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Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Page 2

by Lena Matthews

  “I think he’s a wholesaler.”

  Cybil’s words drew Azure’s gaze down to the toilet paper still sitting on the chair where he’d left it, instantly making Gavin feel like an idiot. The feeling didn’t last long though, because the second her gaze, which was brimming with amusement, connected with his again, Gavin knew she not only got the joke, she appreciated it.

  “You really didn’t have to.” Her voice, filled with laughter, washed away any remaining doubt he might have had. “Really.”

  “Oh, but I did.” And he wasn’t just talking about bringing the toilet paper. Gavin had felt an irrepressible urge to contact her again. He needed to see for himself if she really was as irresistible as he thought she was. Answer received. She was.

  “How did you find me?”

  “It wasn’t hard.” Well, not as hard as quantum physics. “Besides I told you I would.”

  “That you did.” The silence of the room was overwhelming as it became more than obvious they’d attracted a crowd. “Let’s slip into my office for a second.”

  Gavin was willing to slip into anything of hers. Grasping her present, Gavin followed her down the hallway. He tried without success, to keep his gaze from settling on the soft curve of her generous ass, but it was like telling his heart not to beat.

  Thankful that he was walking behind her and not beside her, Gavin enjoyed the view and made a mental map of the quickest way to remove her skirt without wasting needless time or energy searching for the phantom zipper.

  They reached her office way too soon for his personal enjoyment. Gavin could have spent several hours just staring at her ass. Ushering him in, Azure gestured for him to have a seat as she closed the door partially.

  She stood for a moment by the entrance, as if still in shock by his presence. “I really don’t know what to say. Wait, yes I do. How did you find me?”

  “You asked me that already.”

  “You didn’t answer.” Azure made her way around the desk, distancing herself from him in the process.

  “With a beautiful, unique name like Azure, did you really think it would be hard?” Trying to look as unimposing as possible, Gavin dropped the package of tissue on the ground next to his seat then sat casually down across from her, giving her the space she so obviously needed. “By the way, I love the connection with your name and the name of your business. It’s classic.”

  “Thank you, I wish I could take all the credit for it, but it was my partner’s idea.”

  “She’s a clever lady.” At least he hoped it was a she.

  “Yes, she is.” Azure smiled, obviously catching on to his attempt at fishing for more information. “I didn’t know Jessie knew what I did for a living.”

  “She didn’t but it wasn’t hard to find out after she told me your name. We do live in the century with the internet superhighway, remember?”

  “That we do.” Azure shook her head, bemused. “I’m still reeling about you being here.”

  He was reeling that she hadn’t called security. “I wanted to see you again and I thought this might be better than staking out your house.”

  “Well, I appreciate it, I think.”

  “Just think?”

  “I’m still not too sure about you.”

  “I bet I could change your mind.”

  “Charm isn’t everything.”

  She thought he was charming? That was a start. “I hear you’re having a problem getting in to tour Rossi’s. What would you say if I told you that I could get you in?”

  “I’d say you’re delusional as well as cute.” Azure snorted. “I’ve been trying to get an appointment with them for the last two months, and that’s just to view the grounds.”

  Charming and cute. Things were really looking good for him. “Wasn’t impressed with the layout online?”

  Eyes narrowing, Azure crossed her arms over her bountiful chest. “Why do you know so much about them?”

  “I have connections.”

  “To what?”

  “To people.” Gavin grinned. “What did you think I meant?”

  “I’m still not sure. You’re an odd one.”

  “I’ll take that as compliment.”

  “Can you really get me an appointment?”

  The hint of distrust mixed with hope in her voice made him want to laugh. She was playing coy, but he had her attention. “Without a doubt.”


  “Haven’t you noticed how resourceful I am?”

  “So far the only thing I’ve noticed is that you’re a possible stalker.”

  Gavin couldn’t fault her for thinking that. “Does that work for you?”

  A faint smile played at the corner of her mouth. “Normally, no.”


  Azure gave him a bemused look as she gestured towards the toilet paper. “I wouldn’t exactly call this normal.”

  “What can I say? I like to make an impression.”

  “Consider me impressed. I’d be even more impressed and grateful if you got me in.”

  Now they were talking. “How grateful?”

  “Cut the bull.” Azure raised a brow haughtily. “What do you want?”

  “I want you to have a drink with me.”

  “I don’t think so.” Azure shot his suggestion down as quickly as he had brought it up.

  But Gavin had known she was going to say that. He just refused to be easily detoured. “A business drink,” he countered. “At the Garden. Rossi’s has a wine bar with an excellent menu.”

  “I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to, but I’m not the type to whore myself for my clients.”

  “I don’t know what your idea of drinks are, but mine doesn’t have anything to do with sex.” Gavin was offended that Azure would think he was insinuating such a thing. “I just want to get to know you better.”

  Eyeing him warily, Azure studied him, much like she had when she first opened her front door. She didn’t order him out of her office though, so that had to mean something.

  “Seriously, no strings attached. You meet me at the Garden, I’ll be on my best behavior—hell I’ll even wear a tie.” If I can find one. “It will be nice, civil and even though I’m buying, I’ll give you the receipt and you can write it off on your taxes. Strictly on the up and up.”

  “Drinks and nothing more?”

  “Drinks and nothing more,” he parroted, mentally crossing his fingers. Gavin wasn’t going to push her, but he wouldn’t turn her down if she changed her mind either.

  “Fine,” Azure said, uncrossing her arms. “But if you get out of line, I won’t have a problem with ramming my fist down your throat.”

  “Duly noted.” Gavin fought hard to suppress his smile. She was a bloodthirsty little thing. “But just so you know, if you try to take advantage of me, I won’t fight back too hard.”

  The twinkle was back. “Noted, but before we go any further;” Azure leaned forward and pressed the speakerphone button on her phone. “Cybil, could you please connect me with Rossi’s Garden’s?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Ye of little faith.” Shaking his head, Gavin stood and walked over to the desk. “Don’t you trust me?”

  The phone buzzed as Cybil’s voice came over the line. “The phone’s ringing.”

  Azure pushed the phone towards him like a challenge. “Make the call and I will.”

  Tsking, Gavin turned the speaker towards him. “You’re too young to be so cynical.”

  “Rossi’s Garden. This is Rory speaking.”

  “Rory, this is Gavin, is my sister there?”

  The look on Azure’s face was priceless as she mouthed, “Sister?”

  “Yes, Gavin, hold on.” The second the music came on, Azure smacked him in the arm.

  “You’re rotten.”

  “What time should I pick you up?” Now all he had to do was find a tie.

  Chapter Three

  “It’s just a business meeting,” Azure mumbled for the hun
dredth time as she stood in front of her open closet wearing only a bra and panties.

  “Then why are you having such a hard time finding something to wear?” questioned her best friend and business partner, Janae Ward. She was sitting on Azure’s bed eating chips and flipping channels. Janae looked out of place on the floral comforter dressed in all black, her normal choice of clothes coloring.

  As soon as word had gotten around that Gavin had left the premises, Azure had been bombarded with questions she really didn’t have an answer for. And no one had been more persistent than Janae, who insisted on accompanying Azure back to her home while she got ready for her “not date”.

  “I have absolutely no idea.” Turning around, she walked back to the bed and plopped down on it in despair. This was way harder than it should have been. Finally after months of trying, Azure was going to be able to tour the Gardens, possibly get on their list, and yet she wasn’t as thrilled as she should have been. She was petrified. “I should just call and cancel.”

  “The hell you will.” Janae dropped the remote on the bed in disgust. “Get your big butt in that closet and find something halfway ho’ish to wear.”

  “I’m not going to dress like a ho for a business meeting.”

  “Please, if this is a business meeting then these chips are fat free, and I said half-way ho’ish. Don’t show him all the goods, just tease him.”

  “Why would I want to do that?”

  “Because you’ve been talking about him for the last three days, and bam, he shows up. With toilet paper no less, just to see little ol’ you. If that’s not a reason to show a man some goods then I don’t know any.” Janae nudged Azure in the rear with her foot. “Besides, what’s the big deal? You’re acting like you’ve never been on a date before.”

  “It isn’t a date.” Okay, even she didn’t believe that. It wasn’t set up as a date, but she sure was acting like it was one. The butterflies in her stomach and her sweaty palms were a dead giveaway. Azure wasn’t fooling herself any more than she was fooling Janae. “This is your company too, you know. Maybe you should go with me.”

  “Ehh no.” Janae held her hand up, blocking Azure’s words. “I’m not chaperoning two grown ass adults.”

  Rolling her eyes, Azure stood and made her way back to her closet, hoping against hope something would pop out this time. Inspiration struck as she pulled out a gray dress that she normally wore to church and spun around holding it up to her, to get Janae’s reaction, which was a prompt snort. Exasperated with Janae and the situation at hand, Azure dropped the dress to the ground in a funk. “Fine then, you come pick something out.”

  “Fine, I will.” Janae got off the bed and pushed Azure jokingly out of the way. In her normal bossy manner, Janae peered into the closet. In less than thirty seconds, she spun around with a black silk blouse in her hand. “Hey, isn’t this mine?”

  “I’m borrowing it.”

  “For three months?” Janae snorted as she turned back to the closet and began shuffling through the clothes.

  “I’m still waiting on the perfect outfit to wear it with,” Azure lied, knowing she had no intention of returning the pretty blouse.

  “I’ve got it.” Holding up a black, ankle-length skirt that had a thigh-high split up the side, and a red wrap-around blouse, Janae looked as if she had just struck oil. Seeing Azure’s look of discontent, she sighed and leaned against the doorframe. “Girl, what is wrong with you?”

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.” In fact, Azure knew it was a bad idea. This evening had very little to do with the Garden and more to do with spending more time with a man. Something she hadn’t wanted to do in eons. For the last few years, life had been all about work for Azure, and Gavin, in the small time she’d known him, had her focusing on something else. Him.


  “Because we shouldn’t be mixing business with pleasure.”

  “So it is pleasure, huh?” The slow smile spreading across Janae’s lips made Azure want to cringe. Of course she would pick up on that.

  “You know what I’m saying.”

  “Look you’re going, and you’re going to have a good time. It’s been ages since you went out on a date.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Azure said sarcastically as she snatched the outfit from Janae’s hands.

  “I’m just trying to be supportive, heifer.”

  “What’s wrong with me? I’m acting like I’m twelve.”

  “Do you think it’s the race thing?”

  That wasn’t it, not really. Azure had never gone on a date with someone of a different race, but only because the opportunity had never presented itself. “It’s not the race thing. It’s an ‘I’m scared thing’. I would be this scared if his name was Jerome and he was as black as night, but at least then I’d know Jerome and I would have something to talk about.”

  “What makes you think you won’t have something to talk about with Gavin?”

  “Because when I look at him, talking isn’t what I have on my mind.”

  “Well, go ahead then.”

  “No, because it’s not a date,” Azure declared again, as she pulled on her skirt, hoping if she said it enough times she would begin to believe it.

  “Did you shave your legs?”

  “Yes.” Azure chuckled, as she righted her skirt.


  “What’s that about?”

  “You can fool yourself, but the razor never lies. Did you trim the coochie?”

  “Shut up,” Azure muttered, heat filling her face. She had made sure that everything was nice and neat when she was in the shower, hitting everything with the razor and spritzing on her perfume between her legs and the twins.

  “Oh yeah,” Janae‘s tone held the same hint of satisfaction that her smile did. “It’s a date.”

  It’s not a date. It’s not a date. Damn, he looks good, but it’s still not a date. It was a mantra Azure couldn’t stop replaying in her head. For a very good reason. The man looked great. There were no two ways around it. Gavin cleaned up good. In black slacks and a tight charcoal-gray pullover, he looked like he could be a model for Abercrombie & Fitch and not like a man in desperate need of a lavatory.

  When she pulled up in front of Rossi’s Gardens, Gavin was waiting outside for her, scoring points left and right with his manners and charm. Not that he had any strikes against him. Since the moment she’d met him, Azure had been taken in by his presence and today was no exception. But this was about business. Nothing more, nothing less.

  Sure it was.

  “I see you made it.” Gavin held his hand out to her, helping her from her car.

  “I’ve only driven by here a dozen times. I’m sure I could find this place in my sleep.”

  “My sister will be pleased to hear that.”

  “As well she should be.” Azure hadn’t even gotten inside and she was already impressed. “This place is amazing.”

  “Wait until you’ve seen more of it. There’s a reception taking place in the west pavilion, and an engagement party in the Tea Garden, so we have to steer clear of them, but everything else is pretty much up for show.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Words I love to hear from a beautiful woman. I have to say,” he said, turning to her, “that I half expected you to back out.”

  “I’ve been dying to get inside of here for months.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  “Of course.”

  “Hmm.” Gavin didn’t sound like he believed her, which was a good thing since she’d lied, but Azure simply smiled in lieu of a reply. She was going to keep this as professional as possible, at least while they were at the Gardens.

  They walked in comfortable silence through a picturesque white picket fence, which led them down a path, past a miniature white chapel and a cascading waterfall.

  Pad in hand, Azure quickly jotted down notes, pausing several times to take pictures. Sighing contentedly, she took a moment to take everything in.
Rossi’s Gardens was everything she expected and more. With its manicured lush lawn and gardens surrounded by large oak trees and man-made ponds, it was destined to make some lucky bride a wonderful setting for her dream wedding.

  “I’d say from your sigh, you approve.”

  “Approve?” Azure turned to him wide-eyed. “I love. This place is wonderful.”

  “Thank you,” a female voice called out, startling Azure and eliciting a growl of discontent from Gavin. “I love it, too.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  The disgruntled tone in Gavin’s voice surprised Azure, but obviously not their visitor, who just smiled at him. “Last time I checked, I owned this place.”

  “I told you I’d show her around.”

  “So does that mean I’m not allowed to come over and introduce myself?”


  “Too bad.” The woman stuck her tongue out at Gavin before turning to Azure and offering her hand. “I’m Gail Rossi, this big bully’s sister, and proud owner of Rossi’s Gardens.”

  “I’m Azure Kerr, part owner of Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and I think you have every reason to be proud. This place is amazing.”

  “Amazing, huh?” Gail winked at Gavin. “I like her.”

  “So do I, now go away.”

  The sibling dueling made Azure want to laugh, and oddly made her miss her own brother, the bane of her childhood. Despite Gavin’s blustering, there was a real sense of love in their banter, something only someone with siblings would see.

  “Not just yet.”


  “Gavin,” she growled back, just as menacing. “Why don’t you offer our guest a drink and leave us to talk awhile?”

  “About what?”

  “Business of course. That is why you brought her.”

  “Not entirely.” Fuming, Gavin turned back to Azure who was trying her best not to chuckle. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “Shiraz, if you have it.”

  “We do.” Gail flicked her fingers at Gavin. “Go away.”

  “I’ll be back.” Gavin looked from Gail to Azure and added, “As quickly as possible.”


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