Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8) Page 24

by Sam Crescent

  “Take care of her for me.” Spider didn’t wait around. He revved his engine and shot off down the street, leaving Sinner and Paris behind.

  He had to get his shit together soon. There was no way he could live like this.

  Twenty minutes later, after failing to clear his head, he entered the clubhouse. He found Jessica heading out with Snake behind her.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Snake’s taking me to work. I’ve got the evening shift. I’ll be back by two in the morning.”

  Snake fist bumped his hand as they passed.

  Entering the clubhouse, he saw Lydia behind the bar. The woman hadn’t left yet, but she’d changed. She wasn’t the same loud mouth that she once was. “I’ll take a shot of whiskey,” he said.

  “It’s a little early to be on the hard stuff, right?”

  “I’ve never been an addict. I’m fine.”

  Lydia handed him a glass and drizzled in some whiskey.

  “I’ll take some ice as well.”

  She poured in the ice, and he stared at the glass. Lydia didn’t stick around. She moved down to another brother. Butler came to take a seat beside him.

  Spider looked around the clubhouse. Death and Brianna were playing a fucking board game. Reese, Slash, and Dime were playing pool. Charlie, Smithy, Prospect, Guts, and Sexy were playing cards. Several of the club whores were dancing. He also saw Pussy and Sasha dancing together.

  “What has you drinking from the bottle as this time of day?” Butler asked.

  “Where’s the rest of the guys?”

  “Mia and Curse haven’t been around for a couple of days. They’re trying to pick out a new kitchen from what I’ve heard. I’m sure we’ll hear from them when they want help fitting it. Dick and Martha have gone back to their house for a few days to have some alone time. Ripper and Judi are at home with baby Paul. Lexie and Devil are probably at home. The other guys are looking at the two buildings. Did Devil talk to you?”

  “Yeah, I’m heading up the apartment block.”

  “Thank fuck for that. I didn’t have a clue what the hell was going on.” Butler held his finger up to the new girl. Mandy her name was, and she was a sweetheart. Spider didn’t think she was a club whore. She was dressed in a pair of jeans that hugged her curves, and a shirt.

  “What can I get you?” Mandy asked.

  “A strong black coffee.”

  “Coming right up.” She disappeared from behind the bar, and he noticed the cloth sticking out of her back pocket.

  “Who is she?” Spider asked.

  “She’s the new cleaner. She cleans up the clubhouse, and comes recommended by Mia.”

  Spider smiled as he saw the interest in Butler.

  Usually the brother’s response was, “how the fuck should I know?”



  “I wonder what they’re thinking right now?” Tate asked.

  “I don’t know, probably working out how they got to babysit, and we got to check out this latest nightclub in the city. We’re so bad,” Lacey said, raising her glass in the air.

  “Excuse me, but I thought we were celebrating my upcoming kid?” Prue asked, touching her rounded stomach.

  Tate shook her head. “We’ll celebrate that when you have it. Believe me, when you realize what came out of your vagina, you’re going to be needing a drink.”

  All of The Skulls women who had given birth cheered loudly, even Angel.

  “I was worried it would spoil, you know, sex,” Angel said.

  “Wow, is anyone else seriously shocked right now?” Sophia asked. “Angel talking about sex.”

  “Shut up. I can talk about sex. I’ve had two kids. I’m not some stranger to it.”

  “Ha, two kids. I’m surprised Lash even gave you one,” Tate said. “He’s so damn possessive of you.”

  “He loves me.”

  Millie smiled, watching all of the ladies talking about their men. She wasn’t sad, and there was no point her joining in. There was no tale for her to tell.

  “I’m going dancing,” Lacey said, grabbing Sandy’s hand, and making her way onto the dance floor.

  Millie sipped at her wine and watched the girls dance.

  “Come on, Millie, it’s not just about them,” Angel said, grabbing her hand. “Our drinks are safe. Prue can’t drive, nor can she drink.”

  “Hey, so not fair,” Prue said, yelling to be heard over the music.

  Running onto the dance floor, Millie at first felt a little embarrassed. Being around Angel, she had a way about her that made you want to join in and have fun. Abandoning all of her thoughts, Millie threw her arms in the air and let the music take her. She had no cares on the dance floor. No concerns, and she didn’t have to worry about Baker, or what she felt for him.

  “Tonight, just relax. Nothing is going to hurt you here,” Angel said.

  Millie took her advice and danced with the girls. She ignored the men, not interested in them. When she needed a drink, she went back to the table, and chatted some more, drinking, and even eating some tacos, which were delicious.

  As the night wore on, she noticed a group of men entering the nightclub, and smiled as she caught sight of Lash, Nash, Zero, Tony, and Baker. There were several more men, but the moment she saw Baker, she lost all focus.

  Sipping on her wine, Millie listened to the women as they all complained about their husbands being there.

  “This was supposed to be a fun night out away from you guys,” Prue said.

  “We’re fun. Besides, it’s nine o’clock. We gave you plenty of time to get your girly shit out of the way. Now, it’s our time to show you what real fun is all about.” Zero took his woman onto the dance floor, pulling her into his arms.

  Millie tried not to be envious of the couple. It was hard not to be.

  “How have you been?” Baker asked.

  While she’d been watching Prue and Zero, Baker had taken a seat next to her.

  “I’m doing good. You?”

  “I miss you.”

  Millie stared down at her hands, not knowing how to answer that.

  “Come on. Dance with me,” he said. He offered his hand, and she stared at it.

  What do you have to lose?

  Go for it.

  Dance with him.

  Placing her hand within his, she followed him onto the dance floor. He pulled her into his arms, and the music changed to a slow one.

  “I miss you, Millie.”

  “You’ve said that already. I haven’t been anywhere.”

  “I didn’t think you’d want me to visit you after everything.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know. You have to see things from my side.”

  “I do. I’m so sorry, Millie.”

  Looking up at him, she saw the contrition in his eyes. “I believe you.”

  “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Baker, you never really had me. I thought we were friends, and you tell me that you want me. You don’t want me, not really.”

  He held her a little tighter. “I do want you. I’ll hold off, and I’ll prove it to you.”

  “I don’t need to have it proven, Baker. I just, I’d rather not compete with a dead woman. I know that sounds awful.”

  “It doesn’t.”

  She looked around the whole of the dance floor, wishing there was something else she could say.

  “Friends. Let’s be friends, go to the movies, have fun, maybe go dancing—what do you say?”

  At first she wanted to say no, and then she decided against that. Instead, she agreed, even though she was terrified of how much Baker could hurt her. He was a good man. She only hoped he was considerate to her feelings.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Paris had baked a Key lime pie. She’d baked three Key lime pies so that no one went without. Angel had given her a recipe, which was pretty foolproof, and she loved it. With Celia strapped in the back, resting one in her lap, Paris sat in the front of the car, holdin
g the other two.

  “I don’t know if I should go,” Paris said.

  “Lexie came and gave you a personal invite to dinner today. You’re going.” This was not the get-together with The Skulls. That was being organized for another time. This was just for Chaos Bleeds. Lexie had been very sweet to invite her, and her sister.

  “The whole club is going to be there.”

  “Yes, including Spider.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for him to just walk out again. I don’t know if you noticed, but he seems to enjoy doing that.”

  “He’s just being an asshole. Don’t think about it, and if you don’t think about him, he’ll leave you alone.”

  “I wish that was true.”

  “Do you trust me?” Sinner asked.


  “Do you trust the club?”


  “Then stop worrying about it. We’ll take care of you, and Spider won’t hurt you.”

  She sighed. “I wasn’t thinking of the physical kind of hurt.” Every time he walked away, that hurt.

  “I’m sorry. We can’t stop him from walking away.”

  “You’re right. Don’t worry, I’m not going to pressure him. In fact, I’ll ignore him, and pretend he’s not here.”

  “Pie’s good,” Celia said. “I like pie. I want to eat it.”

  “After dinner. Remember Lexie is going to be feeding us today. We’ve got to eat her food first.”

  “I like Lexie. She smells nice.”

  Paris smiled. Lexie was a sweetheart. Even after four kids, she was still so patient with Celia.

  She had really come to love that woman, and her patience. It was becoming a rare quality to find in a person nowadays.

  They pulled up into the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse, and Sinner got out, helping Celia out. Paris eased out, holding the two pies.

  I can do this.

  Don’t pay Spider attention.

  Wait for him to come to you.

  Walking beside Sinner and Celia, Paris walked up to the front door. The moment the door opened, she heard the welcoming sounds of conversation, and laughter.

  Celia was in, and dumped a pie at the nearest man, which happened to be Slash.

  “Why did she give me pie? Is it all mine?” Slash asked.

  “No, it’s for dessert. I hope that is okay?”

  “Lexie’s in the kitchen. Come on, I’ll take you.”

  She smiled at Sinner, letting him know she was okay to follow Slash. Lexie was in the kitchen, basting three large chickens.

  “Guess who has brought dessert,” Slash said.

  Lexie turned around, and smiled. “Let me get these back in the oven.”

  “It’s Angel’s recipe. I’m pleased I got it. All my Key lime pies curdle.”

  “Angel does know how to cook.”

  The chickens disappeared into the oven, and she wiped her hands on the towel, moving toward them. “I’m so pleased you came.” She held her arms out, and Paris went into them.

  “It’s a pleasure. Celia’s gone to play. I hope that is okay?”

  “Sure, the guys and girls will keep an eye on her. Don’t worry about it.”

  This was where Celia could be herself. Most of the time she either read, watched television, or built with blocks. Celia wasn’t a difficult child, not at all.

  “Mom, is this mixed enough?” Simon said.

  Paris hadn’t seen Simon standing there. He looked so adorable wearing a pink apron, and mixing. The arms on his shirt were folded back, and Paris smiled as she spotted a rub-on tattoo. It would fade as he washed.

  “You’re the one that wants to learn to bake chocolate chip cookies, you tell me?” Lexie raised her brow, put her hand on her hip, and stared.

  “It needs more chocolate chips.”

  “Simon Dawes, I put three cups of chocolate chips out for you to add to that batter. Where are they?”

  At the corner of his mouth were the obvious signs of chocolate chips.

  “I ate them.”

  “If you keep eating all the candy, you’re going to get sick.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom.”

  Lexie grabbed the chocolate chips, and weighed out another cup. “Stir that in, and then we can scoop them out, and get on baking.” She turned toward Paris. “We’re baking plenty for after dinner. Key lime?”

  “Yes. I have three. I hope that’s enough.”

  “I hope so as well, but you never know with this hungry lot. They’ll complain either way.” Lexie chuckled. “Simon has been practicing to bake.”

  “Do you like baking?” Paris asked.

  “Tabitha likes eating. I only want her to eat what I’ve cooked, or what she cooks.”

  Tabitha was the young girl from The Skulls.

  “Right, you want to be super smart so that she doesn’t find a boy better than you?” Paris asked.

  “Or man. I’m not going to be a boy forever.”

  “That’s … really sweet.”

  “Sweet? The boy is in a frilly pink apron,” Devil said, entering the kitchen. He carried a little boy that couldn’t be more than a year old. He was squirming in his arms, looking ready to explode.

  “It doesn’t matter what I wear, Dad. I’m still me.”

  “Baking cookies.”

  “You love my cookies. I’ll be the best baker an MC has ever known,” Simon said. “Tabitha’s going to love me forever. Can I mail her some? She’ll love them.”

  “They’ll taste nasty, honey. When she comes to visit we can bake her some more,” Lexie said. She walked up to Devil, taking the squirming baby from him. Devil wouldn’t let her get away that easily, and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck. The baby soon settled down once he was in his mother’s arms.

  “He missed you, and so did I,” Devil said.

  “Ew, Mom and Dad are going to get gross again,” Simon said, looking at her. “If you don’t want to vomit I’d leave.”

  Devil smiled toward her. “It’s good to see you coming to join us for dinner.”

  “It’s a pleasure.”

  “Brianna, Jessica, and a couple of the others are out there looking over Natalie’s designs,” Devil said.

  “Designs?” Paris asked.

  “Remember I told you that we’re opening up a fashion boutique? Well Natalie has already started some designs. We can get them manufactured locally as well. Natalie knows how to do that part, and we’ll be selling them at the store.”

  “What about online?” Paris asked. “That’s a big market now.”

  “Online, that’s amazing. We could do that, and get the orders to the factory,” Paris said.

  Instantly Paris thought of Lola. “Crap.”

  “What is it?”

  “Lola would have been perfect at this.”

  “Shit,” Devil said.

  “Bad words, both of you need to put a dollar in the swear jar,” Simon said.

  “We’re not at home, and rules say it’s when the jar is present.”

  Simon pointed at a shell. “It is.”

  “When did that get fucking here?”

  “Two dollars, Dad.”

  Paris pulled out a dollar, and placed it in the swear jar. “I’ll watch my language from now on. I’ll call Lola and see if there’s any way I can convince her to give it a try.”

  “That would be great,” Lexie said.

  Leaving the kitchen, Paris found the group of women huddled over a table. She moved toward them, and Jessica saw her first, pulling out a chair. “It’s great to see you here.”

  Paris had already seen her sister watching the television. She was holding a teddy bear, and Butler was near her.

  The club would never harm her sister, and she trusted them implicitly. Also, after the days Celia had spent with them while Paris had been captured, her sister knew them better than she did.

  “Paris, this is Natalie. Natalie, this is Paris.”

  She shook hands with the woman, who was a few years older than
she was. “Pritchard, you own the ranch with the cattle, right?”

  “We’re a cattle ranch. I was a few years ahead of you in high school. Sorry to hear what happened to you, but I’m not going to say anything more.”

  Paris watched as Natalie smiled at her before going back to looking at the book.

  Natalie had always been a sweet girl. Paris remembered her being by herself at school, always drawing in a notebook.

  Staring at the designs, some of them for dresses, and others for shirts, skirts, and other kinds of clothing, Paris saw that she had a great deal of talent, and was more than impressed by what she was seeing.

  “These are amazing. You did graduate from school?”

  “Yep, top of my class. I was head hunted, but my folks needed me, so I turned them down.”

  She saw the sadness in her friend’s eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s family, and they always come first.”

  Glancing over at Celia, she nodded. Her sister would always come first, before school or work. She had stripped for a living just to have a comfortable lifestyle for her sister.

  “I get it.”

  “So, did you two go to school together?” Judi asked.

  “No. I’m four years older. So I was in my last year as she entered her first year,” Natalie said.

  “This shop is going to rock,” Jessica said. “I haven’t told anyone at the hospital, but I know some of the nurses there would love a place to shop for in town. The mall is thirty minutes away, and some of their prices are just scary.”

  Paris pointed at several designs she liked.

  “We could do our own fashion shoot for the opening,” Brianna said.

  “Fashion shoot?” Jessica asked.

  “You know, we have a grand opening, and as part of it, we can have select models, local gals of course, show off the clothes that will be on offer,” Brianna said.

  “You know what, that sounds like a fantastic idea,” Judi said. “Let’s go and tell Lexie.”

  With two girls gone, Paris looked toward the front of the design book, and sighed. She wished she had this amount of talent. Natalie was amazing.

  “Spider’s here,” Martha said.

  “I know. I saw him the moment I entered the room.”

  “I thought it would be more tense, but you’re behaving like you don’t see him.”


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