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Saol Mates (Primani Book Six)

Page 2

by Laurie Olerich

  Dec was late. Very late. She’d given up on getting dinner at Dean’s and ate a bowl of cereal instead. It was 9 o’clock. The new hamburger joint would be packed by now, and they’d have to wait two hours to get a seat. Dinner was out but dancing was still doable. If her man made it back before she fell asleep and lost interest in putting on a different outfit. If he made it back in one piece and didn’t need to heal. That could take all night, depending on the wounds.

  Her helpful imagination conjured up several horrifying images of him bleeding to death before he could save himself. Come on, brain. Knock it off! That’s not going to happen. Dec and Sean were good at what they did. They’d survived thousands of years without any help from her. She wasn’t going to be one of those nagging, clinging, annoying women who did everything she could to change her man to fit into her comfort zone. Dec was perfect exactly as he was. He was Primani. He was immortal. And thanks to her father’s maker, Uriel, she was immortal, too. They had all of eternity for dinner and dancing. She wasn’t going to get her panties in a knot if he was late once in a while. They had important things to do, and she wasn’t about to get in the way. Turning off her worries, she tapped the tablet for the next page and groaned.

  “Oh, yay. Another sex scene.” Derek, the hockey player hero, was her newest book boyfriend. The author managed to get her all hot and bothered at least five times during each book in the series. These scenes were hot, hot, and more hot. If she kept reading, they’d have to forget dancing and give the mattress a workout instead. She checked the time again. It was now 9:15. Damn it. Where was he?

  With perfect timing, Dec and Sean rematerialized in the foyer, bringing with them the gross smell of demon wafting from their clothes. Rori glanced up from her tablet, her lips tilting into a relieved smile. “There you are. I was just about to go to bed.” She tapped the tablet closed, and added, “But not to sleep.”

  Sean chuckled knowingly before saying, “Don’t mind me. I’m heading home. I need a serious shower.”

  Wrinkling her nose, Rori agreed, “Yeah, you stink. Dec, what on earth are you doing with a sniper rifle?”

  Dec was halfway down the hallway to the spare bedroom when he called over his shoulder, “Practice, darlin’. I like to keep my skills up. Tonight was supposed to be a simple stakeout so I thought it’d be a good chance to work with the rifle again.” His voice tapered off as he turned into the spare room.

  She asked Sean, “I take it things didn’t turn out like you thought? Are you guys okay?” He didn’t seem to be hurt, and Dec had been moving with his usual leopard-like grace. Still, it didn’t hurt to ask. They were stoic when it came to pain.

  Sean rubbed at his nose with the back of his hand before sneezing a couple of times. “We’re good. I’m out of here, though. I need to get this ash off of me. Wedding plans all set?”

  “Yep. Everything’s perfect.”

  Chapter 2: Sunshine and Rainbows

  NO DOUBT HE WAS THE LUCKIEST MAN on the planet. In two days he would be the happiest man on the planet. He and Rori would finally make it permanent, official, and ‘til-death-do-they-part. He asked her to marry him on New Year’s Eve, almost two years ago. Time had flown by in a blur since then, but now that it’s come down to the last few days, it’s slowed to a crawl. He was over 1,500 years old. You’d think he could deal with a couple of days—literally, like forty-eight hours. Fidgeting with his wristband, he straightened the twisted leather and fingered the stone, eyes unfocused. It all came down to Rori. She was his sun, his moon, his Holy Grail. He wanted everything to be perfect for her. Perfect and beautiful. She deserved that. She deserved everything that was amazing in the world, and he was giving it to her one day at a time. Each day was a gift. She had no concept of how much he loved her; sometimes he was shocked by the emotions that swallowed him whole when he looked into her eyes. Those cheetah eyes haunted his dreams, overwhelmed logical thought and distracted him to no end, but he wouldn’t want it any other way. Was he totally and completely pussy whipped? Abso-fucking-lutely! And he would shout that from the rooftops to anyone who asked, including the woman who was eyeballing him with contempt right now.

  Chill, woman. You’ve got nothing to offer me. He flashed a lopsided sardonic smile at the haughty-faced woman perched on the metal chair at the next table. Dressed in a short skirt, heels, and a sleeveless silk shirt, aka a shell, as Rori would say, she sipped her bottle of water and typed something meaningful into her laptop. Her charcoal grey jacket was draped across the empty chair. Tossing her head, she threw him an annoyed sort of scowl as if he was trying to pick her up and she wasn’t interested. He smothered another grin and turned his back to her.

  As if.

  He wasn’t in the market for an uptight, bitchy New Yorker. He had exactly who he wanted, and his angel was as far from uptight as she could be. Life didn’t get better than this. The sun was warm against his skin. A rare cool breeze carried the faint fragrance of flowers from the vendor on the corner, and a few fat pigeons cooed beneath the tables around him. Yeah, this was just about as perfect as it got here in the city.

  The New York City Public Library was one of Rori’s favorite places to hang out. After practically living here for years, she felt drawn to it and tried to come every week. Kicking back to wait, he studied the familiar building to see it from her perspective. He didn’t read much but he could appreciate the architecture. Who wouldn’t love the dignified columns, the guardian lions, and the graceful arches? Maybe that’s part of what Rori liked, or maybe it was the sense of belonging she felt here; whatever it was, she still made time to visit even though she had a full-time job in their crime lab. If he was a gambling man, he’d bet her friend, April, was the big attraction. Rori loved that old lady like the grandmother she never knew. Now that Rori had a job and spending money, she tried to take April out for lunch or even to one of the fancy hotels for tea, but her friend always refused. She always had another appointment or something else going on. So Rori kept up her weekly visits just to spend time with her. Today was one of those days. As the sun slanted a bit more to the west, a stray beam blasted him in the face. He pushed his Oakley’s back to his nose and pulled out his favorite guitar pick. Tapping it to the rhythm of his internal song, he crossed his ankles and waited. They had eternity—what was one hour?

  April Anselmo had been a constant in Rori’s life for more years than she could remember. She and Arthur had been her only family until she’d met Dec. Arthur’s death only reminded her of the finality of human life, though the word human didn’t really apply to him anymore, did it? With her only friend, Raine, back with his family, April was all she had left of her old life. She hated to think about losing her, even if it was inevitable.

  She held the door for her elderly friend, forcing her expression into carefree amusement while carefully scrutinizing every move she made. Was she limping? Absently tucking a loose strand of hair behind one ear, she pressed an affectionate kiss on April’s powdered cheek. She was getting up there in years and was just released from a three-day stay in the hospital. She insisted she was fine, but Rori didn’t believe her for a second. Frowning at the dark circles under her good friend’s eyes, Rori asked, “Are you sure you’re okay now? Let me get you a taxi back to your place. You shouldn’t be walking so much. I’m worried about you.”

  The older woman only patted her hand with obvious annoyance before completely dismissing her worries as she did every single week. Too proud to take Rori up on her offer, she was independent to the point of stubbornness, but she was the closest thing to a grandmother she’d ever had and Rori loved her dearly. She wasn’t ready to lose her even though time wasn’t on her side. Rori stifled an emotional prick of tears and hugged her again. “Please be careful.”

  A shadow of annoyance crossed her face before April snorted with exasperation. “Do stop worrying, Rori; I’m perfectly fine. The doctors were only running tests to pad their pockets. My heart’s ticking like a clock. There’s no reason for you to
fuss over me. Don’t you have a hunky young man to spend your time with?” A sly light gleamed in her murky green eyes. “If you don’t keep him occupied, I’ll steal him away from you, dear. These old bones could use some exercise.”

  Rori threw back her head and burst out laughing. All thoughts of death flew out the window at the image of April doing the deed with Dec. “Oh, you’d get exercise, all right. That man would give you a heart attack! I can barely keep up! He’s insatiable.” Leaning down to buss the powdery soft cheek one more time, she wagged her finger with mock anger. “I’m only going to tell you once: You keep your hands off my man!”

  Winking broadly, April teased, “Now honey, he’s fair game until he makes you an honest woman. How’s the wedding planning going?”

  “Perfectly! Two more days! The garden’s going to be magical with all the lights and flowers! It’ll be simple and elegant and just friends and family. Are you sure you can’t come? All of Dec’s family will be there. I’d really love for you to be there for me.”

  April stumbled a bit, but caught herself against the side of the nearest lion. Her papery voice shook slightly as she replied, “No, dear, I’m afraid I couldn’t possibly be there. I have family of my own visiting.”

  “I understand, April. We’ll take pictures for you. I still can’t believe it. It feels like a fairy tale. I keep thinking I’ll wake up and this will all be a dream.”

  “Perhaps the answer is not to sleep, eh?” April gave her fingers one last squeeze before carefully making her way towards the sidewalk.

  Dec’s gaze followed Rori’s as she frowned at her friend’s back. The little old lady swayed slightly but balanced herself by grasping the low concrete dividing wall that ran along the sidewalk in front of the library. Her energy was waning, flickering and shadowy as she moved. An ominous darkness hovered over her hunched frame like Death waiting to swoop in and carry her away. She didn’t have much time left. Rori will be devastated.

  Rori hesitated for a moment, still watching April with troubled eyes, as he lingered just behind one of the massive lions. Waiting for the love of his life was anything but a hardship. Wearing a neon pink sweater over an ice blue silk t-shirt with a pleated white mini-skirt and a pair of strappy sandals, she stood out like a beacon. Since it was windy as hell today, she had braided her hair into a single tail that swung along her lower back as she moved. Visions of wrapping that braid around his fist and skimming his palm over her bare breasts made his mouth water. God, she was flawless.

  Two days. He had two more days until she was his forever.

  Rori watched as Dec peeled away from the lion, hand outstretched, adorable crooked smile lighting up his face. Using his strong shoulders as support, she eased up on her toes to kiss that smile into something much more intense.

  With gentle hands, he cupped her face to draw her into a clinging kiss that curled her toes before she leaned away with a wide grin. “I missed you too, darlin’. You all right?”

  Dabbing at a smudge of lip gloss on the corner of his mouth, she sighed over the tinge of sadness that lingered in her heart. “I’m okay. Really. I’m just worried about April. What’s on the agenda for tonight?”

  “Walk with me, and I’ll tell you on the way uptown,” he said as he draped his arm around her waist to lead the way. “I’m thinking dinner out and maybe some music on one of those cool rooftop bars, and then we can top it all off with sex so good you’ll lose your mind.”

  She actually rolled her eyes at that. Sex was always that good with Dec and he knew it. He left her in an orgasm coma most of the time. “Cocky bastard, aren’t you?”

  Whirling her around to kiss her thoroughly in the middle of the sidewalk, he pressed her hips flush against him while wrapping his free hand around her braid. After tugging her head back just enough to press their noses together, his eyes sparkled with laughter when her mouth parted in a surprised gasp. He lowered his voice to an exaggerated sexy growl. “Do you doubt my mad sex skills?”

  Someone from behind yelled, “Get a room!”

  Turning a brilliant pink, she giggled helplessly against his chest. The man was incorrigible. “Not even a little bit. Come on! Let’s go before we end up on YouTube again.”

  “I promised you that life with me would never be boring.”

  “I know. I know. Every moment is a memory.”

  His blue eyes darkened to twinkling midnight as he drank her in. “There aren’t enough minutes in the day to show you how much I love you, but I’m sure as hell going to try.”

  Hugging him hard, she pressed her cheek to his heart, the solid rhythm ringing in her ear. “I’m the luckiest woman on the planet.”

  And she absolutely was. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to make her smile. She smiled so much her face ached. He wanted to give her the world. Didn’t he realize he was all she needed? Her life was perfect. Period. Dot.

  Tugging her into a faster pace, he practically yanked her around a corner and into an empty service doorway. In the blink of an eye, they were back in the penthouse. As her molecules settled, she whistled for the puppy. Loki hauled ass from the back bedroom, yipping with mad joy, entire butt wagging with the force of his tail. “Come on, fur baby. You need to go out.”

  The penthouse garden wasn’t huge, but it was big enough to work as a back yard. Part of it was filled with patio furniture, a fire pit, and a brand new hot tub. The workmen just finished installing it that morning. She couldn’t wait to try it out. She’d never sat in a hot tub before. The other side of the garden had been outfitted with some special outdoor carpet that looked like grass. It worked for the dog when it was too ugly to walk to the park or late at night for potty breaks.

  As soon as Loki finished watering the grass, Dec said, “Let’s go inside. I have something for you.” His dimples flashed for a second before disappearing into the darker shadow along his jaw as he flipped the lock on the French doors.

  “Oh, really?” She arched a brow in her best imitation of Sean’s quizzical look. “Whatever could it be?”


  “Oh, yeah.”

  Walking her backwards, he slipped the sweater from her shoulders and dropped it to the floor. Next went the silky shell. The flash of heat in his eyes caused her to stumble as all the blood in her brain made a mad dash for more useful body parts. The second they turned into the room, she twisted free and skipped to the bed with Dec right behind her. Pulling him down to the bed, she straddled his lap. Her short skirt rucked up to her waist, leaving him with a view of white satin bikinis.

  Amused, he snapped the lacy waistband. “You’re wearing underwear? What gives?”

  “It was windy today. Better safe than sorry.”

  “So glad you didn’t wear a bra.” His eyes gleamed with appreciation as he cupped both breasts with warm, calloused hands. “I would’ve torn it off—” He skimmed each nipple with his fingertips until they begged for his mouth. “—with my teeth.” Still holding back, he tweaked one and then the other, blowing on each without tasting them. “Mmm, so pink and sweet. Exquisite. Have I told you lately how much I love your nipples?” His playful words were followed by even more playful licking of both breasts and smacking kisses across the ticklish space between them. And then on to her underarm, which left her fizzing with giggles.

  “Only eight million times!” She scooted back to unbutton his jeans and froze at the odd bulge in his pocket. “What’s this?”

  “Surprise.” His voice dropped to a husky whisper that sent a new tremor of anticipation racing through her veins. His sleepy, hungry eyes grew somber. “Want to see it?”

  Smiling broadly, she said, “Oh, yes, please.”

  He tugged a small, red box from his pocket and unfolded himself from beneath her. Rolling gracefully to the floor, he knelt on one knee and flipped open the top. The teardrop diamond burst into a rainbow across the planes of his oh-so-serious face.

  He cleared his throat twice before finally saying with a strangled half-laugh, �
�Rori Austin, you are the light in my life, the blood in my veins, the reason I take a shower every day, and the only woman I want to have babies with.” Unable to hold back, he let the dimples fly and declared, “I want you today. Tomorrow. Forever. Will you wear my ring?”

  Her smile wobbled, her eyes welled with happy tears, but she blinked them away and breathed, “It’s gorgeous,” as she held out her hand. “But I thought we agreed on the gold bands?”

  He caught her mouth in a tender kiss before saying, “We did, but I saw this today and it practically screamed your name. It’s incredibly beautiful just like you. My girl needs a rock as pretty as she is. Will you wear it for me?”

  “Always and forever.”

  Slipping it over her finger, he twisted it gently and kissed her knuckles, lips lingering, tongue grazing her palm as he pressed it to his mouth. “You are my Heaven.”

  “And you’re mine.”

  Chapter 3: Dreaming of Night Things

  THERE ARE FEW THINGS more erotic than the sensation of fingertips skimming across bare skin. The light touch suggests more than desire; it suggests reverence, awe. Even the simple stroke of a single fingertip beneath the flame of a solitary candle could awaken slumbering passion into a most seductive fantasy.

  If the fingertips had callouses, it was even better. The slight roughness was even more erotic. Dec’s love affair with his guitar had blessed him with the perfect callouses. That guitar was her new best friend. Too drowsy to move, Rori moaned softly as he trailed those callouses over the delicate skin of the hollow of her throat, then along the line of her jaw.

  “Sleep, baby, sleep.”

  As his hand drifted to her nape, she let the dreams come as they would. Partly hers, partly his, the images were never the same, but they were always sensual, beautiful . . . erotic. She offered her mouth as he urged her farther into the dreamscape. His thumb grazed her lower lip and then her upper one before softly stroking the tip of her tongue until she parted her lips and his hot mouth covered hers. The slow, sweet kiss warmed her blood to simmering before he pulled away with a husky murmur, “Almost there now.”


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