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Saol Mates (Primani Book Six)

Page 11

by Laurie Olerich

  Af chuckled, the sound more menacing than amused. “Ever the optimist, aren’t you, my wingless friend? Happily ever after’s for romance novels. What makes you think you really have a chance at that with her? Because you love her?” He shoved his sweaty hair off of his face and barked a hard laugh. “There isn’t enough love in the world to get past the stain on that girl’s soul.” A sudden icy contempt flashed in his eyes. “I’m telling you now—she’s not what you think she is. You’re a fool if you think she’s yours.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Rori’s fine.” He was so close to clocking Af again that he had to back away. Rori’s color was starting to pinken up, which usually meant she was coming around. The last thing she needed was to wake up to the two of them beating the crap out of each other again. So, instead of slamming Mr. Doom and Gloom into the nearest wall, he sucked in a few deep breaths and counted to ten. Come on, Zen, I know you’re out there.

  “You don’t sound too sure about that.”

  “I’m as sure as I need to be. Get away. She’s coming back.”

  As usual, the tremors started in her extremities and got stronger by the time they passed through her torso. Delicate gold particles coalesced above her before spreading out to coat her skin with a sweat-like sheen. In the blink of an eye, her soul settled into its proper place and she shuddered one last time. He had seen her project several times, but it always gave him the heebie-jeebies. It just wasn’t natural. Now that she was back, he cradled her in his arms. “Rori?”

  She blinked in slow motion as awareness gradually came back. After drawing a shaky breath, she frowned. “What is he still doing here?”

  Af ignored Dec’s order to stay back and copped a squat beside them. His eyes gleamed with a faint reddish hue as he dragged them over Rori’s body before finally fixing his gaze on her face again. Those eyes. They creeped Dec out more than any demon had. Something about them was just . . . off.

  “Does it hurt when you do that?”

  Instead of answering, she went to the sink to get a glass of water. Finally turning back to them, she said, “It feels odd. Like I’m coming out of my skin. But it’s not painful. Honestly, I’m getting more used to it now. It’s not that bad. It’s the visions that hurt.” She rubbed at her stomach and swallowed some more water. “The gory details make me sick. Sometimes the visions are very specific.”

  “What did you see?”

  She leaned into Dec’s side and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder, seeking some comfort; reassurance, maybe. He wrapped his arm around her to fit her more tightly to his body. He felt the same connection he always felt when they touched. Her blood, her heart, her soul, all seemed to call to him. Everything was perfect. She was perfect. Af was wrong. She was his. All his.

  The details of the scene were fading but not completely yet. Rori closed her eyes for a few seconds to pull the fragments back together before saying, “Hand me that note pad. I need to write it down before I forget.” Dec tossed her the small pad they kept on the bar, and she made notes while explaining, “It’s a woman. I’m sure of it. I can’t make out the whole situation, though. I’m getting it in pieces. I’ve dreamt about her the past few nights. This time I ended up in some coastal town. It felt foreign. Maybe Asia?”

  “Asia? Weird. We don’t have any cases there.” Dec lifted his butt to the counter top and rested his shoulders against the kitchen cabinets. Tipping his head back, he closed his eyes while his thumb tapped a helpful rhythm against the top of his thigh.

  She knew him well enough to know exactly what was going through his mind. Dec and Sean had a kill list, called simply “The List” whenever it came up in conversation. The List included certain perps, usually child killers, who somehow got away with terrible crimes. So far all of the people on The List were in the U.S. since the guys were stationed in the eastern part of the U.S. since the country was founded. Although they sometimes did a job in Europe, they rarely did any Primani work in Asia or South America. There were other Primani stationed in those locations, like her father, Keil. He spent all of his time in Asia. Maybe this was a gig for him?

  Knowing he’d need all of the details she could remember, she closed her eyes and blurted out the rest of the vision before the images vanished. “There were soldiers. It seemed like they were invading the town, but it was the middle of the night. They were sneaking in.” She paused to think and added, “There was a ship full of them and they were armed to the teeth.”


  Inserting his big body between them, Af snickered rudely and sneered, “Not pirates, dumbass. Guerilla fighters.” After a few seconds, he pinned her with those unreadable eyes, demanding in a vicious tone that almost made her forget her name, “Think hard. Were there mountains by this town? Was it on a lake or the sea? What language were they using?”

  “Do you know something?”

  “Just answer my questions, woman.”

  “Stop bullying me! I can’t think with you all up in my space.” She nearly smiled at his expression. He looked like he’d swallowed a bug, but he backed up a couple of feet and inclined his head for her to continue.

  She drew another shaky breath and muttered, “Thank you,” while trying to reclaim the vision.

  The men had come by boat, but the body of water didn’t seem large. “It was hard to see. There was a lot of rain coming down. There were mountains directly across from a small harbor. It didn’t feel like an ocean to me. Too small. No surf. Enclosed. Maybe an inlet? The men were dressed in black cammies and had Russian weapons.”

  Af’s eyes narrowed in surprise. “What makes you so sure they were Russian?”

  “I’m not an idiot, Af. Dec’s trained me on these things. If I’m going to help him, I need to know what I’m looking at. So, yes, I’m sure they were Russian. You don’t have to believe me, you know. Feel free to go away anytime you get bored with my report.”

  Dec agreed with an evil smile. “Yeah, Af. Feel free to fuck off and die. We don’t need your input.”

  “And miss out on the only skill Uriel’s pet project has to offer? I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” He waved a hand for her to keep talking. “Do continue. I’m sure you’re going to fascinate me. I’m hanging on your every word.”

  “Whatever.” Stretching tiredly, she blinked and yawned. “I’m going to make coffee and plant my butt in front of the laptop for a while. Maybe surfing some maps will help me figure out what I saw.”

  “That’s your plan? You’re going to sit on your ass and surf the web?” Af rounded on Dec, voice rising with disbelief. “This is how you do things around here? No wonder your city is so jacked up. How the hell do you expect to keep the demons in check with this lazy-ass attitude? What’s the point of having your own juicy little psychic if you don’t exploit her visions? For fuck’s sake, use your powers to siphon her visions so you can follow the breadcrumbs. Your dumb ass should be halfway across the world by now!”

  Whoa! Siphon her visions? Was that possible? Dec heaved himself away from the counter and backed Af against the nearest wall. With eyes spitting anger, he wrapped his fingers around Af’s bicep, digging hard, leaning in close for a little one-on-one chat. “You need to chill your jets, asshole. I’m just about sick to death of your mouth. No one asked you to survive.” Shoving him hard, he ordered, “Get the hell back to your room and leave Primani business to me. You hear me?”

  And so the next pissing contest begins, but this time Af didn’t respond with a snarky comeback or scathing insult. No. Instead, he calmly reached out to pinch Dec’s chin between his fingers, forcing his head up so they were eye to eye. Af’s eyes gleamed like hellfire and Dec’s went totally blank. His face drained of color as Af leaned even closer. Nose to nose, Af’s hard features were like stone now, except for his lips. They moved as he spoke words too quietly for her to hear. Dec’s body began to twitch, subtly at first, the trembling increasing until his hand dropped away from Af’s shoulder and swung limply at his side. As
the shaking intensified, his color blanched to white, his eyes rolling back and forth in their sockets.

  “Dec!” She lunged at Af, clutching at his arm, trying to drag him away. “Stop it! Let him go!”

  Without breaking eye contact, Af said simply, “No.”

  Dec’s brain was going to explode. The pressure was too much. There was no way his noggin wasn’t cracking like a walnut. He would kick himself in the ass if he could get some control of his body, but that didn’t seem to be happening any time soon. Hanging limp as a puppet, he cringed inwardly as Af’s will forced its way into his mind like a million needles stabbing his grey matter; the pain unexplainable; the violation horrifying. This was his fault. He knew better! Raphael had warned him to not ever touch the other angel. He’d warned him not to listen to his taunts or let him get under his skin. This was what Af had wanted. If he was trapped on the human plane, he’d use all of his powers to stir up a shitstorm wherever he was. And he’d fallen for it. Just like that.


  Next to them, Rori yelled and cussed at Af, but her voice faded until he heard nothing at all. Ignoring her completely, Af smiled coldly as his fiery eyes bored holes into Dec’s brain. He’d finally gotten close enough to act and he wasn’t letting go.

  Again, fuck.

  He was so screwed.

  As the angel’s will drilled more deeply, he braced for the onslaught.

  You’re angry, Declan. I can taste the fury surging in your blood.

  No shit. I’m pissed at you, asshole. Stop fucking with my head. Get out and fight like a man.

  Af snickered, easily maintaining eye contact, only stiffening slightly when Rori grabbed his arm.

  No! Rori, don’t touch him!

  Unable to hear his thoughts, she tugged and pulled at Af’s forearm, becoming furious and terrified as her efforts did nothing. Af’s lips curled into the barest mockery of a smile.

  No! Stop it. Rori, let go! He struggled to free himself, but his body wasn’t his to command; his voice was silenced even as he got his full hearing back. Rori’s pleas broke his heart. Her voice choked with sobs, tears rolled over her cheeks, but she wouldn’t give up.

  Good girl! Keep your hands on me. Af’s mouth tightened in concentration before relaxing into a satisfied smile of victory.

  The transformation was almost instant. Blood swarmed to Rori’s face, her eyes narrowed to slits, her voice rose as she tugged at Af’s immovable arm. Her nails dug into his skin as she pulled at him. Dec felt her heart pounding in her chest, smelled the sweat dripping down her back, and Af’s blood coming through the rips in his skin. Knowing full well what his touch would do to her, Af ignored the pain and let her tug and pull at him without flinching. The longer she touched him, the more affected she’d be. Panting now, she pounded her fists against Af’s back but he ignored her. Still he murmured just under his breath and Dec hung helpless.

  Spun up to furious shrieks, she shouted, “Stop it! Let him go!” until her voice was hoarse with strain and thick with tears.

  Leave her alone, Af! She’s a good woman. You’re hurting her!

  The burning in Af’s eyes dimmed. It sounds like you’re ready to beg, Primani. Are you? The satisfaction in his voice sent shivers racing over Dec’s skin. Will you beg me to leave her alone? There’s no shame in groveling. Everyone does eventually. It’s the weakness of humanity. You want to protect what’s yours. I get that. Though why you’d want that dirty soul is a mystery to me.

  You sonofabitch! She’s not dirty. Let her go. I’m warning you . . .

  Af raised an eyebrow in amusement. Warning me? I’ve got you by the balls. You’re not going anywhere until I decide to release you.

  With his free hand, he reached around to Rori and captured her wrist in his hand. The effect was catastrophic.

  Her heart rate spiked faster and faster as Af’s rage raced through her brain, the chemicals overwhelming her system, overloading her psyche until she snapped. Her harsh breathing and thundering heartbeat simply stopped and the room went deathly quiet as she crumbled to her knees, eyes blank as a broken doll.

  Rori! No! Dec’s saol burst into flame as a rage more powerful than anything he’d ever felt lit him up from the inside out. As the emotion lashed him, his fingers finally responded to his brain’s commands and he snatched Af’s neck in both hands. With the eye contact broken, Af’s hold wavered enough to give Dec the advantage again.

  His eyes burned incandescent as he cut Af’s air supply to zip. Af’s face flushed, his evil eyes went wide, his pupils dilated. Not in fear. No. He wasn’t afraid of Dec. He was enjoying the rush. Enjoying watching Dec lose his mind and act on the rage he’d been holding inside. No, not fear.

  Let it go, Primani. Let it take you.


  Ride the rage.

  Knowing perfectly well that he couldn’t kill Af, Dec roared with frustration before slamming Af’s head into the wall until blood ran.

  Chapter 10: Aftereffects

  “I WANT HIM OUT! Now!” Dec’s voice bounced off the walls and echoed throughout the entire penthouse. Probably they could hear him on the other floors, but he didn’t give a shit. He was done playing babysitter to the asshat crumpled in a tangle of limbs at his feet. Out cold and staying that way if Dec had any say in it, Af still seemed to be smirking. Dec kicked his calf on his way past.

  Uriel and Raphael hovered over Rori, examining her, trying to heal her. Both kept their voices low, but his hearing was cranked up to high. He wasn’t about to miss anything that had to do with Rori. Both Archangels wore identical expressions of worry. Neither looked optimistic. Dec halted his pacing and kicked Af on the other calf. His limp body twitched and he moaned deep in his chest.

  “Next time, I’m taking your head completely off. Asshole.”

  With a slight lift of his mouth, Raphael chided, “Declan, I’m a little surprised to see you kicking an unconscious angel.” He looked down his nose and pointed out, “That seems a bit out of character for you. After all, you are my best healer.”

  His cheeks flushed at the rebuke, but his thoughts were racing in a million directions and every one led back to Rori getting hurt on his watch. Now that he’d dealt with Af, he was royally pissed at himself and that anger had to go somewhere. Though, to be honest, he still wanted to annihilate that creepy angel, but murdering him in his sleep seemed like a dick move. “I’m not apologizing, Raphael. He’s a psychopath! He’s playing with us—toying with our emotions—screwing with Rori’s head. I won’t have it. If he has to stay here, Rori and I are leaving. I’m not risking her life again. He’s out of control. Fuck that. I doubt he’s ever been in control! What was God thinking?” He dropped his eyes to Rori’s pale face and drew another shaking breath. “Find someone else to babysit that tool. We’re done.”

  “My father created many a beautiful being. The depth of that beauty is known only to Him. Af is entirely perfect for his purpose. What other temperament would suit the Angel of Wrath?”

  Uriel’s hands drifted over Rori’s ashen skin, lingering above her heart, before tracing the fine bones of her face and then resting on the crown of her head. Muttering in the tongue of angels, he sent his healing energy to undo Af’s damage. Her eyelids fluttered beneath their lashes but didn’t open. Casting a dark sidelong glance at Raphael and Dec, he grouched, “Do you mind? I’m trying to concentrate here.” Turning his attention back to his patient, he shuttered his eyes so only a faint gleam of power flickered through the narrow space between his lids.

  Taking the hint, Raphael towed Dec across the room and pressed him into a chair. Holding him easily with one hand on his shoulder, his maker strove to be the voice of reason, though Dec was not even remotely listening to him. He had already decided that if Rori had permanent brain damage, he would strangle Af until he quit breathing. Simple as that. Humanity could all go to Hell.

  “Declan. Declan?” Snapping his fingers to get his attention, Raphael huffed with irritation. “Declan! Listen t
o me!”

  A burst of energy blasted through his shoulder setting him straight up in the chair. His skin burned like he’d been hit with a branding iron. “Shit! Ow.”

  “Now that I’ve got your attention, would you do me the courtesy of listening to me? I am, after all, the one you bellowed for not more than five minutes ago. If you wish for me to help you, I suggest you shake off this lingering anger and act like the Primani I know you to be.”

  Picking up on the underlying reprimand in his maker’s tone, he nodded quickly as Raphael’s energy lifted his ass off the cushion again.

  Satisfied with his response, Raphael smiled benignly. “Better. Now why don’t you tell me exactly what happened? What did Af do to Rori?”

  Dec took a deep breath to settle the thundering rage that made it impossible for him to think clearly. Fucking Af! Still messing with my head! Practically exploding with frustration, he forced himself to calm down, the effort nearly exhausting him. “He tried to kill her! I don’t know what he was thinking. She had a vision; he asked her about it. She described everything, and he was listening, but then he changed. He started baiting us; he wasn’t just rude or insulting, but mean, cruel to her. It was completely unprovoked!”

  He would’ve shot upright if Raphael’s hand wasn’t still pressing him in place. Blood rushed to his face again and he heard himself growl like some kind of rabid dog. The muscles in his arm knotted, veins bulging blue against the tan skin. He’d never been this angry at anyone in his entire existence. He wanted to smash Af’s head until it exploded.


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