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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

Page 32

by Sam Crescent

  “Here, more tinsel,” Lexie said.

  “We’re already decorated the main room.”

  “I know, and now we have some more.”

  Paris chuckled. “You really do love Christmas.” This was her second Christmas with Chaos Bleeds, and she had already gotten her shopping done. It was Christmas Eve, and everyone was at the clubhouse, enjoying food, music, and laughter. Celia was dancing with Simon and Elizabeth on the dance floor. Her sister was so much better since being around the clubhouse. She was loved and cared for by them all.

  Sasha took the tinsel from her hand, and climbed onto a chair.

  “You shouldn’t be doing that,” Pussy said, coming to hold his wife by her waist.

  “Shut up.”

  “Hold on!” Lexie held up her hand. “Why shouldn’t she be doing that?”

  Lexie’s raised voice had caught everyone’s attention, and seeing the warning in Sasha’s hand, Paris was struggling to hold in the laughter.

  “We’re having a baby!” Pussy yelled the words, and the whole room erupted in a series of congratulations.

  Paris hugged Pussy, and then Sasha.

  “Congratulations to you both.” She stepped out of the way to watch the happy couple who had only grown from strength to strength.

  Rubbing her arms, she felt Spider come up behind her, and she melted against him. “Merry Christmas, Paris,” he said.

  “Merry Christmas, Spider.”

  He kissed her neck, and she felt so happy, so loved. “I’m really happy for them.”

  “Me too.” She turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Maybe one day that will be us?”

  “Maybe one day that will be.”

  “Paris, honey, will you go into the kitchen and grab the champagne?” Lexie asked.


  She pulled away from Spider and made her way into the kitchen, looking for the bottle of bubbly. Going to the fridge she saw it was full with champagne. Grabbing out two bottles as she knew everyone would want a drink, she turned around to pause. Simon was standing by the door staring at her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “It’s a nice day, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah,” she said, drawing out the word.

  “Well, I thought it would be nice to say hello.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked, moving toward him.

  “No, stop, stay there.”

  “Simon, what’s going on?”

  “I can’t stand for you to come closer. You’re too beautiful.”

  She frowned now. Simon had only ever said that to Tabitha, and she doubted he was meaning it.

  “I was thinking you could date me instead of Spider.”

  Paris smiled. “That is really sweet, but I’m in love with Spider.”

  “And I love Tabitha. Shoot, that was a bad improv.”

  “Improv? You mean improvisation?”

  “Yep, learned about it at school, and I promised that I could do this, that I could keep you talking, and you wouldn’t have a clue what was going on.”

  Staring at the door, she had seen he was guarding it. “Simon, what’s going on?” she asked.


  “That’s not nothing. You’re hiding something.”

  “She’s on to me,” Simon said, yelling.

  “This is silly,” she said, stepping closer.

  Simon disappeared, yelling as he did. “She’s coming. I can’t hold her back.”

  Opening the door, Paris came to a stop as the entire main room was dark, with the only light coming from candles. Wow, there were so many that the moment she left they must have started lighting them.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. As she stepped out of the kitchen, the doors closed with a bang, making her jump.

  There was a small walkway, and she followed the tinsel. Chaos Bleeds stood on either side, and she looked at each of them as she passed, a little creeped out.

  There, near the Christmas tree, down on one knee was Spider. He held a velvet box in his hands, and she paused.

  “Paris,” he said.

  “Spider.” She walked up to him, and as she did, her heart raced. “What is this?”

  “I want you to be my wife, and this is me trying to make it the best moment in the world, only Pussy ruined it with his news. Not cool, man, this is my moment, and I told you to wait.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

  Spider shook his head, turning back to her. “Paris, I’m in love with you. From the first moment I saw you stripping I knew I had to have you—”

  “Keep it PG. I have kids here,” Devil said.

  Paris laughed, thinking about his words. Yes, they didn’t exactly meet in the most conventional of places, but she still loved it.

  “I had to have you, and then I lost you.” Her throat thickened as she saw his anguish. “I was never going to stop until I had you back, until you were safe. I’ll never fail you again. I will protect you. You’re my other half, and even though men probably say the same old shit in these kinds of speeches, please know that this is spoken from the heart. I love you. You own me, Paris. I want to be the man you deserve. You want me to get you pregnant, well, I want you to make an honest man out of me, and marry me.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she didn’t stop them from spilling over.

  “What do you say?” he asked.

  She couldn’t speak. Her throat was thick, so she nodded.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  “Yes, totally yes. It’s about time you asked me. What took you so damn long?”

  He stood up, and she threw herself into his arms, holding him tightly.

  He pulled her away, long enough to put the engagement ring on her finger. She couldn’t stop smiling as she took in the ring.

  “You really mean this?” she asked.

  “I was going to do it tomorrow, during presents. I had it all planned with everyone staring.”

  “Then he changed it to tonight with candles,” Lexie said.

  “He’s been changing his mind for week,” Sasha said.

  “So, I figured I’d share our news, and that way, you’ll get to bask in your own happiness as well.”

  “I love it, I really do.”

  He tilted her head back and kissed her.

  “I can’t believe you did this,” she said.

  “I’ll do anything for you, Paris. Anything.”

  “You wouldn’t even die. You kept on fighting.” It was the first mention of Andrew for her in a long time. Whenever he did invade her thoughts, she always made sure to tell Spider about it. They never had any secrets from one another, and she hoped they never did. They had even talked about Andrew and Russell, Spider explaining to her his fear, and what it was like waking up in the hospital. Their memories, for Paris, had brought them closer together.

  “Well, I had to protect the woman I loved, and the only way to do that was to be a stubborn asshole.”

  “You’re the best stubborn asshole I ever know, and I love you for it.”

  “You better. I’m about to marry you because of it.”

  “Can I have everyone’s attention?” Devil said.

  Paris turned in Spider’s arms. He held her tightly and kissed her neck.

  “When I first started Chaos Bleeds, I didn’t know the first thing about heading a club, or leading it. I’d left Fort Wills, without much to my name. I traveled, and I knew what I didn’t want in my life. Along the way, I found you guys. Not all of you were in your best shape, but with the club you’ve found your reason to keep on living. We’ve been a club for over twenty years. Riding beside you has been one of my greatest pleasures.”

  “And mine,” Pussy said.

  All the men raised their hands in agreement, including Spider.

  “Settling down in Piston County was a risk. None of you anticipated us staying here long, and then Lexie, you—fuck, babe, you took me and turned me into a fucking pussy. You had Simon, and then I
just couldn’t be without you.” Lexie moved to his side, hugging him tight.

  “We have faced many enemies, and not all of us have survived. Ashley, she didn’t wear our jacket, but we all know she was one of us.”

  Paris saw Mia crying as she held her baby. Spider had told her the past of Chaos Bleeds. Simon was Lexie’s sister’s baby. Mia had been best friends with Ashley who ended up getting killed. So much death, and yet here they all were.

  “I want to say it hasn’t been an easy twenty years, but you know what, I wouldn’t do anything different. We have what I thought a club never should be. We’re a family, to the core of us. To family.”

  They all raised their glasses in the toast.

  It was a fucked up family, but it was their family. Andrew had tried to come between them, but he had failed. They were stronger, and his memory would fade, until there was nothing left.

  Epilogue One

  The Skulls

  One year later

  Stink sat in the school’s football yard, holding his baby boy, Philip. Sandy had gone to get them both some drinks as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Sally was graduating from high school and was moving away to college. Whizz and Lacey were freaking out about that, but they had also been the ones to encourage her to go.

  It had been just three years since Sally had lost her leg, and Andrew’s attack on the club. They had found a great deal of peace in recent years, and Stink loved it. There had been no more drama, no more past enemy waiting to take them all down, just living. With everything that had been happening in the club, he was more than happy for the break. He didn’t want to worry about attacks, or his woman and kid getting hurt.

  Philip clapped his hands together and started to blow raspberries. Stink chuckled, wiping away the spittle.

  “He’s always doing that,” Sandy said, handing him a drink, and taking their son from him.

  She had become a wonderful mother. In the early days of her pregnancy she had panicked about being awful, and Stink spent a great deal of time convincing her she’d be amazing.

  Of course, he was right, and they now had a little family of their own.

  “I bet she’s nervous.” He looked toward the school thinking about Sally.

  “She has Drew to help her up, and she’s earned this. Anyone tries to ruin it for her, will face the wrath of the club,” Sandy said.

  They were all here. Some of the families were keeping a wide berth of them, and he didn’t give a fuck. Sally was one of them, and no one was going to let her graduate without being here.

  Stink watched as Millie arrived. She was by herself, wearing a pink summer dress. Baker was instantly there, and even though they weren’t together, Millie had accepted his friendship.

  “Do you think she’ll ever trust him?”

  “Only if he shows signs of getting over his wife. He doesn’t even work in the bakery we have set up,” Sandy said.

  The Skulls now owned a gym, a bakery, and a beauty salon in town.

  Sandy took a seat next to him, just as Steven joined them. Whizz and Lacey were in front with Daisy. The whole of The Skulls were there to watch as Sally walked out. She smiled over toward them, and Steven whistled, making her blush.

  Drew was there, helping her. The principal got up, and started to talk.

  “How are things with you and Sally?” Stink asked, whispering.

  “We’re doing good.”

  “How are you going to handle her going away to college?” Stink was curious. Steven had confided in him about his feelings for Sally.

  “I’ll do whatever makes her happy, Stink. You don’t have to worry.”

  When it was Sally’s turn to get her graduation certificate, she nearly stumbled on stage. The whole of The Skulls got out of their seat ready to help her. Drew took her on stage, where she made a quick joke, and accepted her certificate.

  “One day Philip will be up there,” Sandy said.

  Stink kissed his wife’s lips.

  They had a future. Their life was filled with one more day, and Stink was going to love, support, and grasp this chance with every fiber of his being.

  Epilogue Two

  Chaos Bleeds

  Paris and Spider got married three months after Christmas in a spring wedding, in a church. She didn’t have to fight him to wear a tuxedo, but they all had to bargain for the rest of the club to wear them. For the next year after her wedding, they had babysitting duty, which neither of them minded.

  They stayed in the house her parents once shared, but instead of leaving it as Paris parents’ house, Spider made them put their stamp on the place. They redecorated with the club’s help. Spider took over everything, getting the materials, and making sure she wasn’t screwed over with the pricing. No one would mess with him.

  Sinner and Lola moved in together. Their relationship was tense at times, but neither of them was hiding it from the club anymore.

  There was no point in hiding it.

  Sasha had given birth to a little girl, Shay, in the past few weeks, and the whole club was helping with the nursery. Pussy wouldn’t let her put a nursery in their home before then as he believed it was bad luck for them.

  When she was in the hospital, they all had to quickly strip a room, wallpaper, paint, and allow the fumes to dissipate before bringing in furniture. It was a mad rush, but Paris had found it funny watching nearly ten men try to squeeze into a room. She had the whole thing on camera, and every time she watched it, it made her laugh.

  Paris was making a batch of cookies when Spider came home. Chaos Bleeds had bought another derelict apartment building, and Spider was managing the team to make sure they were getting the best out of their staff.

  “Hey, Celia, did you have a good day today?”

  Celia lived with them, and Paris was so grateful for their friendship. Her sister launched herself on Spider, and he carried her through to the kitchen, setting her down. Celia quickly grabbed a book, and started to read through it.

  “How are my other two girls?” Spider asked, coming toward her.

  “We’re good. Your little girl likes me to know that she’s still there, and waiting to come out.”

  He placed his hand on her stomach. She saw the wonder in his eyes as he touched her. “She kicked. My girl is going to kick ass.”

  “Yeah, she is. Did you get everything done at the construction site?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t there, baby. I went to Arnold Pritchard’s ranch. He’s not been doing so good, and Natalie is struggling.”

  The clothing store in town was doing better than ever. Paris worked there three days a week, and it was hugely successful helped by Lola’s expertise with the online store. Natalie continued to design clothes, even though she had been approached by bigger companies. After Natalie’s mother had her first heart attack, everyone had thought she was picking up, getting healthy. That hadn’t been the case, and within three months she had suffered a second heart attack, and had not made it through the night.

  The whole of Chaos Bleeds had been there at the funeral to pay their respects to a woman who had been kind her whole life.

  Natalie had stayed at home more, trying to help out. The club did what they could, but now Arnold was looking ill, and the stress was taking its toll on Natalie.

  “How are they?”

  “Arnold wants to sell.”


  “Yeah, he wants to sell. There’s no boys to pass the ranch on to, and he doesn’t want to burden Natalie with it. Natalie doesn’t want him to sell. It’s the only home she has ever known. It’s tough. She can’t handle the cattle, and the men are walking all over her.”

  “That’s hard.”

  “It is. Arnold told me he had to get her to make a decision soon. He spoke to his doctor the other day, and it’s not good.”

  “Oh, no, what?”

  “Cancer. He’s got a year tops, and he doesn’t want to spend the last year of his life manning the ranch. He wants to spend it with his da
ughter. Slash thinks he has an idea, but I don’t know if it will work.” The baby kicked, and Paris held her stomach. “She wants to come out, doesn’t she?”

  “Yep, another month, and she can come out.”

  “Don’t worry about Natalie and Arnold. Slash will think of something, and if not, Devil.”

  “I won’t worry.”

  “Good.” He tilted her head back and claimed her lips.

  She’d worry about the rest of her friends tomorrow. For now, she had her husband, her sister, and her daughter, and in that moment everything was perfect.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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