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Dawn of Detroit

Page 41

by Tiya Miles

  agriculture; Elliott; famine; farmers’ market; John Askin; Moravian missionaries; ribbon farms; slaves and; William Macomb

  Ainse, Sally

  Albany, New York


  Alegria, Crystal

  Amadahy, Zainab

  American Revolution. See Revolutionary War

  Amherstberg, Ontario; maps. See also Fort Malden

  Anderson, John

  Anishinaabeg. Seealso Ojibwes; Ottawas; Potawatomies

  Ann Arbor

  Anzaldúa, Gloria

  Askin, Adelaide (Alice). See Brush, Adelaide Askin

  Askin, Archange (1775–ca. 1866)

  Askin, Catherine (Kitty)

  Askin, James

  Askin, John; Alexander Grant relations; on black militiamen; death; Denisons and; on Detroit’s incorporation; on Elijah Brush; fire code offender; fire of 1805; French language use; justice of the peace; land speculation; Macomb estate purchases; Moravian missionary relations; move across river; ribbon farm; St. John’s Church; Sally Ainse relations; slaves and servants

  Askin, John, Jr.

  Askin, Madelaine

  Askin, Marie-Archange Barthe (1747–1820)

  Baby, Jacques Duperon

  Bacon, David

  Bald, Clever

  Bangs, Nathaniel


  Barron, James

  Barthe, Jean Baptiste

  Barthe, Marie-Archange. See Askin, Marie-Archange Barthe

  Barthe family

  Bates, Frederick

  Battle of Fallen Timbers

  Battle of New Orleans

  Battle of the Thames

  Beaubien, Antoine

  Beaubien family

  beavers. See also fur trade

  Belle Isle. See Hog Island (Belle Isle)

  Berthelet, Henry

  Biddle, Eliza

  Biddle, John

  Biddle, William

  Billettes, Francis

  Bird, Henry

  Blackbird, Andrew

  Blackburn, Lucie

  Blackburn, Thornton

  black code (1827)

  Black Code (French slavery). See Code Noir

  black militia; historiography

  black servants. See African American servants

  black soldiers. See African American soldiers

  Blue Jacket

  board of trustees

  Bohaker, Heidi

  Boone, Daniel


  Bradstreet, John

  Bright, Charles

  British loyalists; James May and; Sandwich

  British navy

  Brock, Isaac

  Brunsman, Denver

  Brush, Adelaide Askin; home; War of 1812

  Brush, Charles R.

  Brush, Edmund

  Brush, Elijah; black militia; death; Denisons and; Elliott case; home; letter to Jefferson; militia leader; post-fire land allotment and sales; slaves and servants; town trustee; War of 1812

  Burnett, William

  Byrd, Jodi

  Cadillac, Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, Sieur de

  Cahokia, Illinois

  Campau, Joseph

  Campau, Simon

  Campau (Campeau) family; Belle Isle

  Campbell, Donald

  Canada’s Forgotten Slaves (Trudel)

  Cangany, Catherine: Frontier Seaport


  capital punishment

  Capitulation of Montreal

  captives, Native American. See Native American captives and captive-taking

  Caribbean, French. See French Caribbean

  Cass, Lewis

  Catholic Church. See also Ste. Anne’s Catholic Church


  Chardavoyne, David

  Chatham, Ontario

  Chêne, Pierre


  Chesapeake-Leopard affair


  Chillicothe, Ohio

  Chippewas. See Ojibwes


  Cicotte (Chicoste) family


  Clark, George Rogers

  class consciousness

  Clinton River. See Huron River (Clinton River)

  Code Noir

  colleges and universities


  Congo, Louis

  Congress, U.S. See U.S. Congress

  Continental Congress

  Constitutional Convention

  Contencineau, Jean

  cooks and cooking

  Cooper, Afua

  Cooper, Joseph

  Cotteral, George

  Council House

  Countryman, Edward



  criminal justice

  Croghan, George

  Cronon, William

  Crouch, Christian


  Cuillerier, Marie Angelique. See Sterling, Angelique

  Curry, Peter

  Cutten, Josiah (Joseph Cotton)


  Dailey, William


  Dane, Peter

  d’Auteuil, Ruette

  Dearborn, Henry

  death sentence

  DeBaptiste, George

  Dejean, Philip

  Delawares; massacres; midwives; Pontiac’s War; Revolutionary War; Shawnee relations; Wayne and

  Denison, Charlotte Paul

  Denison, Eastman

  Denison, Elizabeth (Lisette); death; historiography; land purchases; portrait; War of 1812

  Denison, Hannah; birth; death; War of 1812

  Denison, James

  Denison, Peter; death; commemorative plaques; militia officer; War of 1812

  Denison, Peter, Jr.

  Denison, Scipio (Sip)

  Denison v. Tucker

  De Peyster, Arent Schuyler

  “Détroit” (name)

  Detroit fire of 1805. See fire of 1805

  Detroit Gazette

  Detroit Historical Museum

  Detroit Land Board. See Land Board of Detroit

  Detroit ordinances. See ordinances, municipal

  Detroit River; in art; Brush farm; ferries; historiography; international border; ribbon farms; winter travel on

  Detroit School of Urban Studies

  Detroit Treaty. See Treaty of Detroit (1807)

  Dilhet, Jean


  District of Hesse. See Hesse

  Dodemead, James

  Dodemead, John

  Dolson, Matthew

  Donnelson, James

  Duggan, Thomas

  Duncan, John

  Dunnigan, Brian Leigh: Frontier Metropolis

  Du Sable, Jean Baptiste Pointe

  Duval, Kathleen

  Dwight, Ed

  Edwards, Laura

  Elliott, Andrew

  Elliott, Matthew; lawsuit; slaves; War of 1812

  Erie Canal

  escaped slaves; court cases; Denisons; Elliott case; habeas corpus and; indenture and; indigenous spaces and; James Sterling and; legislation and ordinances; Levy; militias; Pattinson case; Quinn; Richard Smyth and. See also Underground Railroad

  Eustis, William

  Fairfield on the Thames

  Fallen Timbers, Battle of. See Battle of Fallen Timbers

  “fancy trade”

  Faragher, John Mack

  Farmers and Mechanics Bank

  farming. See agriculture

  “fat beaver”

  fear of Indian attacks

  fire of 1805; rebuilding

  fire prevention

  Flower, Jacob

  A Fluid Frontier (Frost and Tucker)

  Ford, Abraham

  Ford, Mary Louise

  Fort Detroit site and plan; early buildings

  Forth, Elizabeth Denison. See Denison, Elizabeth (Lisette)

  Forth, Scipio


  Fort Lernoult (Fort Shelby)

  Fort Mackinac

  Fort M
alden; War of 1812

  Fort Michilimackinac; Askin; Detroit fire of 1805; Mitchell; Sally Ainse

  Fort Niagara; maps

  Fort Sackville

  Fort Shelby. See Fort Lernoult (Fort Shelby)

  Fort Wayne; maps


  Fox War

  free blacks; kidnapping of. See also Dennison, Elizabeth (Lisette); escaped slaves


  free people of color (gens de couleur libre). See also free blacks

  French and Indian War

  French Caribbean

  French language; Hannah Denison; Sibley on; Woodward

  French servants

  French Town

  “frontier” (word)

  Frontier Metropolis (Dunnigan)

  Frontier Seaport (Cangany)

  Frost, Karolyn Smardz

  Fugitive Slave Act

  fugitive slaves. See escaped slaves

  fur trade; African American men; Askin; British and; decline; Detroit as hub; intermarriage in; Macomb family; power couples. See also Abbott & Finchley

  Gage, Thomas

  Geel, Abraham

  gens de couleur libre. See free people of color (gens de couleur libre)

  gift giving; captives in

  Girardin, Jacques

  Gladwin, Henry


  Gouin (Gouen) family

  Graham, Isabella

  Graham, Mary Henrietta

  Grant, Alexander

  Grant, Colonel (Kentucky slaveholder)

  Grant, Jaspar

  “Great Father”

  Great Peace of Montreal

  Green, James

  Griffin, John

  Griswold, Stanley

  Grivno, Max

  Grosse Ile

  habeas corpus

  Haldimand, Frederick

  Hamilton, Henry

  Hands, William

  Harrison, William Henry

  Harrow, Alexander

  Harvey, John

  Haudenosaunee (Iroquois). See also Mohawks; Oneidas; Senecas

  Heath, Barbara

  Hecker, Joseph

  Heckewelder, John

  Hennepin, Louis

  Henry, Patrick

  Hesse District

  Heward, James

  Hickman, Harris


  Hog Island (Belle Isle)

  House, Michael

  Hull, A.J.

  Hull, Sarah

  Hull, William; black militia; court-martial and death sentence; fear of Indian attack; Indian relations; Land Board; land purchases; War of 1812; Woodward relations


  Huron River (Clinton River)

  Hurons (Wyandots); African intermarriage; captive-taking; land cessions; Pontiac’s War; Revolutionary War; Ste. Anne’s Church

  Hyde, Anne

  Illinois; dispossession of Native lands; War of 1812. See also Cahokia, Illinois; Chicago

  Illinois people


  incorporation, municipal

  indenture; Denisons; laws

  Indiana; dispossession of Native lands; maps; Prophet’s Town; War of 1812. See also Vincennes, Indiana

  Indian agents. See also Elliott, Matthew

  Indian attacks, fear of. See fear of Indian attacks

  Indian captives and captive-taking. See Native American captives and captive-taking

  Indian reservations

  Indian slaves. See Native American slaves

  inheritance of slaves

  intermarriage; Afro-Indian; British-French; slaves

  interracial sex. See also mixed-race people; sexual slavery and concubinage

  Iroquois. See Haudenosaunee (Iroquois)

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jay, John

  Jay Treaty

  Jefferson, Thomas; appointees; Chesapeake-Leopard affair; Indian relations; Michigan Territory; Notes on the State of Virginia; Woodward relations

  Johnson, Charles

  Johnson, William

  Jones, Martha

  Jones, Thomas

  Jones v. Abbott



  Kickapoo people

  King Louis XIV. See Louis XIV, King of France

  King Louis XV. See Louis XV, King of France

  LaForce, Agnes

  Lake Erie; Erie Canal; War of 1812

  Lake Huron; maps

  Lake Ontario; maps

  Lake St. Clair

  Langdon, Austin

  Larkin, Benjamin

  La Leavre, Charles

  Land Board of Detroit

  land grabs

  language, French. See French language

  languages, Native American. See Native American languages

  Landry, Charles

  Lassalle, Jacques

  La Vente, Henri Roulleaux

  Lawrence, Bonita


  leather goods

  Lee, William

  L’Enfant, Pierre Charles

  Leopard-Chesapeake affair. See Chesapeake-Leopard affair

  Lernoult, Richard

  Levy, J.

  liquor. See alcohol

  Louis XIV, King of France

  Louis XV, King of France

  loyalists. See British loyalists

  Mack, Stephen

  Mackelm, James

  Mackin, Jill

  Mackinac. See Fort Mackinac

  Mackintosh, Angus

  Macomb, Alexander (1748–1831)

  Macomb, Alexander (1782–1841)

  Macomb, David

  Macomb, Edgar & Macomb

  Macomb, John Gordon

  Macomb, John W.

  Macomb, Sarah Jane Dring

  Macomb, William; account book; death; Moravian missionary relations; ribbon farm; Sally Ainse relations; slaves

  Macomb, William, Jr.

  Macomb County

  Madison, James

  Maney, David


  marriage, mixed. See intermarriage

  marriage “in the custom of the country”

  Marietta, Ohio

  Mascouten people

  Masonville, Alexis

  Massachusetts. See also Boston


  May, James; code violator; death; fire of 1805; letter to Jefferson; slaves; taxpayer; University of Michigan; U.S. marshal; Woodward relations

  May, Joseph

  Mazur, Shawna

  McDonald, James

  McDonnell, Michael

  McDougall, George

  McDougall, Robert

  McGraw, Bill

  McKee, Alexander

  McLean, Hector

  McNelly, Peter

  Meldrum, George

  Meldrum and Park

  memorial sculptures

  merchants (retailers). See also Abbott & Finchley; Phyn and Ellice; Macomb, Edgar & Macomb

  Miami River

  Miamis: captive-taking; Pontiac’s War; Revolutionary War; Ste. Anne’s Church; Wayne and

  Michigan militia. See also black militia

  Michigan state legislature

  Michigan Supreme Court

  Michigan Territory; courts; higher education; laws; officials

  Michilimackinac. See Fort Michilimackinac

  The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region (White)

  Middleton, George




  missionaries, Protestant. See Protestant missionaries

  Missouri. See also St. Louis

  Mitchell, David

  Mitchell, Sedrick

  mixed-race people; African-Native; Askin family; black code; Hyde views; inherited slavery; Ste. Anne’s Church; in sex slavery; as slaveholders



  Monroe, James

  Monteith, John

  Montour, Andrew

  Montour family

  Montreal; Campaus; Dejean and Hamilton; LaForce; maps; slaves; trade; treaties

  Moravian missionaries

  Morrison, Charles

  Moses, Charlotte

  municipal incorporation. See incorporation, municipal

  municipal ordinances. See ordinances, municipal

  Munro, Robert

  Muscogees. See Creeks

  National Park Service

  Native American attacks, fear of. See fear of Indian attacks

  Native American captives and captive-taking

  Native languages

  Native American reservations. See Indian reservations

  Native American servants

  Native American slaves; African relations; Clark views; fire of 1805; John Askin ownership; John May ownership; Northwest Ordinance; Pontiac’s War; Raudot proclamation; runaways; Ste. Anne’s Church records; sexual service; theft by. See also “Panis” (word)

  naval battles

  navy, British. See British navy

  Navarre, Catherine

  Navarre, Robert

  Negro Militia. See black militia

  Negro Town, Ohio; map

  Nelson, Jonathan


  New England; Elijah Brush roots; Hull roots. See also Massachusetts; New York

  New Orleans; War of 1812


  New York; law model; shopping; slave revolts; War of 1812; Woodward roots. See also Albany, New York; Niagara, New York; Schenectady, New York

  Niagara, New York. See also Fort Niagara

  Northwestern Army

  Northwest Ordinance; Article 6; Denison v. Tucker and; habeas corpus and

  Northwest Territory; courts; legislature; indenture; maps; officials; seat

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)

  Ohio; cattle; dispossession of Native lands; runaway slaves; Sibley; statehood; supreme court model; War of 1812

  Ojibwes; captives and captive-taking; land cessions; Moravian missionary relations; Pontiac lineage; Pontiac’s War; Revolutionary War; War of 1812; Wayne and


  Onuf, Peter

  ordinances, municipal

  Ottawas; captives and captive-taking; land cessions; Pontiac lineage; Pontiac’s War; Revolutionary War; Ste. Anne’s Church; War of 1812; Wayne and

  Panis. See Native American slaves

  “Panis” (word)

  Paris. See also Treaty of Paris

  Parker, Thomas

  Parmenter, Jon

  Patterson, Charles

  Pattinson, Richard



  Perry, Oliver Hazard

  Phillips, Christopher

  Phyn and Ellice Company

  Pollard, Richard


  Pontchartrain, Jérome Phélypeaux, Comte de

  Pontiac (Ottawa leader)

  Pontiac, Michigan

  Pontiac’s War


  Poremba, David Lee

  Porteous, John


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