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Reckless Hearts Series, Book 1

Page 7

by Heather Van Fleet

  “Let’s talk.” He took the recliner adjacent to me, hands clenched.

  “Yeah. Let’s.” I gulped, trying to will away the trembling in my voice.

  He leaned to his right and grabbed something from the end-table drawer. Glasses. Dark frames, matching his dark hair, which would only make his blue eyes pop. I blinked at the view.

  Lips still pursed, he settled the glasses on the bridge of his nose. No way would I admit it out loud, but with those glasses, this arrogant man with a daddy sweet side had officially checked off another swoony box on my hot-man list.

  Nerdy glasses equaled a weakness I couldn’t even handle.

  At my thoughts, I stared down at my skirt, attempting to think about flowers and rainbows—not hot, sweaty sex in his bed down the hall.

  Focus, Addie. Focus.

  “You’ve got questions?” He leaned back in his seat, holding a piece of paper in his hands.

  Nose scrunched, I leaned forward and settled my elbows on my knees. “Not really. I mean, is she allergic to anything? Does she have favorite foods or a specific list of snacks that she’s supposed to eat or not eat? Just kiddo things.”

  A vein bulged along his temple. If at all possible, he looked tenser than ever. One thing was certain on my end: I sure as hell didn’t appreciate his roller-coaster mood swings, especially when we were supposed to be starting over.

  “No, I’m not talking about Chloe. I’m talking about her mother.”

  I stiffened.

  Wow. Okay. Where was this coming from? I mean, I assumed he and Chloe’s mother weren’t on good terms if she wasn’t going to be watching Chloe for him when he worked. But then, what did I know?

  “You don’t have to talk personal stuff with me.” I shrugged.

  His jaw locked. “Kind of do if you’re going to be my daughter’s nanny, don’t you think?”

  “Okay, then. So talk.” I flung my hand out in front of me. “Tell me about her. What’s she like?”

  “She’s dead.”

  I cringed. “Oh God. I-I didn’t know. I’m sor—”

  “Stop.” He stood, his six-foot-something frame hovering over me before he moved to the sliding glass doors that led to a deck outside. “Didn’t tell you to get sympathetic on me. Told you because you needed to know.”

  My throat burned as I swallowed. Why did he want me to know anyway? Was he hiring me? Because I didn’t get the distinct feeling he wanted to from his behavior this evening.

  Most of the night he’d kept to himself, watching me—watching Chloe and me together. I never once thought I had this job in the bag, which was why I was seconds away from a good night…before he’d come in here and dropped this bomb on me.

  A sick part of me was curious about Chloe’s mother, and the sad part was, it wasn’t because of Chloe. More for the sake of her father.

  He turned around and leaned his back against the glass door. “Met Amy in college. We were best friends.” I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed. His eyes, so light, were the most expressive part of his body. This time, they went glassy. “Feelings were never supposed to get involved.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “The plan for me was to enlist after college, and she’d been fine with it…until she wasn’t.”

  His hard eyes filled with a depth I’d yet to see in him. “I left anyway and she waited. Told me she loved me. I said it back.” He sighed, a sound that sent shivers up my spine. “I mean, four years and we never bothered with the words, but the night before boot camp she’s spilling her guts to me.”

  He stared off in the distance. In a way, I wasn’t sure if he realized he was spilling his guts to me, the potential employee. But because I hated to see him suffer—or anyone else, for that matter—I stood and moved forward, touching my toes to his. “Sometimes a person doesn’t know what they want until they almost lose it.”

  He frowned at me, lips locked for the longest time before he finally whispered, “Guess you’re right.”

  I nodded, not expecting him to let it go so easily and waiting at the same time for more of his story. Only, it never came. Instead, Collin studied my face, a perusal with his eyes that both petrified me and made my throat dry.

  Then he spoke, and his soft words crackled. Sexy. “You gonna do this, then?”

  I swallowed and clenched my sweaty hands. “Depends on what this is.”

  His nostrils flared, the insinuation in my voice coming out in all the wrong ways.

  God, what was wrong with me?

  He licked his lips, studying me from under hooded lids. That look and his tongue alone made me want to run fast and far from this guy and his doom and gloom. Yet at the same time, my pulse spiked and every single inch of my skin seemed to overheat. What would happen if I moved closer and pressed my mouth over his? Would he respond? Pull me close? Cup the back of my neck or grab my hair? Either way, I’d be okay with it, as long as it happened.

  At the thought, I took a quick step back, unable to contain the shivers dancing up and down my arms. Goose bumps scattered across my already sensitized skin as I moved, while everything inside me remembered what I was here for. A job. Money. A way out.

  “I should go.” To keep my sanity safe, I walked to the closet where my jacket was hanging, the words run, run, run sounded like a siren in my ears.

  “You know what I meant, Addison.”

  Oh, I did all right. And it had nothing to do with the warmth suddenly pooling between my thighs.

  “When?” My voice cracked.

  “You start a week from tomorrow. It’s five days on, two days off. I expect you to be here on time.”

  Unable to look back at him, I caressed a string hanging from the end of my jacket sleeve. The sensation of the fabric was a reminder that Collin could most definitely shred me to pieces. Of course I was smart enough to know one didn’t mix business and pleasure. Not to mention that the pink eviction notice on my kitchen table at home reminded me how much I needed this job.

  “Then I’ll be here.”

  His bare feet slapped against the tiled floor as he moved away from the glass doors. He stopped a foot behind me, reaching for a piece of paper setting on the table to my right. My lower belly warmed as his arm caressed mine and I shifted in place, squeezing my thighs together. This man had the ability to obliterate me with a single touch. And the crazy part was, I suddenly craved that obliteration more than my next breath.

  “Two things. You get two hundred and fifty a week, paid out on Fridays.”

  “That’s too much for—”

  He pressed his hand against my upper arm, his chest now flush with my back. I shut my eyes and inhaled through my nose.

  “Take it. If I could, I’d pay you more.”

  I nodded, not wanting to argue. With Collin, I knew I would need to pick and choose my battles.

  “Also, need to know if you’re safe to be alone with my girl before you start.”

  “Safe?” My voice wavered.

  With his other hand, he tapped a knuckle against the paper on the table. The heat of his chest nearly burned through his hooded sweatshirt now. I reached for the sheet and he took a few steps back.

  “Need to run a background check on you.”

  I pulled it to my chest and turned around to face him, but I still couldn’t meet his gaze, my eyes flitting from his chin to his chest. “Reasonable enough.”

  I’d worked in a day care and knew what happened in the field. If our roles were reversed, I’d definitely be doing the same, no questions asked. There were too many crazy people in this world for someone to just trust a random person they’d only met a few times.

  He cleared his throat, and I finally lifted my eyes to meet his, expecting the same nasty look on his face that I’d seen on and off all night. What I saw instead was something different—and unnervingly sexy for comfort.

nbsp; “That gonna bother you at all?” His eyes were softer, his lips relaxed and slightly parted.

  “What, that you want to run a background check on me? Absolutely not.” I swallowed, wanting him to move even farther away because I liked his nearness far too much.

  “Nothing you need tell me before I do?”

  “Nope.” Nothing to keep me from doing my job, at least. Clean and clear, with not a drop of bad to my name. The things hidden in my past had nothing to do with my ability to be his daughter’s caretaker. Things like that didn’t show up on background searches; they were tattooed on my heart.

  He nodded, the movement slow. Every second he stood there, his eyes seemed to pierce me, his gaze never wavering from mine. God, he had this intensity I hated but was drawn to at the same time. Part of me wondered if his constant hardness was a cover for something else he wasn’t willing to share with just anyone.

  Before I could count to three, he moved in again, his hot breath against my cheek, his eyes on my mouth. If I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my hands to his chest, maybe I could finally get past wondering what it’d be like to kiss him, taste him, feel his arms around my back, grazing my backside, curving around my ass as he pulled me against his—

  A piercing wail sounded from down the hall. A baby.

  Collin’s baby.

  “Shit.” He winced and took two steps back. “Shit, shit, shit.”

  I jumped at his pained expression and harsh words. “Is she okay?” I bit my lip, wanting to comfort him, to ask him if he was okay. His face paled as he lowered his chin.

  I blinked, the sound of Chloe’s cries bringing me back to the here and now. My stomach, a wretched ball of nerves, bounced and jiggled with the beat of my heart.

  “C-can I get her?” I moved away, careful not to touch him, just barely glimpsing his nod.

  Instead of following me, Collin stayed frozen in place, watching me. Not knowing how to take him, I turned the corner of the hall to walk to Chloe’s room, not bothering to look back.

  Chapter 11


  “Fuck.” What had I almost done? What was I thinking?

  The answer was obvious: I’d gotten distracted. Pretty girls and their pretty lips were pretty little teases to my underworked cock. Simple as that. Add in the fact that this one was good with Chloe, and I knew exactly what my brain had been thinking.

  I wanted to kiss her.

  I wanted to touch her.

  I wanted to take her against my table, ass up, cock thrust so deep in her warm pussy I could feel it in the back of my throat.

  “Shit,” I muttered, pacing outside Chloe’s room.

  Five minutes had passed since Addison walked in there, and I couldn’t find the balls to go in after her. Got so distracted when she asked to do it herself that I hadn’t thought twice about letting her. Wasn’t a good thing, especially since I liked the thought of her holding my baby—rocking her and loving on her like I did.

  My chest grew tight at the image, and I shut my eyes, pressing my hands against the doorframe. Jesus. I wasn’t supposed to like this shit. Was supposed to be comfortable with it, not like it.

  On that note, I jerked my head back and reached for the handle, opening the door a half second later. With my fingers wrapped around the knob, I hesitated, watching my biggest fears unfold. Addison was leaned over the railing of Chloe’s crib, rubbing her fingertip across my girl’s temple…just like a mother.

  Too stunned to speak, I backed out of the room and leaned against the wall in the hallway. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to wash the image from my mind.

  I couldn’t watch this.

  I couldn’t like this.

  I couldn’t, shouldn’t, but did.

  “Hey. What is it? What’s wrong?” Addie was there by my side when I reopened my eyes, her dark eyes filled with worry as she searched my face.

  I sucked in a breath as reality hit me. Dear God…it was happening. For the first time since Amy died, a woman was getting to me—one I barely knew. And the worst part of it all? I wanted to get to her too.

  To curb the anxiety brewing hot inside me, I grabbed Addie by the wrist and marched her to the door.

  “Hey, watch it.” She clawed at my hand, only making me want to hang on tighter.

  “What is your deal, Collin?”

  “It’s time for you to go.” I kept hold of her arm, but not as tight, and grabbed her coat, shoving it against her chest.

  “What’d I do this time?” She lifted her chin—always lifting her damn chin. Taking pride to a level I wasn’t even capable of most days anymore.

  “Nothing.” I let go of her arm, my hands itching to grab her and pull her close.

  Instead, I walked to the door and unlatched the lock.

  “Oh no. Don’t think so, buddy.” She threw her coat and her hat on the floor, crossing her arms just under her breasts. “If I’m going to work for you, we need to set some ground rules.”

  I tightened my hands into fists, fingernails digging into my palms. One step forward, then two, and she was in front of me, one eyebrow arched. Her curled lips saying I won’t back down. And damn I didn’t want her to. She messed with me, all fire and sass. And it made me fucking hot.

  “You are the most ungrateful son of a bitch I’ve ever met in my life, and if you really and truly want me to be your child’s nanny, then you better cut the attitude or else I’m gonna—”

  “Stop talking.” Couldn’t help myself. I had to do it. So I grabbed her waist and yanked her to my chest, while clutching the bottom of her shirt with my other hand. Eyes wide and lips parted, I took what I wanted and kissed her. Hard. Unforgivingly. Relentlessly.

  And holy shit.

  I mean, holy.


  That kiss was so much. But it wasn’t enough—never would be enough either. Not until I had her against the wall, touching her anywhere she’d let me touch her. Skin on skin. Just once, that’s all I’d ask for. I wasn’t a greedy man, just needy and desperate for the only woman who’d ever mind-fucked me before she actually fucked me.

  Fighting against every instinct I had, I used my tongue to explore, only to feel her arms wrap around my neck and her fingers dig into my scalp in response.

  With her reaction, my restraint snapped in half.

  I walked her backward. She obliged, hands desperate and tight as she clung to me. Warm body soft against mine, pliant and so damn sexy. Almost as needy as my own.

  My knee went between her thighs as I pushed her back against the door. She moaned against my lips, the sound going straight to my cock. Her tongue was wet, my brain was fuzzy, but I needed this. I needed her.

  I lifted her higher, her legs going right around my waist. She sucked my tongue into her mouth, and I lowered my hands to her ass, squeezing. The skirt she wore rode up higher and higher as she writhed against me, until nothing but her panties pressed against my jeans. She shivered as I rocked her pussy up and down against my cock.

  Hot. Tight. Warm. That’s exactly how I imagined she’d be if I sank inside her.

  She tipped her head back, bumping it against the wood. Her breathing was frantic, her chest rising and falling in time with my own. I lowered my mouth to her neck, kissing and sucking her skin. She tasted clean, fresh, and I groaned low in my throat, wanting nothing more than to bite her, mark her. Make her mine for just one night.

  “Collin,” she whispered, her body trembling as she moved. I rocked her harder against me, sure I was going to come from the friction of the movement alone.

  “Please,” she cried out, dry humping my cock like it was all she’d ever need again. And if this was the last woman I ever made come, I’d damn sure not regret it.

  “Ain’t gonna stop. Wanna make you feel good.”

  I’d been an ass all night to the girl. The least I could do was get her
off…and enjoy myself at the same time.

  She leaned forward, whimpering as she buried her forehead against my neck. I shut my eyes, blocking out everything around us and inhaling her hair, a smell I’d never forget.

  Sweat dripped down my temples as I guided her up and down my length. My hands, as greedy as my lips, now digging tighter into her ass over her skimpy panties.

  “Jesus. Addie.”

  She shuddered at my words, moving faster, softly crying through what I knew was a quick release.

  Damn, did I love that sound. Hadn’t realized how much I’d missed it until it came from her. And I wanted to hear it again, until she cried out my name next time, loud as hell so the world would know I’d been the one to do this to her. For her.

  But then her breathing slowed and she kissed my neck, the sensation light and soft. Too intimate. Too much.

  And that’s when the high came crashing down, hitting me as hard as a truck.

  I’d just dry-fucked my daughter’s new nanny against the front door.

  And I liked it.

  “I shouldn’t have…” I let her go, wincing as her body slid down the front of mine.

  Face hot, I took a step back and looked up at the ceiling. Couldn’t meet her gaze, couldn’t face her for fear of what she’d look like. Sated or happy, pissed or confused…didn’t matter. I wouldn’t find out.

  Yeah, it was too late to go back, but if I ignored her, then maybe she’d think it meant nothing to me. Just two consenting adults who’d…

  Shit. Who was I kidding?

  “Collin, I—”

  “Should go, yeah. It’s getting late.” I turned and picked up her coat and stuff on the floor, my knees weak, my cock hard and aching.

  One step later, I was back in front of her, still not meeting her eyes as I held her coat out. She didn’t move to take it, just stood there. I could feel her gaze on me, her confusion, her tension too. The heat coming off her body was like a warm blanket I never wanted to take off.

  “Coat. Put it on. It’s cold out there.” I motioned for her to take it, looking at the door behind her, knowing I’d never be able to look at it the same way again.


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