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I Swear

Page 34

by Sable Hunter

  “Long past ready. Dying. Please put him inside of me.”

  He smiled at her request. “You’re the sweetest thing.” Taking his cock in hand, he gently guided the head to brush against her opening. “Take me, baby. Take me deep.”

  Jonah groaned with pleasure as she welcomed him into the creamy heat of her body. The moment she was fully seated, Delaney began to rock. A sense of power and an uncontrollable desire rushed through her.

  He lifted his hands, and she weaved her fingers into his, using them for balance and support. As she began to rotate her hips in small circles, Jonah caught his breath and closed his eyes. “Move, love. Move.”

  Following his urging Delaney rocked back and forth, still undulating her hips. She marveled at the pleasure each movement brought. Growing bolder she lifted herself, stroking his shaft from top to the bottom – squeezing, clenching, milking his cock. “Touch me, Jonah.” She brought his hands to her breasts, offering them as a sacrifice to his roughened fingertips and hungry palms. Over and over again, she slipped up and down the thick rod, making sure he was loved to the full measure. His desire, his pleasure, and his need were paramount in her mind. To her delight Jonah tossed his head, the muscles in his neck corded with tension as he began to buck his hips.

  The heat between them kept building and building. Closing her eyes – Delaney just enjoyed. The exquisite friction was so perfect, she felt this was why she’d been born – to accept and treasure each stroke and caress. His hands on her nipples pushed her over the edge – she lost herself, riding him until she was blind with pleasure.

  The velvet caress of her impossibly tight sheath launched him into orbit. He exploded inside her, shooting his seed deep within her womb. The pleasure was relentless as she continued to quiver around him, her interior muscles involuntarily contracting, tenderly insuring he felt every ounce of ecstasy that was his to claim. Still cherishing him deep within her, she lay down on him, surrendering to his gentle embrace.

  “You are so precious.” His voice caught in his throat when he tried to speak. “Nothing I’ve done in my life has prepared me for you.”

  They fell back asleep still joined in the most intimate of ways.

  * * *

  “Where’s my boy?” John asked as he discovered Delaney sitting next to his hospital bed.

  “He had to go home. He’ll be back in a few days. In the meantime, I’ll be with you. You won’t be alone. How do you feel?”

  “I don’t know. Tired.” He held up his arm sporting the IV. “Sore. What’s this stuff supposed to do?”

  “Cure the Lyme disease. Your memory should clear up and you’ll be good as new.”

  “I can’t believe that. Doesn’t seem possible.”

  She held his hand. “Well, believe it. You’re going to get well, and you won’t need me anymore.”

  “What?” He looked alarmed and confused. “You’re going to leave?”

  She didn’t want to but when John improved, her reason for staying would be over. “I’ll have to.”

  “Where will you go?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve got some serious thinking to do.”

  “Don’t go. I don’t want you to go.”

  Delaney’s chest ached with sorrow. “I don’t want to leave you, believe me.”

  He brought her hand to the middle of his chest and covered it with both of his. “Well, you can’t. I won’t let you go.”

  …In Comfort, the house was so empty he could hardly stand it. Even though Rufus and Tommy shadowed his every step, Jonah felt lost and alone. Even though he missed John a great deal, it was Delaney’s absence that left a hole so big he couldn’t fathom what could fill it.

  He’d called to check on them twice since he left this morning. Now, he was thinking about calling again. The only thing that stopped him was his fear of making a nuisance of himself.

  After eating a sandwich for supper, he fed the dogs, then wandered upstairs to take a shower and go to bed. He’d never realized how quiet the house could be. Hell, he’d welcome a visit from Claudette about now. “No, I take that back. Sorry.” He wasn’t that desperate – not yet.

  Once he was in bed, he let his mind wander over the sweet memories he’d made with Delaney. She came into his life and made their house a home. His bed was no longer just a place to sleep, it was magical. A haven from the world. He couldn’t imagine facing the future without her.

  As he stared up into the darkened ceiling, he wondered how she’d feel about staying. He loved her beyond measure. Did she love him? Could he make her happy? That was the big unanswered question. Lord knows he didn’t have much. When his father got on his feet, there was no guarantee he’d want Jonah to stay and work in the shop. The house they were living in belonged to John – not him. Turning over, he punched his pillow. Was it fair to ask her to marry him when he couldn’t offer her security? Yea, things were looking up with the restorations – but he didn’t even own the tools he was using to do his job. “Face it, you’re no catch, Callan.”

  Jonah felt sick. He’d wasted his time and his opportunities. Now, his heart’s desire was within his grasp, and he had nothing of value to make her want to stay.

  Still…something told him Delaney was different. She wasn’t like other women. Money and material things weren’t that important to her. He remembered every conversation they’d had, and she’d never said anything to make him believe she measured a man by the size of his bank account.

  “What if?” he whispered into the night. What if she loved him? What if she wanted to spend her life with him? What if she walked away just because he didn’t ask her to stay? Shouldn’t he try? Shouldn’t he risk it? If she said no, his heart would be broken. But his heart would be broken when she left either way. “And what if she says yes?” He closed his eyes as a wave of longing washed over him. If she said yes, he’d be the happiest man in the world.

  “Okay, fine. That’s settled. Tomorrow I go buy a ring.”

  * * *

  Two days later, Delaney and John were waiting when Jonah poked his head into the room. “Who’s ready to go home?”

  “I am!” John stood up and clapped his hands together. “I’m ready to get the hell out of Dodge. Right, Delaney?”

  “Yes.” She put her arm around the older man’s waist. “He’s doing so much better, Jonah. He’s a new man.”

  “Thanks to you.” Jonah came to her, seeking a hug and a kiss. “How’s my baby?”

  The endearment made her heart ache. “I’m good and please stop thanking me. I would do anything for the two of you. I don’t need your gratitude.”

  “Okay, I’ll stop.” He held her close for a few more seconds. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too.” There was so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted to ask. Pity the words hung in her throat. “How are things at home?” Home. Yes, that’s the way she thought of the Callan place.

  “Damn quiet without the two of you.” He was so aware of the ring box in his pocket, it felt like it was burning a hole in his jeans.

  “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get out of here!” He moved out into the hall to find a nurse waiting with a wheelchair, insisting on pushing him to the lobby.

  In no time at all they were in the Camry and on the way home. Jonah marveled at how well his father was doing. He asked sensible questions and made acute observations.

  “So, how’s the restoration coming on McCoy’s truck?”

  “Good. I’m working on the interior now.”

  “You’re going to finish it way ahead of schedule.”

  “I was lucky to get the parts I needed a lot sooner than I thought I would. In fact, I think I have another job lined up for the same family. A Mustang for the youngest brother.”

  “Great. When your name gets around, you’ll have more work than you can say grace over.” He lightly punched his son on the arm. “I sure would love to help you out in the shop when I’m bet

  A relieved thrill shot through Jonah. “I’d love that, Dad. After all, the sign reads Callan and Son.”

  “That it does.” Jonah met Delaney’s gaze in the rearview mirror. She seemed happy, but there was something in her eyes he couldn’t read. “So what did the doctor say? How long does he have to wear that pump?”

  “Ten days,” John answered before Delaney got the chance to. “Can you believe it?”

  “It’ll take some time for his strength to return. The Lyme disease infected his joints, that was why he was in so much pain. The antibiotics he’s taking should clear all of that up without any problem. They’ll run some more tests when it’s time to remove the pump to see what else needs to be done.”

  “This is amazing.” Jonah just couldn’t get over it. “Everything’s gonna change. Anything is possible.”

  In the back seat Delaney kept her head bowed, looking at her clasped hands. The uncertainty was weighing down on her. She wanted to ask what their plans were for her, but she didn’t know how. Truthfully, John had improved so much, he didn’t really need her now.

  As they traveled south from Austin, Jonah tried to think about how he would propose. Should he take her out to dinner? No, they really shouldn’t leave his father alone tonight. He was much improved, but they shouldn’t risk any kind of a setback. Maybe he could take her for a walk along the creek. No, the night air was getting a mite too cool. “Hey, how about I put a fire in the fireplace? We could roast some wienies tonight.”

  “And make S’mores?” John asked with excitement in his voice.

  “Why sure. How about it, Delaney?” He asked over his shoulder, a plan formulating in his mind. Once his father was in bed, he could pop the question in front of the fire.

  “We’ll need to stop at the grocery store for buns and graham crackers. I think we have everything else in the pantry and the freezer.”

  “We can do that.” Jonah’s spirits soared. He felt like everything was coming together.

  …Once they arrived at the house, Delaney put away the few items she’d bought. The sight of her suitcase sitting at the bottom of her closet unnerved her. If she left, where would she go? What would she do? Going to the bed, she sank down on it. How would she survive without Jonah?

  Dropping her head, she covered her eyes. What would other women do? Make their wishes known? What if she went to Jonah and told him how she felt? What if he were waiting for her to do just that? With a muffled groan, she mentally reviewed all of the conversations they’d shared. What if he was as uncertain of her as she was of him? He’d been through so much. Leaving home at such an early age. Having to make it on his own. Joining the army and suffering the trauma of his commanding officer’s atrocities. Yet, he’d emerged a man strong enough to step back into his life and care for his father when he needed help the most. With a sigh she admitted the truth. Jonah knew what he wanted, and he was man enough to fight for it. If he wanted Delaney in his life, he’d surely say so.


  Hearing Jonah’s voice calling her name, she stood to her feet and wiped her eyes. “Coming!” After a quick glance in the mirror, she hurried to meet them.

  She found the Callan men in the living room. Jonah was holding a tray piled with assorted items. “I think I have everything we need.” He set his bounty on the coffee table. “I cut some peach limbs to roast our wieners and marshmallows on.”

  “Oh, good.” She viewed all the things he’d gathered. “You forgot the mustard. I’ll get it.”

  “Grab me a coke, Miss Margaret.”

  “Okay,” she said, then whirled around to look at John in alarm.

  “I’m fine,” he laughed. “I just remember what I called you. You’re prettier than Ann Margaret, by the way. Isn’t she, Jonah?”

  “I’m not sure I know what Ann Margaret looks like, but I do know Delaney is beautiful.”

  “Oh, gracious.” She left to get the mustard, a bit embarrassed by their conversation. “I’m going to feed the animals while I’m out here,” she called.

  In the living room, Jonah tended to the fire. “So, you want me to stick around, Dad?” Yea, he came right out and asked.

  “Do you want to?”

  He hated questions like that. “If you want me to.”

  “I hate answers like that,” John fumed. “Why can’t a person just come out and say what’s on their mind.”

  “Like you did? Do you want me to stay, or do you want me to go?”

  John frowned. “I want you to stay, dammit!”

  “You didn’t want me to stay before.”

  John took off his hat and sat it on his knee. “I was hurt. And young. And stupid. Too much pride and not enough sense. I should’ve come after you. I know that now. Hell, I knew it then. I just didn’t know how. I was heartbroken. I didn’t do you right and I didn’t do Claudette right.”

  “Well, it’s over. We’ve moved past it.”

  “There’s something you should know, Jonah.” He met his son’s gaze. “Once I found you living in Manor, I checked on you. I even sent money for your upkeep.”

  Out of their sight, Delaney walked up to the door frame. Hearing their conversation, she stopped.

  “You sent money? Jonah was floored at his father’s news. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you come see me?”

  “I didn’t know how to apologize. I didn’t know how to make it right. Please, give me the chance to make it right now.”

  Jonah turned to look at his father full in the face. “It is right. We’re here and we’re together.”

  “How about Delaney?” John asked.

  Delaney tensed. Yes, she was eavesdropping, but she needed to know how Jonah felt.

  “What about Delaney?” Jonah asked, worried at how his father might feel about the situation.

  “She’s planning on leaving.”

  Just hearing the words aloud stole Jonah’s breath. “Delaney’s time here was only supposed to be temporary.” As much as he hated it, he spoke the truth.

  A few feet away, Delaney gasped. She covered her mouth to contain her cry. Unable to listen to anymore, she whirled around and walked away.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Temporary. Temporary. Temporary.

  Delaney fled to the screened in porch, Rufus on her heels. She allowed the dog to catch up with her before she shut the door behind her. The darkness provided a welcome veil for her tears. Hearing what Jonah thought about their situation devastated her. She didn’t know what he was expecting, but she would begin to make arrangements to leave as soon as possible. Leaning her head against the rough screen wire, she welcomed the discomfort. The slight pain helped her think. “You can do this. You have to, you don’t have any choice.” Where she would go, what she would do – Delaney didn’t know. The one thing she was certain of, she couldn’t stay here one moment longer than necessary. Being around Jonah would be too painful.

  Standing still a moment longer, Delaney sought to control her breathing. She needed to compose herself before one of the men came looking for her. “Please, Lord. I don’t pray often enough but I need help. I need an answer. Where do I go? What do I do?” She couldn’t see herself running home to her mother, not when she knew she wouldn’t be welcome. “There has to be another answer. Show me the way, please.”

  …Meanwhile, John Callan stared at his son. “I understand what your original agreement was with her, but is that what you want? Do you want Delaney to leave?”

  “Of course not.” Jonah glanced over his shoulder. “I want her to stay. I plan on asking her to stay.” Holding up his hand, he indicated for his father to lower his voice. “I don’t want her to hear what we’re saying.”

  A few moments later, Delaney showed up with a jar of mustard in hand. “Okay. We’re all set. I’m starving!”

  “Good.” Jonah glanced at her face. She looked a little flushed. “Do you feel okay?”

  “Never felt better.” S
he gave him a big smile. “John, can I give you a hand?”

  Over the next hour, they sat around the fire and enjoyed their meal. Jonah felt on top of the world. His conversation with his dad had relieved his mind. Now, he just needed to settle things with Delaney. He couldn’t wait to put the ring on her finger. For the first time in his life, his future looked bright ahead.

  “Another s’more, darling?” he asked Delaney who was sitting quietly beside him.

  “No, I’m good.” She looked over at John. “I think he’s getting tired.”

  “I can hear you, Delaney.” John opened one eye. “I don’t need a babysitter anymore.”

  She knew his answer was meant to be a happy announcement, but it brought home her new reality. She wasn’t needed anymore.

  Buzz! Buzz!

  “Whose phone is that?” John asked.

  Jonah felt in his pocket. “It’s not mine.”

  “It must be mine.” Delaney rose to find her purse where she’d left it by the couch. “I can’t imagine who’s calling. I don’t get phone calls.”

  John and Jonah watched as she found the phone, her eyes widening at the sight of the name on the caller ID display. “What in the world?”

  “Who is it?” John asked.

  Delaney held up one finger as she answered. “This is Delaney Ellis.”

  Jonah couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, but he could read her expression. She was shocked. And a little relieved? He couldn’t be certain, but he did know whatever the other person was saying – it was important. Delaney appeared to be hanging on their every word.

  “Are you serious?” she asked in disbelief, then paused. “Why, yes. I am interested. Very interested.”

  Jonah felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “When?” she asked, her eyes darting around. “Yes, I can make that. Thank you so much, sir. Thank you.”

  When she ended the call, Jonah rose to his feet. “Who was that?”

  “The superintendent of the school district where I was previously offered a position.”

  “What about it?” Jonah was certain he didn’t want to hear her answer.


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