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Ginger's Two Goals [The Ghost Riders 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  “I’ve got some.”

  He moved off the bed and rummaged around in his bag until he came up with a bottle of ibuprofen. Grabbing a bottle of water out of the mini fridge each of the rooms had, he opened the bottle and handed it to her before shaking two of the pills into her hand.

  “Thanks.” She swallowed them, draining half the bottle of water in the process.

  “I’m sorry it took us so long to find you, Ginger.”

  “Wasn’t your fault.” She shrugged it off. “Who knew going to the bathroom would be dangerous?”

  “It shouldn’t have been. Rhodes said that bar has always been a decent enough place. They’d never worried about their women there before. With The Skulls having been in the area, we should have expected trouble until we’d made sure they were truly gone.”

  “Well, it’s over with now. No real harm. I’ll be fine in a couple of days.” He could hear the strain in her voice. She didn’t really believe it was over any more than he did.

  “Don’t count on it, babe. You don’t have the luxury of relaxing as long as they are hanging around the area. I don’t want anything happening to you again, Ginger. Promise me you’ll stay alert and close to us.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t take anything for granted again. Doesn’t mean I’m going to let the two of you order me around, so get that out of your head right now.” Somehow it didn’t sound near as threatening with her lying down and sounding like sandpaper had been rubbed across her vocal chords.

  “Babe. We’re going to be all over your ass from now on. Get used to it.”

  Before she could say anything, Ajax walked out of the bathroom, stark naked, carrying his clothes and an impressive number of weapons. Murdock grinned at the disbelieving expression on Ginger’s face. He just wasn’t sure if it was for a naked Ajax or for his arsenal.

  “I’m up next. Cuddle up to Ajax, babe. He’ll keep you warm till I get back.” He grinned at the smug expression on his friend’s face.

  “What are you doing with all of that?” Ginger’s hoarse voice didn’t hide the fact that she was alarmed.

  Murdock closed the bathroom door to Ajax’s deep chuckle. Maybe she hadn’t been talking about the weapons after all. He hadn’t seen what her eyes were actually focused on. After she had taken the other man’s cock down her throat the other night, Murdock figured she would have realized how well-endowed Ajax was then. He grinned as he turned on the shower. Must have been that the heat of the moment had hidden his size from her at the time.

  There would be no hiding any part of them soon enough. They had every intention of claiming her as their woman sooner rather than later. He wanted to see leather on her back and ideally, their ring on her finger to warn everyone away from her. He had no doubt they were in for a hell of a fight, but it was one they would win.

  Chapter Eight

  “What are they doing in there anyway?” Ginger asked.

  She’d been sitting in the den area of the club with the other women for the last hour, waiting on the men to finish their meeting. She couldn’t go anywhere until they were finished and she wanted to go put in some job applications.

  “Planning the demise of The Skulls, no doubt,” Raven said from her spot reclining on the couch.

  The queen bee of the biker babes had her nose in a book and didn’t seem the least bothered by the directive that no one went anywhere alone. The guys had declared them grounded before sequestering themselves in their meeting room. Jessie wasn’t as relaxed as the other woman, but she didn’t say anything. Instead her friend was poring over house plans.

  Ginger didn’t care what the guys said. If they weren’t out in the next fifteen minutes, she was leaving anyway. There was only so much testosterone she could take in any given day.

  “Don’t do it, Ginger.” Jessie looked over the magazine of house plans at her.

  “Do what?” she asked innocently.

  “Leave before they get finished. I know you want to.”

  “This is ridiculous! I’m just going to go put in job applications. I’m not going to go looking for them. Believe me. I don’t want anything to do with them.” She threw up her hands and stomped over to the window to look outside.

  “It’s too dangerous for you to go by yourself right now, Ginger. That Riot guy has his eye on you now,” Jessie said.

  “I can’t see him doing anything in broad daylight out in public. I’m not going to be anywhere secluded.”

  She knew nothing she said would change Jessie’s mind about the situation. In truth, she was a little scared of going alone, but she wasn’t about to drag anyone else along with her just in case the bastard showed up. Waiting on Ajax and Murdock smacked of accepting them as her protectors, and she wasn’t okay with that either.

  “Time’s up. I’m leaving. Tell them I’m going to Sky first to apply at the hospital. Then I’m going to the nursing home there and should be back in Reo around two this afternoon.” She grabbed her purse off the end table and walked toward the door.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Murdock’s thunderous voice stopped her in her tracks.

  Turning around, she clamped down on her emotions and lifted one eyebrow before answering him.

  “I’m heading to Sky to put in applications. I need a job so I can get out of here.”

  Murdock stalked toward her with a scowl across his face. Ginger could tell he wasn’t pleased with her answer. Well, tough crap. It wasn’t her job to keep him happy.


  It was one word spoken in a low gravelly voice that sent chills down her spine. She turned her head to see Ajax walking out of the room where they’d been deciding the fate of the world. His expression shared exactly what he was thinking with anyone who bothered to look. Anger didn’t even start to cover it. He looked downright furious. With her? That thought had her insides quivering. She did not want this man mad at her.

  “What do you mean no?” Deep down, she obviously had a death wish.

  “Just what I said. No. You’re not going anywhere without one of us with you. Since we have no desire to work at the hospital or nursing home or wherever else you’re of a mind to apply, then you won’t be working there either.” Ajax stomped over to stand toe to toe with her.

  Her mouth dropped open in shock. He did not just tell her she wasn’t getting a job. Did he? When he reached out and pushed her jaw closed with one finger, Ginger couldn’t help but flinch. A sad look passed across his face before he wiped it and all other emotion from his features. She might as well have been looking at a mannequin after that. Nothing of what he was feeling reached his face.

  “I have to work, Ajax. I can’t not work just because you don’t want me to. I have bills to pay.”

  “No, you don’t. All you have to do is stay safe and leave the rest up to Murdock and me. We’ll take care of you.”

  “Oh, hell no! I’m not your woman, Ajax. How many times do I have to tell you that?” She went up on her tiptoes in an effort to get closer to eye level with the infuriating man.

  “Let’s take this to the back, Ajax.” Murdock stepped up next to them.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you…” Her words were cut off with an umph when Ajax bent over and shouldered her in the abdomen before standing up with her hanging upside down, staring at his ass.

  “Put me down!”

  A hand landed on her ass in a sharp pop that had her gasping for breath.

  “You did not just hit me.” She struggled as Ajax carried her out of the room. “Put me down, Ajax. I mean it.”

  Murdock followed them, chuckling. She pushed against Ajax’s lower back and looked up at the other man. How dare he laugh at her? Another stinging slap landed on her ass. Ginger yelped in surprise then popped Ajax’s ass right back.

  “You’re trying my patience, baby girl. Settle down.” Ajax’s husky voice actually sounded as if he might be laughing.

  Ginger couldn’t believe this was happening to her. What had she done to deserve this
madness? This was all Jessie’s fault. She would make sure the other woman knew it, too, just as soon as she got out of the mess she was in now.

  They swung out of the kitchen and down a hall. They were taking her back to their bedroom. This was not good. She had no doubt that if they put their minds to it, they could have her between them begging them to fuck her in no time. She had no willpower where they were concerned and it pissed her off. She didn’t want to want them. They didn’t figure into her plans.

  When Ajax swung open the door and walked through, she made one last-ditch effort to stop the inevitable by grabbing hold of the door facing with both hands. It worked—for all of a few seconds. Murdock reached over and pried her fingers loose from the wood with a chuckle.

  “Face it, babe. We’re going to win,” he said.

  * * * *

  Ajax wanted to turn her pretty ass pink with his hand, but he wasn’t about to spank her yet. She didn’t have a clue what being their woman meant. It was time to enlighten her. As long as she fought them, they couldn’t concentrate on protecting her from The Skulls. They were too busy protecting her from herself.

  Bending over, he let her slide off his shoulder to the bed. When she immediately climbed off on the other side and stood facing them with her hands firmly on her hips, his cock jerked at the sight of her. All that glorious, fiery hair, wild and tangled around her face only added to the amazing picture she made standing there. She looked like a warrior ready to do battle. He had no doubt that if looks could kill, both he and Murdock would be six feet under by now.

  The sound of Murdock setting the lock had their little wildcat jumping. She looked back and forth between them, trepidation warring with indignation. She was amazing to look at. If it weren’t for needing to make a point, he could stand there and watch her fight her emotions all day long.

  “We need to get some things straight, baby girl. This arguing and disobedience has to stop,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “You’re damn right we need to get things straight. One, I’m not your baby girl, and two, I don’t obey you. Now unlock that door, Murdock, and let me go. I’ve got to find a job.” Her face might have said strong woman, but her eyes spoke the truth.

  She wasn’t nearly as sure about her future as she was trying to lead them to believe. Ginger had doubts that she could achieve her goals in life and that was making her fight for them even harder. Ajax had to admire her for her determination, even if she was fighting for the wrong thing.

  Murdock stepped up with a grin on his face. Ajax could see the mischief in his friend’s eyes. What was the other man up to?

  “Ginger. Let’s sit down and discuss this like adults. You and I both know that when it comes to making you behave, Ajax and I can more than handle it, but I’d much rather you do it because you know the dangers of disobeying.”

  “Forcing me to do what you want isn’t the answer, Murdock. It won’t make me like you any better. Just let me go so I can find a job and move out. Then I won’t be in your hair anymore and you can go on with your lives.” Ginger’s eyes kept shifting between the two of them as if she wasn’t quite sure which one of them to worry about the most.

  “See, that’s where you’ve got it mixed up. You don’t need a job, Ginger, and you sure don’t need a place to live. You’re living with us,” Ajax said.

  “I’m not living in this clubhouse with a bunch of bikers for the rest of my life. I want a normal life, Ajax. This isn’t normal.” She spread her arms out to encompass everything.

  “Baby girl, I promise you won’t be living here much longer. We’re going to refurbish the main cabin like we told you. I promise it will have every luxury you could imagine.” Ajax took a step closer to her.

  “I don’t need luxuries. I don’t want to live with you guys at all. How many times do I have to say it for you to get it through your thick skulls?”

  Murdock cleared his throat, catching Ajax’s attention. He could see that his friend was up to something. He nodded. He’d back him up if would help them achieve their goal in the end.

  “I tell you what, babe. Give us a week to show you how much you mean to us. Wait.” He held up his hand to stop her when she opened her mouth to speak. “With The Skulls still in the area and Riot having a hard-on for you now, you’re pretty much locked down anyway. Even if we didn’t want you as our woman, we’d still be keeping you close to keep you safe.”

  Ajax watched her face as she thought over what Murdock was saying. She didn’t completely trust them but seemed willing to consider his partner’s suggestion. He would take anything he could get at this point. The worry of her slipping away from them somehow and getting into trouble as long as she wasn’t cooperating would get old fast.

  “So, what? I follow your rules for a week while you keep Riot from bothering me then I can go about my life doing things like I want to? How are you going to keep him from bothering me? Somehow I don’t see him backing away out of the goodness of his heart.” She crossed her arms, rubbing her hands up and down their length.

  “Don’t worry about Riot. We’ll handle him. Just relax and give us a week,” Murdock repeated.

  “And what exactly does giving you a week entail?” she finally asked, narrowing her eyes.

  Murdock grinned. “Anything we want, babe. Anything we want.”

  * * * *

  Ginger snapped her mouth closed at that. Was he serious? Surely not. She licked her suddenly dry lips and tried to think. If she gave in to them even for a week, there was a chance, she looked from one man to the other, a very good chance, she would fall for them. Her plans didn’t include a biker, much less two bikers. If she wasn’t careful, she would end up giving up her dream of a normal family and career.

  “I’m not going to just fall into your laps, guys. I’ll promise to follow your rules and stay here for a week while you deal with Riot. Nothing more.”

  Murdock’s eyes twinkled even as Ajax grinned. They were entirely too sure of themselves. That worried her. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin.

  “Fine. I’ll give you a week. Just remember, at the end of the week I can walk away,” she said.

  Ajax didn’t say a word as he closed the distance between them. She swallowed the urge to step back in the face of so much determination evident in his eyes. She was in so much trouble.

  “W–what are you doing?” she asked.

  “What I’ve wanted to do since last night.” Ajax stopped directly in front of her.

  “What’s that?”

  “Kiss you.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers without touching her anywhere else.

  Then he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, running his tongue along the seam between her lips. She shuddered, his scent playing havoc with her resistance. He nipped her lower lip, coaxing her mouth open for his exploration. His tongue slid along hers, teasing as he deepened the kiss. She sucked on his tongue, his taste a craving she hadn’t known she’d had.

  “So good, Ginger. You taste like the finest chocolate.” Ajax’s breath fanned over her skin.

  All she could do was stand there, swaying in his arms. His kiss was that devastating. Ginger blinked, trying to shake the spell he’d obviously woven around her. Before she could step away, Murdock moved in behind her, trapping her between the two devious men.

  “Let me have a taste.” Murdock turned her with Ajax’s help.

  She looked up into his eyes, losing herself for an instant. Then he was kissing her, his mouth insistent on hers. With the press of Ajax’s body at her back, Ginger felt cocooned in warmth and safety. Murdock slowly pulled back and smiled down at her.

  “I have to agree with Ajax. You taste even sweeter than chocolate.”

  “I want to taste your sweet pussy. Strip, baby girl.” Ajax stepped back.

  Ginger felt her eyes widen at the command in his voice. Surely he was kidding. When he lifted a brow at her a few seconds later, she realized he wasn’t.

��Did you hear him, Ginger? He said to strip.” Murdock lifted her T-shirt over her head before she realized what he was doing.

  “Hey! Wait. What are you doing?” She tried to grab her shirt back from Murdock.

  “Helping you keep your word, babe.”

  “I didn’t promise to strip for you.” She folded her arms over her chest.

  “Sure you did. You agreed to mind us for a week. Start minding,” Ajax said, stepping over to the bed.

  They both grabbed the back of their shirts and pulled them over their heads to drop them on the floor at their feet. Ginger’s gaze was drawn to their sculpted chests, and all rational thought fled her mind. They were magnificent to look at. A thin scar interrupted the beauty of the impressive landscape here and there, but in no way detracted from the view. Ginger could only stare.

  When Ajax moved toward her, she snapped back to the present and her current situation. She slowly unbuttoned the waistband of her jeans with her eyes fastened on the floor to keep from seeing their eyes watching her. As she unzipped and began to lower the material, Ajax’s harsh voice broke into her careful thoughts.

  “Shoes, baby girl.”

  She groaned inwardly.

  “Let me help you with those.” Murdock knelt in front of her and gently picked up one leg at a time to remove her shoes.

  Ginger had no choice but to rest her hand on top of his warm, naked shoulder to keep her balance. The skin-to-skin contact had her senses reeling. She barely contained a gasp before it was over, and Murdock was standing in front of her once more—waiting for her to finish.

  Again she pushed down on the waistband, shoving it lower and over her hips until her jeans slid down her legs to pool around her feet. She refused to look up and see the lust in the men’s eyes. Instead she quickly added her panties to the pile on the floor then concentrated on the clasp of her bra. The sooner she was naked, the sooner they would stop staring at her. It unnerved her.

  “You’ve got the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen.” Murdock’s declaration did nothing to relax her.


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