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The Miscyra House

Page 9

by James Miller

  Cindy sat down in the chair. She reached down between her legs and removed the crotch piece from her panties. She slid her ass to the edge of the chair and opened her legs wide, giving me access to her cunt.

  I crawled to the front of the chair, leaned toward her, and pressed the tip of the large rubber cock against her outer cunt lips. I felt an urge to press my face against her cunt, to lick and suck her labia, to eat her out to orgasm after orgasm.

  I knew that I would have to wait till next time for that. This time, I had to use the rubber cock sticking out from my face to make her cum.

  I moved my head back and forth, and side to side. Cindy moaned softly as the tip of the cock danced along her sweet cunt lips, and she started to move her ass up and down a little in a gentle fucking motion. I guess the cock was giving her some pretty good feelings.

  I tried to position the end of the cock just over her cunt mouth, but when I pressed gently forward, the tip missed its mark.

  "Owww!" Cindy said. "That hurt, Jim."

  I wanted to start fucking her with that rubber cock, but I was afraid of hurting her again.

  "Uhmmm," I groaned into the cock filling my mouth and throat. She took hold of the cock shaft and positioned the tip at her opening. This time, when I gently pressed forward, the cock started slipping into her cunt. I pulled back just a little, and then pressed forward again.

  In a couple of minutes, it was about three fourths of the way in. I looked upward at her face and…I was surprised to see that she had a look of pain on her face.

  She didn't seem to be enjoying it at all.

  I stopped moving and tried to hold the cock perfectly still.

  "This is just too uncomfortable," Cindy said. "I don't think it's going to work on the chair. Pull it out…then lay down on your back."

  With me on my back, she straddled my face. The rubber cock was sticking straight up from my face, and my own dick was sticking straight up from my groin. Cindy was facing toward my dick. I loved the sight of her leather covered ass cheeks, and her uncovered cunt lips, as she slowly lowered herself down.

  "Hold it still," she said when the tip of the rubber cock pressed against her slit. She moved back and forth slightly as she worked the head of the cock into her cunt mouth. Slowly, she slid her pussy down over the whole thing.

  I was a little surprised that she could take it all, especially since it had hurt her before. Her cunt always felt small and tight when I pushed my dick into it, and my dick was noticeably smaller than the rubber cock she now had completely inside.

  Cindy was obviously enjoying the feeling now much more than she did in the chair.

  "Ohhh!" she sighed when she reached the base of the cock. She just moved back and forth, and side to side, for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of that big rubber cock stretching the walls of her cunt, touching her insides in ways that made little sparks of pleasure shoot through her loins.

  The back of my head was pressed against the stage pretty hard again, but I didn't care.

  I wanted Cindy to make herself feel good. I was enjoying her excitement and sharing her pleasure.

  "Keep…holding…it still," Cindy said, as she started to finally pump her ass up and down.

  I heard some faint, wet, sloshing noises as her cunt slipped up and down along the cock shaft. And I noticed the clear odor of Cindy's sweet cream.

  "Ohhh, yes. Like that. Keep it…still…Jim.” From the things that she was saying, and the way that she was moving, I could tell that Cindy was enjoying herself. She was moving up and down faster and faster.

  Her movements on the big rubber cock were making the smaller one move back and forth against the walls of my throat. It hurt a little, but I hardly noticed the pain.

  I wanted Cindy to have an explosive, earth-shattering orgasm, like the one she had given me.

  "Oh…YES!" she said as her body was gripped by violent shuddering. I felt her cunt spasming around the cock, and I felt her hot cum dripping down onto my face.

  It was great.

  It did seem to be a very powerful, memorable orgasm.

  Cindy put her hands on my belly and sank down onto me for a moment of rest. She hadn't seemed to notice my dick before, but now she did.

  She grabbed it and laughed, "Damn! After all that, you still want to fuck? Don't you ever get enough?”

  No, not with Cindy. There is no enough with her.

  Even though my cock was still hard, I was really feeling very spent. And very, very satisfied.

  I think Cindy felt like that too. She pulled her cunt off the rubber cock and stood up. She took the leather harness off of my head.

  I hadn't minded the feeling of the rubber cock down my throat while Cindy was getting herself off, but I was glad to get it out of my throat after her orgasm.

  Ms. Stone came back onto the stage and Samantha asked her if there was a private room that we three might use for a few minutes. Ms. Stone told one of the young women to take us to one of the dressing rooms.

  * * * * *

  When Samantha, Cindy, and I went into the room, I saw that the laundry basket with my clothes in it was there.

  It seemed a little unnecessary since I had been naked in front of so many women for so long, but when I saw my clothes, I started to get dressed. Cindy's clothes were there too, and she started to dress as I did.

  "I want to congratulate both of you," Samantha said, "on having such a good relationship. Seeing the way that you two enjoy giving pleasure to each other, I'd say that you really belong together. Besides, Jim, since you have a need to be dominated by a woman, and, Cindy, since you have a need to dominate a man, you can satisfy each other's deepest sexual needs. As they say, it looks like you two were made for each other.”

  I frowned when Samantha said that I had a need to be dominated by a woman. "What's the matter, Jim? Does the idea that you really are a submissive male, not just playing the role of one, bother you?"

  "Maybe. Yeah, probably. I never thought of myself as the submissive type. I think you're probably right about me, but I certainly would never choose to be submissive."

  "Look, it doesn't work like that. People don't choose to be submissive; they just are submissive. Nobody really knows what it is deep inside a person that makes them what they are. It's not a matter of choice; it's a matter of nature.”

  “And don't think that truly submissive men are effeminate or weak. Some of the strongest men I know are submissive. They simply find a special sexual excitement and pleasure in being sexually dominated by a woman. You shouldn't feel bad that being dominated by Cindy makes sex more fun and more satisfying for you. You should be glad that you found it out and just enjoy it."

  "And, Cindy," Samantha continued, "watching you while you were fucking Jim's ass, I saw a change. At first, you were afraid that you might hurt him, and you weren't sure that you even wanted to try it. But when you saw the pleasure that you were giving him, you realized that it was okay. You were fucking him for a while to give him pleasure.”

  “Before you made him cum, though, something changed inside you, something clicked. I saw the light of a special fire in your eyes. After that, you were fucking Jim's ass wildly, violently, for your own pleasure. And that's okay. You should never want to give the other person pleasure so much that you forget about your own."


  Cindy wanted to say something, but it looked like she couldn't decide what to say.

  I got the impression that Cindy wasn't quite ready to accept Samantha's suggestion that she had a need to dominate me.

  I thought it was probably true, though. Cindy gave little hints of her need during the first few months of our relationship. Like when she tied my feet together with my pants the first time we fucked.

  The idea that Cindy would be my mistress was terribly exciting to me.

  "Oh, Shit!" Samantha said. "I don't mean to sound like I'm giving you a fucking lecture or something. But I like you. I like you both. I hope we will be friends long after
today. I just want you to recognize how…beautiful…you and your relationship are. A lot of people never recognize their true sexual needs. They live very sexually unfulfilling lives, trying to be normal instead of satisfying their own real needs. That kind of sex life sucks."

  Cindy smiled at her and gave her a friendly hug. "Thank you, Samantha. I like you too, and I hope that we will be friends. You can lecture us any time you want."

  "Okay, ladies, fine," I said. "We like each other. And Cindy and I won't feel bad about being filled with…weird sexual needs. But, Cindy, why did you follow me to LA? How did you find out about Themiscyra House, and how did you get into the audience to watch the so-called performance competition?"

  "Jim, even though we never talked about your writing, and you never openly shared it with me, I've known about it for a long time. From the very start, I think. When you were working on The Spartacus Club, you left parts of the story all around my apartment. Some was on the computer, others bits on disks, there was even some printed out on paper. I would have had to be blind to have not seen what you were writing.”

  "You mean…our last night at home in bed, while you were asking me questions about my book, you already knew the answers?"

  "Yes, but I really wanted you to tell me the answers. I want us to be completely honest and open with each other. I always try to be that way with you. That night, I couldn't tell you that I had already read your book because you seemed to be so determined to keep it secret from me.”

  “I enjoyed reading The Spartacus Club, by the way. You are a good writer, in case you don't know it yet. I think I would have enjoyed it even more, though, if you had been kissing and licking my feet while I was reading.”

  Damn! I thought. When we get home, I've GOT to read The Spartacus Club again!

  “It did make me wonder, though, whether you ever really went to a place like that or you just made the story up. Of course, we both know the answer to that question now.”

  Cindy continued, "When you got the invitation from Victoria Stone to be in the authors' competition, you typed out your reply on my computer and saved a copy on the hard drive. I was worried about you because of your depression, and I wondered what you might be getting into that you wouldn't talk about.”

  “Maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I got the name and address of the L.L.L.L.A. from the copy you saved. Then I got the telephone number from the directory for the LA area. The day before you left to come here, I talked to Ms. Stone for two hours on the telephone. I don't know whether or not you know it, but Victoria Stone is a very nice lady. She invited me to attend the authors' competition as a guest.”

  Cindy turned toward Samantha and smiled.

  "Samantha…or should I say Mistress Evilina…thank you for helping me learn so much about Jim, and about myself. I think I really will be able to satisfy his deepest sexual needs, and my own at the same time. That might be the best prize we could have ever hoped to win at Themiscyra House."

  "Listen," Samantha answered, "don't be too concerned about Jim's withdrawal from the competition. Victoria told me that they'll keep passing around Jim's tip jar while I'm testing the other two men, and that all money collected in the jar will be yours.”

  She looked at me. "You won the support of many of the ladies when you stopped me from making you cum because you were thinking of Cindy. I know you will be very pleased by the amount of money that winds up in that tip jar."

  Samantha continued, "And I'm very impressed by your description of the Bone Builder. I would like to invest in your business to help you get the proof you need that the Bone Builder helps people with osteoporosis. Before you leave, let me give you one of my business cards. Contact me in about a week and we'll talk about how I can invest in your internet business."

  Samantha went back onto the stage and called for Stephen Forbes to be brought out for testing.

  The ladies cheered, and I had visions of another Christian being thrown to the lions, so to speak.

  Suddenly, I felt un-depressed. I felt so un-depressed, I couldn't speak.

  I grabbed Cindy and hugged the stuffing out of her. But I couldn't speak to tell her how much I loved her.

  Life can be wonderful.

  Also at Ellora's Cave

  Spartacus Club

  Ellora’s Cave




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