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Hard as Steel

Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  “Turn around and press your chest to the wall.” Their room was set up for the things they liked to do sexually, and he was about to experience Nirvana with his woman, about to give Eloise the pleasure and pain she craved. Even from a distance, he saw the way her pulse beat wildly at the base of her throat, and he wanted to kiss and lick at her flesh, to feel the beat of that fear and anticipation under his tongue.

  Steel watched her turn and make her way toward the wall. Her ass was lush and round, and the globes moved seductively as she walked. When he saw the side of her breast press against the wall, flatten slightly and her skin pucker up because no doubt it was chilled, he moved closer to her. Above her was a pulley system, a device he’d installed after she’d moved in. It was something for them to play with, something that he could restrain her fully and give her the pain she desired.

  A cord adjusted the height that he wanted her to be presented to him. Moving it so that the leather straps that would hold her in place for him were lowered, he heard her quick gasp as she glanced up and saw what he was doing.

  “God, yes,” she moaned.

  “You won’t be saying that when I’m done,” he grinned, and although he said that, he knew she’d enjoy it exponentially. She was a slut for the pain only he could give her, a fiend for his hand, belt, or mouth on her flesh, bruising her up nice and good.

  He took her hands and lifted them up so he could attach the leather around them. He took a step to the side, adjusted the height, so she was forced to rise up on her toes to keep her balance, and then he secured it so that she stayed in that position. Steel moved back so he could look at her.

  Because she was on her toes, her entire body was stretched long, and all he could think about was running his tongue along every inch of her, slapping that ass of hers, and letting her see the marks he gave her when it was all said and done.

  He let the belt unravel from his hand and took a step toward her. Steel pulled his arm back and brought the strip of leather forward, right across her ass. The sound of it hitting her flesh, and then her gasp of pain, had him closing his eyes and groaning in pleasure. He was a sadist for her pain, loved giving her what she wanted. The red line instantly popped out along her creamy flesh, and his cock jerked forward at the sight. He used his other hand and grabbed himself, stroked his dick, and tightened his hold on his erection.

  Steel brought the leather down across her ass once more, and she cried out, her head tilting back. He moved to the side so he could see her face and saw her eyes close and a tear slide down her cheek. He knew her crying was because she liked it, wanted more of the pain that brought her pleasure.

  He gave her a moment to breathe through the pain, but he also knew she was aroused, saw the way she clenched her thighs together, and he was anxious to give her more. “I love the way your skin becomes red when the leather hits your ass, baby.” He moved closer to her and smoothed his hand across the two lines along her ass. Her flesh was hot and slightly raised where the belt had struck. As much as he knew that it had probably hurt like a bitch, he could practically smell the arousal coming from her.

  Steel tossed the belt aside, got on his haunches, grabbed her cheeks, and pulled them apart. “Open your legs wide, Eloise baby. I want to see the pussy that belongs to me.”

  She complied instantly, and he curled his fingers into the flesh of her ass.

  “That’s it, baby.” The scent of her arousal slammed into him. He stared at the sight of her slit, glistening with her cream that he’d brought out of her. Steel leaned down and ran his tongue down her cleft, pressing the muscle to the tiny opening of her pussy. Over and over, he swirled it around her hole, licking and swallowing her juices, and needing more. He forced himself to back off or he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  Moving back once again, he liked how she kept her legs open, loved the fact that her back was arched as she popped her ass out. He would give her more, so much more until she was blind from the lust for her need for pain. Her eyes were still closed, her lips parted, and she seemed almost drugged. Good, because he wanted her to enjoy this as much as he was.

  “God, I love you so much, Steel.”

  And he loved her so fucking much he was blind with it. He brought the belt across the back of her legs this time. He brought the belt across her thighs again, and then her ass. Then Steel found himself staring at her flesh as it turned a vibrant red. “Does this make you feel good, Eloise?” Sweat beaded his brow as he continued to whip her repeatedly until she was crying harder, begging for more.

  “It’s so good, Steel. You know it’s so good.”

  He tossed the belt aside and stared at the work he had done. Her entire ass and the back of her thighs were red, and he even saw some bruises starting to form. He was on his knees behind her a second later, smoothing his hands up and down her hot flesh, kissing the marks, his marks, and loving that she was his. Steel had his hands on either side of her legs as he licked, nipped, and kissed her raised skin.

  He was drunk for her, so aroused his dick was about to burst from his desire. All he could think about was the way the belt had sounded as it hit her flesh.

  “You’re mine, baby, all mine, and that will never change.”

  “Yes, Steel,” she moaned.

  He ran his tongue along her pussy, sucked her clit into his mouth until she was grinding her cunt on his face, and then flattened his tongue and slid it up to the tight hole between the firm mounds of her bottom. He stood and lowered the pulley so he could unhook her from her bounds. Eloise sagged against his arms once he had her unrestrained. Steel held her for a few seconds, smoothed his hand over her hair, then lifted her easily and carried her to the bed.

  “I love you, Eloise,” he set her on the mattress and let her lay back. Her face was red, slightly sweaty, and he loved the glow that came from her.

  “I love you,” she said softly, almost inaudibly.

  This was what he wanted, what he only ever wanted. She was his old lady, his woman, and the only female he’d ever want until he took his last breath. How in the hell had he become such a lucky motherfucker?

  She smiled, reached up, and smoothed her hands along his chest. He still had his shirt on, but he knew she could feel his heart beating.

  “Say you’re mine.” She’d said it before, but Steel wanted to hear it, needed to.

  “I’m yours, Steel, and I don’t ever want to be anyone else’s.”

  And then he leaned down and kissed her, about to claim his woman in the way that she needed.

  Enjoy a sneak peek and exclusive cover reveal for the next book in The Soldiers of Wrath MC series, Dead Bastard, coming in 2015.

  Shakes stared at Zeke, didn’t show any expression, and told himself that what he was about to tell this hardcore motherfucker would probably have him sleeping in a hole six feet under for the rest of his life. They were in Zeke’s office, one of them at least. The fucker owned a shitload of clubs in the city, and when he wasn’t doing legal work, like with the clubs, he was a pimp, drug dealer. And embezzler.

  All in all, Zeke was one bad motherfucker, didn’t care about anything or anyone aside from himself, his business, and his daughter Daniella.


  Yeah, that was why Shakes was here right now, about to tell this prick that he wanted his daughter in the worst kind of way.

  “If you have something to say, I suggest you say it. I have business to handle and I agreed to give you five minutes.” Zeke said, his voice hard, void of emotion.

  Well, Shakes was on edge as well, and although the club told him to not go near Daniella, that there were plenty of other females he could fuck, it was more than that. Shakes wanted her like a fiend wanted his next fix, his heroin, hell, his fucking everything. In just the short time he’d been around her, he’d grown obsessed and possessive of the women.

  She wasn’t even what he normally went for. She was plain, almost geeky, but in a totally hot way. She was also innocent, so damn vulnerable that compared to him, she
was pure driven snow. He was corrupted, evil, a murderer who did illegal shit. Fuck, he was the scum and shit on the bottom of her loafers.

  “Spit it out, because times wasting, boy,” Zeke said in an impatient tone.

  Shakes gritted his teeth, dug his nails into the armrests of the chair, and stared at Zeke with the same expression on his face, in his gaze: cold, hard, unrelenting, and not about to put up with any shit. “It’s about Daniella.”

  Zeke immediately tensed. “What the fuck about her?”

  Shakes thought about how to phrase this, but realized there wouldn’t be any good way to go about it. So, he just fucking said it. “I want her…as mine.”

  Zeke didn’t say anything for sometime, and as the seconds ticked by, as the tension, heat, and oppression in the room grew, Shakes knew that shit was about to hit the mother fucking fan.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Zeke said slowly, braced his hands on the desk, and stood. He leaned in an inch. “Say that again.”

  Shakes hadn’t brought any of the club with him. His decision had nothing to do with the Soldiers of Wrath. Demon didn’t have the first clue that he was standing here, right now in Zeke’s presence.

  “I’ve come to tell you that I want Daniella and she wants me.” Shakes rested his hand on his hip, close to his gun at the base of his back.

  Zeke burst out laughing. “You know I didn’t just hear that. I didn’t hear the shit that just spilled from your mother fucking lips.”

  He’d talked to Daniella before he came here. Zeke believed she was waiting back at the house where Zeke had left her that morning. It wasn’t the case. She’d called Shakes the moment her father left. Daniella was now waiting in a hotel room he’d gotten for them both. No harm was going to come to her.

  “You don’t think I know men like you. You’re all the fucking same.” Zeke didn’t make a move to round the desk. He buttoned up his suit jacket, smirking. “My Daniella is not going anywhere with you. You’re going to leave my office, climb on your bike, and get the fuck back to your club. I told Demon none of you were to touch my girl.”

  Shakes chuckled. “I’m not here because of Demon. I’m not here because of the club or who you are. Let me say it properly, Daniella is mine, Zeke. She’s my old lady, my woman, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

  “You touch my daughter, Shakes, and you’ll be a fucking dead bastard on the sidewalk. Do you understand me?”

  Shakes smiled. The temptation to tell him that he wasn’t going to get the chance was strong. Instead, he walked out of the office.

  He knew Zeke wasn’t lying. All that stood between him and death were mere minutes. Walking out of that office, he had no doubt Zeke would be calling his home. Grabbing his cell phone he called Daniella.

  “How did it go?”

  “It didn’t go. Pack anything I can carry on my bike. We’re leaving now.”

  “Wait, why?”

  “If we don’t move, I’m dead.” He hung up, climbing onto his bike. Riding toward the hotel where he’d put Daniella, Shakes only had one regret. His one selfish act was going to cost the club. He couldn’t give up Daniella. Once Shakes had her he wasn’t going to give her up ever again.

  To be continued…








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