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On Her Knees

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  He couldn’t help the chuckle that came from him.

  “Yeah, well you drained me fucking dry.” He was crude with his words, but her smile told him she didn’t care.

  “I could fall asleep right now,” she said in a sleepy voice.

  He cupped her cheek, smoothed his thumb over her bottom lip, and couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss her.

  “Then sleep, baby.”

  Karina closed her eyes, and he pulled the blankets over them. He lay there, hearing her breathe, knowing she’d fallen asleep, and realizing this woman had changed something in him with just one night. He’d never be the same, and how fucking incredible, if not insane, was that?

  Chapter Seven

  Karina slowly woke, but before her eyes were even open she knew she was alone. She lay there, staring at the ceiling in Viktor’s bedroom, hearing the clock on the bedside table ticking off the time, and remembering everything about last night.

  She was on her back, and smoothed her hands outward, feeling the chilled sheets along her skin, and closing her eyes at the memories, the soreness between her thighs, and the scent of Viktor touched every part of her, filled every sense.

  She stayed like that for a few seconds, and when she opened her eyes and sat up, she looked around the room. Everything was neat and in order, exactly how she expected it to be. But last night she’d only vaguely glanced at her surroundings, her body and mind so wound up, so in tune to Viktor that nothing else had mattered.

  It was then that she saw a slip of paper on Viktor’s pillow. It seemed kind of cliché, but she found herself holding her breath, not sure what the note would say. Clearly he wasn’t home, but kicking her out didn’t mean he had to be here, either.

  Had a conference call. Sorry to leave, but didn’t want to wake you. A car will take you to La Terrice at eleven and take you to have brunch with me.

  Not about to end this, Karina.


  Her hand started to shake on its own as she reread the letter several times. She was honestly surprised, because no matter what he said, which could have been done because of the heat of the moment, she’d thought this would be a onetime thing. She was not like the women he’d been with, and because of that, and the fact she was his employee, Karina just assumed he’d said those things because he’d wanted her in his bed. The nightmare of the morning after had briefly filtered through her mind, and the awkwardness of seeing him, maybe experiencing his rejection, of course consumed her, especially when first waking.

  But it didn’t turn out that way.

  No, and that made this even stranger. Still, she was excited about the prospect of having lunch with him, of seeing exactly what his plans were, his thoughts, for all of this.

  Her thoughts and plans? She had none, because she hadn’t ever seen it going this far.

  Getting out of bed, Karina was about to slip on her dress from last night, when she saw a white box with a red bow sitting on the dresser. Walking up to it, she took out the little card, and opened it.

  Wear this for me, Karina.


  Her heart was thundering. Inside were a cashmere sweater tunic, black leggings, undergarments, and a pair of leather boots.

  Holy shit.

  She took the tunic out, the material soft and obviously very expensive. She couldn’t accept these items, not when she knew this had to cost a lot, and she’d just slept with her boss. But did she really want to go to brunch in her evening gown? She looked at the time, didn’t have enough time to go home, and told herself she’d use the clothes he left and figure out how to repay him for them.

  She didn’t know how this whole experience would play out, but a part of her hoped it would go this well up until the end. That was either very optimistic of her, or very naive.


  Viktor had arrived at the restaurant ten minutes ago, and he expected Karina here any moment, that is, if she even showed up. She had no reason to see him further, because for all he knew she didn’t want anything from him. Her desire and pleasure was genuine last night, but the fact he’d had to leave her in his bed to handle business, and the fact he was her employer, might scare her off. But he needed to talk to her about all of this and about what he wanted from her.

  He leaned back in the chair and stared at the front entrance, not accustomed to the nerves wracking him. He wanted to see her walk through the doors, wanted to see her wearing the clothing he’d left for her. But it might be awkward for her, to say the least. She was an intelligent woman, and common sense might dictate that she stop this before it even started. But he couldn’t let her walk away, because even after he’d fucked her still wanted her like a fiend.

  In the early morning hours before he’d left, he’d just lain there running his fingers through the soft, long tendrils of her hair. She’d looked so peaceful and well fucked in that moment, and he felt something inside of him tighten at the sight. He couldn’t say he loved her, but he could say that after the year of seeing her daily, the emotions that she evoked, when she didn’t even know it, told him he did care for her. He’d fought it for too long, and he was done with that. He was getting too old to ignore something that felt so good and right, and Karina made him feel those things and more.

  He saw the Lincoln Town car pull up to the curb, and Viktor straightened in his seat. The driver got out and walked around the car to open the back passenger side door. When Viktor saw Karina exit the vehicle everything in him hardened, came alert, and the remembrance of last night played through his head.

  The outfit she was wearing was what he’d had one of his assistants get for her before the sun had even risen. Being who he was had many perks, and that included businesses opening for him at any given hour. He was glad he’d been able to take advantage of that, because seeing Karina in the clothes he’d picked out for her made everything in him growl in approval.

  She stopped and looked at the restaurant for a second, not moving, her nervousness clear in her posture and the expression she wore. She finally came inside, and Viktor found himself standing. Their gazes locked for a second, and she finally started moving toward him.

  When she was standing a foot from him, he reached out and grabbed her hand, lifted it to his mouth, and kissed the inside of her wrist while holding her gaze with his. He could feel the rapid beat of her pulse right under his lips. He saw her pupils dilate, the blackness eating up the color. Her lips were parted, her focus on his mouth. He pulled back and held the seat out for her. Once they were both seated he motioned for the waiter to take their order. After they ordered he leaned back in his seat again and wondered if he should just start right in, or give her a moment to get her thoughts.

  “Thank you for the outfit, but can I ask why you bought the clothes for me?” She was fidgeting with her napkin, and he reached out and placed his hand on top of hers.

  “Because I wanted to have lunch with you, and I didn’t think you’d want to wear your formal gown.” He smirked. “And because I liked the idea of you wearing what I’d bought you.”

  Her cheeks turned pink at his comment.

  He might have said things last night, things that should have let her know that he wanted her for more than just a fuck, but Viktor would make sure Karina knew exactly how he felt. Viktor was going to make sure Karina knew she was the one he wanted. She just had to give him a chance.

  “I’m just going to get right to it, Karina.”

  She nodded, and he saw the way her throat worked as she swallowed.

  “Last night wasn’t just about fucking you.” He noticed the way she glanced around and how her cheeks turned red. Clearly his coarse language embarrassed her, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I won’t mince words with you, Karina.” She was looking at him again, and when she nodded he tightened his hold on her hand, making sure she knew this was real. “Last night was the start of something. I know I can’t be the only one that feels this strongly.”

  Tell me I’m not the only one.
  For as commanding and powerful Viktor had to be when he was in the office or negotiating terms in the boardroom, he realized when it came to Karina she was in control, whether she knew it or not. He hadn’t expected things to turn out this way, but now that he’d had her he couldn’t let her go. He had to make her see being with him was what was meant to be.

  “I want more than just the one night.”

  She took her hands from his and placed them in her lap, looking down. He didn’t rush her, because he knew this was probably a big fucking surprise to her. They’d had sex last night, and she was probably still reeling about that. He was, after all, her employer, and that made what they had done, what he wanted with her, crossing a line. But he didn’t give a fuck. After having Karina he knew he’d cross any damn line just to be with her.

  “Say something, baby.” He dropped his voice lower and didn’t like the fact he felt so on edge. Waiting to hear how she’d respond was hell.

  She finally looked up at him again after what felt like forever, and he saw the uncertainty in her face. “I do want you, Viktor.”

  That had his heart beating faster, had his palms starting to sweat, and all he wanted to do was pull her onto his lap and kiss her senseless in front of everyone. He’d never been the sentimental type, never given a fuck about anything that didn’t make him money in the long run. That was what his life had been about for as long as he could remember: furthering his career and gaining respect. But when he looked at Karina something in him shifted. He didn’t feel so selfish, because pleasing her, making her happy took the forefront. It was fucking crazy to him, as well, given the fact that although they’d been in each other’s company for the last year, one night could shape this moment so drastically.

  “But as much as I want you, I am afraid, too, Viktor.”

  And just like that his heart stopped. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Karina.”

  She shook her head and closed her eyes for a second. “I’m afraid of what I feel, of what others may say. Being with you is so unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, and that’s so good, Viktor. But this is also so sudden, and I’m confused.” She was looking at the outfit he’d gotten her, smoothing her fingertips over the material, and he knew if he didn’t give her time he’d push her away, and getting her to come around might be the hardest obstacle he’d ever tried to overcome.

  “I don’t want you afraid or unsure about this. Your job is secure no matter you decide, but I want to let you know giving me a chance might not be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.” He held her gaze for a second before continuing. “I want you to have as much time as you need, and to decide what you want. I won’t rush or push you, Karina. I wanted you to know where I stand and what I want. I’ll be here when you make your decision, no matter what that may be.”

  God, this will be the longest wait I’ve ever experienced.

  But letting her come to her own decision was what he wanted, and what she needed to know what was right for her.

  Chapter Eight

  “What are you going to do?”

  Karina had just gotten through telling her friend all about what happened with Viktor … everything in detail. She wasn’t going to hide what had happened, because she’d wanted to confide in someone, and she wanted to get another opinion on it all.

  Karina looked at the other woman, the one person she trusted most of all, Hardy. They’d been friends for the last year when Karina had found Hardy drunk, left at the bar by her deadbeat boyfriend, and trying to call someone to pick her up. It wasn’t the ideal way to make a new friend, but the women had hit it off, well, after Hardy had sobered up. After that, and for the last year, she was the one person Karina actually spoke with, the one person she considered a true friend. It was funny how people met, but it was also a blessing.

  Hardy was also the person that had lent the evening gown to Karina, and she’d come over today to pick it up.

  “I don’t know.” Karina grabbed her cup of coffee and drank from it, mulling over her thoughts. “But honestly, I know what I’d like. I’m just too afraid of what might happen, I guess.”

  Hardy didn’t speak for a second, but she looked thoughtful. “You want him,” Hardy said without phrasing it like a question.

  Karina nodded, not about to lie.

  “But you think he’ll fuck you over?”

  Leave it to Hardy not to mince words, but that was what Karina needed to hear right now.

  “Yeah, or something like that. You know his reputation. Hell, everyone in the city knows who he is and the women he’s been with.”

  Hardy nodded. “True, but who cares about them?”

  “I guess I care. I shouldn’t be thinking about what could happen—”

  “Honey, if life has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t worry about what might happen. Hell, look at how it ended with Marco and me?” Hardy shook her head. “I thought I was going to marry him, but then I found out his ass was cheating on me the entire time we were together.” Hardy shrugged and took a long drink from her coffee cup, which Karina knew she’d spiked with Irish Cream. “I say live your life the way you want to. If you feel like it is right with him, fuck everyone else and what they might say.”

  Karin knew her friend was right, and she wanted to have that mentality, but she supposed never before having the kind of attention Viktor gave her, had her a little unsure of which way to go.

  “Just go with what your heart says. You’re a smart girl, and it won’t lead you wrong.”


  It had been days since she’d slept with Viktor, and spoken with Hardy about the whole situation. To say Karina was still so confused on how she felt was an understatement, even after speaking with her friend. Of course she wanted Viktor, thought about him constantly, and his admission that he wanted to see where things went with them made her happy. But Karina also didn’t want her heart broken in the process. She knew she could fall hard for Viktor in no time—hell, she felt like she was already halfway there. But he didn’t exactly have a reputation for being in committed relationships, and she worried that he’d get tired of her eventually.

  But do you really think that, after what he said to you?

  Honestly, no, she didn’t think that, because Viktor wasn’t the type of man to make declarations like he had and not mean them. From what she’d seen, heard, and gathered on her own, she knew he kept himself at a distance with people. His telling her he wanted her, that he wanted more than just that one night, had sounded genuine.

  He was real, and you know that. You just don’t want to realize or accept it.

  But Karina did want to accept it, because it’s what she wanted, as well.

  “Stop,” she whispered to herself, grabbed the files she’d been working on, and got back to it. She’d been immersed in her work for the last few days, trying to stay out of Viktor’s way, because she was still wrapping her head around it all, even if she knew what she wanted. He’d been working on a big account, so his head had been in that, but she also didn’t miss the way their gazes would lock in passing, and the heat and emotions that bombarded her at every turn.

  “Karina, I’m going to go on my lunch. Would you like to go?”

  Karina stopped filing and looked at Barbara, who stood in the doorway. There were a few other employees with her. “No thanks. I’d like to get this done.”

  “Want me to bring anything back? We’re going to Renaldo’s.”

  “I brought my lunch, but thank you.” She smiled and watched as they left. Karina went back to filing, her thoughts on Viktor, as they’d been for the last several days. It also didn’t help that just until the other day she had still been pleasurably sore between her thighs, a remembrance of what they’d shared. Fortunately, Viktor wasn’t in his office, and had left for a meeting a few hours ago. That at least gave her the silence she needed to think. Or maybe she didn’t need to think anymore? Maybe she just needed to either tell him this wasn’t what she could do, or
say she wanted to give it a try.

  The sound of the office doors opening and closing had her assuming one of the girls forgot something. She finished filing the last bit of paperwork, and stepped out of the backroom. “You forget something…” Her words died in her throat when she saw Viktor standing by the receptionist’s desk, his jacket midway to being pulled off, and his focus on her. For a second they didn’t speak, didn’t even move.

  Maybe this is a sign that things need to get resolved right now?

  He took a step toward his office, and even though she could clearly see the strain on his face, he didn’t push her. She had to appreciate that, because Viktor was a man known to go after what he wanted, but he was giving her the space and time to decide what she needed in her life.

  “Karina.” The way he said her name as he walked past her made these butterflies move around in her belly. The scent of him as the air wafted around her had the hairs on her arms standing on end. And the look he gave her right before he entered his office had her resolve solidifying.

  You have thought about this. You know what you want. You know what you need to tell him.

  He shut the door, and she contemplated just for a second what she should do.

  Stop thinking, and just do it. You won’t know how it’ll be until you talk to him and give this a chance.

  Steeling herself, she smoothed her hands over her legs and moved toward the door. She could hear him on the phone, and although she should have knocked, she figured they’d already shared so much that walking in would be appropriate.

  She turned the knob, pushed the door open, and stepped inside. He had his back to her, and was standing looking out one of the windows, but she could see how he tensed, and knew he could sense her right away. They had this undeniable connection, and that was another reason she was just going to go with it and see how this all went.

  “Zachary, let me call you back.” Viktor turned around and disconnected his Bluetooth. He removed it from his ear and set it on the table. The silence between them was thick, slightly awkward, but then again she figured it would be given how they’d parted.


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