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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

Page 30

by Sam Crescent

  She gasped. Her mouth opened just a little, and he kissed her. When only a few inches remained, he slammed inside her, hearing her cry out his name, which was muffled by his lips.

  “You own me now,” he said.

  “You own me as well. I’m yours.”

  Her pussy tightened around him, fluttering from his penetration. He waited until she was ready, and then he withdrew a little, and started to thrust.

  “Look down at us.”

  He followed her gaze, seeing his slick cock entering her pussy.

  “We look good together.”

  Taking her lips, he fucked her harder. He knew he wasn’t going to last, and was thankful that he’d made her come twice before being inside her.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said.

  “It’s okay.”

  He slammed within her, twice more, and groaned, holding her tightly as he filled her with his cum. Burying his head against her shoulder, he couldn’t look at her.

  “I’m a failure to all men.” The orgasm had made his head thick. His entire body was tense.

  Paris wrapped her arms around him, stroking his body.

  He felt the tremors of her body, showing him that she was indeed laughing at the fact he’d come quickly.

  “That was a, um, quick one.”

  Spider pulled back to look into her eyes. He saw the laughter in them, but also the love.

  “You’re going to tease me about this for a long time, aren’t you?”

  “A little bit. Yeah. Thank you for allowing me to have two orgasms.”

  “You’re ahead of me. The next time, I’m going to be the one having you come again, and again, and again.”

  “Don’t you need to pull out, have a rest?” she asked.

  Spider shook his head. “I’m happy being inside you. I’m in no rush to leave you, and you’ll know when I start to get ready again.”

  She raised her brow. “In that case, what would you like to talk about?”


  “I like you being inside me. I also thought your cock was very pretty.”

  “My cock is pretty?”

  “Yep, one day I’m hoping to return the favor and put my mouth on you.”

  “I’d like that. I love your pussy. It’s tight, sexy, and you taste amazing.”

  Her cheeks heated. “I do, do I?”

  “Hell yeah, get ready because I’m going to be doing a lot of licking down there.”

  She started chuckling.

  “I’ve missed this, us, talking.”

  “We never got to this point before. I kind of hate that it was taken from us.”

  “Yeah, we’ve got it back now, and we’re closer than ever before.” She stroked his cheek, and he watched her eyes go wide. “It doesn’t take you long to start back up, does it?”

  “Nope. I just needed to get that first one out of the way. It helps that you keep tightening around me. It feels so damn good.”

  She laughed, and Spider the proceeded to spend the next three hours bringing her to multiple orgasm as she screamed his name, begging for him to follow her into bliss.

  He did, only when he couldn’t hold it back any longer.


  “We took it to the next level,” Paris said, whispering into the phone. Spider was downstairs, getting them something to eat. She had quickly grabbed her cell phone, so excited about what had happened, and she put a call through to Lacey.

  “You both had sex?”

  “Total sex. Complete, and utter rapturous sex,” Paris said. “It was amazing.”

  “Wow, I never for a second thought he’d give in to you.”

  “I know. I can’t believe it. My body is just humming.”

  Lacey chuckled. “That means you’ve been well and truly fucked.”

  Paris ran a hand down her face. “I want to do it again. Is that wrong?”

  “You’re going to have to give Spider some time to get ready, but I don’t see why he wouldn’t want to. You’re right there with him, and he’s hot stuff, all right.”

  “Is it weird I wanted to tell you?”

  “Honey, I’m pleased you did. After everything you’ve been through, I was worried about you.”


  Lacey paused. “I know what it’s like to have your choices taken away. I understood what you went through, Paris. Coming back from what Andrew did to you, it takes time. Sometimes, it takes even longer than you can imagine.”

  “I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to move on. That I wouldn’t know how to love,” she said.

  “And now?” Lacey asked.

  “Now, I’m tired of the moments when he still comes and visits me inside my head. It doesn’t happen as often but it is still there, and it’s hard.”

  “Paris, there will come a time when he almost disappears. There will be days, weeks, and months where you don’t even give him a thought. Your life will move on. When he does appear, and he will, just remember, you’re the strong one. You survived, and you’re living to tell the tale again. No one else. This is all on you, and no one can take that away from you. Trust in Spider, and talk to him about how you feel.”

  “Do you talk with Whizz?”

  “All the time. He’s my rock, Paris.”

  She looked up to see Spider there carrying a plate.

  “I’ve got to go.”

  “Have fun, have lots of sex.”

  Paris chuckled, hanging up the phone. “That was Lacey. She’s a bit weird.”

  Spider chuckled. “You still have thoughts of Andrew?”

  “Sometimes. They are fleeting, but they’re there.”

  “What did Lacey say?”

  “Talk to you about them. Don’t hide them, and don’t let them make you afraid. She talks to Whizz all the time about hers.”

  “I want you to share yours with me, Paris. I don’t want you to hide them.”

  “I won’t. I promise. My thoughts, and my fears, I’ll share all of them with you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Life got even more perfect for Paris. Spider moved in with her, and even though he stayed at the clubhouse from time to time, she loved him being there. Celia loved his company as well. What Paris loved even more was being his old lady. The girls had promised that after they gave birth, they were going to throw her a welcome party.

  With all the chaos, and the enemies that they had to face, none of them had been given an old ladies’ party. Lexie was determined to do one, even though it meant finding a competent babysitter for all of them.

  Lola hadn’t left either. In fact, she was seeing about either renting or buying one of the apartments that Spider was building. Paris had been to the construction site, and since they had some glorious sunshine, they were making excellent progress. In a month’s time, after all kids were born, the clothing store, named Old Ladies MC, had hit a bit of a snag when Natalie had to take time off with her mother having a heart attack. The club was there, and even some of the guys had gone over to the ranch to help her father out. Arnold Pritchard had been more than thankful for their help. The club had helped him at a time when he was close to losing everything.

  It made a lot of people in Piston County look bad when word got out that Chaos Bleeds helped to keep him afloat. Paris didn’t do much. She cooked for the men, delivering them food, and making sure that Arnold and Natalie had enough so they didn’t have to worry. She also made a point of going to the hospital to visit Natalie’s mother, who was making steady progress.

  The Skulls kept in touch. Paris had spoken to Sandy many times over the past few months, and discovered that she and Stink were expecting their first baby. The news had been a shock, a welcome shock, and they were preparing their house.

  Paris had also decided to pursue English at her online college, also with the hope of one day becoming an author. She still wrote something every single day, and even though writing a full story was a long way off, it gave her hope.

  Death and Brianna were the first
to go into labor. Spider was deep inside Paris in the middle of the night when the call came through. Both of them had been worried, but Paris had made Spider go to the hospital. She couldn’t leave Celia alone, and she didn’t want to.

  They had cut their lovemaking short, and Paris had been sitting at home, writing her story, and waiting for the news.

  She snuggled up on the sofa, and was startled when Celia rounded the corner. “What’s wrong, honey?”

  “Can’t sleep.”

  “Come on, come and cuddle up with me.”

  “Why are you awake?”

  “I’m waiting on some news about a friend.”

  Celia lay down beside her, and Paris stroked her fingers through her sister’s hair. Grabbing the remote, she turned on the television and put some cartoons on, enjoying the closeness with her sister.

  It was toward six o’clock when Spider called.

  “What’s wrong?” Paris asked, the moment she picked up the phone.

  “It’s nothing to worry about. Brianna just had a long labor, and she wasn’t fully dilated so they had to wait.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “More than okay. They had a little girl, over nine pounds.”


  “Yeah, Death is beside himself, and so damn proud. I’ve been to see her, and she’s beautiful. When Celia’s at school tomorrow, I’ll bring you to see her.”

  “Did they have a name for her?”


  “It’s a perfect name.”

  “Yep. They’re happy parents.”

  The following day, Paris was at the hospital seeing Brianna and Elisha when they heard that Judi had also fallen into labor. Paris stayed at the hospital, and went to see Judi afterward. She was told this pregnancy went a lot smoother than baby Paul.

  Judi had a little boy, Channing. Paris was so happy. She was the first person after Mom and Dad to hold him. He was a strong boy.

  A week later, she was picking Celia up from school when Spider called to say that Mia had given birth at her own home. There hadn’t been enough time to get to the hospital. With Curse, the ambulance crew, and a great deal of improvisation, their baby, Ashley was born.

  The last person to give birth was Lexie. She gave birth to Laurell at the clubhouse, one night. She’d been having contractions all through the night, and hadn’t bothered to wake Devil up. When Lexie was close to giving birth, Spider had told her that she stayed at the clubhouse so that everyone could keep an eye on her. It was something that Devil demanded.

  So, for everyone to see, in the main room of the clubhouse where they had Christmas dinner, Lexie had Devil helping her as she gave birth to a little girl. Four new babies to the fold, and a party was organized. Some of The Skulls came, including Whizz, who was happy to see that Lola was working on computers once again.

  Paris stood outside near the barbeque as she watched the club mingle with The Skulls. They were both so fierce, and so loyal. She had to wonder why they had never joined the two clubs, and made a note to ask Spider about it one day.

  Lola was chatting with Whizz, laughing at something he said, when Sinner came out of the club and stood close behind her. If Paris hadn’t been watching them, she’d have missed it. Sinner caught Lola’s hand, giving it a squeeze, before moving away.

  He came toward her, and she sipped at her drink, smiling.

  “Where’s Celia?” he asked.

  “She’s over there, reading a book.” Celia was on a bench, reading. The school she’d been going to had encouraged more learning skills, and because of it, Celia was able to learn new things. It was nice to see, and Paris was more than proud of her sister. “What’s with the secret?” Paris said.

  “What secret?”

  “You and Lola. I don’t see why you’re not shouting about your relationship from the rooftops.”

  Sinner sighed. “She doesn’t want to shout about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “She’s worried that I’m only interested her because she’s new, and exciting.”

  “Wow, that’s kind of harsh,” she said.

  “Also, I think she’s planning to go to college later this year.”


  “I’ve seen her looking at applications, and when I bring it up, she changed the subject.”

  “That shouldn’t be too hard.”

  “Do you know what I think?” Sinner asked.

  “No, what do you think?”

  “That I’m just for her to play with while she’s here, and now that she’s had it, she’s going back home.”

  “How can that be? Last time I heard, she was hoping to have one of those apartments that Spider is working on.”

  “You tell me. Spider even told me that he’s given her a reservation form, and he hasn’t got it back yet. He gave it to her over a month ago.”


  “Yeah, oh. Anyway, this reality sucks. I’m going to go and get another drink.”

  Paris watched him walk away, just as Lola came toward her. “Hey.”


  “It’s nice to see everyone having a good time, don’t you think?” Lola asked.

  Staring at Sinner’s retreating back, Paris turned to Lola, frowning. Sinner was hurting, and that was just hard to deal with. He’d been a real sweetheart to her. She couldn’t allow him to go on hurting.

  “What’s happening with you and Sinner?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Please, don’t treat me like a fool. I’ve been here the whole time, and seen the little interaction between the two of you. What the hell is going on?”

  Lola’s cheeks were on fire. “We’ve been seeing each other.”

  “Newsflash, I already figured out that part. What I want to know is why he thinks you’re using him? Are you?”


  “Then what is it?”

  “I don’t know. I’m scared.”

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “What if he doesn’t like me?”

  Paris shook her head, confounded by that. “What?”

  “I’ve been struggling, and what if he’s only been sleeping with me out of pity?”

  “Okay, you do know I’m talking about the same person here, right?”

  Lola licked her lips. “He’s sweet, kind, and caring. I get all of that, but, I don’t know. He’s different with me. Also, I got a letter a few weeks ago from the university that turned me down. They’ve seen some of the work I’ve been doing, and they’d like for me to have a chance at studying with them.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never had to make this decision before.”

  “I can’t make this decision for you, Lola, nor can Sinner. This is something you’ve got to do all on your own.”

  Spider came up behind her, kissing her neck, and wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Hello, ladies.”

  “Hey, Spider,” Lola said. “I’ve got to get a drink.”

  Paris sighed, watching her friend disappear inside. “What was all that about?”

  “She’s struggling to make a decision with the rest of her life, and it’s hurting her and Sinner’s relationship.”

  “Damn, I hope they can figure it out.”

  “You know?”

  “Of course I know. Every brother knows what is going on. It explains why Sinner has been really crabby lately. He’s got a woman, and he can’t show her off, oh well.” Spider turned her around. “How about you dance with me, woman?”


  “My woman. You do have my name on your body.”

  Right above her heart, she’d gotten his name inked on her skin. She had enjoyed the experience so much that she already planned to get another one soon. “I’ll dance with you.”



  Lola didn’t see Sinner in the kitchen, so she made her way up the back stairs toward his room
. She knew where he slept as she had been there many times. He’d shattered her world in this clubhouse, taking her, and making her belong to him.

  Knocking on the door, she gasped out as it flung up, and Sinner caught her, and pulled her in. He pressed her up against the door, caging her in.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Lola. A month ago Spider gave you the reservation papers, and you’ve done nothing with them. You haven’t given them back to him, or anything. I know about the letter from the university. Is this it? Are you done with me? Bored?”

  Each of his words cut her to the core.

  “No, you’re scaring me.”

  Instantly, he stepped back, giving her space. “I want to know what the fuck is going on, and I want to know now.”

  “I have the reservation letter because I wanted to talk to you about it first. Every time we’re together you distract me.”

  “What do you need to talk to me about?” he asked.

  “If you want me to think of moving to Piston County. I buy an apartment here, or rent, that’s a great deal of commitment. I need to know that you want me here as much as I want to be here. If this is just some fun to you, then I don’t want to be just that. I want to be something more.”

  “What makes you think you’re just a bit of fun?” he asked.

  “I heard a couple of women in town talking. I didn’t know who they were, and I didn’t stay around to ask them who they were either. They seemed to know a great deal about you.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Lola, before you came along I was fucking every pussy that came my way. That’s what I did. I fucked them, and forgot them. I haven’t had a single pussy but yours since you came along. There is no one else. You call, and I come to you. Doesn’t that tell you anything?” he asked.


  “I’ve fucking fallen for you, okay? Christ, Lola, you’re nearly twenty, and I’m thirty-fucking-six. I’m older than you, and this wasn’t supposed to be like this, okay? You need a man your own age, and I thought to myself, I can let her go, but you know what? I fucking can’t. I don’t want another man touching you. Just the thought alone makes me so fucking mad.”


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