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Recruiting Drive: Jethro 4 (Jethro Goes to War)

Page 57

by Chris Hechtl

  “Are you …,” Shanti stared at him. He slowly nodded.

  “Great,” she said. “My kittens pulling disappearing acts on me. That's all I need,” she said in disgust.

  “The leopards may not be able to do it, or if they can it will be limited. Like they are translucent. The panthers will be able to cloak fully, but only with practice. For me it took training and meditation. They are … advancing faster than I did.”

  “Growing like weeds you mean,” Lisami said. “But they are only five weeks old.”

  “Yeah. And it's classified. It's been a family secret for … well, I know the past seven centuries,” Jethro said, looking at Shanti. “I know some people know about it, but the less that you know, the better and safer the kittens will be.”

  Shanti shivered. “You would bring that up.”


  Lisami shook her head as she finished with the sauce. “Steaks done?” She asked, turning to Jethro. He nodded. “Talk about it some other time then. Dinner's up,” she called out, ladling the sauce over the rare and medium rare steaks.

  “Yum!” one of her cubs said as the kittens started to mew pitifully.

  “From the sound and … ahem, smell, they are awake,” Shanti observed.

  “I've got it,” Jethro said, raising a hand as he went for the nursery.

  “You sure?” Shanti asked, following.

  “Okay, I'll take the stinky diaper or diapers,” he said.

  “Sack cloth and ashes aren't your style, Jethro. I'll settle on my own way of punishing you,” Shanti said, smacking his flank. He chuffed in amusement. “But yeah, you can deal with the diaper issue since you probably caused it,” she said. She coughed as they opened the door. “What have you been up to?” she said in her soft mothering voice.


  Two days before his scheduled departure Jethro finally got news of his future. Bast received the orders and decrypted them for him. When the kittens were asleep with the nanny, he went outside and read them.

  After he traveled to Agnosta with the recruits, he was slated to be transferred to Antigua to meet the admiral for some secret project. He had mixed feelings over going. It's what he had wanted for so long, to be a Marine, to rebuild the Federation, but now he had a family … he felt … torn.

  He was annoyed that they had ordered him to change from Agnosta to Antigua though. He texted the Major about the issue. He wasn't sure how to break the news to Shanti and the others.

  The Major took a moment before she texted him back. “Thank you, Jethro, for keeping an old woman awake while these yahoos gas on and on about stuff I could care little about.”

  “Anything to help, ma'am,” he texted back with a chuff of a chuckle. “I'm slated for Antigua, ma'am. Should I go back to Protodon, ma'am? Wait here for a passing ship there? Then catch a convoy to Antigua?”

  “No, your transit orders are for Agnosta. You have to put in an appearance there just the same as I do I'm afraid, Gunny. Besides, they'll need you and I to ride heard on the recruits until we get there,” she replied. “I'm not about to wipe their noses and asses for the whole trip. That's what noncoms are for.”

  He grunted at that. The recruits were fine. And with her along they didn't need him, but she wasn't finished. “ …And, I'm afraid we're most likely going to spend a depressing amount of time giving dog and pony debriefs to the senior staff as well as to the upcoming officers in the form of classes and such. I'm also in a fight to set up the MAWTS-1 facility so that'll be fun. There may even be some award ceremonies and other things to attend to.”

  “Great,” he muttered darkly.

  “And just think, you'll get to do it all over again in Antigua,” she replied maliciously. “But for the trip out, you're to lend an old lady a hand dealing with the pups we're shipping to the DIs in Agnosta. I just green lit the latest batch to go with us. It's going to be a long flight in tight quarters.”

  “I see, ma'am.” He fought a sigh. It was a major detour, but orders were orders. He hoped the freighter's crew had set up better berthing compartments.

  Bast opened the second half of his encrypted orders for him when he finished speaking with the Major. He was shocked to find that Captain Lyon had been transferred to Antigua with Doctor Thornby. Both of the officers and apparently Letanga, Tungulria, and a few other enlisted had been assigned to a special project. He wasn't sure what to make of it. Apparently even with the encryption and Bast on the other end Commander Sprite hadn't trusted the network enough to tell him anymore than the project's code name, Ares.


  The evening before he had to leave Jethro tried to make the best of it. Entertaining the kittens was easy, but he felt horribly torn about leaving. It felt like he was abandoning them. Putting them to bed was even tougher. He was fairly certain he wasn't going to get to sleep at all. Young Sabu tucked himself into a ball immediately and sighed in contentment as his sister nuzzled his rump as if it was a pillow. Jethro smiled fondly, fingers stroking them gently.

  He felt a hand touch his and turned to see Shanti. She was in a red silk robe. She hooked his pinky finger with her hand and pulled him along. When they got out of the nursery, she closed the door behind him. He sighed heavily. She looked at him curiously, saw the heavy heart, and flicked her ears. She felt his fingers rub hers gently. She hadn't let go of his finger, apparently he'd noticed.

  She too resented the parting but understood it on some level. It was duty, and she understood that. She wasn't certain if she could fully accept it for long, but she understood it. She also understood his stubborn determination to do what was right, it was the same as she and her siblings had. Sibling, she thought.

  “Sorry,” Jethro murmured, releasing her finger. She reached up impulsively and touched her robe, letting it loosen so he could get a better view. But he had turned away, moving to the couch to prepare for bed.

  She ran a hand over his shoulders then up to stroke the back of his neck. He froze at her touch, then seemed to purr softly as she stroked his spine with a fingertip. Her fingers went up to caress and stroke his ears, rubbing their base. His eyes closed instinctively. He exhaled slowly.

  He luxuriated in her touch, treasured it for the phantom caress it was. He felt her tail wrap around his waist then let go. Then he felt her fingers hook his hand again. He turned to look at her in surprise. She seemed to smile ever so softly at his befuddled but alert expression. When he opened his mouth to ask, she quickly put a hand to his mouth to silence him. He looked cross-eyed at the hand, making her snort softly, delicately. She stroked his cheek with the hand, making him nuzzle it. She smiled then pulled him impulsively to her room.

  He saw Bast wink at him then disappear from his HUD.


  The morning of his flight was drab and overcast. The sky broke out with rain, making the departure even harder to bare. He hugged Shanti and the kittens. “I'll write.”

  “I know,” Shanti said, stroking his cheek. “And I'll write and send you pictures of the kittens so you won't miss out on them growing up,” she said softly.

  “Damn it,” he murmured, putting his head to hers. He held her hand over his heart gently. “This belongs to you. To you and the kittens. I want you to know that,” he murmured.

  She reached up to nuzzle his cheek, then she stroked his chest over his heart. “I know,” she said softly.

  “I know this is your home. My home is where you are. Never forget that. And I will be coming home.”

  “You'd better,” she said roughly.

  He nodded. “We never had the chance for romance. For me buying you flowers and being all sappy with love songs and poetry,” he teased.

  She sniffed. “That's for humans. We're a different breed. But I appreciate the sentiment,” she said, rubbing his cheek again. “Maybe we can try something next time you're home on leave.”

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  “Last call,” the flight engineer called out. Jethro looked his way, then he
aved a soft sigh as he looked back into his mate's blue eyes. She nodded once.

  They stepped apart, and then he about-faced and marched to the shuttle. When he got to the boarding ramp, he turned and waved to Rah and the kittens. She flicked her ears to him and turned so he could see the sleeping kittens in the sling around her chest. He snorted.

  He followed Major White Wolf on board the shuttle, then watched Shanti as the ramp hatch closed.

  “Take your seat, Gunny,” the Major told him softly.

  “Yes, ma'am,” he said woodenly, going to the nearest seat. Leaving now was even harder than the last time. And it would get harder each time he thought sadly.

  Just before the starship departed the star system, they got word that Protodon was under attack through the ansible.

  Jethro wasn't the only one alarmed as the Marines tensed up and listened for news updates. “We have to stick to the mission. We have to have … to have faith in the Navy that they will get the job done,” Major White Wolf said over the intercom as the ship rigged to jump.

  The rigging cut off the radio receivers.

  “They have to. Just as we have to,” Jethro said softly, now lost and heart sick for his friends on Protodon and his family on the moon he was leaving behind.

  “Faith,” Bast said, putting up images of his family followed by the images of the naval officers in Protodon. He nodded slowly.

  There was no way he could get Shanti to transfer to Antigua or even Agnosta he thought, staring blindly out the window. He knew it, he had to accept it. Accept her risk, her and his children being so near the front lines. Her risk every day when she put on her own uniform and went out to keep her fellow citizens safe. Her life was wrapped up in her homeworld. It tore at his heart.

  “One day at a time Jethro,” Bast murmured in his ear. “And stay on mission. If you forget that … you will die. And they may die too.”

  “I know,” Jethro murmured. He closed his eyes. “I still don't have to like it though,” he said.

  “No one ever does,” the A.I. replied. “Nor should they.”

  The End

  Author's Afterword

  Wow! What a pain in the butt! I had intended to write this first; there was supposed to be a time skip involved between the series. Instead it was just three months, and we dived right in. And since Protodon got into mischief quicker than anticipated, that meant a rewrite of New Beginnings … which turned into Battle Lines which of course effected this book and will undoubtedly do so to the others further down the line. I think my headache is just beginning. Fun though.

  I just had to add Lil Red and Lil White to the book. They are so adorable. Not like the two monsters in front of me and sprawled (upside down no less!) on my desk right now. Okay, they were cute when they were that size a loooong time ago. lol

  A bit has changed in this book. Like I said in Battle Lines, I've … accelerated my timetable on a few things. And I've changed a bit. I've changed how things look too I think. Nothing is ever simple; nothing is ever as easy and black and white as we'd like.

  The conflict on Protodon was messy. I knew it would be, but not how it would turn out. Leaving it like that was rough. I too wanted a definitive conclusion. But as I said, it's not always so simple. Things are going to be interesting there and elsewhere for some time to come. Leaving the kittens there was also hard. Terribly hard.

  Some of you may have noticed I tucked references to various stories in there. Lone Wolf was obvious. El Diablo is another. (I have that one almost finished) Oz is a third. I could probably do an entire short story book just on Kathy's World and Protodon, lol.

  So, what's next? Well, for me, the cover art for J4 for one, then I'm going to switch gears a bit and write some of the short stories for another anthology book since I'm ahead of schedule. That should be fun and a nice change of pace while I catch up on the movies and book reading that has piled up. Since it is rather warm out here … (way too flipping early!), it will probably be good too. I hate writing when it's hot out.

  You can read and see more (and probably images of the kittens too) on my blog.


  Colonel Jersey Forth: Senior Marine officer of the reborn Federation.

  Valenko: Captain senior grade. (Recently promoted to O-5) Senior Marine officer in Pyrax. Neo Grizzly. Russian. Old friend of Hurranna and Jethro. Served as platoon leader during their boot camp days in F platoon. Served as one of the three officers of the 1st Agnosta expeditionary force. Served as junior commander of the Marine assault on Antigua Prime. Also served as an officer during the mop-up of B101a1. Selected for early promotion to major and command of Brigade 4 or 5 after he completes a tour as a company commander.

  Tom, Dick, Harry, Mariska: Cat changelings in Pyrax who wish to emigrate elsewhere. They are from a small tight knit inbred colony. Markiska took a job on Anvil replacing Leo. Startling blue eyes, brown fur, and long brown hair. Tom is a tomcat with a black and white tuxedo coat.

  Female human Lieutenant Governor of Pyrax. Desiree Rolex. Single. Beautiful. Had been a dancer in the Casino circuit to put herself through college. Smart woman.

  Governor Sim Saladin. Governor of Pyrax. Married to female. Human male, mahogany skin.

  Eight noncoms, (Jethro, four lances, two corporals, one sergeant) six PFCs, and 2nd Lt in Kathy's World, Collier 2. Chaing and fourteen others including Lejoice and Ferguson on Collier 1.

  2nd Lt Suzzanna Queen: recently promoted from Ensign. Had been a boot when Jethro had been a DI. Female, human.

  Tyler Farsea: Sergeant, E-5. Kathy's world expedition. Human. Heavy weapons.

  Drago Farnsworth: Corporal, k-9, Wolf/Husky/Alsatian mix. Shooter/MP.

  Irvine Pak: Corporal, human. In Kathy's World expedition. Shooter/explosives.

  Dez Tulip: Lance Corporal, K-9 husky mix. Female/shooter. From Agnosta. Interested in becoming an MP.

  Blue eyes: Lance Corporal. Arctic fox male. Sniper/spotter sneak/tracker. From Agnosta.

  Tusinia Asami: Lance Corporal. Neo sabretooth wolf mix female. Black and white fur. Shy due to teeth making it hard to eat. Had them shaved but still difficult. Shooter/tracker/sneak. From Agnosta.

  Darius Nganga: Lance Corporal. Human male. Mahogany skin. Shooter/staff.

  Monique Clarkson: PFC. Human female. Shooter/staff.

  Travis Minato: PFC. Human male. Shooter.

  Tamara Aether: PFC. Female human. Shooter. From Agnosta.

  Omri Vidal: PFC. Human male. Sniper. From Agnosta.

  Shaneka Black foot: PFC. Female lab/Dalmatian mix. Shooter.

  Ashe': PFC. Black bear. Heavy weapons/door knocker. Small for his species. Young. Resents heavy weapons.

  Mike Lejoice: Lance corporal, former corporal. Soft approach to troops. Human. Got caught lying to cover troops by Velenko and got demoted and transferred to Agnosta. Grumbled about it with buddy on freighter to Agnosta. Transferred to Kathy's World. Chaing's squad.

  Barry Ferguson: Lance corporal. Buddy of Lejoice. Served with him in boot. Transferred to Agnosta on the same ship. Counseled him to get his temper in check. Kathy's World expedition, Chaing's squad.

  Petty Officer 2nd Class Aengus McCrory: Male. Pilot of shuttle 2. Kathy's World. Deployed on Collier 108.

  Petty Officer 3rd class Harper Bondervesky: Pilot. Male. Pilots shuttle 1 or copilots other craft. Deployed on Collier 108.

  Amber Ulster: ROTC grad. Boot on freighter. Female. Got into a brawl. Had a crush on Lejoice until Jethro had Lejoice oversee her punishment.

  Piotr Brown coat: Neocat domestic. Has ties to the cat changelings.

  Nux: Gashg recruit. Got nosy with the gunny's armor.

  Dogbert: White neodog. Got nosy with the gunny's armor.

  Major Pendeckle: Human male. Commander of Brigade 2. Veteran of the first Agnosta expedition. Recon leader. Second highest ranking Marine officer.

  Captain SG: R'nz Veraxin. Commander 1st Battalion, Brigade 2. Relieved by Major Pendeckle.

  Bret and Eliza Faud: Military con
tractors. Human. On assignment to Angnosta. Got nosy with Jethro's suit. Up for termination and MI investigation.

  Sergeant Bok: Beefy two-meter tall human sergeant assigned to administration.

  Sergei: Neowhite liger. Old friend, grew up together with Hurranna, Jethro and others. Was in Valenko's squad. Senior noncom Staff Sergeant, Alpha Company Brigade 2.

  Corporal Chip Onondaga: Alpha Company Brigade 2. Alpha Platoon heavy worlder male.

  Schultz: Neodoberman. E-11 Master Gunnery Sergeant. He has an artificial eye due to loss in combat during a boarding action in the aftermath of the battle of Pyrax. He was the DI of F platoon, training Jethro's squad. He was also the senior noncom during the Agnosta expedition. He was tapped to train DI's and boots on Agnosta.

  1st Lt Candace Silverman: Female Butch. Bald. Even shaves eyebrows. Wicked. Smart, but a little too gung-ho for some. Platoon leader 1st Brigade, Company Bravo. To be promoted to captain of Alpha Company, Brigade 3.

  Captain Ellington: Neochimp Charlie platoon leader, Brigade 2.

  Hrris Leo: Male food replicator engineer. Died during an assassination attempt on Jethro.

  The Matriarch: Neolioness. Elderly female, beloved by many. She turned into quite a leader of the Neo and alien cultures on Anvil and later throughout the Pyrax star system. She was assassinated by Miss Persephone.

  Chung li: Siberian tiger humanoid. Relocated to Agnosta capital city.


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