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Beneath the Vine

Page 9

by Lillian Bryant

  Tonight was important for her, and even though I wasn’t entirely comfortable in the borrowed clothes, I did feel sexy. As we passed through the apartment, my eyes fell onto Bennett’s suit jacket. I’d hung it on the coat rack so I wouldn’t forget to give it to him the next time I saw him.

  The next time.

  I involuntarily smiled as we rode the elevator down to the lobby. When I left his apartment on Sunday I’d felt happy, elated… hell, there wasn’t a word for it. He was older, sexy, successful, and he did things to my body I never thought possible. I took a deep breath as a wave of warmth passed through me. He was more than I could have ever wanted, and he made me feel sexier than any dress could. This was the best part of a relationship. At least, I hoped that was what we were building. The wonder, the butterflies, the anxiety… it was a whirlwind in my chest, but I loved it. I’d told myself for so long I didn’t need this, a man messing up my plan, but Bennett was different. He wasn’t some deadbeat musician or bad boy, he had a career, and he had his own life to run. If anything, he was exactly what I would have wanted for my future. My plans were still in place; I wasn’t sacrificing anything. I still wanted that teaching position, but right now, at this moment, I had Bennett, and I would enjoy him while I could.

  We took our seats in the car, carefully, our dresses dangerously short. “Don’t worry, Renee, you’ve got this. You look amazing and these movie uppity-ups would be crazy not to give you contracts, roles, or whatever.” I laughed at my own naiveté of the movie business.

  “We shall see. Brian is confident he can get me an appointment with these producers tonight. He said I just need to show up, have a few drinks, show off my ass, and I’d have an appointment.”

  “That’s great. You’re more talented, though. Yes, your ass is hot, but you were perfect in that weird interpretation of Mansfield Park.” I smiled as she narrowed her eyes at me.


  “It was weird, but you made it special.” I laughed and my shoulders shook as she slapped my bare knee.

  “Fuck, Gio.” She grinned, her red painted lips not separating as she bit the side of her cheek to suppress her laughter. “All right, it was weird, but I rocked that shit.”

  “You did,” I said with another laugh.

  It was good to go out tonight. I’d been playing for the Symphony House at least three nights a week, working a shit ton. Between all that, and getting fucked by all my Bennett emotions, I was ready for some fun.

  The music was pounding and the crowd was moving to the bass. I hadn’t danced this hard, ever. Renee’s agent got us in right away, straight through the velvet rope. After an hour of ridiculous ass kissing and watching my best friend flirt with men old enough to be her grandfather, I’d had enough and made my way to the dance floor. The wine was flowing on Brian’s bill and it was safe to say I was feeling good. Surprisingly, I moved to the beat quite nicely in the heels I’d thought for sure had been made to torture females.

  I was in the middle of the dance floor when Renee had decided to join me. We had just started to dance together, when a pair of large hands wrapped around my waist. Renee’s eyes widened, and the smirk that slowly split her lips gave me an inclination these hands belonged to someone attractive. I tried to step away from the grip, but he tightened his grasp. Asshole. I attempted to turn to get a look at his face, but he held me still as his body pressed against me. I shivered as his breath tickled my ear.

  “Don’t move, Giovanna.” His voice was familiar and the way he said my name, with that perfect Italian accent, I knew instantly who it was. Gage. The last time I saw him was at the record shop. I closed my eyes and remembered how his firm fingers felt on my chin, his thumb on my bottom lip. He asked me then — he gave me the option to tell him to stay away, but I hadn’t been able to speak the words, and I knew I should have. It had taken every ounce of my self-control not to slap him or worse kiss him. He made me crazy. The wine made the words he spoke now feel too good, and I felt guilt pulse through my veins. He released one of his hands from my hip, only to move the hair off my shoulder. The heat of his lips on the pulse of my neck made my lips part with a quiet gasp.

  I wasn’t sure what my expression looked like, but Renee’s smirk died.

  “Hey, pal. Hands off.” She linked her hand in mine and pulled me from his hold.

  “It’s okay, Ray. I… I sort of know him.” I didn’t dare turn around yet. I had to tamp down the craving that was picking its way through my skin. The desire that shouldn’t exist, and needed to be extinguished right the fuck now. Gage Calibri was all things bad boy, and I was done with that. Done. Had he followed me here, too? The hairs on the back of my neck stood and not from fear.

  “You sure, hon?” Renee asked, and I nodded. “All right, I’m gonna go talk to Brian. Ten minutes? I’ll grab you another glass of wine.” She gave me a sideways smile and narrowed her eyes at the man waiting behind me. The man that should frighten me. The man that thinks I’m interesting.

  “You look fucking sexy in that dress.” His mouth was at my ear again and I bit my lip, trying not to let the comment affect me. He took my hand and turned me toward him, forcing me to face my shadow.

  My eyes swept across his rugged features. His eyes almost black in the dark club. He wore dress slacks and a dark red, almost purple, button-down, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his stubble etched out his jaw in a strong line. His full lips pulled into a huge smile as he watched me take him in. He looked nice. Damn. He looked better than nice — he looked sexy — and I internally cursed myself for thinking so.

  I leaned in to speak and he bowed his head so he could hear me. The club music was too loud for conversation. “Following me again, I see, and the name’s Selene.” His shoulders shook with laughter.

  He spoke into my other ear. “Actually, no. You’re in my hotel and I like Gio better.” He pulled away and his eyes met mine. The crinkles around his eyes softened his other stark features. It gave him an air of availability like he was a guy with secrets, but once you knew them, discovered who he was behind his whole cloak and dagger bullshit, you’d find something amazing.

  I leaned in again and so did he, this time, his hand wrapped around my waist as I brought my lips to his ear. “You’re staying here?”

  “Follow me.” He laced his fingers with mine not really giving me a choice.

  We moved quickly through the crowd, and I noticed Renee heading towards us. Gage stopped our momentum.

  “We’re heading outside if you’d like to join us?” he asked her. She shook her head and handed me my wine.

  “Have fun, Goose.” She winked at me and headed back to where she was earlier with Brian.

  Gage moved us through the sea of people until we were outside. The bar was on the rooftop of the hotel, and you could see the skyline for miles. “Now I can hear you.” He dropped my hand but then placed his palm on the small of my back. He led me further from the thumping bass of the club.

  “You’re staying here?” I asked again and stepped away from his touch. I wasn’t sure if Bennett and I were exclusive yet, but I felt like he wouldn’t want another man touching me, touching something that was his. “I thought you lived in the City?”

  “I used to, I grew up here. I live in L.A. now. I’m here on business.” He leaned against the railing that surrounded the rooftop. He was so tall but relaxed. He was such a contradiction. One minute he’s this dark, imposing figure, and the next he’s a sexy flirt. He was two people at once. I’d never met someone like him and it had me intrigued.

  “What kind of business?” I asked before taking a sip of wine.

  “Would you believe me if I told you I was an undercover DEA agent?” His smile reached his eyes and I snorted.

  “No. More like the guy the DEA agent is watching.” I laughed and took another large sip of wine. He was funny. Or maybe the wine was starting to get to me.

  He pushed a stray piece of my hair behind my ear; the night breeze stirred the strands and c
aused me to shiver. Gage’s eyes fell across my skin; his appreciation warming me. “Are you celebrating tonight? This is quite the dress, Giovanna.” He trailed his fingertips down my arm and I pulled away just enough that he noticed. He put both his hands in his pockets.

  “My friend Renee is an actress. She’s trying to schmooze some producers, and I’m her wingman.” I smiled, but it fell just as quick when I remembered he called me Giovanna. “Selene, by the way, still just Selene.”

  “You’re not just anything.” His coffee-colored eyes found mine and the sentiment behind his words hit me in the chest. Who the hell was this guy and why was he so fascinated with me? “Giovanna, it’s your name.”

  “So is Selene, and I like it better.” I placed my glass of wine on the nearby table and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Why? Giovanna, it’s beautiful. It means Gift from God.” He pulled his hands from his pocket and stepped closer, closing the distance between us. He placed two fingers under my chin and tilted my head back, my eyes immediately got lost in his.

  “I didn’t know that,” I whispered. The wine was starting to make everything feel too fuzzy. The heat of his gaze made it hard to breathe and I desperately needed to breathe, but each inhale of his soapy and masculine scent made it harder to take my next breath. “It’s just too… I don’t know. It sounds stupid, but it makes me think of my past and how hard my mom worked. She was an immigrant, you know, and I want to be more than that.”

  “I’m sure you make her proud every day, Gio.” He leaned down, his thumb dusting along my jaw. “Be proud of who you are, of where you came from.” His hand wrapped around the back of my neck.

  “Please. Don’t Gage. I’m seeing someone.” My plea was real. I didn’t think I had the strength to resist his kiss. I had a feeling once those lips touched mine, I’d be shattered, and I was still pleasantly put together and with Bennett.

  “Hey, babe, we’re leaving… you staying?” Gage stepped away from me and I looked over at Renee.

  “No.” I turned and looked at Gage; his smile was gone, his jaw set like stone. He didn’t look angry or hurt, he looked torn. “It was good to see you, Gage.” The words sounded false.

  “Gio.” He nodded his chin at me, and as I walked away, I had that same urge I’d had with Bennett the first time. The urge to turn around, to run back to him. Was it possible to want two people at the same time? I pushed down my confusion and put on my best smile.

  “He was fucking hot, G.” Renee’s eyes scanned my features, and I giggled.

  “Yes… yes, he is.”

  My phone vibrated, and as I unlocked the screen, I smiled.

  Selene: I’m on my way home from Le Bain. I’d loved to. I’ll be there in ten minutes.

  This day had been shit. The manager of the Tribeca store was a fucking idiot, and she’d screwed up the inventory that was supposed to be shipped to Napa for a tasting in two days. My poor assistant, Christy, was on the phone all goddamn day while I was trying to make fake books for this fucking shipment of coke in a couple of months. It was the way I was able to fly under the authorities’ radar for as long as I had, and it wasn’t always simple. I’d have special bottles made, and instead of wine, I had them filled with grape juice. The pallets they were shipped on were lined with cocaine. It was perfect; no one suspected a thing. But, I had to pay-off certain employees and suppliers. I made fake inventory logs and fake buyers so the money coming in was legit. It was tedious and today had just run me the fuck over. I was glad this would be the last shipment.

  I’d sent Selene the text inviting her over a while ago and she’d finally gotten back to me. I figured I’d have my fill of her this week and then let Gage in, let him have his experience. People never knew about Gage and me. Our threesome relationships were rare and usually short-lived. Sharing a woman was a special thing. There was no room for jealousy. You had to be okay with the fact she may come harder for the other person, she may moan differently, or she may simply react in a way you’d never suspect. But, watching, feeling a girl come as you both take her at the same time, being so full of you and so full of him, it’s a fucking delicacy.

  I poured myself some wine before I loosened my tie, removed it, and placed it on the counter. I undid the top three buttons of my shirt and let out a sigh. It was a relief to be home, and I’d been thinking about having Selene again all damn day. The ten minutes turned to fifteen before I heard the familiar noise of my intercom alerting me she was here. I buzzed her in and unlocked the front door. She let herself in and I hadn’t been prepared for how fucking spectacular she would look.

  “Selene… I’m almost jealous other men got to see you in this dress.”

  “Thank you.” She cast her eyes down and then brought them back to mine. Her lips were pink, her brown eyes lined in coal. The black dress wrapped around her hips, her tits on display, and I watched as she walked to the kitchen. She placed her small purse on the counter, the tan skin of her back fully exposed, the fabric of the dress dipping lower than I thought possible. My dick came to life with just the sight of her ass in that dress.

  I moved to the couch and sat down so I could observe her as she walked toward me. Her heels provided, to each step, a certain sway that made me lick my lips. “Sit with me.” I reached out and took her hand in mine. I maneuvered her so she could sit on my lap. She complied, her body fitting perfectly on mine. Her dress hitched up just enough to almost expose the entirety of both of her legs as they sprawled across couch. She kicked off her heels with a groan as they fell to the floor.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” I asked and smiled when she buried her face in the crook of my neck, I could feel her long inhale as she breathed me in.

  “Yes,” she said with her mouth on my neck. “How was your night?” Her skin was so fucking soft. My hand worked the muscle in her calf. I felt the warmth of her breath along my collar as she gave me a quiet moan.

  “Better now,” I said just before I took her chin in my free hand, pulling her gaze to mine. Selene in my lap, her luscious ass pressed against me, made each breath and each small movement more difficult for me to keep my control.

  She stared at my mouth. Her respirations increased as my grip on her chin tightened.

  “What are you waiting for?” The pleading notes in her voice pleased me. She pulled her bottom lip through her teeth and my lips parted.

  Making her wait, imagining my mouth on hers, the heat between her legs growing... wet... for me. Anticipation. It was a fucking drug.

  I gradually brought my mouth to hers. I kissed her softly, once, twice, and then again. This time I pulled roughly at her bottom lip and she moaned. She framed my face and deepened the kiss as my hand slid up her leg, pausing on her knee as I spread her legs.

  I broke our kiss. “Lean back.”

  Selene laid her back against the couch. Her ass still in my lap. I pushed the fabric of her dress to her waist revealing the see through, thin fabric of her nude, lace panties. She was unreal as she shuddered under my touch. I traced lines with my finger down the seam of her panties, first on the left and then on the right. She tried to squirm under my touch, and I lightly slapped her pubic bone. “Stay still or I’m just going to fuck you. Is that what you want?”

  She leaned up on her elbows and shook her head. “No.”

  Our eyes met in silent need as she eased herself back down onto the sofa. She lifted her hips as I pulled her underwear down her legs until… they, too, fell to the floor. She was naked for me from the waist down and I could see her arousal. The blood rushed behind my temples and I focused on honing my control. I leisurely stroked my fingertips down her stomach and passed her navel. She squirmed again and I slapped her harder, this time on her bare pussy. She groaned. My index finger pulled down her center and she trembled. I teased her like this until she opened her legs, begging me to fuck her with my fingers.

  She rolled her hips against me. “Bennett,” she whispered as I pushed two fingers inside her. She was beyond wet
, and as I pumped slowly in and out, her breathing amplified, her sweet cunt taking me in further making me wish she were milking my cock like she was my fingers. She broke the last thread I had tonight.

  I pulled my hand from her body and she groaned at the loss. I stood and quickly undid my belt. Her eyes scoured my body. I had to be fast… I didn’t want her to move. I dropped my pants, and as I stepped out of them, I knelt my right leg on the couch. I lifted Selene’s hips and she reached up and grabbed my cock in her hand, drawing me to her entrance. I pushed inside her with one hard and deep thrust, moving her body for her, pulling myself in and then out, using her hips as leverage. Her moans became deep, and it made me delve in harder until she began to shake. She grunted, her jaw tight and her eyes locked on mine as I fucked her with everything I had. Her mouth fell open with a silent moan, that pain of pleasure written on her face as she grasped the arm of the couch behind her head.

  My jaw clenched with how tightly her body was wrapped around me while she came, the muscles contracting, pulling on my cock. I stopped abruptly and pulled out before I found my release. Her breathing was erratic, but I knew she had more to give.

  “I need you to come in my mouth, Selene.” I lifted her hips and moved her so her back was now resting against the arm of the couch. I brought my lips to her clit and she bucked her hips. “Oh fuck, Bennett.” She tangled her fingers in my hair as I sucked at her flesh. She closed her thighs as she came quickly again, grinding shamelessly against my face as I took one last lick, tasting her; it was everything. I didn’t give her a second to recover. She was practically panting when I turned her body over the arm of the couch and entered her again. This time, I took her with slow strokes. She was constricting so powerfully around me, I wanted to savor it — savor what I’d done to her, enjoy that it was me that had her body coiled so tight, vibrating, as I made her come again.


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