. Thank goodness.” She moved to him, pressing her body to his. “I love the differences between us.”

  Jonah held his breath as she rubbed against him. The tips of her breast teased the whorls of fur on his chest. “You’re dangerous, Miss Delaney.”

  “Ah, no. I’m just determined.”

  “Determined to do what?”

  She framed his face. “To please you.”

  “Mission accomplished,” he breathed, turning his head slightly to lick her palm.

  “Oh, there’s more, I’m not nearly through with you.” She kissed him full on the mouth.

  “I’m ready.” He cupped her bottom. “Willing.” He picked her up. “And able.” Jonah stepped into the shower with Delaney in his arms.

  “Sit on the bench. I want to play first.”

  “Intriguing,” he whispered as he complied with her wishes. “Do with me as you will, my lady.”

  “I am.” She gave him a wink as she took the shampoo and poured some in her palm. “Oh, I’ve dreamed of this.” Delaney began to run her fingers through his hair, rubbing in the shampoo, massaging his scalp.

  Jonah almost melted at her touch. “This is heaven.”

  “You’re so sexy.” She smiled as he shut his eyes in ecstasy. “And more handsome than a man has a right to be.”

  “Flatterer,” he mumbled as she ministered to him.

  “Let me rinse.”

  He bent to accommodate her directions. When she finished, he stood up and backed her to the wall. “My turn now.”

  “For what?” She was eager for whatever he had in mind.

  “For this.”

  He lifted her high and Delaney cried out in surprise. “What am I doing way up here?”

  “Hold on to the top of the shower and put your legs around my neck.”

  “Oh, my goodness,” she gasped as his hands supported her bottom, bringing her femininity even with his mouth. “Now, hold on.”

  “Ah…okay.” That was the last coherent word she was able to say as he began to kiss and lick the tender pink cleft. Her knuckles turned white as she held on, the ecstasy of his kisses almost more than she could stand. Her hips moved helplessly, her nipples beaded with pleasure. Closing her eyes tightly, she bit her bottom lip as waves of pleasure washed over her.

  Jonah loved this so much. He licked the soft slit, tonguing the delicate nub of her clitoris, teasing the place where his cock ached to be. “You taste so good, baby. So sweet. You’re so soft.” He praised her in between the kisses.

  “I’ve never…done this,” Delaney managed to whisper.

  “Now, that’s a shame. You deserve to be worshiped,” he whispered as he nipped her thigh. “And I’m just the man to do it.” With that declaration, he took her clit between his lips and began to suck on it, tonguing her until she flew apart, her hands clawing at the slick sides of the shower.

  “Oh, God, Jonah. Hold me. Hold me! Never let me go.”

  “Never.” He slid her down his body and onto his throbbing cock. The complete relief he felt at joining with her made him growl his contentment. “So good.”

  Delaney settled her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck. “We’re a good fit.”

  “Perfect,” he agreed as he began to move – his hips flexing, pumping into her, thrusting and plunging – nailing her to the wall. With every breath he filled her, the full weight of his body pressing against her, taking his pleasure even as he gave her his all. “Delaney, I can’t last.”

  “Don’t. I’m here. I’ve got you.” She held him tightly. “I want to see you lose control.”

  His body accepted her invitation. Moving with blind need, he carried them both to the stars. Their cries mingled, their bodies trembled, their hearts beat as one.

  As their breathing calmed he held her tenderly, sliding down the wall to cradle Delaney in his arms. “You’re…everything,” he whispered. “Everything I need. Everything I want.”

  She laid her face on his shoulder, her body still trembling with aftershocks. “Thank you, Jonah. You’ve shown me how love is supposed to be.” Kissing his cheek, she rubbed her face against his neck. “I’m so glad I met you. I wouldn’t have missed
this for the world.”

  He pulled her close, loving how she felt nestled against him. “Before you came, I was lost. Alone. I’m not lonely anymore.”

  “Good. I want to make you happy.” She tried to stand. “We need to finish up. I want to check on your dad.”

  He stood and brought her with him. “Okay. You wash me and I’ll wash you.”

  During the next few minutes soap bubbles flew as sounds of happiness filled the air.

  …With him wearing jeans and her in a sleep shirt, they went to look in on John. “See, he’s snoring.”

  “I’m glad.” She adjusted his covers. “I’m always afraid I’ll turn my back, and something will go wrong.”

  “Delaney, you’re doing a marvelous job looking after him. No one could ask for a caretaker more devoted than you.”

  Caretaker. The term he used caught Delaney by surprise. Yes, that’s what she was. Funny, she felt like so much more.

  “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”

  She blinked, trying to regain the feeling of security she’d felt in his embrace. Of course, she wanted him with her. He probably didn’t even realize he’d said anything to give her doubt. “Yes, I’d like that very much.”

  “Good. Me too.” Jonah followed her to bed, sliding between the sheets. Without missing a beat, he took her in his arms. “My sleep is more peaceful with you. I wanted more of it.”

  His admission gave her pause. “I’m glad I can do that for you.”

  “Yea. Do I make a difference for you?”

  What should she say? The truth? Delaney could find no other words. “You make all the difference in the world. Before I came to Comfort, I was at a loss. As usual, there wasn’t room for me in my mother’s life.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. She did her best. It wasn’t her fault.” She placed her hand over his heart, finding the strong beat reassuring. “Truthfully, it was a relief. My constant striving to please her was exhausting.” As soon as she made her admission, Delaney closed her eyes. “What does that say about me?”

  “It says you’re human.” Jonah rubbed her back. “Honestly, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.”

  “Not even close. Look at you, what all you’ve been through. Yet, when your father needed you, you dropped everything and came home to care for him.”


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