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Omega House Books 1-5: Alpha Omega MPreg Romance Box Set

Page 25

by Grace, Aria

  In the back of my mind, I feel some guilt over not sharing my first kiss with Gunnar while Sean was with us. But we both need this in order to move forward. It’s not uncommon for an alpha to have two omegas, but it’s less common for two alphas to share an omega. An alpha is born with an inherent instinct to dominate and claim, as well as an inherent instinct to not be dominated or claimed.

  That’s what makes this thing between Gunnar and me so intense.

  We both want what we know we shouldn’t have. But the way his lips mold to mine and his tongue gently probes inside my mouth as he explores me for the first time eliminates any doubts either of us might have had about our compatibility.

  This works. We work.

  My dick is hard and throbbing against Gunnar’s, and if we don’t stop this now, we’re going to get arrested on this street corner. With a final grind against Gunnar’s swollen length, I pull away and catch my breath. “You were saying…”

  Gunnar is as breathless as me, stepping toward me even as I back away. Pressing my palms to his solid pecs, I hold him in place. God, he feels good under my fingertips. “Where are you going?”

  “Nowhere.” I lock my elbows and maintain the space between us. “But we should wait.”

  Gunnar relaxes and nods in agreement. “Yeah, I guess. Tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow.” I release the fabric of his shirt which has somehow become entwined in my fists and smooth it out, trying not to make it obvious that I’m copping a feel of his massive chest. “I’m just down the street.”

  We walk the last hundred yards in silence before getting to my place. Gunnar slips his bike into the back of my truck while I run inside for my keys. As soon as we’re back on the road, Gunnar reaches across the center console and takes my hand in his. “So, you’re okay with this?”

  I give him a side glance and slide his hand over a few inches so he’s resting against my thick erection. “I thought I made that painfully obvious.”

  “You’re making it painful, that’s for sure.” His index finger brushes over my cock, sending a shiver up my spine. “But I just want to make sure.”

  With the GPS guiding me the short distance to Gunnar’s house, I pull his hand to my mouth and press my lips to the back of it. “I’m sure.”

  “Me too,” he says huskily. “And tomorrow already feels too far away.”

  * * *

  Sean is on the front porch when I pull up in front of Omega House at six fifty. I tell myself he’s as eager for this date as I am as I walk to him ten minutes before we were scheduled to meet. Seth is sitting beside him on the bench with attentive eyes. I feel Seth inspecting me from head to toe and can almost sense the warning in his gaze. I nod to Seth, grateful that he has Sean’s back before turning my attention to Sean. Brothers should watch out for each other, and I’m happy to know Sean has someone with his best interests at heart keeping an eye on him.

  “Hey, Sean.” I pull him into a chaste embrace as soon as he’s on his feet.

  Sean wraps his arms around my neck and clings to me like he’s had a rough day. “Hi, Collin. Thanks for picking me up.”

  Running my hand through his hair, I try to calm the anxiety I can feel in his tight muscles. “I’m a little early but if you’re ready, we can go any time.”

  “I’m ready.” Sean turns to his brother and flashes a sweet smile. “I won’t be late. I promise.”

  I want to correct him and tell him he won’t be back before breakfast but it’s too soon to make assumptions or demands like that. “Good to see you, Seth.”

  “Be careful.” Seth’s warning is as much for me as it is for Sean.

  I don’t want him to be worried, so I reach over and offer my hand. “We’ll take good care of Sean. I promise.”

  He stares me down for a good five seconds before dipping his chin. “You better.”

  Seth isn’t a big or tough man, but he definitely knows how to hold his own against an alpha and doesn’t seem intimidated by my larger frame or twenty extra pounds of muscle. He will kick my ass if I hurt his brother.

  And I would let him.

  Once Sean is safely buckled up in my truck, I reach for his hand and place a kiss on the back of his hand. “You look great.”

  Sean’s smile is shy, but he leans over the console so he’s a few inches closer to me. “You do too.”

  I pull into traffic and allow the GPS to guide me back to Gunnar’s while Sean and I sit in comfortable silence with his arousal and my cock growing by the second.



  I met with a few clients before lunch and since then, I’ve been shopping and cleaning to get my house perfect. I do outside sales for a medical devices company and only meet with clients a few times a week to make my commissions. Thanks to some strategic approvals last year, my bonuses have been in the six figures for the past four quarters. Being single and somewhat of a homebody, I don’t spend a lot of money outside of remodeling my house and buying a few cars that are as much for entertainment as for transportation.

  My home isn’t huge, but the two-story Craftsman is fully remodeled and one of my favorite places to hang out. A cleaning service comes in every other week to do the deep cleaning, but they aren’t scheduled to come in for a few days, which leaves me to scrub toilets, clean out the fridge, and change the sheets by myself. By six o’clock, I’ve got the grill warming for steaks and some baked potatoes ready to throw in the oven.

  I bought three different kinds of beer and a bottle each of red and white wine, not knowing what they might prefer. Of course, Sean might not even be old enough to drink, but that will be his choice. It’s not like he’ll be driving anywhere tonight.

  At six forty-five, I put the potatoes in the oven and slip the tossed salad into the fridge while I wait. I picked up some eclairs from one my favorite bakeries but I’m not sure we’ll make it as far as dessert.

  But eclairs also make an excellent breakfast treat.

  A truck pulls into my driveway at exactly seven and I stop what I’m doing to take a few calming breaths. There’s no reason for me to be this nervous.

  With the lights off in my family room, I watch through the window as Collin and Sean walk up to my front porch. Collin knocks twice, and I take one more deep breath before going to the front door and opening it up.

  As soon as I do, my breath hitches at the sight of two of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen. “You guys look amazing,” I whisper.

  Collin is wearing Wranglers and cowboy boots with a brown button-down that matches his dark hair and eyes perfectly. Sean is wearing a light blue sweater that also matches his eyes and tight black jeans. I’m suddenly grateful I didn’t put on the green Henley I briefly considered or else my eyes would be matching my shirt too. Instead, I went with a black T-shirt, and now I feel underdressed. “Please, come in.”

  I take a step back and Collin nudges Sean forward from the small of his back. Sean walks straight up to me but seems unsure what to do next. I reach for him first, pulling him against my chest to clear up any doubts he may still be having. “Come here.”

  “Hi, Gunnar,” he says against my neck. His hair smells like apples but it does nothing to disguise the natural omega pheromones wafting off his warm body. “Thank you for having us.”

  I smile at his polite greeting. He’s obviously still nervous, and a part of me wonders if he hasn’t dated much. “Thank you for coming.” I wink at Collin and can tell he’s as amused by Sean’s pleasantries as I am.

  When Sean pulls back, Collin steps right into my arms, not hesitating in the least as he kisses me on the mouth with Sean’s gaping jaw just a foot away from us. “Wow,” Sean says quietly.

  I smile against Collin’s mouth before pulling back. “Mmm, that was nice.”

  “Yes, it was.” Collin leans in for a quick peck on my cheek before reaching around me to close the door. “This is a nice place you have.”

  “Thank you.” I guide them into the kitchen where I have the wine set out
. “Can I get you guys drinks? I have wine or beer.”

  “I’ll have a beer.” Collin points to one of the local craft beers my hand hovers over and I pop off the cap before handing it to him.

  “What about you, Sean? Do you drink?” I ask when he doesn’t volunteer.

  He shrugs. “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know much about wine, but I like it.”

  I lift the bottle of Cabernet and show it to him. “Well, I’m gonna grill some steaks so this should go well with that.”

  Sean looks at the label curiously. “Yeah, that sounds good. I mean, if you’re gonna have some too. I don’t want you to open the bottle just for me.”

  I ignore his comment and proceed to remove the cork and pour a glass for Sean. He tentatively accepts it and takes a sip. “It’s good.”

  “Good.” I wink and pour myself a glass.

  Once we all have drinks, I hold up my glass in the center of the triangle Sean and Collin have unconsciously formed with me. “To new…relationships.” Yes, it’s presumptuous to define what we have building as a relationship after coffee and a walk together, but neither of the men I’m toasting flinch at the word, so I go with it.

  I can feel the path we’re on is about more than a date or two. And I intend on making sure they travel this road with me for as long as possible.

  Before I forget again, I realize I’ve been presumptuous about something else too. “Before it gets too late, I should probably ask if either of you are vegetarians.”

  Both men shake their heads and look at each other for confirmation.

  “Perfect, then let’s get these steaks on the grill so we can sit down and relax.”



  Sean and I set the table and arrange the salad and rolls while Gunnar grills the thick steaks on his gourmet stove. It looks more industrial than I’ve seen inside most homes, but the smell of the beef searing on the open flame has my stomach rumbling. It’s a welcomed distraction from the other scent that has had my body craving since I picked up Sean less than an hour ago.

  With the steaks suitably warmed but still red, we all sit down at Gunnar’s small circular table. For a few minutes, we dig in without much conversation. And then the praise begins.

  “Gunnar, this is delicious.” I take a sip of my beer between bites. “I wasn’t sure if that stove would give it the same flavor as an outdoor grill, but this is the best steak I’ve ever had.”

  Sean nods in agreement before swallowing the bite in his mouth. “Me too. It’s so good.”

  “It’s the rub…” Gunnar waggles his eyebrows. “You gotta know how to work the meat just right so it’s nice and tender.”

  My cock fills up at his suggestive tone, and Sean whimpers quietly before clearing his throat and reaching for his glass of wine. “I’m not much of a cook.”

  Gunnar looks him right in the eye and holds his gaze, not letting him hide from us. “I’m happy to teach you.” He turns to me. “What about you, Collin? Do you know your way around a kitchen?”

  “I do okay.” I reach for my glass but don’t take a drink. “And I like to bake.”

  Gunnar smiles at that. “Hear that, Sean? Maybe we can talk Collin into baking us some of those garlic knots. Do you like knots?”

  Sean’s eyelids droop for just a moment before he nods. “I haven’t had them before, but that sounds good.”

  Gunnar and I both shift in our seats at the same time, obviously losing the battle of keeping our dicks under control. In an effort to change the topic of conversation long enough to get through our meal, I ask Sean how his project went.

  His eyes light up and he’s suddenly back in the moment. “Really good. The memory card still had the pictures I took on it, so I was able to put together a better portfolio than I expected.”

  “What were you taking pictures of anyway?” I ask, just realizing that he never told us what was on the camera that was almost washed away in the storm.

  “Karvi flowers.” He turns to me. “Do you know what that is?”

  I shake my head, not familiar with that plant even though I’ve studied most of the indigenous plants in the park for over a year, long before I started working there. “It doesn’t sound familiar.”

  He goes on to explain about the rare flower from India that only blooms every eight years and how there happens to be a small bushel nestled in the rocks at my park. Who knew?

  “That sounds really awesome.” I make a mental note to check out this plant when I’m back at work tomorrow. “I’m sure you’ll get a great grade.”

  Sean is beaming. “I hope so but I’m more interested in the job that’s on the line.”

  “A job?” Gunnar asks. “Don’t you work at Omega House?”

  “I do. But I hate taking money from them. I’d rather volunteer so they can use the money they get for the people they’re helping.” Sean looks a little embarrassed as he glances from Gunnar to me. “But, ya know, I have to make some money. And if I do well in this program, there’s a good chance I’ll get offered a full-time photography job for a stock photo company. It has a great salary and benefits and everything.”

  “That sounds really cool.” Gunnar seems genuinely proud of Sean and it warms my heart. “I’m sure you’ll get the job.”

  Sean tucks his head and fidgets with his fork. “Well, I’ll find out next week. That’s when the projects will be returned with our rankings.”

  We manage to keep our conversations casual through the rest of dinner but when Gunnar suggests we take our dessert by the fire, the desire and anticipation I’ve been holding in come back with a vengeance.

  After putting our dishes in the sink, Sean and I follow Gunnar to the family room. He hits a wall switch and a gas fire blinks to life, filling the room with a soft glow that supplements the lamp in the corner that Gunnar turns on as he passes. He takes a seat in the corner of his long sofa and pats the cushion next to him. “Sean, is this okay?”

  Sean nods silently and sits in the center of the couch while I round out the other end. I pull one bent knee up on the cushion so I’m facing both men. Gunnar adjusts his position so he’s facing me too.

  After a moment, Gunnar stretches his arm across the back of the sofa, resting his hand on the nape of Sean’s neck. Sean’s eyes flutter closed, and he leans into the touch. Unable to be so close to them without having physical contact myself, I place one hand on Sean’s thigh and cover Gunnar’s hand with my own behind Sean’s neck.

  Sean sighs heavily before squeezing his eyes shut.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, rubbing the top of his thigh gently.

  Sean looks at me with glassy eyes and nods. “Yes, but…”

  “But what?” Gunnar asks, rubbing his thumb along the back of Sean’s head while opening his fingers so mine interlock with them.

  “I’ve never done this before,” Sean says quietly, closing his eyes again.

  My eyes find Gunnar’s and I know he’s thinking the same thing I am.

  “Sean, look at me.”

  Sean’s eyes are wide as he meets Gunnar’s scorching gaze.

  “We won’t ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with, but we do need to know what you want.” Gunnar’s eyes are soft but it’s obvious he expects an honest response.

  I circle the back of Sean’s knee, holding on to him to stop his tapping foot. “He’s right, Sean. I’ll go first if that helps.”

  Both men turn to me, waiting for me to put into words what I’ve only felt as a deep yearning so far.

  “Okay, here goes. I’m extremely attracted to both of you.” I smile at the shy grin on Sean’s face and then lock eyes with Gunnar for a long moment. Giving Sean’s leg another squeeze, I meet his gaze before I continue. “As you saw when we got here, Gunnar and I had a brief conversation about this last night, and we’ve already shared a first kiss. But I’m looking forward to sharing a kiss with you.” I wink at Sean then look between him and Gunnar. “And I don’t know if you guys feel it too, but the
draw I have to both of you is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I don’t know what it means, but I want to explore it, if you guys want that too.”

  Sean nods eagerly but doesn’t say a word.

  Gunnar rests his free hand on Sean’s thigh and gives him a gentle squeeze.

  “I feel the exact same way. I’ve had boyfriends in the past, but I’ve never thought about them or felt the way I feel when I think about you guys. And it’s not one or the other for me. I want you both… Equally. Desperately,” he whispers.

  There’s no mistaking the sincerity in his voice as he confesses his feelings to us.

  Knowing it’s his turn, Sean places both his hands on ours and grasps them tightly as he blows out a slow exhale. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” He looks at me first then over to Gunnar before focusing his gaze on our joined hands. “My brother and I ran away when we were fifteen. We were only on the streets for a few days before we got picked up and sent to Omega House. The city was doing some kind of Omega Cleanup Campaign. Anyway…we didn’t have to do anything bad…but it was close.”

  I scoot closer to Sean, sliding my arm across his waist to hold him. Gunnar’s arm covers mine.

  “Go ahead,” I whisper. “You can tell us anything.”

  He looks at Gunnar for confirmation.

  Gunnar kisses his shoulder. “Tell us, baby.”

  Sean inhales a deep breath then rests his folded arms over ours. “Well, as you can imagine, there are a lot of alphas out there who prey on young, homeless omegas. If we’d been forced to spend another night or two out there, I don’t know what would have happened.”

  “I’m sorry you went through that,” Gunnar says. “And I’m glad you and Seth found safety when you did.”

  I make a mental note to pay more attention to the donation bags that get delivered to my house for Omega House. Clearly, they do important work and could use whatever donations they can get.


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