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Alpha Shifter Bride Service: (A Paranormal Romance Series)

Page 14

by Serena Meadows

  “I feel foolish going back after I left.”

  “Nobody even knows that you left, Carmella. Trust me when I tell you that nobody knows anything. My father is probably asleep, and so is the rest of the house. Even though we are wolves, we don't really stay out too late anymore, and only for special occasions.”

  Carmella swallowed hard and thought about a special occasion that was coming up. If she went back, would she be able to leave again? Would she want to? The truth of the matter was it was cold, and she didn't even have a jacket to wear. She was so ill-prepared. Carmella hadn't even really thought about it, she had just run.

  Now that she was starting to slow down and think about it, because he was making her think about it, Carmella could see that it was probably the worst decision she had made yet. And that was saying something.

  “Just promise me that you'll let me go.”

  “I promise if that's what you want, I will let you go. I will never force you to do anything that you don't want to do, and I will never let anybody else force you. You should only be here of your own free will. All I'm saying is at least give it a chance before you go. I just met you...”

  His voice trailed off, and he looked away, like he had said too much. Carmella wanted him to continue the sentence, but it became clear that he wasn't going to. Finally, she relented and agreed to go back with him.

  “If you don't mind, though, can we just walk for a little while?”

  “If you realized how tired I was, then you would know that I think I would rather walk much better than run.”

  “Where did you come from?”

  He shrugged. “Let's just say I had a lot of energy I needed to work off.”

  Carmella smiled and felt companionship with him. Maybe she wasn't the only one that had a bit too much to process and found nature to be the best place to do it.

  What would it have been like if it had been Jeff, she was supposed to marry?

  Chapter Seven

  After Jeff got Carmella squared away, he decided to go find his dad. There was no telling where he was, and even though he had just brought home a brand-new bride that was far too good for him, Jeff knew exactly where he would be.

  Instead of knocking or giving them some privacy, which they probably would have appreciated, he kicked in the door and watched his father jerk for a moment. His eyes laid on his son, and he asked him what the hell he was doing in there.

  “I should ask you the same thing, Father. You just brought home a bride to marry and you're over here at your mistress’s house. Do you even know where she is?”

  Jason didn't seem alarmed at all. He was still naked and trying to coax his woman back into bed. Jason was not finished yet, and Jeff could see that he wasn't going to stop until he was. It disgusted him, and even though he’d always hated the fact that his father was such a womanizer, he hated him even more now. Now that Jason had a woman that Jeff was convinced was supposed to be his, there was an animosity that crept up so quickly that he could barely breathe.

  “I am sure that you are keeping up with her. Don’t think that I didn’t see the way that you looked at her, son. You may think that I am blind, but I am not. You're just upset that your old man has found a beautiful young bride and you can’t have her.”

  Jeff looked to his father's mistress, and she didn't seem bothered by it at all. Jeff was disgusted with the whole situation. It was a word that was now becoming synonymous with his father. He didn't understand why Jason had to be that way. It was like he had everything on a silver platter and he still wasn't happy. He was right though about one thing: Jeff did want Carmella, and the more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that he was supposed to have her.

  “You are fine with my father marrying a woman that is younger than me? You're okay with just being a side piece, knowing that she is going to wear his ring?”

  Now Jason was paying attention, and he sent a dirty look to his son.

  “I don't know exactly why you're here, Jeff, but why don't you go ahead and leave before things get nasty. I don't want to fight my only son, but I will if I have to. Get the hell out.”

  For a moment, Jeff wanted to actually fight his father. Maybe he could fight him for Carmella's hand in marriage. It was crazy. He didn't even know her all that well, having only talked to her for a few minutes, and now he was willing to start World War Three in his own family to have her. It didn't make any sense.

  “I’ll leave, but just know that I’ve lost all respect for you. I cannot believe that you have so few morals. You did this with my mother when she was alive and it was just as disgusting.”

  Jeff stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. He knew he had made a scene, and he also knew that he was going to have to pay for it later. His father wasn't the type to just let things like that go. He was going to make him pay for it in some way.

  Jeff didn’t want to think about it; he didn't even really care. It actually felt good to get it off his chest because it was something he had wanted to say for a long time.

  It didn't do him any good, though. The relief was not exceptionally long, and soon, he was in the shower, trying to relax. It felt impossible. It had been a long day, filled with emotions that he had imagined, and even though Connie had said that things were going to change, he hadn't believed it. Things were definitely going to change.

  A little while later, he finally dozed off, and then he heard a knock at his door that woke him up. There wasn't anybody that should be knocking at his door that late at night, so of course, he got up to answer it. Jeff was surprised to see that it was Carmella.

  “What are you doing here?”

  The question was asked, but she wasn't answering. Instead, she was looking at him a little strangely, and he forgot for a moment that he wasn't wearing any clothes. He managed to cover himself, but the attention that she was giving to him made him hard. He turned away from the door.

  Jeff wasn't sure if she was coming in or not, but he at least had to get something on to pull around his waist. The sheet was the first thing that he grabbed, and it seemed to make her less leery. She moved into the room and closed the door behind her.

  “I thought you were still awake. I heard you moving around a little while ago. I just couldn't sleep, and I thought maybe...”

  He waited for her to finish the sentence, but she didn't. Instead, he decided that he would finish it for her because after the conversation he had with his father, having her in his bed would serve more than one purpose.

  “If you are having trouble sleeping, you are always more than welcome to stay here with me.”

  “I don't want to keep you up.”

  “Trust me, Carmella, it has been difficult for me to sleep tonight as well.”

  “Why is it hard for you to sleep?”

  Jeff just shrugged because there was no way he could tell her the truth. He wanted to say that the reason he couldn't sleep was that he was thinking about her and how he wanted her to be his bride. Jeff wanted to take Carmella away from his dad because he knew that he didn't deserve her, and he wouldn't appreciate her as much as he would. If Jeff had a woman like her, he was sure that he would become a better man.

  “Let's just say that me and my father don't see eye to eye on something. We actually don't look at most things the same way.”

  “What do you think of him?”

  Jeff was a little surprised by the question. He watched Carmella take a seat on his bed, and just seeing her there on his mattress did something to him. It was quick and unexpected, and he had to pull the sheet a little tighter around his waist. He took a seat on one of the chairs next to the bed. He did not trust himself to sit on the bed next to her, knowing that before long, he would have to try something.

  “He is my dad; what am I supposed to say?”

  She shrugged.” I don't know. I just know nothing about him, and I was hoping that you could tell me something to make me feel better about this whole thing.”

  “So, you
’re freaking out?”

  She agreed. “I guess I am freaking out a little bit. I don't even know what to think of this strange place. It’s nothing like I thought it would be.”

  “What did you think it would be?”

  She shrugged her shoulders again.

  “I don't know. I guess I thought I wouldn't care.”

  “Why would you ever think that?”

  “Because I always thought that love was just kind of that thing that happened to other people. I never really dated, and every time I liked someone else, it was always someone I couldn't have. I guess at some point, I just gave up on the whole thing.”

  “You’re a bit young to give up on anything.”

  “Maybe so. Maybe now that's what I'm realizing, and it's freaking me out because it's too late now.”

  “Like I told you before, I’m not going to let anybody force you to do anything you don't want to do it. You're safe here, and it's your choice. It all is.”

  “Do you really think that's true?”

  He agreed that he did.

  “I know this is going to sound weird, but do you mind if I lay with you? I just know that I would be able to sleep if I was in here with you. I keep thinking that someone's going to come into my room while I sleep.”

  Jeff tried to tell her that it was all going to be all right and nobody would do that, but she kept insisting that she would not be able to sleep. What was he supposed to do? Of course, Jeff told her she could stay the night. He just needed to not think about the fact that she was supposed to be his stepmom. Maybe that would stop the desires and wants that she brought about.

  Chapter Eight

  Carmella woke up with a start. There was someone at the door, and there was also a man next to her. It came all right back to her why she was there, and why Jeff was next to her to begin with, but it didn't change the embarrassment that she felt. What would people think if they caught her in his bed?

  She didn't have much time to think about that because before she could do anything, someone was opening the door and coming into the room. It was somebody that she didn't recognize, and he was bringing a tray of food. Obviously, it was some kind of butler or something, and she smacked the man next to her.

  “Jeff, someone's here.”

  He woke up just about as well as she did and looked towards the man standing at the edge of the bed.

  “Hey, Devin, just set it there, man. Can you bring an extra glass and other utensils for me, please?”

  The young servant was human, Carmella picked that up almost immediately, and he was nervous. Really nervous. He must have known that he’d seen something that he wasn't supposed to and Carmella was worried that he was going to say something to Jason. He would not be happy that she had stayed the night with his son, even though they hadn’t done anything together.

  Once he had left to go get what Jeff had requested, she was asking Jeff who he was and if he was going to tell somebody.

  “Devin wouldn't say a word to anybody. For one, he hates my dad, and for another, he has promised his loyalty to me. Our secret is safe.”

  She pushed back from the bed and was thankful she was still dressed. Of course, she was still dressed, because they didn't do anything, but her mind was funny, like she had been drinking all night.

  “It isn't a secret; it's just that I don't think that your father would understand what I was doing here. Maybe he would believe that nothing happened between us; maybe not. I don’t want to take that chance.”

  “I know, Carmella. Trust me, I know.”

  He sounded like he did know and she wanted to ask more questions, but she was trying to avoid his gaze. Carmella felt guilty. She probably shouldn't be there, and once Devin left again, she was going towards the door.

  “You're not going to stay and at least have breakfast with me? I feel used.”

  “I don't want your dad to find me in here and think something is going on between us. That wouldn’t be good.”

  “My dad is not going to be back until later. Trust me, everything is going to be fine. Sit and eat.”

  She wanted to believe him. She wanted everything to be fine, and honestly, the food was smelling really good. Carmella had forgotten how hungry she was. He laid out breakfast, and she found her appetite more impressed than her caution.

  About halfway through, she realized that he was watching her, and she stopped, setting her fork down.


  Jeff’s face got red and he looked away. He just shook his head. “Nothing, but you look really damn good. No makeup, mussed up hair, damn good.”

  Carmella didn't know what to say but she was embarrassed. While she liked to hear it, she didn’t know how to respond.

  “I don't think it's a good idea for you to talk to me that way.”

  He chuckled. “Probably not, but it's probably not a good idea for you to be in my bed, either, but here we are. I guess neither one of us has any sense.”

  Carmella agreed to that. She knew that she shouldn’t be there; she should've never gone to his room the night before, but she had. The fact that he had her stay for breakfast made her wonder if she wasn’t the only one confused by feelings.

  “I will stay for a few more minutes, but then I have to go. Your father said something last night about going to choose a dress. I suppose he wants me to choose one that is more fitting.”

  Jeff did not seem to want to talk about her nuptials or his father. Instead, he asked her questions about what she liked to do and what she wanted to be when it was all said and done. The last question had really thrown her off because once Carmella got married, she didn't imagine she would be much more than a wife. It didn't seem like there were many other options beyond that. As much as humans pushed towards an equal society, the shifters seemed to be behind the times. They still believed in paternal governing.

  “I guess I don't really think about it. Eventually, I will have children, and then that's what I'll do. That's what I'll be, I guess.”

  “Lots of women that are mated and have children do many more things. How else are they supposed to find fulfillment? I would one day like to read some of your poetry. I heard you like to write. I bet it is perfect.”

  She said that would not be advisable. She didn’t have much faith in her writing, so she rarely shared it with anyone. Some of the subjects would make her blush if someone like Jeff read it. What she wrote was really all for herself, a way to get out her feelings. When it was put on paper, it was somehow able to leave her mind.

  “It isn't very good, and I wouldn't want to embarrass myself by letting you read it.”

  “I don't care what you say. I am sure that it is wonderful. I won’t push you on the subject, but I'm always here to listen if you have something to say. I hope that you will trust me at some point.”

  Carmella did not see a time when she would show anybody her poetry, let alone Jeff, but Carmella was touched that he would say such a thing. It was as good of an offer as any she had gotten before. Carmella wasn't sure if he realized it, but he really was the sweetest guy ever.

  “If I ever let anyone read them, I will make sure that you're the first one.”

  Jeff gave her a winning smile that made her heart skip a beat, and she sighed to herself.

  “I guess I should get back to my room. I need to take a shower and get ready for my day out.”

  Carmella didn't mention any more because she knew that Jeff didn't want to hear about it. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought that Jeff was jealous. But that couldn’t be; right?

  Chapter Nine

  Jeff was falling for his father’s fiancée. It was that simple, and though there was a part of him that knew it was coming, it was hard to realize that he was actually into her. Badly.

  The whole next day, all Jeff could think about was the woman who sat next to him the night before. He wondered if she would come to him in the night again. Obviously, he would not turn her away. Jeff hadn't even known that something wa
s missing, but now the emptiness was staring back at him.

  Jeff also avoided his father because he seemed to know the depths of his feelings. It was embarrassing because his father hadn't seemed to care one way or another. He must have figured that it wasn't like he had a chance with her anyway. Maybe he didn't, but he liked to think that he did.

  At some point, his dad did catch up with him, though. They had business to discuss after all, and since he was supposed to take care of some things, his father wanted to know how it went. Jason was a control freak and wanted to keep his finger on every pulse.

  “I am starting to think that you are trying to avoid me, son. It wasn't something I said earlier, was it?”

  The worst part was that his dad was smiling the whole time. He knew that he was bothered and probably knew why, but that just made Jason tickled pink that his son wanted something so bad but couldn't have it.

  “No, you told me that you wanted me to take care of Charles and the short supply.”

  “Yeah, what happened with that then?”

  “It was at the bottom of the bag. He just didn’t find it because he didn’t look properly. You don't have to worry about him anymore. It was an honest mistake, that’s all.”

  “So, it was all just a misunderstanding?”

  Jeff agreed, and he thought his dad would be happy.

  Jason wasn’t. He wanted the problem, didn’t want it done without bloodshed. He liked mayhem.

  So, he got upset at Jeff. “I didn’t ask you to bitch out, son! I asked you to take care of it, show our strength.”

  “Sometimes showing strength means not starting a fight for no reason. I thought that you'd be happy that there wasn’t any bloodshed.”

  “That makes me think you don't know me at all, son. What in the world would make you think I would ever want that? I’ve learned through years of running this clan that no one pays attention to you unless they fear you. You have to show your strength. It’s the only way. If you won’t take care of it, son, I guess I will have to.”


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