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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

Page 18

by Sam Crescent

  Heading back toward the clubhouse, they were just about to enter when Whizz came out. “I’ve got him.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “When I’m grown up I’m going to be part of a gang,” Gash said.

  “No, you’re not.” Andrew giggled.

  “Am too. I’m going to be big and strong.”

  “Whatever. Gangs are stupid. I’m going to be the most powerful warrior in all the world, and I’m going to hurt you.” Andrew’s voice grew dark as he picked up his imaginary sword. “No one can defeat me.”

  “My fists are made of pure steel. No one can harm me.”

  Gash woke up with a gasp.

  “Are you okay?” Charlotte asked. She was shaking him, and he nodded.

  “Of course.”

  “You were shouting. Fists of pure steel or something.”

  Gash sat up, reaching over to turn the light on.

  “Is everything okay?”

  He nodded, rubbing at his eyes. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

  “It doesn’t sound like you’re fine.”

  He glanced over at her, his woman, and took a deep breath. “I was dreaming about Andrew.”

  “What about him?”

  “About when we were kids, and he wasn’t so much a monster, but a little brother.”

  “I guess you would. I take it he wasn’t always a monster?” she asked.

  Gash licked his dry lips, needing a drink. Grabbing his empty glass, he got his feet, and made his way into the bathroom. Pouring himself some water, he took a large drink, and entered the bathroom.

  Charlotte glanced down his body, and he smirked.

  “You just can’t help but admire the goods.”

  “They’re damn good goods.” She winked at him, dropping the blanket so he got to see her full tits.

  His cock started to swell.

  “Tell me about this dream of yours.”

  Running fingers through his hair, he blew out a breath. “I don’t know. I was remembering when we were kids, and we used to play around. It was a long time ago.”

  “Are you having regrets about killing him?”

  “No, I’m not. I’m just, I’m trying to figure out what went wrong, you know? He was a good kid for a little while, and then he started doing all this bad shit.” He shrugged.

  “I don’t know what it takes to make a man like Andrew. He’s pretty sick and twisted.”

  “Yeah, and I’m not. That’s what I’m saying. What if somewhere down the road, there’s a switch?”

  “That doesn’t happen in real life. What you’re saying happens in movies.”

  He opened his mouth to talk, but someone knocked. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Stink. It’s time. Whizz found him.”

  Gash tensed up and looked toward Charlotte. “I’ll be there.”

  He went to his jeans and tugged them up his thighs.

  “If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to,” she said.

  Gash went to the bed, and held her face, staring into her eyes.

  “He locked you in a building, trapped you, and set the building on fire.”

  “Gash? He was your brother.”

  “He framed me for rape and murder, and I got sent to prison. The boy I was remembering in my dream, that’s not the man he is now. He’s not even worth thinking about, and I’m angry at myself for not seeing it before.” He pressed his lips against hers. “I love you, Charlotte. I’m going to get our life back, one way or the other.”

  He kissed her again, and grabbed his shirt, followed by his leather jacket. “I’ll call you as soon as I know more.”


  Charlotte pulled a shirt over her head and moved toward the window. Once again she watched as Gash rode away, outside of the clubhouse grounds. Would this be the last time she saw him? Would she see him again? She didn’t know the answer to that question, and it scared her.

  Leaving the bedroom, she made her way downstairs, and wasn’t surprised when she saw most of the women there. Angel was once again making hot chocolate. Lexie and Eva were there this time. Jessica, Sandy, all of the women, apart from the ones who were still in the hospital.

  “What’s going to happen with Lola?” Lacey asked.

  “We don’t know. Her parents are due tomorrow. They got waylaid due to traffic. Whizz wants to be there with Lash, doesn’t he?” Angel asked.

  “Yeah. Whizz is rather protective of her,” Lacey said.

  “I’m not surprised. Lola was very brave to do what she did,” Charlotte said, entering the room. She was one of the latest women to be part of The Skulls. She didn’t feel like she belonged. Angel was the most accepting. The other women seemed to stare at her.

  Rose pulled out a chair, smiling.

  Or maybe Charlotte wasn’t used to being part of large crowds of women.

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s a big night. Stressful. Hardy’s gone. The twins are resting,” Rose said.

  “It was nice having Butch back,” Tate said. “I’ve missed him.”

  Several women agreed.

  “I know Alex misses his son,” Eva said. “It’s sad that he doesn’t see him more often.”

  “It’s nothing we can do. It’s between Cheryl and Alex,” Rose said.

  “I always thought he’d make a good dad,” Angel said. “He’s good to Tabitha and the kids. I don’t see why he wouldn’t be with his own.”

  Charlotte accepted the cup of hot chocolate.

  The tension in the room mounted as they all waited for their men to get back home. Charlotte wanted Andrew dead, and with Gash’s sudden conscience, she hoped he was able to do it, for all of their sakes.


  Riding toward the motel where Whizz said Andrew was staying, Stink’s heart raced with anticipation. He wanted this to be over. He wanted Andrew to be dead, and for them all to be getting on with their lives.

  Lash and Devil drove the truck that they intended to transport him on. They were not going to kill him at a motel. This kind of business was for them to take back to the warehouse.

  To Stink, it seemed surreal that they were riding toward this moment. For so long they had all been suffering at Andrew’s hands, his actions having hurt them all. Some of them would be remembering Andrew’s actions for the rest of their lives, like Sally.

  With the motel in sight, Stink fell behind Tiny as they approached. All three clubs heading toward one man, one man who had killed, tortured, and raped. After tonight, Andrew wouldn’t be a problem anymore.

  Parking his bike, Stink sat, waiting.

  They had all agreed Gash was to be the one to bring him out. Devil reversed the van, and both leaders climbed out, opening the back.

  Gash made his way toward the motel room door, Whizz by his side.

  The door was kicked in, and it was time for the show to begin.

  “Not a lot of this happens in Vegas,” Butch said.


  “No, riding. I don’t get riding all that much. Vegas is a busy fucking place. I’d probably get run over.”

  “It’s good to have you back.”

  “It’s good to be back. At least, it’s good to be helping you guys again. I fucked up in the past, and I’m hoping to right that wrong.”


  “Are you ready for this?” Whizz asked.

  “Why are you asking me that?”

  “He’s your brother. I’d understand if this is hard for you.”

  Gash glanced over at Whizz, and shook his head. “He stopped being my brother a long time ago.”

  Raising his foot, he kicked the door in. Andrew was sitting on the bed, staring at his cell phone.

  “Well, I’d say this was a surprise, but then we both know different,” Andrew said, looking up at them.

  The anger on his face was plain to see.

  “Hello, brother,” Gash said.

  “Hello, Gash. Long time no see. Charlotte still alive?”

  He stared at his brother

  “Yeah, she is. You got her out of that burning building, and I royally fucked up.” Andrew pointed at his cell phone, blowing out a breath. “Whizz, you beat me at my own game.”

  “I wasn’t playing a game.”

  “No? Didn’t anything of what we’ve been doing get you all excited?” Andrew asked.

  Whizz simply stared back, bored.

  “Wow, you’re no fun. How does Lacey put up with you? She looks like a girl who knows how to party. Maybe she can have her fun with the one legged daughter, Sally.”

  Whizz’s hands tightened into fists, which was the only sign he was pissed.

  “You knew this moment was going to come,” Gash said.

  Andrew laughed. “You know what? I didn’t. I really didn’t anticipate this.” He turned to look back at Whizz. “Tell me where I fucked up?”

  “You told us who you were. The moment you did that, I could go back, and track your movements to this moment. Every single marriage, will, deed, you name it. I found it.”

  “Russell told me my ego was going to be my undoing.” Andrew shook his head. “I didn’t think it was going to be his.”

  “Did you actually like Russell?” Gash asked.

  “Yeah, I did. He was … special. Like a nice little pet. He thought the world of me, and in this shitty little world, you’ve got to find the people that mean something to you.”

  Gash stared at his brother, and for a split second back with Charlotte, he had felt guilty of what he had to do. Knowing what Andrew had done, every sick, twisted thing, he felt nothing.

  Stepping forward, Gash grabbed him. Andrew fought, brandishing a weapon, but Andrew was no match for him. Easily, Gash got the knife from him, and tossed it away. Securing Andrew’s wrists, Gash started to drag him out of the hotel room. Staring at his brothers, The Skulls, Chaos Bleeds, and the Nomads, Gash gripped Andrew’s hair, and forced his blood brother to look. “You got off on making them hurt. Now look at them.”

  “Do you think this scares me? This is nothing,” Andrew said.

  Holding him tightly, Gash felt Andrew shaking, which was the truth. The words coming from his mouth were a lie.

  “So this is it. So brave of you all to take down one man.”

  It wasn’t just one man.

  Andrew had proven that he had the power, and the manipulation to drive others. This was more than one man. It was about what he was also capable of doing.

  “I wonder if I should feel proud of this moment,” Andrew said. “None of you thought I was worth being part of your club. Now, I have all of your attention.”

  “Is this what it was all about? Wanting to belong to a club?” Gash asked.

  “Pathetic. No, it was about power. I was happy. I had a regular supply of girls, and I didn’t cause any problems.”

  “You killed people,” Tiny said. “Women and girls, even men. You spread their bodies in your wake, and you don’t think that was a problem?”

  “Come on, they were all whores. No one really missed them.” Andrew scoffed at him.

  Gash stared at his brother, and knew if he didn’t kill him, if the club didn’t kill him, this was only going to come and bite them in the ass.

  “I’m going to ride in the back with him.”

  “Are you ready for that?” Lash asked.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Oh, big brother is going to spank me. I’ve been a very naughty boy.”

  Gash secured Andrew’s wrists with the metal cuffs and climbed in the back of the truck. Devil, Spider, and Lash would all hear whatever Andrew had to say. Spider wasn’t in any position to keep Devil and Lash safe, and Gash wouldn’t risk Andrew getting away.

  Shoving into a seat, Gash kept his gaze on him.

  “Well, this is cozy. It’s not the high life I’m used—”

  “So you got rich by vulnerable older women falling for you?”

  “Vulnerable. That’s a big word for you, big brother.”

  “Cut the crap.”

  “All right. I have a stellar tongue, absolutely wicked, and most of the women I teased loved it.” Andrew shrugged. “You see, lonely women are so easy to take down because they’ve been used in the past. I find women who are divorced, or a little ugly. They couldn’t refuse when a guy like me came along, ready and willing to take them.”

  “You gave them a good time, made them fall in love with you, and then what?”

  “I got in their will, and after that, they met a horrible end. It was ever that came first. One was a suicide. Very sad. Another was tripping on heels falling down the stairs. What can I say? I improvise a lot.” Andrew sighed. “I had some good times. Look at all of you, settling down. Lash has his little Angel now. What will you do with him when Angel dies? Guy can’t even function without her. It’s sad, pathetic, and to be honest not really worth my time.”

  “You could have been an uncle by now.”

  “I could have been a father. I did kill one of my favorite girls because she got pregnant.” Andrew shook his head. “What a waste. She even fell in love with me, was willing to do everything I asked. It was such a shame to waste her, but I don’t do kids. Speaking of, how is little Simon doing? You do realize one day he’s going to figure out Lexie’s not his momma, right?”

  Devil didn’t respond.

  “You’re not going to be around to see it,” Spider said.

  “I know. Such a shame. So, I’m going to die tonight. I’m going to miss out on a great deal, but I’ve had a good life. Not many men can say they bagged a virgin. Apart from you, Gash, you got one with Charlotte. I got mine in Paris. Her pussy was so damn tight.” Andrew groaned. “I’ve never had a pussy so good.”

  When Spider lunged, Gash held him back.

  Andrew burst out laughing.

  “All of you are pathetic when it comes to women. They will drag you down, and you’ll be a pathetic excuse for a man,” Andrew said. “All of you. Do you really think I give a fuck?”

  Over and over Andrew ranted. He raved about how annoying women were, and how irritated he was.

  Gash listened, and with each passing second, a safe kind of peace settled over him. These were his brother’s last moments. For his club, for his woman, and for himself, Andrew would die.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Andrew was dead.

  Stink stood with the men in the warehouse as they surrounded the man who had caused them so much trouble.

  Gash was covered in blood as he’d been the one to finally end Andrew. They hadn’t tied Andrew down. Only a select few men had been given the chance to take a swipe at him. Pussy for Sasha, Whizz and Nash for Sally and Sophia. Devil for Simon and for Tabitha. Spider was supposed to be there, but he’d decided that his revenge was taken out with beating Russell. He hadn’t wanted to leave Paris’s side. No matter what anyone said, he just wouldn’t do it. Tiny had stepped out. The only one who was allowed to kill Andrew was the one who had the most taken from him. Gash had not only gone to prison for a rape and murder he didn’t commit, he’d lost a child, and Charlotte had almost taken her life. It was only fair for the brother to end the life of a brother.

  Stepping away, Gash held the knife in his hand, droplets of blood falling to the floor as Andrew lay lifeless.

  Silence fell on the warehouse as they all looked at one another, and then at the body.

  “He doesn’t deserve a burial,” Gash said.

  “We can burn him,” Tiny said. “There’s a guy who’ll make the body disappear for a price.”

  “Do it,” Gash said. He dropped the knife and wiped his hands down his pants.

  Taking a step back, he kept taking deep breaths, and Stink saw that he was losing it.

  “Gash, you okay?” Lash asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. Gash, talk to us. We know he was your brother.”

  He shook his head, holding up his hand. “I’m fine.”

  “Dude, he just had to kill his brother. For any of us, that’s got to hurt,�
�� Nash said. “As fucked up as Andrew was, for a long time they grew up together. I imagine it’s hard to push that aside.”

  Stink looked at Gash as he crouched down on the floor, gripping his head. “I know that he needed to go down. He’s a fucking monster, but he was still my brother.” Gash snorted. “God, I was told to look after him, and I fucking failed. It’s right that I be the one to stop him. It’s my fault he’s the way he is.”

  “Don’t do that, Gash.” Nash took a step toward him.

  “Andrew did this to himself,” Lash said, taking a step toward him.

  Gash nodded. “Yep, he did. I get it, okay. I get it all. I just … I need to have a minute.”

  Stink helped to clean up the body as Gash simply watched. None of the brothers blamed him. This was what was supposed to happen all along. They cleaned him away, and as the first waves of morning sunshine started to come, Stink made his way toward the clubhouse.

  It was over.

  There wasn’t any celebration or euphoria, only regret.

  Their women were waiting for them. Sandy rushed toward him, and he held her. Picking her up, he carried her toward their private room.

  “What’s going on?” Sandy asked.

  Kicking the door shut, Stink held her close, breathing her in.

  “Stink, you’re scaring me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Is Andrew dead?”

  “Yeah, Gash was the one to deliver the final blow.”

  “Fuck, is he okay?”

  “As okay as anyone who has just killed their brother.”

  “Wow,” Sandy said. “I thought someone else would do that.”

  Stink shook his head. “He’s hurting.”

  “I’m not surprised. It’s over?”

  “Yeah, it’s over. It’s all over.”

  Sandy caught his face in her palms, and pressed her forehead against his. “We can go back to normal now.”

  “You’re not divorcing me.”

  She chuckled. “Not a chance. You’re stuck with me now. You’ll wish you hadn’t given yourself to me.”

  “That would never happen.” He kissed her lips. “I’ll take you on that honeymoon soon.”

  “We can’t go yet. Not until everyone is back home.”

  “I can wait. So long as I’ve got you to come home to, I can wait for anything.”


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