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Flaming Sun Collection 3: Perfect Twins Find Anya (Box Set with 3 novellas)

Page 9

by Sundari Venkatraman

  When she would have got up to leave, Diwakar put a hand on her shoulder to hold her back. “Let Sanya have the life she wants for a few months. We both will go to Mumbai after that and see if she’s happy or not. Is that fine?”

  Bindiya finally smiled as she nodded. “Now you are talking sense,” she declared. “Can you make me another drink?”

  Diwakar laughed softly as he got up to do his wife’s bidding.


  It was a couple of weeks since Sanya had moved out of Panorama. Being a Sunday, Ansh was home as all three electronic outlets of the Sharmas had a weekly holiday. Ratna looked out from the greenhouse to see her younger son sitting on a garden swing, staring at nothing. She walked out, calling, “Ansh!”

  He turned to her only after she called thrice, obviously not having heard her the first two times. “Hey Mom,” said Ansh, getting up to walk towards her, without a smile on his face.

  “It looks like I am not the ‘jewel of your life’ anymore,” said Ratna, a gentle smile on her face as she hugged her son. “What happened, Ansh? You look unhappy.”

  “Tch.” Ansh stared at the greenery surrounding him. The scene that always used to calm him, refused to soothe him today.

  “Ansh,” Ratna placed a hand on her son’s shoulder, “are you missing Sanya too badly?”

  His head shot up as he turned to look at his mother, his grey green eyes turbulent. Seeing the soft expression in her eyes, Ansh forgot to be angry at her interference. “Terribly, Mom.” A deep sigh shuddered through his taut frame. “I love her.”

  Ratna nodded. “Yeah, I can see that. But do you love her enough to give her the time to find herself?”

  Ansh shrugged. “It doesn’t seem like I have a choice. Sanya’s taking her own sweet time to find herself. In the meanwhile...” he sighed again.

  “Need you be so sad about it?” asked Ratna softly.

  Ansh turned angry eyes on her. “Mom, what do you suggest I do? I’ve got used to her presence here at our home. I love her. And I know she likes me a lot too. If she only gives me a chance, I can make her fall for me. But she can’t spare two minutes for me.”

  Ratna shook her head. “Are you aware of her working hours?”

  “What working hours?” asked Ansh, thoroughly irritated, his dark eyebrows meeting at the centre of his forehead in a heavy frown, “Don’t we all work?”

  “Ansh, Sanya works from eight in the morning till midnight with just fifteen-minute breaks for her meals,” said Ratna.

  “What?!” Ansh exploded. “But that’s slave driving. What nonsense is that? Let me talk to Dad...”

  Ratna laughed. “I don’t think Sanya will thank you for interfering. Listen, son. Sanya is working hard at discovering herself. If you butt in at this point and sway her interest towards you, it’s literarily like breaking the cocoon before the butterfly is fully formed. Things may pick up between the two of you for a while, but later, after the excitement wears off, she’ll blame you for spoiling her career. Let her be. If she’s meant to be yours, nothing will stop her from becoming just that.”

  Ansh stared at his mother. She was the wisest person he knew and a pillar of strength. She obviously knew what she was talking. And he had been angry with Sanya for ignoring him. Yeah, he knew that she began work at 8 am. But he had presumed that she worked for probably eight or ten hours at the max. No wonder she had no time left—and probably no energy either—to reply to his messages or return his calls. And she did work all days of the week.

  Another sigh ripped through him, making his mother smile.

  The frown on Ansh’s face slowly turned into a smile when he saw his mother’s face. “You are the jewel of my life, Mom,” he said, hugging her. “If I’m grounded at all, it’s thanks to you.”

  Ratna grinned. “That’s my boy. Cheer up. You both are young yet. This is but a phase in your life. You can always continue to woo her with the help of your smart phone. Think of the advantages of that,” she winked at him.

  Ansh grinned. “Mom is always right.”


  The aimless girl who had partied all seven days of the week had disappeared for good. Sanya became a dedicated working woman as she took her job seriously. Three months were gone and she had worked her way steadily through all the sections of the kitchen. She had even trained to wait on tables.

  She rarely got to meet the Head Chef. It wasn’t long into her job when Sanya realised that the rest of the kitchen staff was in awe of the big man. She never saw a trace of recognition in his eyes whenever she crossed his path. Well, Sanya mentally shrugged to herself, it looked like she had a lot to learn about protocol.

  Sanya worked from 8 am to 12 midnight, seven days a week. Yet, she got paid a stipend that wasn’t even enough to pay half the monthly rent of her apartment. It was a good thing that her meals were all taken care off at the hotel. And luckily for her, she had a small nest egg saved from the huge amounts of pocket money her father had always insisted on giving her. She managed to get by nowadays. But she had her priorities in place. She planned to become a really good chef, something in the lines of Chef Pritam himself.

  Her father called her once a week. She spoke to him briefly and then at times with her mother too. Generally, she avoided Bindiya as her mother kept complaining about Sanya’s lack of marriage prospects.

  “How can we find you a groom if you go and hide yourself in a corner of Mumbai? What’s the need for you to work? Your Pappa has so much money and we do plan to get you married to a rich man. You can live the life of a queen. I don’t understand what your modern generation sees in going to work. Once you get married, taking care of your husband and children will be a full time occupation.”

  Sanya put the phone on speaker as she changed out of her work clothes, getting ready to go to bed. It didn’t make much sense replying to her mother as she never wanted to know what Sanya really thought about career and marriage. Her mother had an opinion and she insisted on giving it, whether the other person wanted to hear it or not.

  Sanya kept in touch with Ratna aunty and called her at least once a week. Now, that was one person she enjoyed communicating with. The older woman had her head firmly screwed on her shoulders, listened to what Sanya had to say and gave her advice only when asked.

  Sanya spoke just once with Shantanu uncle to inform him about getting the job and thanking him profusely for the wonderful opportunity. She politely refused going over to the Sharma residence as the truth was that she had no time.

  As for Ansh—Sanya sighed to herself—he sent her messages every day, sometimes even pictures of Sunny and Sandy or the family. She didn’t say much other than a smiley face or thumbs up. She couldn’t take his calls though as she was busy working. And she didn’t call him back as she really didn’t know what she could say to him.

  As for Arth, well, he wasn’t exactly a friend. Whatever he had been to her, it had all been in her imagination. She had just sent him a message, saying ‘bye’ and he had replied wishing her luck. That was it. Sanya smiled to herself, whenever she thought of Arth. The bitterness was slowly fading away. She had been in love with a mirage and the real Arth had played no part in it. She couldn’t fault him. If there was a mistake, it was all on her part.

  The gruelling schedule at the hotel worked like a balm on Sanya’s broken spirit. While she got along well with all the staff, she didn’t get close to any of them. Since most of them were trainees and all worked impossible hours, there was no question of dating anyone.

  One fine day, immediately after Sanya entered her work area, Tina told her that big boss Pritam wanted her to report in his domain. Sanya removed her apron with trepidation and went to his kitchen that was adjacent to the large area she generally worked in. She knocked on the open door and entered after he called to her to ‘come in’.

  “Good morning sir,” said Sanya. The first time she had met Head Chef Pritam, she had been confident, not really aware of the power he wielded. Now, she knew differently. He could ma
ke or break her career, it seemed. Sanya squared her shoulders just as the Chef turned to her. No, she won’t show her fear.

  “Time for your acid test, Sanya. Bryce isn’t coming today. I want you to do his work,” he growled, a scowl on his face.

  Sanya nodded, a serious expression on her face, while she actually wanted to jump with joy. “Sure sir.” She knew Bryce’s schedule like the back of her hand. And how she’d longed to be able to do his work! There was only so much chopping and waiting one could do.

  “I only hope you know what you are letting yourself for, young lady. You’ve been with us for barely three months. I’m sure you understand that this is an extremely responsible job and you won’t shame me in front of the hotel’s guests.” Chef Pritam’s voice was stern even as he continued to work on the stove.

  “Yes sir. Not at all sir.”

  “A woman of few words,” he drawled, “now that I truly appreciate. Let me see how you handle the kitchen. Here you go.” He handed her a sheet on which were marked the day’s specials. “You need to get the assistants cracking on their jobs. Your work will be to get all...”

  “...the twenty different gravies ready, to ensure that the desserts are in place. And to also make sure that the correct order reaches the right tables.”

  Pritam stopped stirring the pot to turn and eye the young woman in front of him, impressed in spite of himself. Tina had been working with them since nine months, but he knew she wasn’t ready to take up Bryce’s responsibilities. He had known that Sanya was the better choice. But even he hadn’t expected her to be so knowledgeable. A small glow lit up his dark eyes as he gave her a tiny smile and a nod. “Get on with your work, Sanya.”

  She nodded, before leaving his kitchen, a bounce in her step.

  After that day, Sanya was pleasantly surprised to know that her work hours had reduced. She had to report for duty only at eleven from now on. And she was allowed a weekly off too. She realised that it was a huge compliment and that she had made a leap in her career.

  Sanya called Ratna aunty to share the good news. “Aunty, guess what...?” She began, going on to tell Ratna every little detail of all that had transpired, her voice sounding cheerful to her own ears for the first time in three months.

  Ratna called Ansh immediately after, giving him the news regarding Sanya’s changed work schedule.


  It was a quarter past midnight when Sanya stepped out of the back entrance to the hotel, and there was Ansh, leaning against his car, a smile on his face.

  “Hey stranger! How have you been?” he asked cheerfully, his grey green eyes glowing in the street lamp’s light.

  Sanya’s heart leapt in joy. She hadn’t expected to see Ansh. And he was a sight for sore eyes. It had been more than three months since she’d set eyes on him. He looked leaner, seeming to have lost weight. But that only added to his handsome looks.

  She was completely recovered from her shock of finding the truth about Arth. While it had seemed as if her world had come tumbling down around her ears at that point, Sanya realised that she had accepted the situation easily. Actually, too easily. Perhaps subconsciously she had always known that Arth was her fantasy, and Ansh, with his earthy magnetism, was the one she desired.

  Sanya smiled back at him, her pleasure at seeing him reflected in her amber gaze. “Hi Ansh! Good to see you!” she said.

  Ansh studied her with hungry eyes. Only he knew how he had kept away from her for so long. She was dressed in jeans and a lemon yellow collarless t-shirt today. She had lost some weight and her golden skin had turned translucent. She looked utterly gorgeous.

  Sanya studied Ansh in turn. Though he looked handsomer than ever, the mischievous glint in his eyes was missing. She was surprised to read the concern in them—or was it something more? She shook her head. Ansh couldn’t possibly love a spoilt brat like her.

  “Get in,” he said, opening the passenger door of his car, “please.”

  Sanya got inside without protest. They sat in a companionable silence for a while, each acutely aware of the other.

  Ansh was the one to break the silence. “I’ve missed you, Sanya,” he said quietly. “I’ve been worried about you,” he added.

  Sanya turned to look at him with a start, her heart beating faster.

  “I know you needed time—to get over Arth as well as to find yourself. But the past three months have been so long. I’ve missed you, terribly. Mom told me that you work lesser hours from this week and you also have an off tomorrow.” His gaze was accusing now. Well, he had felt hurt that she hadn’t bothered to inform him of that. But then, she hadn’t told him about her long working hours either.

  Guilty colour ran up Sanya’s cheeks. He had messaged her—several times in a day, actually. She had replied, but only on and off. But then, she wasn’t sure where she stood with him. Her honey brown gaze searched his grey green eyes. “Ansh, I told Ratna aunty because she’s the only person who seems to appreciate my need for a career. It doesn’t really matter to my father if I have one or not. My mother insists that I need to learn only to be a housewife. But Ratna aunty truly understands. If not for her, I’d still be floating around the peripheral of my life, not knowing what to do with my time and energy.”

  Ansh nodded. Yes, his mother was like that and he was glad that Sanya could tap into that well of wisdom too. “And are you liking your new career?”

  Sanya’s face glowed with inner joy. “I love it, Ansh. It’s growing in leaps and bounds. I hear that it’s difficult to impress Chef Pritam. But can you believe that he’s promoted me in barely three months?” She grinned at him happily.

  Ansh gave her an answering grin. “You obviously have worked very hard for that.”

  Sanya shrugged. “Of course. But then, it hasn’t been all hard. I so enjoy what I’m doing.”

  Unable to help himself, Ansh raised his right hand to caress her silky cheek. “You’ve lost weight,” he said.

  “Isn’t that good?” asked Sanya, her heart clamouring within her chest. His touch felt so good.

  Ansh’s other hand caressed her neck, as he pushed her chin up with his thumb. He shook his head and said, “I liked you the way you were before, all curvy and sexy.”

  He moved back a couple of inches to study her figure, as much as was visible from the passenger’s seat. A satisfied grin split his face when Sanya blushed. “Actually, you look good enough to eat,” he admitted. “Only before, there was more of you.” And he settled his mouth firmly over hers. He couldn’t hold back any more.

  Sanya lost herself in his kisses. Ansh moved from her lips to trace a path to her ear. His tongue traced the shell-like shape as a sigh shuddered through Sanya.

  Her hands moved restlessly on his shoulders and then locked around his neck. She pressed her lips to the base of his throat and then moved further up, planting kisses along his rough jaw. For the first time, Sanya felt free to touch and kiss Ansh. All those times before, she had felt that she was betraying her feelings for Arth. Now she was finally free to explore the strong attraction she felt for the man in her arms. And it felt so good! She had missed the feel of his strong arms around her. “Ansh,” she breathed throatily into his ear. “I’ve missed you too.”

  “Then come home with me tonight,” Ansh drew away to look into her eyes.

  Sanya nodded and with a last passionate kiss, Ansh drove them both to Panorama.

  He parked in front of his cottage, and walked over to the passenger side to open her door for Sanya. When she took the hand he held out to her, it felt like she was coming home. They walked hand-in-hand to the door and then Ansh swung Sanya up in his arms. Feeling like she was crossing a threshold—both literally and figuratively—Sanya buried her face in his neck, her heart hammering in excitement.

  Ansh let her down to switch the light on, with one arm still holding her close. He bent down to kiss her lips, and Sanya responded with ardour, driving him crazy with desire.

  A shudder went through Ansh as he was
fast losing control. He wasn’t sure that Sanya was ready for his lovemaking. And if he continued further, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  Ansh raised his head to look at the woman who had stolen his heart. “Sanya,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I want to make love to you, fully.”

  Red bloomed in Sanya’s cheeks. Should she, shouldn’t she?

  Ansh waited patiently for her to give him an answer while his body strained to make her his.

  Sanya looked at his handsome face. She had learnt so much about this man since she had arrived here. In turn, he had been supportive, sensitive and fiercely protective of her and her feelings.

  And looking into his eyes, she could see the depth of his feelings for her. Her hesitation melted away. She couldn’t deny that today, if she ever wanted to make love with any man, it would be Ansh, and no other.

  Sanya’s brown eyes looked into Ansh’s, and what he saw in them took his breath away. She raised both her arms and locked them around his neck and pressed her body close to his.

  With her lips against his throat, she purred, “What’s stopping you?”

  Ansh couldn’t believe his ears when she said that. Hoping against hope that Sanya wouldn’t change her mind, he quickly pulled out the t-shirt that was tucked into her jeans, his hands warm on her skin. Not to be outdone, she unbuttoned the white linen half-shirt that he was wearing.

  Ansh shrugged the shirt off his shoulders before pulling Sanya’s t-shirt off her. Her breasts peeped at him beyond the silk and lace. He kissed the top of her rounded breasts, a deep sigh shuddering through him.

  Sanya thrilled to the touch of his lips, a small moan escaping from her when he nipped her plumped up flesh.

  Ansh raised his head to look at the gorgeous woman in front of him. “Did I hurt you? I…”

  Sanya shook her head shyly. “Please don’t stop Ansh.”

  Ansh unhooked her bra and threw it on the floor along with his shirt and her t-shirt.

  Sanya felt her whole body suffuse with colour as she watched him gaze at her breasts.

  “Sanya,” Ansh’s voice was a throaty whisper, “you look so lovely.” His large hands cupped her breasts while Sanya held on to his muscular arms to keep her knees from buckling under the onslaught of pleasure.


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