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Recruiting Drive: Jethro 4 (Jethro Goes to War)

Page 29

by Chris Hechtl

  “Oh crap,” Shanti said, getting up. She looked over the bushes to Travis. “I forgot,” she said.

  “Forgot … crap so did I,” Jethro said, rising slowly to his feet. He saw Travis goggle at them then look away and cough. He coughed in his fist, making Jethro glance slyly at Shanti. She was hurriedly getting dressed and from her body language thoroughly embarrassed. He snorted.

  “What?” she demanded.

  “I feel like a couple kids getting caught,” he said softly. “Sneaking around,” he teased, stroking her with his tail.

  “Don't do that,” she murmured as his tail ran up her spine then back down. Feelings like electric jabs ran through her nervous system, making her body tingle and feel alive. “Gods of space you're a handful,” she said, shaking her head. But she was smiling Jethro noted.

  “You're a handful,” he teased, flicking his ears.

  “You know it,” she growled playfully, grabbing his hip then yanking his tail when he tickled her and wrapped it around her ankle. “Stop! You know you're impossible, right? Five times should be enough!”

  Travis coughed again, then started chuffing in laughter. She turned a glower on the bear, then Jethro. She softened her glower as he grinned at her. She punched his shoulder making him oof but not stop grinning.

  “Men,” she sighed in exasperation.

  “Well, you two um, need another place to um, have fun,” Travis said weakly, rubbing the back of his head. “You've been disturbing her high and mighty's sleep.”

  “Crap,” Shanti said mortified.

  “Yeah, not good,” Jethro said, suddenly scrambling as Bast put a karat up on his HUD. He didn't look at the balcony overhead and about twenty meters beyond. It was obvious though that whoever was up there could get an eyeful, even in the dark.

  They passed Travis who was still chuckling as they left. From Shanti's thermal signature, Jethro deduced she was thoroughly embarrassed. Still it had been fun, and hell, her idea. He wondered if it was going to be a one-time fling or something else.

  He'd felt something, a bonding. He wasn't certain if he imagined it or not, he hoped not. The idea of settling down, having a family …

  “What time is it? Oh crap …,” Shanti said, looking around.

  “Um, 1800,” Jethro said. “Near dark actually.”

  “Shit, I'm ….”

  “We covered for you,” Travis said from behind them.

  “You did?” Shanti asked.

  “Yeah. We got an email saying you were going to be out. From … you know,” he said pointing to the balcony over his head.

  “Oh, lords of space …” Shanti breathed.

  “I think she approves. Otherwise she would have chased you two love birds out long ago,” Travis told her. “So make the most of it. Elsewhere,” he said waving them along.

  “Thanks, Travis,” Shanti said. He mumbled a “you're welcome” as the two cats beat a hasty retreat.

  They ducked the crowds then decided to eat. Shanti led Jethro to a small diner made out of a gutted shuttle. The center of the shuttle had been torn out, a disemboweling that had allowed someone to put a bar and kitchen in the rear section. There were bar stools and small tables under the wings.

  Old Rusty's was painted in faded script on the side. Plants grew like moss on the sides of the craft, it took Jethro a moment to realize it was deliberate. The chalkboard used to display the day's specials was also aged and weathered, but it still looked elegant. Someone had gone through a lot of trouble to turn the dive into a small getaway place. Rugged elegance he thought, nodding.

  They got some rare ribs and beer then waited for their order at the bar. It was quiet; as they sat there, it got dark and the lights slowly came up around them.

  “Nice,” he murmured.

  “I like it,” Shanti said, looking around with different eyes. “I like how they repurposed the ship. And they've got good food. Rusty doesn't scrimp or put rats or bugs in his food.”

  “Protein is protein. But I prefer quality too,” Jethro said with an ear flick. He nodded his muzzle to the distant spheres. Two were nearby, they had hatches on the bottom. A third was beyond, it had its hatch on top and a scaffold of stairs wrapping around it.

  Shanti followed his look and chuffed. “Those are homes if you can believe it. A big passenger liner dropped them centuries ago. They were turned into homes apparently. It's tight inside but quaint. They've remodeled them.”

  “What happened to the ship?” Jethro asked. She shrugged it off and sipped at her drink. The panther filed the question away for intelligence to look up later.

  They ate then stretched. “I should be going back to work,” Shanti told him as he paid the bill.

  “If they have your shift covered …,” Jethro leered at her making her freeze then chuff in amusement. “And apparently my furry butt is covered too …,” he flicked his ears in challenge.

  “You are impossible, you know that?”

  “Too sore to rise to the challenge?” he teased.

  “I'm not the one who has to rise, remember?” She teased right back, eyes glittering. He snorted. She tentatively reached out and touched his cheek. He touched her hand, cradling her small hand to his cheek. She purred softly and felt his tail wrap around her waist. Slowly he drew her into his arms.

  “I think I know a place,” she whispered.

  “Lead the way,” he told her equally quietly as he hugged her. He slowly let her go. She flipped her tail under his nose in a swipe then giggled as she led him on another chase.


  Near morning the food they'd ate had been burnt off and they laid comfortably in each other's arms. Jethro quietly told Shanti about being in Recon, about his troubles as she played with his chest fur and nuzzled his chest and neck. She playfully nipped at his neck and ear until she realized he was serious. She stopped to stare at him.

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked, eying him. “To scare me?”

  Jethro nodded then shook his head, wondering if he'd lost her. He didn't want to drive her away, but he didn't want her to be hurt either. “I …,” he exhaled slowly. “I don't want to see you hurt. I'm … falling for you. Hard,” he explained slowly, feeling a sense of wonder as he realized that. He didn't want to see her hurt.

  The worry in his voice led to more care, more lovemaking as she stroked his cheek and head.

  When they finished she shivered as he wrapped his body around her protectively. “I don't know what to do. I'm scared, excited … angry … love … passion …. It's the first time I ever felt that way about anyone. Ever,” she murmured.

  “Me too. I mean other than family,” he told her.

  “Tell me about them?” she asked, looking up to him then nuzzling under his chin.

  He flicked his ears then realized she couldn't see it. “Nothing much to tell. I was born on Anvil, that's the biggest space station in Pyrax. I was born into the cat clans there, a sort of gang, pride, family group, whatever. My parents are dead. My father was an assassin; he tried to kill Captain Logan and was caught and killed,” he stated flatly. She turned to stare up at him. “My mother died when I was very young. I have an aunt and cousin. My cousin is a staff sergeant in Recon. He's an African Leopard,” he said.

  “Ah, so that's how you knew we were compatible? Because of your mom and aunt?”

  “We'll, he's a mix like me. Leopard and jaguar,” he said and then chuffed as she played with him some more. “And if memory serves … you hunted me remember?”

  “I remember something along those lines,” she said coyly, toying with him.

  “Where are we anyway?” he asked, looking around.

  She chuffed a giggle. “In a nook we sometimes have to chase lovers out of,” she said. He looked down at her in surprise. “The president's rose garden actually,” she stated with a coy smile.

  “Are you serious?” he demanded. When her eyes glittered with mirth he shook his head. She chuffed a laugh then nuzzled him again. “Going to object?�
�� She asked.

  “I don't know. Will it get me anywhere if I do?”

  “Oh I don't know, I could take my time convincing you to behave,” she teased, “or arrest you for indecent exposure. Then have my wicked way with you,” she said huskily.

  His breath caught and then he let it out slowly. “Then have at it milady,” he said, purring.

  “I thought you'd see it my way,” she said, licking his ear.

  Sometime later they come up for air once more. Both were panting but in a good way. “Wow. I am going to be sore in some odd places,” she said to him, nuzzling him. He chuffed a laugh. “I like your stamina,” she teased, getting her head under his chin to rub upward and against his cheek. He chuffed again, eyes half closed, savoring her every touch. She looked him over, running a hand over his pelt. “I'm surprised that you aren't covered in scars and stuff,” she said, eying him.

  So, he told her a bit about some of the things he'd seen and done. He kept it light, glossing over some of the worst parts. He reluctantly admitted a little about Bast but not much. She had to come to terms with his holding secrets.

  “You're editing yourself. I can tell,” she said. “You keep stopping. Why?”

  “I … it's hard to explain.”

  “Try. Use small words if it's too much for your Marine brain to handle,” she teased.

  He snorted. “Look, some of it is complicated. I can't discuss it. It can get me into a lot of trouble. I trust you with my life, Shanti, but I can't. It could put you at risk too.”

  “Um ….” She wasn't sure she liked that.

  “Look, I don't expect you to tell me everything about a case, knowing it would breach confidentiality and possibly compromise an investigation,” he said.

  She immediately nodded as that idea caught root and held on. It would take time for her to adjust she thought, for both of them. They would feel the relationship out. See if it would last.

  “So, I bet I can get it out of you,” she said, fingers dropping to his flanks.

  “Oh? Some trick they taught you in Mountie school?”

  “No … something I know works with Sabu and Rah,” she said slowly, with a hint of mock menace in her tone that made him go on alert.


  “This!” She said, pouncing. Her fingers danced on his ribs and armpits, tickling. He chuffed in laughter, twisting about to get away. But she stayed with him, playing and teasing him as he got to snorting and chuffing louder. Finally he managed to get her back.

  They horseplayed in the field, chasing each other and then rolling and mock wrestling in the grass.

  When they settled down, they cuddled together and watched the distant sun come up. Drowsily, it's heat made them sun themselves.


  Moira heard the scuttlebutt and was amused and gratified that the leopardess and panther had finally worked out their differences. Her matchmaking had worked, and all it had cost her was a bit of anxiety and a night's sleep. She ran a finger in her ear. They definitely had lungs she thought, though they were most likely hoarse. “The gunny deserves some time off. I'm glad it's turning out to be more than a one-night stand.” She sighed in relief.

  “You were in on the pool, ma'am?” Dez asked.

  “Pool?” Moira asked, flicking her ears in humor. “No, but I wish I was now,” she said with good humor. She snorted at the canine's expression.


  “Where have you been??!” Rah demanded when a disheveled but thoroughly sated Shanti got in to the HQ. The demand made her elder sister stop and then giggle in the entryway, much to Rah's shock. She couldn't help it; the role reversal was too much. Just too much.

  “What are you? A hyena? And I'm still waiting for an answer,” Rah demanded, hands on her hips. That just made her sister's laughing fit go on further. She finally gave up, rolled her eyes heavenward and stalked off.


  “He's back,” Tyler commented, nodding his chin to the front gate and then turning to Dez. The canine flicked her ears in humor.

  “He's been back over an hour,” Dez said sourly. She didn't like losing a C note to the betting pool.

  “Bet he's sore?” Tyler asked slyly.

  “Probably. Did she claw him?” Dez asked, craning her neck to look. “No, he looks solid. A bit tired. She wrung him through the wringer it seems.”

  “So sated?” Tyler joked. “What's that old saw? A soldier who won't fuck won't fight?” he asked with a grin.

  “Yeah, but was it consensual? She's in heat or was. She wasn't herself. It's like being drunk. You can't think straight,” Dez said, shaking her head.

  “And you know this because …,” Tyler said then cut himself off when the dog glared at him. “Sorry I asked,” He muttered.

  “Yeah, if you don't want a sexual harassment charge you'll drop it. I'm wondering if the gunny opened himself up to one. She could ….

  “The she in question is over there,” Tyler said, pointing out the window to the gate where the leopardess was. “And FYI, two things. One, we've been here several months so this isn't the first time she's been in heat with him around.”

  “So? He's the only one around of her type!”

  “Yeah well, that leads me to point two,” Tyler said, holding two fingers up. “It's none of our business,” he said. “You read me?”

  “Yes, Sergeant.”

  “Good. Get back to work. Tell the others to do the same.”


  “Hey,” Jethro said when he met Shanti at the gate. It was too soon, he thought over and over. He'd just gotten back on post!

  “Hey yourself,” she said softly, eying him coyishly. She was in uniform. “I'm going on shift. When are you going to be off?”

  “Not for a while,” Jethro said, checking the schedule. “Not until Friday I'm afraid. That's my next scheduled day off. I've got to cover Tyler's shift for the next three days,” he said.

  “Ah, yeah, I've got to do that for Joey and Travis. Can you come out for a lunch or something?”

  “Of course. Give me some advance notice. As long as I'm only gone an hour or so I won't get in trouble.”

  She sniffed. “Maybe with the brass. With me it's a different story,” she poked him. He eyed her, unsure. “What, you think I'm just going to settle for an hour? Now that I've had a taste I want far longer than that,” she purred.

  He chuffed in embarrassed laughter as she flicked him with her tail. “See you around, Marine. I'll let you know when I can get some free time.” “We'll do lunch,” he said softly. “Go for a walk or something. Talk,” he said. She eyed him. He flicked his ears. “Hey, I need to keep up my strength for the weekend,” he teased.

  It was her turn to chuff in amusement. “I'm looking forward to it,” she said softly, holding his hand and rubbing him with her tail tip.

  “We've got a fight in the promenade. We need backup at the promenade,” Joey's voice said over the radio urgently.

  “I've got to run,” Shanti said with a mew. “On my way,” she said into the radio transmitter clipped to her shoulder. “Later,” she said.

  “Stay safe. If not, kick their ass,” Jethro replied.

  “You too,” she replied, glad he wasn't protesting. As she left she realized he was doing for her what she needed to do for him. Let him follow his career, even if it was a dangerous one. That she'd have to think about as Joey called again. “I need backup here,” he said with the sounds of crashing behind them.

  “I'm on it,” she said, dropping to all fours to pick up the pace.


  Every meal she tried to get with Jethro. It didn't work out quite the way she'd hoped but she did get a chance to call him and talk with him each time. It was odd when he had to cut himself off since he was using his implants for his side of the call.

  Their first evening apart was rough for both of them. But she finally forced herself to get some sleep. She kept stroking the pillow though, wishing he was there to take her in
his arms.

  The next morning Rah eyed her over breakfast. “You've got it bad, gal, admit it,” she said, shaking her head mournfully.


  “You're like a love struck teenager. Is this what I'm going to turn into?”

  “Now there's a scary thought,” Shanti mocked, policing her dishes.

  “I'm serious, sis, you should be too,” Rah said.

  “Are you jealous?”

  “Um, I'm not sure. But I am concerned. Do you even know where this is going?” Rah demanded, locking eyes with her. “Marriage?” she asked softly. “Kits? Are you ready for it all? A family?” She asked.

  “I don't know. I want it though,” Shanti said. “I want it all. Better than Sabu. He … completes me. I never thought I'd get that. I know I've been acting out. I've felt … lonely. Until now …” She shook her head. “It's hard to explain. But yeah, marriage …” She perked up. “It's a good idea.”

  Rah sputtered. “I was kidding!” She said shaking her head as she put her glass down. “Isn't this all sort of sudden?” Rah demanded. “I thought it was good you had your roll in the hay but ….” Shanti stared at her. “Seriously, sis, you need to slow down. You're going from virgin ice princess with your thighs bolted together to hell bent to settle down and …,” she waved a helpless hand. Shanti growled. “Look, I get it. You're head over heels for the guy. Nuf said. I'm happy for you. But, here's a big one, did you check him out?”

  “What do you mean?” Shanti asked carefully. “He isn't a criminal!”

  “I know that,” Rah said shaking her head. “You know his deployment here is temporary, right? He's a gunnery sergeant! One of the best in the military! He's Recon!”

  “I knew that.”

  “So you know he'll be sent into combat, right?”

  “Yes,” Shanti said, now a bit nervous and sad. “And I could lose him.”

  Rah stared at her sister, then came over and wrapped her in a hug. She nuzzled her sister. “Oh, sis, I'm so sorry. But ….”

  “I know.”

  “You need to have a heart to heart with him about the future, before it's too late.”


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