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Jenna and the Legend of the White Wolf

Page 2

by J. B. Moonstar

  Sedric nodded. “There’s a small cave not too far away, near the stream. It’s not big, but it will hold all of us. It’s just past the large oak to the north of camp.”

  “Does everyone know which cave Sedric is talking about?” Jenna asked in low wolf growl. Since Sedric and his friends played together often, they all knew and nodded.

  “Ituria, you will go first with Fira,” Jenna whispered, looking at Ituria. He nodded in understanding. Turning to Ralphie, she continued, “Ralphie, you and the deer next, follow Ituria. Sedric and I will bring up the back, so I can keep Ranco away if necessary.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement. Jenna didn’t know how she would keep Ranco back, but at least Ituria, who was unable to fight now, would be safe. The hawk landed on Jenna’s shoulder, nodded its head once, then flew to a nearby branch; Jenna felt better knowing the hawk would stay nearby to help her.

  The plan was set. Sedric quickly jumped up on Jenna’s back, and put the metal key into the lock. It took a few moments, and with Fira’s help, he was able to turn the key enough to unlock the lock. It made a clunking sound as it unlocked, and everyone turned to look at the hunters nervously. One twitched a little, but no one woke.

  However, Ranco perked his ears up as he watched them closely. From his crouched position, he slowly started crawling toward the group at the cage, also being careful not to wake the hunters.

  “Quickly, everyone!” Jenna whispered. “On with the plan. Fira, go to Ituria, I will try and open the cage.”

  Fira went through the cage bars and got onto Ituria’s back. Ituria still had not said anything, and Jenna believed he was saving his strength for the run to the cave. Using her teeth to take the lock off the cage door, she then slowly started to open the door.

  A loud creaking sound made her stop instantly. This noise would wake up the hunters. Jenna thought for a moment and realized she could use this to her advantage.

  “Listen,” she whispered, “when Ranco gets near the hunters, I will open the cage. It will wake the hunters, and hopefully they will chase him rather than us.” Jenna turned to watch Ranco. “Ranco is almost close enough. Ready—now!”

  Jenna pulled on the cage door hard; it opened, making a loud screeching sound, causing the hunters to wake up. Looking around to see what woke them up, they saw Ranco crouching right in the middle of their camp!

  Jenna barked, “Run!” She hoped the hunters would be so distracted by Ranco they would not hear. Ituria, Fira and the others took off toward the cave.

  With Sedric on her back, Jenna started running too, taking a quick glance back and seeing Ranco growling fiercely at the hunters as he backed into the forest on the other side of the camp.

  He caught Jenna’s gaze as he turned to run away, and his eyes glared at hers. He is furious. Jenna knew at that moment she had made an enemy. The hunters grabbed their guns and nets and ran after him; not yet realizing the cage door had been opened and their prize had escaped.

  Jenna disappeared into the shadows with Sedric, hoping the hunters would not follow. Shortly they caught up with Ituria and the others and ran for a few minutes to get to their destination. Jenna saw Ituria was not running fast and seemed to be favoring his right back leg.

  Finally, they made it to a cave beside the stream, almost hidden by thick bushes. Ralphie pushed back the bushes so Ituria and Jenna could fit into the cave. It was small, but it looked safe and was hidden from the outside. They would rest here until they came up with another plan, as now they had both the hunters and Ranco to worry about.

  At this time Ituria spoke. “Jenna, thank you and thanks to your friends for coming to my rescue. I do not know what would have happened if you had not appeared. But you have made an enemy today—Ranco. He will not forget this. If he gets away from the hunters, he will be back to seek his revenge—against you and me.”

  Jenna was more concerned about Ituria now than Ranco. “Are you hurt? It seems your back leg is sore when you walk.”

  “Yes,” said Ituria. “It is. I was running from the hunters when something hit my leg; it could have been one of their guns. It does not appear to be a major injury, but it did slow me down enough so they were able to throw nets over me, from which I could not escape. As they were taking me to their camp, I saw Ranco in the shadows.” He paused briefly in thought, then continued.

  “I knew Ranco would take any opportunity to rid the forest of me, however he could. Then he would have control. The hunters are looking for more animals, and Ranco was staying just out of their sights, waiting for his chance against me.”

  “What can we do to help?” asked Ralphie. The others eagerly gathered around to see what they could do to help Ituria.

  “If I can rest a little, and possibly get some water and food, I shall be better soon,” he replied.

  Sedric, Fira and the deer left the cave to find some fresh grass, and Ralphie used some large wide leaves to fashion a small basket to get water from the stream.

  “Please let me check your injury,” Jenna said. “Maybe there is something I can do, too.”

  Ituria nodded and turned so she could see his back leg. The full moon shining in the cave gave enough light to inspect the leg. It indeed had a wound that looked like a bullet had grazed it, and it left a gash several inches long. Even though it wasn’t bleeding much, it must be painful to move. She didn’t know what to do to make it better. Was there a way to put a bandage on it, or some healing plants? She agreed with Ituria he needed to rest, and they would think about plans in the morning.

  The other animals returned with food, and Ituria ate, drank some water, then suggested everyone to try and sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy morning.

  Jenna tried to rest but could not sleep. She walked to the front of the cave and sat facing the entrance. In the distance, she heard Ranco’s howls.

  He had escaped the hunters, but was now calling out into the night, “White wolf, I am coming for you—you will not escape me! This is my forest!” Jenna knew she had made a fearsome enemy as she finally fell into a troubled sleep, trying to remember how she got into this situation in the first place.

  Chapter Four

  A Visitor In The Night

  Jenna awoke and realized she was still in a dark cave. Still in the form of a wolf, her new wolf senses had awakened her, telling her something was wrong.

  She walked to the back of the cave, checking on the others. The moonlight allowed her to see where Ituria was still sleeping, and all the smaller creatures were gathered around him, sleeping as well.

  It was not they who had awakened her. There was something though, but she couldn’t figure it out yet. She turned and walked back to the front of the cave.

  Peering through the bushes, she could just make out a wolf figure in the moonlight, maybe a hundred feet or so from the cave. He wasn’t looking her way; he was sniffing the ground, trying to find something. She turned and quietly backed into the cave, hoping he hadn’t seen her.

  This must be Ranco, thought Jenna, who would have tracked them from the hunter’s camp. There was no howling now, this wolf was tracking, not wanting his prey to know where he was. Jenna sat down, trying to decide what to do.

  If Ituria was strong, he could help fight off the wolf, but he was weakened and wounded, and she was not sure what he could do if the wolf found them.

  She may be a wolf now, but she had never fought another wolf before, she was still a girl inside. Did she have the strength and fierceness to defend her friends? What would she do if the wolf showed up at the front of the cave? She did not know.

  Ituria seemed to sense Jenna was awake as he woke also. He asked quietly, “What is wrong, Jenna? Why aren’t you sleeping?”

  “There is a large wolf outside the cave. He has not found us yet, but he is looking. I am afraid it is Ranco. I heard Ranco earlier crying out he was looking for the white wolf. I don’t know how to fight. Wh
at can I do if he finds us in the cave?”

  “I understand your concerns,” said Ituria quietly. “I know you are not from this forest and are not what you appear to be.”

  Jenna realized Ituria knew she was not really a wolf, so she would not have the experience as a wolf required to fight off another wolf, especially a large wolf like Ranco.

  “If Ranco finds us,” continued Ituria, “he will not hesitate to kill you or any other animal just to get me.” Ituria tried to stand up, but his back leg was stiff, and it was difficult. He may be able to defend them for a while, but since he did not have all his strength or agility, it would be a hard fight.

  Looking at Jenna, he continued, “I will lead the fight if Ranco comes in. You must protect the little animals and get them to the forest to be safe. Once they are safe, if you are able, you can return and help me. A wolf is vulnerable from behind. If Ranco is challenging me, you can come up from behind and bite him on the back of his neck. You must bite hard, to break his neck bone.”

  Jenna’s eyes widen as she contemplated such a vicious attack. He continued, “Or, if you can only get him from the side, you must grab a back leg and bite down hard, trying to break a leg bone. Your jaws as a wolf are strong, you can bite hard enough to crack a bone.”

  Jenna’s human gasp translated into a canine’s huff as Ituria continued, “However, do not grab a front leg as Ranco can turn his head and grab the back of your neck. Ranco will want to kill me first, so he may forget you’re around, especially if he sees you leave with the other animals. Do you understand?”

  Jenna nodded, and she felt a little better now. At least Ituria understood the situation and had told her how she would have to fight. She did not know if she could, but at least they had a plan. They were both quiet and listened for any sounds.

  A little while later, Jenna heard the screech of the hawk, and stood up. She walked to the front of the cave and again looked out through the bushes. The wolf was still out there in the shadows, a little closer now. It was not moving, it was sitting by the stream, as if waiting. She still was not sure if it was Ranco or not, the shape was not quite the same, but she didn’t get a good look at Ranco at the hunter’s camp. If it wasn’t him, it might be one of his friends, waiting for him to arrive.

  Suddenly, the wolf looked up, looking directly at her through the bushes.

  Jenna was scared. It has found us she thought. It is waiting until we leave the cave before attacking.

  Jenna quickly looked around to see if there were any other wolves out there by the stream. Would they be ambushed as they came out in the morning?

  “Friend of Ituria,” called the wolf softly. “I am not your enemy. My name is Trent. I heard Ranco’s howling, and I have come to protect you from him. I know you are scared, so I am waiting until morning when you and your group have had a chance to rest. You are safe for now. Go back and sleep, we will talk in the morning.”

  At this, Jenna heard the hawk’s cry again, as if to confirm it was not Ranco.

  Jenna felt relieved it was not Ranco, but was still afraid of this new wolf, of what new challenges the morning would bring.

  Chapter Five

  A Meeting With Trent

  Jenna was glad Ranco had not yet found them, but she wasn’t sure what to think about the new wolf sitting down by the stream. While Trent said he would watch out for them and she could sleep, she knew she could not. Too much had happened, and there was still so much she didn’t understand. She looked over at Ituria, who was awake and looking at her.

  “He says his name is Trent, do you know of him?” she asked.

  Ituria nodded. “Yes, he is the pack leader of the West Forest wolves. He is a good leader and will help us while we are in Middle Forest.”

  “What is Middle Forest?” Jenna replied as she walked over and sat down beside Ituria. “I thought the forest was the forest?”

  “To humans, yes. But not to the animals who live here.” Jenna tilted her head, looking at him in confusion, then he explained. “There are several sections ruled by pack leaders, as the wolf packs are the most powerful animals in this area. Trent is the pack leader of the West Forest; he has been so for several years. Ranco is the pack leader of the North Forest, and he has been trouble since he became leader about a year ago. There used to be a pack in the East Forest many years ago, but the humans took over the East Forest and most of the pack was killed. You actually live in East Forest, even though it is not much of a forest anymore.”

  “Where are we now? What is Middle Forest?” Jenna was trying to keep track of the different forests, which before, she previously just called “the forest”.

  “Middle Forest is my domain, and each animal that enters into it is bound by my law to be peaceful. The animals who live in Middle Forest are safe from being hunted by the other animals. Once outside of Middle Forest, though, the law of nature rules, as wolves, foxes and other meat eaters also have the right to live and eat as nature intended. Your home lays on the boundary of Middle Forest and what was East Forest.”

  “What is Ranco doing out of the North Forest then?” she asked. “Why is he after you?”

  “Ranco does not believe the ruler of each section of the forest can make the rules.” Ituria replied, “He believes he should be able to hunt in Middle Forest, along with his North Forest.”

  Then Ituria’s voice got low and sorrowful. “The animals in Middle Forest have lived in peace for over forty years,” he said, shaking his head, “They are not used to being hunted and were easy prey for Ranco and his pack. Since Ranco took control of the North Forest wolves, many of my friends have been killed. He would kill me too if he got the chance.”

  “What about Trent, does he follow your rules?” Jenna worried about the wolf outside. What did he think about Ituria’s rule of Middle Forest, and what would he think about her, a wolf who did not have a pack?

  Ituria looked at Jenna and nodded. “Trent and I have been friends for many years. We understand and respect the rules for each of the Forests we rule, and we have had no problems. Trent has a strong pack, and West Forest is large enough to sustain them well. I do trust him, and you can too.”

  Jenna was relieved; at least she could trust the wolf outside to protect her and the others. She thought it might be good to talk to Trent about what they needed to do to get Ituria back to his home in Middle Forest. Trent would know what was going on outside of the cave, and they could plan together.

  “Do you think I should talk to Trent about what is happening outside?” Jenna asked Ituria. “He might also know what happened to Ranco.”

  “That’s a good idea,” he responded. “We are blocked off in this cave. Though we’re protected, it prevents us from the learning what has happened since we escaped from the hunters. Being outside, Trent would know what is going on and might have contacted his pack.”

  As Jenna got up, Ituria added, “You must not be long, though, as we will have to travel in the morning, and you need to get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  “Okay,” Jenna agreed. “I will find out what he might know and see if he can help us get you home.”

  Jenna walked toward the cave entrance. She peered into the dark forest and could barely make out the shape of Trent next to the stream below. She needed help in getting Ituria back to his home, and Trent would make a good ally. She looked back at Ituria, then into the darkness.

  “Trent,” she called quietly. “May we speak?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Come join me by the stream.”

  Jenna slowly trekked through the bushes to where Trent sat near the stream.

  Even in the dim moonlight, she could see he was a large wolf with a strong, powerful body. He would make a good friend, and a bad enemy. Still a little cautious, she sat several feet away.

  “I told Ituria you are down here, and he says you are the pack leader of the West Forest p
ack, and you can be trusted.”

  “Yes,” agreed Trent, nodding, “I have been Ituria’s friend for many years now, and I respect the rules of Middle Forest.” Trent made a low growl, then continued, “Unfortunately, your new enemy, Ranco, does not.”

  Jenna wanted to know about Middle Forest and Ituria, things she didn’t feel comfortable asking Ituria directly, and Trent would be able to answer some of the questions she had. But first, they needed to get Ituria back home, so he could rest and get better; her questions would have to wait for another time.

  “Ituria has told me of the forest and its sections and rules. Can you help me get him back to his home in Middle Forest? He has been hurt and needs to rest. I don’t think he would be able to win a fight with Ranco until he is better.”

  “You are in Middle Forest now,” said Trent, looking around, then back at Jenna. “Ituria’s home and his mate, Celeste, are only a few miles away. However, I know Ranco is prowling Middle Forest.”

  Trent made another low growl as he looked out into the darkness. “I heard him say he was going to get a white wolf, so I came over to see what was happening. I tracked Ituria to the cave and saw you and some small animals, so I thought you must be taking care of him. You mentioned he was hurt, what happened? Did Ranco attack him?”

  “No, Ranco did not get him, the human hunters did. He was shot in the leg, netted by the hunters, and locked in a cage. We were able to get him out, but Ranco saw us, and now is looking for us.”

  Trent seemed surprised at the series of events and nodded his head, waiting for Jenna to continue. “The hunters chased Ranco from their camp,” Jenna said, “not knowing we were rescuing Ituria. Do you know what might have happened to him?”

  “The last I heard of Ranco,” Trent answered, “he was running back to North Forest. He may have returned to get his pack, I don’t know. If he did, we will need to hurry and get Ituria to a place where Middle Forest animals can defend him. This small cave is not easy to protect. What animals do you have helping you?”


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