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Kings and Sinners

Page 71

by Alta Hensley

  Natalia did as she was ordered, realizing the more she drank, the more the tea tasted like blueberries.

  “Anson admitted to me last night that he is in love with you,” Jennie said, her tone softer. “But I assume you already know that.”

  Natalia took another long gulp of the tea, allowing the fluid as well as Jennie’s words to warm her insides and her soul. “And I love him. So very much.”

  “I like hearing that,” Jennie said as light seemed to exude from every pore of her skin. The woman truly seemed magical in spirit. “I can tell you are going to fit in this family just perfectly. You have spunk, is what I hear, and I just love me some firecrackers!” She walked toward the door and then turned around. “You get ready, have Anson show you around the ranch, and I will see you at supper. We are dining alfresco tonight. Drake finally finished me one of those wooden stages you used to find at old barn dances. Personally, I think every time he swung that hammer to drive another nail, he was envisioning it as a strike against the evil in this world.”

  The women were both silent for a moment, both too familiar with exactly how much evil existed.

  Finally Jennie shook her head, as if shaking off the thought. “Anyway, I’ve decided I’m taking up line dancing, or swing, or something.” She giggled, which made the wrinkles around her eyes even more obvious. “He even strung up those pretty white lights, and he built me one of those long oak tables that can fit twenty people if I want.” She paused and her whole face lit up. “That man treats me so good.” She shook her head a bit as if coming back to reality. “Anyway, I have a lovely bohemian paradise out back, and some fresh air, relaxation, and healthy food is just what you need tonight. Zoya is coming out of her skin to speak with you, and the rest of the family can’t wait to meet you as well. Anyone who can make our Anson beam like he is, is family in our book. Tonight is going to be my welcome to you.” She smiled at Natalia and then clapped her hands. “Oooh, Adira and I even cut fresh flowers from the garden to put in vases for our centerpieces to decorate our feast table. I’ve gotta run and finish cooking and help her make the arrangements. This evening is going to be very special.”

  “It sounds wonderful and I’d love to help.”

  “That’s lovely, but not tonight. No, tonight you are just gonna sit back and let this family spoil you.” She gave another smile and then clapped her hands again. “Well, I won’t keep you all to myself another minute. Anson is going to blow a gasket if he finds out how long you have been awake and how long I have kept the news from him. I’ll see you at supper.” Jennie gave a wave and walked out the door, softly closing it behind her.

  Natalia swung her feet over the side of the bed, pausing a moment to allow the blood to rush back to her legs. She didn’t exactly feel strong, but once again felt grateful she didn’t have a pounding headache and wasn’t in need of drugs. Looking down, she noticed she was in a man’s large, white shirt, which she assumed was Anson’s. She liked the thought of sleeping in his clothing and hoped she could make a habit of it. It seemed so domesticated, so loving, and so normal. And the one thing about Natalia was that her life had never been normal… far from it. But maybe Texas, with Anson, was her chance.

  Taking small steps, and reaching out for the wall in case she got dizzy, she made her way to the bathroom. She paused to stare at her reflection in the mirror and cringed. She had a small gash on her forehead—though nothing to be really alarmed about. If it scarred, it would be a small one and she’d considered it a battle wound—not on the scale of Anson’s gunshot wound, but it would be a reminder of the fact that they’d survived together. She was far more concerned about the large purple and black goose egg at her temple. Her eyes had dark circles under them, and her hair was a matted mess, reminding her of Medusa’s writhing snakes. She looked like she had just weathered a huge storm—which, in all reality, she had. How Anson could love the woman staring back at her, she had no idea, but she did plan to clean herself up so the next time he laid eyes on her, she would be somewhat decent in appearance.

  Stepping into the flowing shower was like stepping into Heaven. The warm water flowing down her back and washing the filth from her hair was like liquid ecstasy. It had been so long. So long since a simple pleasure such as showering had blessed her life. She would never take for granted the simple things like getting clean in a ceramic tile environment again.

  The peeling back of the shower curtain had Natalia jumping and nearly screaming in fright. Anson was quick to grab her arm so she wouldn’t slip on the wet surface of the shower floor.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, worry washed all over his face.

  “Scared shitless, thank you very much.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. But I’m not sure you should be up and out of bed yet.”

  “I feel fine. Dirty, but fine. I don’t have even the slightest headache.” She put her hands on her hips and scowled. “Are you going to stand there and allow the shower water to get all over? Close the curtain.” She crossed her arms over her naked breasts. “You’re letting in all the cold air, too.”

  He closed the curtain, but only for a short moment. The next time when he pulled it back, he was completely naked as he hopped inside to join her. She tried not to glance down, but couldn’t help it. His thick cock was already hard, and her pussy contracted at the thought of what he could do with it, and how he could master her body with just one simple thrust.

  “If you want to shower, you shower with me,” he declared, reaching for the shampoo bottle. “That way, if you get dizzy or weak, I’m here to catch you.”

  She liked the sight of Anson in all his mouthwatering glory. She noticed his bandage had been changed, and a part of her got protective that someone else was caring for her man. He would always be her special patient, even though she was the one in need of caring for now.

  “Awfully bossy, aren’t you,” she teased.

  Anson squeezed the shampoo into his palm, then placed the bottle down and turned her around as he took hold of her hair, tugging her head back. Placing his lips to her ear, he practically growled, “We aren’t in Argentina anymore. Welcome to The Black Stallion Ranch, darlin’. You better get used to men being bossy.”

  A shiver ran from her toes all the way to where Anson still snugly held onto her hair.

  Placing a small nip at her ear, and then laying a gentle kiss to chase away the sting, he said, “Let me wash your hair.”

  He released hold of her tresses and replaced the dominant touch with one of tenderness. Gently, he massaged the shampoo into her scalp, causing her to moan. Natalia had no shame at all. It felt too good to hold in her pleasure.

  “I can’t remember the last time I had my hair washed by someone,” she said as she closed her eyes, allowing the feeling of love and contentment to wash over her.

  “Well, get used to this kind of pampering. Now that I have you safe and sound, I plan to make you my Texas princess.”

  She giggled, still not opening her eyes. “Texas Latin Princess, to be more accurate.”

  He spun her around to face him, tilting her head back to wash away the suds in the flowing water behind her, still massaging her scalp as he did so. “I was so scared after the explosion,” he admitted. “I thought I’d lost you. I don’t ever want to feel that way again. You are mine, Natalia. I want you to always be mine.”

  She opened her eyes to look up into his. The weightiness in his crystal blue eyes told her he was serious and this was not the time to banter or joke. Taking his cue, she nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I am yours, Anson. I’m yours forever. Never doubt that for even a minute.”

  As if to punctuate her statement, he leaned down and crushed his lips to hers, pulling her body up against his. The slickness of their flesh slapped against each other as the shower stream rained down upon them. Breaking the kiss, Anson turned her body to face the wall of the tile. He grabbed her hands and placed them up against the white tile as he kissed and sucked her nec
k. She could feel the hardness of his cock poking her ass as he used his feet to spread her legs further apart.

  “I have to have you now. Not sweet. Not loving. Not slow and gentle. I need to fuck you hard. I want to hear you come as I fuck you from behind.”

  Natalia gasped in response as her sex spasmed and her nipples ruched tighter. She assisted in spreading her legs and pressed her ass out in invitation. That was all it took to feel Anson’s cock jut between her legs and find its destination at her waiting pussy. Not a delicate touch but an aggressive one—Anson thrust his dick into her cunt in one forceful move.

  “I want it hard. I want it quick. I want it now. I have to have you, Natalia.”

  She cried out at his invasion, needing more. Needing him deeper.

  Knowing her body better than she, he did just that. He thrust with an animalistic force, grunting as he did. Natalia held her position—palms flat, legs spread wide, ass out—in fear that even the littlest move would have Anson cease in his possession of her hungry body. He was dominating her soul. Claiming her as his. She was his, and his cock burrowing deep inside of her as her moans grew in intensity made that fact even more real.

  Anson reached around and cupped her mound with his calloused palm, pulling her into his forceful thrust. His other hand rested near hers on the shower wall, stabilizing his force as he took what he so desperately needed. What they both so desperately needed. They couldn’t wait any longer. Their nightmare was over, and from this point on, they could find normal. But first, their bodies demanded. Their needs commanded to be heard.

  Pushing in and pulling out.

  Pushing in and pulling out.

  “Come for me, Natalia. Come.” Anson found her clit with his fingertip and she moaned. Applying pressure as he moved in a circular motion was all it took for her to follow his dictate. The muscles in her pussy contracted and jolts of pleasure rocked her, making her weak in the knees.

  Anson’s loud, guttural moan told her that he, too, was experiencing an intense orgasm as they both found pleasure under the warm shower and in the safety of the ranch.

  They both stood there, using the shower wall to hold them up, catching their breath before Anson finally said, “I don’t know what got into me.”

  “Well, whatever it was,” Natalia giggled, “I liked it. I liked it a lot.”

  “I swear that was not my intent when I walked into the room.”

  “Well, why the hell wasn’t it?” she teased, pulling away from his cock and wondering how long it would be before she could feel him inside her again.

  Anson slapped her ass, the loud splashing sound of wet flesh against flesh ricocheting off the ceramic wall along with her squeal of delight. “I’m going to love having you around.”

  She turned and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him gently on the lips. “Good. Because I think I am going to love Texas.”

  “Then let’s get ready so I can show you around.”

  “I hear water,” Natalia said as Anson led her down yet another path.

  “That’s Jennie’s fish pond,” Anson explained as they stepped between some bushes. Natalia was about to ask what sort of fish when her feet suddenly refused to move. The blonde woman sitting next to Stryder looked different, but it was still obvious it was her old friend Zoya. When she squealed and jumped up, Natalia saw that her belly protruded from a blue sundress, and her long hair cascaded down her back in soft curls. She looked so happy as she waved while she ran up to them.

  “Natalia!” She pulled Natalia into a hug, the women’s arms wrapped around one another. “Oh, I was so worried about you for so long. I can’t believe you are here. You are actually here!” Tears cascaded down Zoya’s face as she pulled away to really take in her friend standing on Texas land.

  Natalia wiped at Zoya’s tears with her fingertips. “Hey, no need for tears. I’m here, safe and sound. Partly due to your husband. I can’t thank you all enough.”

  Zoya wiped away her tears with her pink manicured fingers. “I’m sorry. Pregnancy hormones have me crying all the time. But I am so happy to see you.”

  Anson placed his palm on Natalia’s back and said, “Stryder and I are going to see if Jennie needs any help with dinner or setting up. We’ll leave you two alone so you can catch up in private.”

  Natalia looked at Anson and nodded as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Thank you.” She noticed that Stryder bent to give his wife a kiss and then the two brothers were gone.

  Both women sat down on the stone wall that encircled what Natalia discovered was a koi pond. She smiled, watching the gold, red, and yellow speckled fish swim in lazy circles. The beautiful fish reminded her of the colors of the sunset. Looking at Zoya, she said, “This ranch is lovely. Anson and I walked the grounds, and it truly is paradise.”

  Zoya looked at her and smiled back, reaching for her hand. “I never thought I could call a place this beautiful home. For a while there in Russia, I didn’t think I would ever have a home again.”

  “I know,” Natalia said softly, giving her friend’s fingers a squeeze. “We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?” She dropped her eyes and looked at Zoya’s belly. “And look at you. You have a husband, and a baby on the way. I’m so happy for you.”

  Zoya moved their linked hands to rest on her belly. “I sometimes feel like I’m dreaming. Stryder is amazing. And this family… this family is more than I would have ever expected possible.” She looked at Natalia. “And now you. You get to join us. That’s the plan, right?”

  Natalia nodded and smiled. “Yes, that’s the plan. Anson wants me to help rescue the women still out there who were sold off in Russia.”

  “He didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Remember Jasmine?”

  “The quiet one with the huge eyes and the gorgeous ebony hair?”

  “Yes, that’s her,” Zoya said, squeezing Natalia’s hand. “She was found yesterday. Natalia, she was the last one. They are all… safe.” Zoya paused, and Natalia sensed a deep sadness in her friend.

  “They didn’t all make it, did they?”

  “No,” Zoya said, tears welling in her eyes. “No, not all. Anya… Anya took her own life before the team could get to her.” The two women moved closer, arms wrapping around each other, giving each other solace at the loss of a woman they’d not known well but had wished for a happy ever after for, as well. After a few moments, Zoya pulled back, wiping her eyes again. “But now, with your picture in the safe column, it’s finally over.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” Natalia said.

  “Yes, but there are others who still need help, and having a woman on the team can only make it better,” Zoya said and then took her hand again, studying Natalia for a moment before asking, “What’s going on between you and Anson? Is it as serious for you as it is for him? He literally could not stop talking about you. Lord, I haven’t ever heard him talk so much, and Stryder told me that he has never seen his brother like this before.”

  Natalia let out a big sigh, feeling as if her heart was going to explode with how much happiness she was feeling at the moment. “I love him. I love him so much.”

  Zoya clapped her hands and squealed. “Well, good! Welcome to Texas, Natalia! Promise me something, though.”

  “I will if I can,” Natalia said.

  “I know you’re going to work with the men, go on missions, but please, not yet. Stay here for a while. Let this family’s love, this ranch, heal you like it did me and Adira.”

  “I can only promise that I’ll stay as long as I can, but if Anson needs me, if I can help, I’ll have to go.”

  Zoya sighed but nodded. “I understand. You’re a warrior and I love you for it.” She stood up and Natalia had to smile at the awkwardness of the simple activity. Once on her feet, Zoya grinned. “Don’t laugh, someday you’re going to look like a whale as well. And, speaking of huge mammals, have you even met Adira yet?”

  “No, but I’ve been looking forward to it.
Jennie said something about her being blown off a boat?”

  “It was a yacht, but I’ll let her tell you. Come on, I want to introduce you to the rest of the family and, believe it or not, I need to pee again. Lord, I need to pee every half hour and I’m still months from giving birth.”

  Natalia couldn’t help but smile as Zoya began to walk towards the house, a small waddle already present in her stride. Zoya turned her head back. “And wait until you see what Jennie’s got planned to welcome you home. It’s amazing!” Natalia took Zoya’s extended hand.

  “Home, I like the sound of that.”

  Chapter 17

  “I can carry something,” Natalia said.

  “You are,” Anson said, lifting another basket into the bed of the truck.

  “What exactly am I carrying?” Natalia asked, lifting her empty hands.

  Anson turned and took her into his arms, a smile that hadn’t seemed to slip from his face ever since Jennie told him that his girl was awake, going wider. “You’re carrying my heart.” He chuckled when she gave a dramatic eye roll, giving him an excuse to reach down and rub his hand against her ass, then lifting it to give her a single pop.

  She squealed and narrowed her eyes. “Careful, pop me again and I might have to confess I was stretching the truth a bit when I told Jennie you had nothing but glowing things to say about her.”

  “Ah, babe, blackmail will get you nowhere except across my lap.”

  “Hmmm, I seem to recall loving being across your lap, Mr. Steele.”

  He loved the fact that she smiled and leaned into him, desire filling her eyes. Bending, he kissed her softly, rubbing his hand against the spot he’d swatted.

  “Good Lord, boy, you need to do something else with those roaming hands and let the poor child get to the dinner in her honor.”

  Anson watched as Natalia’s cheeks colored and knew she was embarrassed at being found in his arms—well, maybe not his arms but definitely discovering that Jennie had seen his hands on her ass. Wanting her to understand that she had no reason to be, he pulled her a bit closer and gave her another quick kiss before releasing her and turning to Jennie, watching her roll her eyes as well. “Can you blame a man?”


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