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Alpha Shifter Bride Service: (A Paranormal Romance Series)

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by Serena Meadows

  Her new husband must have known because he swept her off of her feet, literally. He walked out of the ceremony with her in his arms, and Jasmine clung to his neck, burying her face in his chest with a tinge of embarrassment. The day was quickly getting away from her, as well as her emotions.

  She asked him where he was taking her, and he told her that they were going to the honeymoon suite. Since they were a ways from town and hotels, Jasmine didn’t know what that meant. She was trying to figure out why they were in a clearing in the woods, or what any of it was, but felt like it wouldn’t do her any good. She was in it now, and now all she had to focus on was just getting on with it.

  He put her down in front of a tiny cabin, about a mile from where they were. Where had the time gone, she wondered to herself? How had they gotten so far away in such a short amount of time? The more she tried to pull it all together, the harder it was. Jasmine was shaking by the time he put her down and opened the door. She knew what was supposed to come next, and it terrified her.

  “Your room awaits.”

  Jasmine went in because that was what was expected of her, but it didn’t mean she had to like it, and she didn’t. It was hard for her to imagine what they were doing there, or why he was acting so strange. This wasn’t like any wedding that she had ever heard of.

  “Do I know you? I mean, I know that sounds weird, but I feel like we knew each other at some point, or I’ve seen you before somewhere.”

  It was the first real thing that she’d asked and Jasmine waited for his answer before she would go much further past the door. She wanted to know why she felt like he was familiar. She imagined that he would have checked on her while she was at the school, though she didn’t know how any of it worked. He wasn’t much older than her, she didn’t think.

  “We went to school together. We had a couple of classes in tenth grade, and I sat behind you in biology.”

  Her mind went back to a time when life was simple. Maybe that was where she knew him, but they hadn’t talked much, if at all. She didn’t remember him well, so they weren’t close.

  “I’m sorry, it’s been such a long time ago. Feels like a lifetime since I left there.”

  “Everyone wondered where you went.”

  She smiled at him, thinking that he knew exactly where she was. Jasmine didn’t comment on being sent to an all-girls school because she was supposed to be nice and virginal. It was hard to speak about such matters with a huge man towering over her, one that was going to expect things of her that made it hard to breathe. And that was just thinking about it.

  Looking around the small cabin, it seemed to have everything they would need. It had a bed, a small kitchen area, and another door that she assumed was a bathroom. Jasmine wanted to know how long they were supposed to be there. She wanted to know what the rest of her life was going to be like if they started it off this way. She had expected a hotel or something normal like that. This place made her feel strange inside, much like the man himself.

  When he touched her shoulder to hand her something, she jumped about a mile high. Jasmine could see that the man wanted her. Whisking her away to the middle of nowhere with a bunch of women had not stopped the world from teaching her about those things early on. She’d been desired many times, and now she was shaking, knowing that her husband wanted her as well.

  “Why are you afraid? You don’t have to be. This was a marriage of convenience, but you will be treated well. I didn’t want to do this…but seeing you now, Jasmine, I couldn’t be happier.”

  She smiled in response but didn’t feel the same way. She was glad that he was nice, but she didn’t have the same feelings towards him. He was handsome and made her feel weird inside, but the fear of him and what he would want trumped all else.

  He was still standing close to her, his hand on her shoulder, and she kind of brushed it away, moving out of his grasp. Jasmine wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel or how she was supposed to act. She was just scared. The last three years had led up to this moment, and now she couldn't control herself. She couldn’t control the racing of her heart or the feeling of utter dread that came over her.

  “I don't want you to be afraid of me, Jasmine. I won't let any harm come to you. There is going to be a lot of changes now that we are together. Things that you will have to learn about my people and me. You are to be the queen and it is quite a responsibility, as well as honor.”

  Now Jasmine was looking at him like he was speaking in Greek. She had no idea what he was talking about. Queens? People? Why was he talking like that?

  He leaned down to get another kiss, and she moved her face so that it did not land on her lips. Instead, it landed on her cheek, and she flitted away even further. She asked him about the bathroom and if there was a shower.

  “I just need to clean up. I had some very strange things drawn on me by the women that were helping me get ready. I don't know what they mean, and I’d like to wash off of that off of me, if you don’t mind.”

  “It’s good luck to keep them for the first night.”

  “Good luck?”

  It took her a minute to realize what he was saying. They were supposed to get intimate. She shivered more, thinking about their bodies coming together in such a way.

  Jasmine needed a few minutes to herself. It seemed like she had somebody watching her for the last three years, and it all came to a head, the date that she had been dreading for so long. There was a big sense of let down that the world didn't explode. She needed a minute to collect herself, and his searing gaze was making it hard to think.

  “Everything you need is right in there. I will be out here waiting for you, Jasmine. Do you want me to make you a drink to help settle your nerves?”

  “If we went to school together, that means that you're not old enough to drink either.”

  “Let's just say that my people have different rules than yours. No one is going to say anything if you want to have a drink.”

  Again, he was speaking in terms that she didn't understand. He was acting like they were different in some way, some fundamental way that she didn't understand. Maybe they were.

  She smiled shyly at him, not able to look into his eyes for long.

  “Okay, one drink, if you don’t think it will be a problem.”

  He grinned wide, and Jasmine ran for the bathroom. Thankfully, the bathroom wasn’t far or she would have likely made it to a full run.

  Chapter Six

  Dustin heard his name being called from the bathroom, and he went to the door. Of course, the whole time had been thinking about her naked body and the water running off of her. He thought about many naughty things that he wanted to do to his new bride, though she jumped every time he barely touched her.

  “What is it, Jasmine? Did you need help with something?”

  That’s what he really wanted, to assist her then, hot, wet, ready…

  “I um, I don't have anything to wear. I don't want to put that dress back on. It's really heavy. Is there anything for me to wear here?”

  “I wasn't really planning on us wearing too many clothes. Why don't you just come to bed and you won't have to worry about all of that?”

  She made a face.

  “I'm sure that there is an old T-shirt around here or something, if it makes you feel better.”

  Jasmine smiled and nodded her head rapidly. He wanted to make her happy, so if that was what she wanted, he would make it happen. He didn’t want her beautiful body covered, but Dustin knew that getting her in bed was the hardest feat.

  The whole time he was thinking about her naked; now he had to cover her up. There wasn’t much in the way of extra clothing, so he gave her the shirt he was wearing. The room was chilled a bit, but it did nothing for his ardor. That was still raging inside of him, and his patience was already threadbare.

  When he went to the door, she opened it partially to stick her hand out, without him getting to see more than her arm. Instant disappointment. He slid the shirt into her han
d, and she pulled it back quickly, shutting the door behind her. Dustin didn’t even get to see her with the towel on and wet hair. Another disappointment.

  Jasmine was still on edge when she came out of the bathroom. She wouldn't even look at him, and it made him question everything. Why was she acting the way she was? She was a virgin, but Jasmine made it seem like her anxiety came from something more.

  She sprinted the short distance to the bed and jumped in, pulling the covers up practically to her chin. He had only seen a small stretch of her smooth white skin as she ran. It wasn't enough to satisfy any of the endless questions that he had.

  Dustin had seen his honeymoon night going so much different. He knew that it needed to be a virgin to satisfy his clan, but he never would have imagined that it would be Jasmine. Why did he feel so different when it came to Jasmine, and why did that tiny bit of fear in her eyes make him not want her at all?

  “Can I be honest with you, Jasmine?”

  She nodded her head, but it was barely more than her eyes that he could see. There was not an ounce of desire coming out of her. It was nothing but anticipation, anxiety, and something else that he didn't want to name.

  “I've never been with a virgin before. I am not really sure how to proceed.”

  That declaration just seemed to make things worse, and she burrowed into the blankets even further. It was all obviously too much for her, and he wished that he had held his tongue and said nothing at all. At this point, he didn't feel like anything he said or did was going to be right.

  He started to move towards the bed, and Jasmine went to the other side. It wasn't a clear-cut action either, but a slow one, like she was inching away from danger. Dustin didn't like the idea that he was considered danger. While he knew that it would be different, marrying a stranger this way, he wasn’t prepared for the reality of it.

  “You're acting like you don't want to be married. Am I an unsatisfying husband to you?”

  He didn't want to ask the question because that meant that she could possibly say yes. That could very well be what had her hiding herself in such a way. Dustin had to know what the reaction was all about.

  “No, it has nothing to do with you. I just...I am a lot more worried about this than I thought I would be. I am trying to do what I am supposed to, really, I am.

  Putting on a brave face, or at least what she wanted to be a brave face, she sat up a little bit and let the sheet fall down to her waist. The shirt hid all of the curves he wanted to see, but Dustin chose to see it as progress.

  He knew that a sexy body was just underneath, and she felt more out of reach at that moment than she had when he was idly thinking of her in his youth. His fingers ached to touch her soft curves, even if he couldn’t see them.

  He was going to do just that when she looked at him with a sorrowful stare that he couldn't handle. It was not as it should be. As many times as he imagined being with Jasmine, she had never looked at him quite like that.

  She looked like she was going to run at any moment. When he started to take his pants off, he could see her shaking. That didn’t sit well with Dustin at all.

  “Look, Jasmine, I don’t know what is going on here, but I am not going to force you to be with me. Even though I’m your husband, my kind isn’t like yours. We won’t force a woman, even if you're my wife.”

  The relief was actually worse than the fear. He got into the bed, taking up more than his half, but he did his best not to touch her. Dustin went to his side, barely covered by the blanket and growling inside. He was rock hard and wanted to be inside of her. It was all he had thought about since saying their vows. Now, Dustin wondered if he would ever have Jasmine the way he wanted her.

  Would she always look at him like she had that night?

  Dustin woke up, fully aware of the warm body entangled with his own. When he tried to move, Jasmine moaned softly and snuggled deeper against him. He was breathing raggedly, aware that parts of him were ready and waiting. How easy would it have been to slide forward just a bit…

  Dustin pushed away the thought, knowing that it would be wrong. He’d been up less than a minute and he was already fighting off his inner demons. Her soft body was supple, skin warm to the touch and smooth. She stretched when he tried to move away, and more of her body was revealed to his hungry eyes. Dustin should have covered her up, but considering the ending of their first night together, he had fought the urge.

  The shirt was a poor covering, and it was just about up to her upper thighs. It wouldn’t have taken much for him to touch her, make her ready and push in deep. She was all over him; half of her body was physically on top of him.

  He’d almost talked himself into it. Dustin was sure that she would see that he was right and that they were supposed to be together. He just knew it, and once he made her explode a few times, showed her the world of pleasure, Dustin was convinced that she would want it as badly as he did.

  As she turned and then draped her arm over his chest, her soft breasts were pressed up against him, and he growled. It woke her up, and the realization that came to her eyes was enough to kill the mood.

  Jasmine's eyes got wide, and she sat up immediately. She pulled her body away from his and Dustin could immediately feel the cold that seeped into him. She had been the only thing that was keeping it away.

  Back to reality, he thought to himself.

  Chapter Seven

  Jasmine woke up with a start, and it took just a moment for the day before to flood in. It was right back to reality when she saw Dustin next to her. He was just wearing shorts, so basically, everywhere she touched him was skin. He was hot to the touch, and her skin was cooling quickly from being away from him. Her eyes flicked to in between his thighs, where it was rather clear what he wanted. It was what she wanted as well, even if she didn't know how to ask. Her body certainly seemed to know.

  “Sorry, I must have moved while I was sleeping. I didn’t mean to climb all over you.”

  She got up and wrapped the sheet around her. Jasmine couldn’t help checking out the man she’d just been on top of. Moments before, she had been wrapped around him like gift wrap around a present, and the idea of it made her face go pink. She was embarrassed, and the obvious reaction of him made it even worse. There was a lot that she didn't know about men, but that was something she knew pretty clearly. He wanted her, in every way; the hard knot in his shorts told her so.

  Jasmine ran into the bathroom and ran the water in the sink, trying to hide the sound of her basically hyperventilating. She looked at herself in the mirror image and didn't even recognize herself. There was a new light in her eyes, and curiously, it made the blue seem even bluer than before. Her hair was all messed up, and she still had the pink cheeks of embarrassment.

  “While you're in there, Jasmine, I will go find you something to wear. I can barely handle being around you like that so I can't expect anybody else to. We have a lot to do today, and I need you dressed to do it, if only so I can think straight.”

  His voice sounded harsh to her ears and Jasmine tried to imagine what was going through his mind. Surely, he must think something of her, something not so good, because of what happened. Jasmine knew what he wanted, and she also knew that some men did not take it very well when they did not get what they desired. It would seem like Dustin was taking it well enough, but there was definitely an edge to his voice that was unmistakable.

  “Okay, thank you. That would be good.”

  She heard the front door of the cabin open, and she hollered out to him again. “I really mean it, Dustin. Thank you.”

  Dustin didn't answer but he didn't shut the door as hard as she thought he would. It was a strange situation that Jasmine found herself and she had a feeling it was going to get a lot stranger that day. There was an excitement in him and lots to do, but she had no idea what she was in for.

  Soon, Jasmine was going to have more to worry about than a man and his needs. She was about to be introduced into a world that she didn't even k
now existed, and now she was playing center stage in it.

  Jasmine was relieved when Dustin came back with several choices. They were all dresses, something that she was going to find out quickly was just customary with his people. Jasmine didn’t really wear dresses all that much, but she went with it to make him happy. It was sort of an apology for the way she acted the night before. Jasmine knew that she couldn’t put him off forever, his manly needs, but a dress, she could wear.

  When he’d seen her for the first time, Jasmine had worried that her choice was wrong. He was still looking at her like he wanted to eat her alive, but then the look was gone, and she was able to breathe again.

  “We need to talk about a few things, Jasmine. You’re going to learn some things about me that might bring you alarm. I don’t really know how to prepare you for them, though.”

  Now she was feeling the worry come back. Alarm? “Like what?”

  He smiled and told her that she would know it when she saw it. That left a feeling of dread in Jasmine, unsure of what he meant by that.

  “You know that I don’t understand half of what you say, right?”

  He chuckled, and it shocked him based on the look on his face.

  “It is going to get a little more confusing and a bit overwhelming, but I will be right here next to you to help you through it. Okay?”

  She agreed, telling him that he wasn't helping matters at all.

  “If you want to make me feel better, Dustin, stop being so ominous. Just tell me what is going on so I will know how to prepare myself. It will be hard to react later while it's happening.”

  “I wish that I could prepare you for this. I really do, but I don't think that I can. Just remind yourself that I'm here next to you, and even if I don't look the same, I'm still the same person.”


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