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Page 14

by Gun Brooke

  “Not likely.” Dizzy now, Caya stood in the circle of Thea’s embrace. They were still unsettled, but for Caya the reason for her tremors had changed. Thea’s scent—a mix of flowers, fresh herbs, and something sweet—filled her senses, and Caya wanted to bury her face in Thea’s neck and inhale it over and over. This would, of course, not be welcome. She had to be grateful that Thea needed her close like this right now, no matter the reason. Caya could hardly believe how natural the closeness felt, and all she cared about right now was the way Thea was holding onto her. Gentle but firm, and apparently not in a hurry to let go.

  “When I’m close to you, it’s as if I can forget about everything else for a moment,” Thea whispered. “It’s like you ground me, in a strange way. Once I lost faith in the ones I used to trust—my father, Hadler—I never allowed myself to get this close. I knew I was a good judge of character when it came to my professional life, first as a judge and then as a politician. On a personal level, I lost my confidence when it came to friendship. As for a lover? I never even attempted anything remotely romantic. I decided that was over and done with for me…until I saw you for the first time.”

  Caya was sure she must have misunderstood. “Thea?”

  “I know, I know. I infuriate you more often than not, but during times like these, when we can set aside our differences, I…I need them. Like now, I need this. Your touch. Believe me, I’m not crazy. I know very well that I’m too old for you and you’re meant for great things, and I would never stand in your way. Not ever. That’s why I’ve been so adamant in keeping you safe.”

  What? Caya’s mouth fell open. What did Thea mean exactly? Afraid to ask, but not afraid to act, Caya let her hands move in gentle circles against Thea’s back. “I didn’t know you realized I’m on a destined path. Clearly I’m an idiot to not understand that’s what this whole setup is about.” Gesturing vaguely around the guest quarters, Caya sighed. “I still don’t agree with the whole protective-custody reasoning, but I do get it from your point of view.” Caya pressed her cheek against Thea’s temple. “What I don’t understand is what you said just before that. About giving up on having a lover or on romance?” Caya tipped her head back and tried to read Thea’s expression.

  “You don’t know?” Thea looked honestly surprised. Blushing faintly, she rubbed her hands against her trousers.

  “No. But I want to. Surely you realize that. Our connection, everything we’ve been through together so far has showed us it’s special. Rare. I have never transferred a vision, not even to Briar, who is my empath sister!” Caya held Thea by her shoulders, on the verge of shaking her. “Am I totally misunderstanding you? Perhaps you weren’t talking about me in a romantic concept at all?”

  Thea took a deep breath as shadows came and went in her eyes. “Yes, I was.”

  Caya’s heart skipped so many beats, she was afraid it might not resume its steady rhythm, but then it did, only to hammer painfully against the inside of her ribcage. “And you think you’re too old.”

  “I do. I mean, I am.”

  “And I don’t. Think you’re too old. I think you’re gorgeous. Sexy. Alluring. And tons of other adjectives to that effect.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Thea murmured, nuzzling Caya’s cheek. “There have been occasions when I’ve thought you felt the same way, or is that wishful thinking on my part?”

  Caya thought she might go crazy while trying to navigate the minefield around this woman. “Are you asking if I’ve ever wanted to be physically close to you?” She felt heat radiating off Thea’s slender frame.

  “Yes. In a way. I mean, the times we’ve been in close proximity, I’ve sensed reluctance in both of us to let go.” Thea drew a gentle line with her index finger along Caya’s jawline. “Even when you hate me—”

  “I never hate you. Not even when I’m the most furious and frustrated do I ever hate you. I could never. Not for a sec.” Caya noticed only after the fact that she’d placed her palm against Thea’s sternum, between her breasts, for emphasis. It didn’t seem to bother Thea.

  “That’s…good to know.” Letting her index finger caress Caya’s lower lip, Thea tilted her head. Her shoulder-long hair fell to the side, some of it having escaped the chignon, and her eyes were dark, narrow slits. “I’ve longed to be alone with you, no one to interrupt us or interfere. It seems the people surrounding us are either protective of you or of me. Or both. It leaves very little room for us to ever finish a conversation.”

  “Or even an argument.” Caya agreed. Well-meaning friends, or staff, tried to keep Caya from, figuratively speaking, strangling Thea—and vice versa. By doing so, they left them no room to ever fully reach a compromise. “I’ve been acting like a brat. Storming off in a huff. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’ve been arrogant and not quite taken into consideration your past on Oconodos.”

  “Or I yours.”

  Thea shook her head. “Not the same thing. You may have known Hadler wasn’t a nice man, but you couldn’t have known any of the things you were privy to in your vision just now. I, however, had a lot more information about your past on Oconodos, but didn’t put it into context when it came to your protective-custody situation. Not the same thing.”

  “Shh.” Caya pressed her cheek against Thea’s and hugged her. “Don’t. Don’t talk about that right now. Let’s just do this.”

  “Do what?” Thea’s eyes widened.

  “This. This exploration to see if there is an ‘us,’ if the attraction is real and mutual. We’re no cowards, Madam President.”

  Thea chuckled breathlessly. “All right.” She slid her fingers through Caya’s long hair, combing it gently. “Amazing. Your hair is like moonlight. It glows.”

  “It does?” Caya spoke against Thea’s temple. “Your hair smells like…like candy. Sweet. Fruity.”

  Thea turned her head and pressed her lips against Caya’s cheek. Blindly, Caya turned to capture Thea’s mouth with hers. Missing it, she whimpered, “I’m sorry.” She tried to pull back.

  “Don’t be.” Thea framed Caya’s face with her hands and kissed her lips gently. Over and over, she pressed their mouths together, changing angles each time as if testing how she liked it best.

  Caya could hardly believe it. Thea was kissing her, and not like you kiss a friend or a family member. Thea kissed her with passion and as if she couldn’t get enough. Parting her lips, Caya tried to make each kiss last longer. Thea must have sensed her intention because she withdrew some, scanning Caya’s expression.

  “Are you sure?” Thea asked huskily.

  “Very sure.” More certain than she had ever been about anything, Caya wound her arms around Thea’s neck. “Kiss me again.”

  “Creator…” Thea shoved her hands back into Caya’s hair and tugged her closer. Now she deepened the kiss instantly, her tongue seeking entrance to Caya’s mouth, something Caya eagerly granted. Whereas the previous kisses had been passionate and exploring, these were erotic and sensual. Caya had never kissed anyone like this, but she knew instinctively how to respond to Thea. Kissing her was such a thrill, so incredibly exciting, and it made her entire body tense. Oddly enough, it also gave her a sense of finally coming home. Not sure if that was a contradiction of terms, and not really caring at this point, Caya explored all of Thea’s mouth as her hands mapped Thea’s back, arms, and hips.

  “I—Caya, please. You’re making me so dizzy, I’m about to fall off the stool.” Smiling faintly, Thea kissed Caya’s chin and followed her jawline to her earlobe. “May I suggest we move to a more comfortable place? Your couch?”

  “No. My bed?” Caya’s suggestion made Thea flinch.

  “That’s…that’s too soon, darling. Don’t you think so?” Biting down on her lower lip, Thea slid off the stool.

  “Too soon for what?” Caya blinked. “You wanted to be more comfortable and—”

  “And you suggested your bed. I know you’re young and quite innocent. Asking someone to come to bed with you is som
ething you need to think about. It suggests…I mean, it can be interpreted in a certain way…” Thea exhaled sharply through her nose.

  Caya wondered just how innocent and oblivious Thea thought she was. She had, after all, grown up in a household with a sister who was an outspoken nurse. “Taking you to my bed might be interpreted as if I want us to make love. Which I do. Are you saying you don’t?” She studied Thea’s expression closely. “It’s all right, you know. If you’re not ready for it.”

  “No. Not at all.” Blushing now, Thea covered her eyes for a moment. “I’m trying to be mindful of your youth here, and I fear I only managed to sound condescending.” She removed her hand from her face. “I just don’t want you to think I assume…things.” Thea’s eyes seemed darker than their usual light blue, and Caya realized how nervous Thea was.

  “I think we need each other more right now than we ever have,” Caya said. “I may be inexperienced when it comes to the practicalities regarding sex, but Briar believed in openness and honesty when it came to educating me. Besides, I’m not a child.” She pursed her lips.

  “No,” Thea said, her voice still husky. “You’re not.” She stood and wrapped an arm around Caya’s waist. “Bed it is, then. It’s been a long day.”

  “Yes.” Caya was in awe of Thea, of being alone with her and of Thea trusting her this much. Still, she couldn’t help bracing herself for impact, half expecting Thea to change her mind, return to her quarters, and leave Caya alone here once again. “What about your guards?” Caya glanced at the door. “Are they going to stand in the corridor next to Diobring?”

  “Right.” Thea tapped her communicator. “Tylio voice recognition, code eighteen nocturnal. Good night.”

  “Good night, Madam President,” a female voice said. “Moldali and Judio are on the first watch.”

  “Thank you. Tylio out.” Stroking her thumb along Caya’s lower lip, Thea stepped closer. “Are you embarrassed they know I intend to spend the night here in your quarters?”

  “No. Are you?”

  “I couldn’t care less what they think, but no. I’m not embarrassed. I suppose we have two sets of guards tonight.”

  “Like you said,” Caya murmured and nipped at Thea’s thumb with her teeth. “I couldn’t care less.”

  They stepped into the bedroom, where the housekeeper service had already turned down the bed when Caya had been out. Caya wasn’t sure how to proceed and felt self-conscious for hesitating.

  “Can you unclasp my pearls, please?” Thea turned her back and lifted her hair.

  Caya found the miniscule clasp and unhooked it. She carefully handed the famous ten-string set of beads to Thea, who placed it on the vanity by the bulkhead.

  “It’s a beautiful necklace,” Caya said, “but you’re even more stunning without it. This way, I can see your neck.” The sight of Thea’s revealed skin made Caya’s mouth water. She wanted to bury her face against Thea’s neck and taste it.

  “Creator…” Thea whispered. “You look positively voracious.”

  “Can you blame me?” Caya nodded at Thea’s reflection in the mirror. “You’re gorgeous.” Still standing behind Thea, Caya reached around her and began unbuttoning the silk caftan. Slowly, she undid the magnetic buttons by twisting them and changing their polarity. The caftan she pulled off Thea’s shoulders moved like running water and revealed a camisole so sheer, it made Caya moan. She saw the entire outline of Thea’s body, including her full breasts that appeared supported by some built-in Nomobedian lace. Caya’s nightgown was made of a similar fabric as Thea’s camisole, but she also wore a camisole of such fabric, just not as sheer or elaborately woven as Thea’s.

  Reaching around Thea again, Caya undid her trousers and pushed them down her legs. She realized she was being forward, but if she stopped to hesitate, her shyness would take over, and she would resort to feeling clumsy and out of place. She told herself if she kept up the initiative, she wouldn’t disappoint Thea.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After helping Thea out of her trousers and her shoes, Caya seemed to lose a bit of her momentum. She fiddled with the neckline of her nightgown and gazed at Thea through her eyelashes.

  “My turn, I suppose?” Thea kissed Caya lightly and began to pull her nightgown up along her petite body. Caya raised her arms, and the thin fabric slid easily over her pale skin. Thea stood there breathless, unprepared for the vision of Caya dressed in only her underwear. “Are you cold?” Thea murmured. Her small breasts were in full view, and Thea could think of little else but to warm them with her hands.

  “Uh. No. The opposite. I’m warm. Hot.” Caya’s eyes were colorless and transparent, which made them appear luminescent and bright. Thea knew she would never grow tired of gazing into them.

  “Hot. Yes.” Thea chuckled. “I’ll say.” She pushed her fingers into Caya’s hair and made the amazing tresses billow around her. Caya’s hair followed, floating for a second before it landed around her shoulders, its rich locks reaching the small of her back. Thea couldn’t take her eyes off the young woman before her. So beautiful, so deceptively fragile. Thea wanted to devour Caya, pleasure her until she gave in and allowed Thea to keep her safe, body and soul. Her uncensored thoughts made Thea whimper inwardly.

  Caya clearly didn’t want to be the only one half naked. She tugged at Thea’s camisole, but Thea shook her head and showed Caya the tiny beads that kept it closed between her breasts and down her stomach.

  Caya cursed under her breath, making Thea chuckle as she unbuttoned the pearls from the lace fabric and pushed it off Thea’s shoulders. Caya stopped in mid-motion, gasping out loud.

  Thea felt her nipples grow even harder and knew Caya’s hungry stare rather than the cool air in the bedroom was causing it.

  “Oh…I’m…You’re amazing.” Caya stumbled on her words as she stepped closer.

  Thea raised her hands and nudged Caya onto her back on the bed. Caya gazed up at Thea, who had never seen anyone look so ethereally beautiful. Caya’s hair lay in a semicircular cloud around her, and her skin virtually glowed, as if silver coursed through her veins. Thea crawled up along Caya, lowering her head every now and then to taste her amazing skin. “You smell divine. Like flowers and…something else. Something dark.” The last part surprised Thea, as to her, Caya was pure light.

  Thea couldn’t remember ever being in such awe of another person—let alone a lover. She placed her hand on Caya’s hip and let it slide down her thigh. Tugging Caya’s leg up over hers and that way effectively parting her legs, Caya ended up half on top of Thea, who now smiled broadly. Caya rose on her elbow and looked down at her, lips parted as she gasped for air.

  “You like it like this, darling?” Thea pushed her hands into Caya’s hair again and spread it like a shield around them. “We’re in your magical world now. Kiss me?”

  Caya moaned and bent her head, capturing Thea’s lips and parting them instantly. Thea met Caya’s tongue with her own, eager for her taste and the sounds she made as the kiss went on and on and on.

  “I want you naked.” Thea nipped at Caya’s lips. “Come to think of it, I want us both naked.”

  Caya moaned and nodded. Thea was quickly losing her composure and pushed at whatever fabric she came in contact with, be it her own or Caya’s. She knew they were both naked when the unobstructed sensation of Caya’s silky skin against her own made her cry out in pure pleasure.

  “Caya?” Thea gasped as she cupped Caya’s cheeks. “Look at me.” Caya opened her eyes a little more than the narrow slits they’d been just before. “I want you so much. I can’t think of anything or anyone I’ve ever wanted more.” Thea hoped Caya understood. Right here, right now, with this young woman, Thea could confess to herself that not even winning the presidency had meant more to her. Skin against skin, and gazing at those otherworldly eyes that held such magic, such secrets, Thea understood the truth of her own statement. She was meant to be with Caya. She was certain Caya had a more important and distinguished purpose in her
lifespan, but for Thea, no matter how much political power she wielded, from now on, the most important aspect of her life was Caya Lindemay.

  Thea caressed Caya’s right breast and massaged it slowly. Its pebbled nipple drew patterns in Thea’s palm, and she cherished how the small breast fit perfectly in her hand.

  “Oh…oh!” Caya whimpered, and the breathless sound caused a gush of moisture between Thea’s legs. She couldn’t remember when that had happened in someone else’s presence. The last few months, she had guiltily envisioned Caya in a multitude of fantasies while tending to her own pleasure, if nothing else than trying to remain sane. Now, with the actual Caya here, Thea couldn’t keep from undulating against her young lover. Oh, Creator. Lover. Thea moaned and arched her back. “Darling. I need your hand. Please?”

  “Show me,” Caya whispered and stroked along Thea’s body while at the same time reclaiming her mouth. “I…” She kissed Thea again. “I need you to show me how.”

  “I will. Here.” She took Caya’s hand and guided it in between her thighs. “You’ve made me so ready for you.” Thea’s voice caught, but Caya’s steady gaze helped her, reassured her.

  “So wet.” Caya’s fingers dipped in between Thea’s slick, swollen folds. “I can feel it. Amazing.” Lowering herself farther onto Thea, Caya whispered the words in her ear, her breath hot against her. “What do I do now?”

  “Just caress me. Gently at first. If you want to go inside later, I’ll show you.”

  “I know some…of this,” Caya whispered. “I’ve tried it on myself.” She trembled more now, her hips rocking against Thea in a way that made her wonder if Caya was aware of it—and of how she was pushing Thea toward her orgasm.

  “What did you do when you pleasured yourself?”

  “You don’t think that’s wrong of me…to mention it, I mean?” Caya ran her tongue against Thea’s ear.

  “Not in the least. So, what did you do?” Thea’s mind was already conjuring up images of Caya splayed on her back, here on the bed, bringing herself to orgasm.


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