The Grey Man- Partners
Page 26
The old man nodded, “You would be. There will be some shooting.”
Aaron replied, “Then I’m in. That I know how to do.”
What to Do
The old man and Aaron loaded up the Suburban as the sun came up, throwing their small bags and backpacks in the backseat. Jesse came out on the front porch with Jace in her arms, the dogs following closely behind. The old man nodded over at Jesse and said, “Looks like somebody got up to see you off.”
Aaron shut the back door on his side and walked slowly over to the porch, stopping on the step below Jesse, he reached out and hugged them both, “It’s not like I’m going off to war. We’re gonna be gone a couple of weeks max, and I’m just the gofer.”
Jesse sighed and hugged him back, “I know, but I also know Papa has a tendency to go off on wild goose chases occasionally. I just want you to be happy Aaron, when you come back; we can talk about whether we stay here or go somewhere else, okay?”
Aaron bowed his head, “I want you to be happy Jesse, and I know that is here. I just need to get my feet on the ground. But yes, we’ll talk.”
The old man stumped up the steps, “Almost forgot the coffee.” Tousling Jace’s hair, he continued into the house.
Jesse hugged Aaron again, “Just be careful, okay? And call me when you get there.”
Aaron remembered the old man’s caution, “I’ll try, but I don’t know how good the cell service is going to be. If nothing else, I’ll text you.” He stepped up and kissed Jesse, then kissed Jace’s sleepy head, “Love you both. I’ll be careful!”
Jesse finally smiled, “You better!” As the old man came out with the thermos of coffee, she hugged him, “You be careful Papa, and bring both yourself and Aaron back in one piece.”
The old man nodded, “We will. Gotta run, we’ve got some driving to do. ‘Bout seven hours over to Houston, and Billy wants to go out to dinner. You’re in charge.”
Jesse smiled ruefully, “Okay, Papa. I’m in charge. At least there aren’t any major decisions that need to be made right now. Give Uncle Billy a hug for me.”
The old man laughed, “A hug? I’ll tell him he can hug himself for you. He’s good at that.” He gave Jesse and Jace pecks on the cheek and headed to the Suburban.
Pulling into Billy’s driveway a little after four, the old man sighed, “Dammit, as usual Billy’s running late.”
Aaron asked, “What do we do? I need to hit the head.”
The old man pointed at the little grey haired Vietnamese woman coming from the mother-in-law suite, “Momma Trần will let us in. She’s a piece of work. She’s nosy, so be prepared for all kinds of uncomfortable questions.”
Aaron nodded, “As long as I get a piss in, I’m good with questions.”
The old man laughed as he stopped the Suburban and got out. Bowing to her he said, “Momma Trần, it’s good to see you.”
Mrs. Trần replied, “Hello, John Cronin. Billy, he late as usual. Never on time. He always busy busy.” Looking sharply at Aaron she continued, “You marry Jesse?”
Aaron looked helplessly at the old man, “Yes, ma’am. I’m Aaron. Aaron Miller.”
She asked, “You crazy military man too?”
Aaron shook his head sadly, “Not anymore, ma’am.”
Mrs. Trần smiled, “Good! Too many stupid military die; leave wives and children with no man.” She led them into the house and continued, “I fix tea. John Cronin, you show young man his room.”
The old man led Aaron down the hallway and pointed, “Bathroom, your room is the last one on the right.”
Aaron came back to the kitchen to find the old man and Momma Trần sitting at the table, a steaming cup of tea in front of an empty chair. The old man was asking, “How are the family all doing?”
Mrs. Trần cackled, “They still lazy. They don’t remember real work. Not like I did!”
Aaron sat down, “Thank you for the tea ma’am.”
Mrs. Trần glanced at him, then at the old man, “He polite, if nothing else. He going to Mexico with you?”
Aaron goggled at that, as the old man laughed, “There is no keeping a secret from you is there?”
She grinned, “You men only think of one thing. You not know how to keep secrets.”
Billy banged through the door, interrupting, “Sorry I’m late. Damn lawyers…”
The old man and Aaron both got up, with the old man giving Billy a hug and picking him up, much to Momma Trần’s delight as Billy cussed him. Aaron shook hands, “Afternoon, sir.”
Billy flipped his pony tail back and groused, “Damn John, you messed up my suit. Aaron, are you sure you want in on this?”
“You never wear the same suit two days in a row, and you know it, Billy. Things are moving quickly now. We’ll be leaving for Cozumel tomorrow,” the old man replied.
Aaron nodded, “I’m in. At least this is something I’m qualified to do.”
Billy nodded, “Then it’s on your head.” Pouring himself a cup of tea, he turned to Momma Trần and asked in Vietnamese if she could get dinner ordered in for him. She nodded and slipped quietly out the door.
Over supper, they talked out the options and Billy finally said, “Oh yeah, on a different note, Judge Grant over in Alpine threw out the civil suits against you after he reviewed the Ranger’s investigation. Hector got his ass handed to him in chambers, and Moretti was apparently purple when they walked out.”
The old man sighed, “Well, one bit of good news!” Aaron looked at them curiously, but neither elaborated on their comments, leaving him in the dark, until he remembered the old man’s story about arresting the drugged out female.
Jesse looked around the kitchen and shook her head. Between Yogi, Boo Boo, and Jace running around like a maniac, it was a complete disaster area. Jace had taken to feeding the dogs by sitting next to them and putting dog food in their mouths, and thankfully, they hadn’t bitten him. The bad part was when he tried to give them water out of the bowls, which led to water everywhere as well as a wet little boy.
Now that Jace was down for a nap, Jesse wiped the counter down, poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table with a sigh. Flipping her phone over, she checked for a message from Aaron or Papa, and had nothing. Picking it up, she started to dial Aaron’s number, then put it down. Just as she leaned back, the phone rang, and she jumped to answer it.
“Hello?” Hearing the sheriff’s voice, her heart skipped a beat until she realized it was just a courtesy call. They talked for a few minutes, and Jesse finally asked, “Can I come in and starting working back into patrol? I know it’s been a while, and I could use a refresher…”
The sheriff agreed, and Jesse promised to show up bright and early on Saturday. After she hung up, she wondered What the hell am I thinking? I can’t go back on patrol without somebody to watch Jace! You frikkin idiot, you better get off your ass and figure out something. It’s time you stopped moping around!
Ricky knocked on the back door, and Jesse waved him in, “What’s up, Ricky?”
“Are you going riding today?”
“I can’t. I don’t have anybody to watch Jace, and I don’t think you want to try to corral a two year old.”
Ricky shook his head ruefully, “No, I tried that with my little cousin. He got away from me and I got in all kinds of trouble, because he went and hid under the bed, then went to sleep. I don’t know who was madder at me, momma or Aunt Rosa. But Lucy would probably watch him.”
“Lucy?” Jesse asked.
Ricky scuffed his boot, “Lucinda, my little sister. She’s almost sixteen now. You probably don’t remember her.”
Jesse shook her head, “Not really, I kinda remember her from the fandangos, but that was a few years ago.” Jesse thought for a second, “Do you know if she would be willing to come out here? Or would I need to drop Jace in town?”
Ricky shrugged, “I can ask when I go home for dinner tonight.”
“Would you
please? If necessary, I can drop him off wherever she’d like. Maybe she could watch him on a regular basis. The sheriff wants me to come back and start working again.”
“Okay, I will do that for you.” As he turned to leave he stopped, “Oh, is Aaron going to be managing the ranch when he gets back? Mi padre is looking at turning things over to him.”
Jesse cocked her head, “I’m not sure Ricky. We haven’t talked about it, but I imagine your dad would like to only have his business to worry about, and not this place too. Do you want to stay on if Aaron is the manager?”
Ricky smiled, “Si! I am making my own money, and I don’t have to share a bedroom. I’m saving for a car, and staying out here keeps me out of trouble in town.”
Looking at the table, she realized her phone was sitting there on silent, and had been while they were talking. She grabbed it, and sure enough, a missed call from Aaron, and a text.
Jesse quickly texted him back, LOVE YOU. BE SAFE.
Jesse, Angelina and Lucy laughed as Jace tried to figure out his taco, then dropped it on the high chair table and started picking pieces out and shoving them in his mouth. Miguel walked up with a pitcher of iced tea, “More tea ladies?”
Jesse and Angelina nodded and pushed their glasses toward him as Jace reached for the pitcher, “No Jace, that’s not for you!” Jesse said. “Sorry Miguel, I try to teach him manners, but I sometimes think it’s a lost cause. He’s almost as bad as his daddy!”
Miguel laughed as he deftly poured the tea and fended off Jace’s hands, “No problem Jesse. You didn’t bring Yogi and Boo Boo, so I will give you take out for them. How is the Captain doing?”
Jesse sighed, drawing a sharp look from Angelina, “I guess they are okay. I haven’t heard from either of them in a couple of days. Papa said he and Aaron might be out of touch for a while.”
Miguel nodded, “I know the captain said he was due for a vacation. He said he hadn’t had one in years, and Aaron needed some time to adjust to his new situation.” Turning to Lucy he asked, “More tea Lucinda? Are you now babysitting for Jace?”
Lucy said, “I can only do it on weekends Senor. Mama says I can’t let my grades go down, or anything else, but I love it! And Senora Jesse is so nice!”
Angelina laughed, “Girl you obviously don’t know Jesse like I do!” Prompting Jesse to try to swat her across the table.
Jesse sobered, “Yes, Lucy is going to watch Jace when I go back on patrol. She’s going to earn some money, and it gives me a bit of a break.”
Angelina said, “Well, I need to be getting back, Miguel the bill please?” Turning to Lucy she continued, “I’ll drop you back at your house. I need to talk to your mother for a minute.”
With the bill paid, they walked to the parking lot and Angelina said softly, “Jesse are you okay?”
Jesse shrugged, “Other than a missing husband and not having a clue what they are doing, I guess so. I’m a little nervous about going back on patrol.”
Angelina hugged her quickly, “If you need to talk…”
Jesse hugged her back, “Thanks. I’m good.”
Team Meeting
The old man and Aaron had flown out on Saturday to Cozumel, and spent the night in one of the upscale resorts on the beach. That was where the old man filled Aaron in on what was actually going down, and gave Aaron the option of sitting it out, or returning to Texas.
Aaron had shaken his head, saying he was in, and at least qualified for what they were about to do. They had met Lieutenant Huerta and Officer Spears when they moved down to the hacienda in the jungle west of Akumal the next day.
That afternoon, the old man looked around the living room of the hacienda and sighed to himself, I still don’t know if I need all these folks, but I guess this is one of those cases where more is maybe better. And it’s going to be interesting with a female DEA agent and Mexican Marine in the mix. What in the hell was I thinking? He heard the van driven by Tomas pull up outside, and saw Bob, Duck and the others from China Post #1 arriving.
Tomas was arguing with Bob over the fare, as Bob dug in his pocket to pay it. Money changed hands as the old man stepped onto the porch. “You guys drag your shit in here. This is where we’re staying.” Tomas waved cheerily as he drove the van around the corner of the house as Bob shot him the bird.
“Damn rip off taxi drivers. Good thing I didn’t have a gun, I’d a shot that little thieving bastard!” Bob grumbled.
The old man laughed at that, and shook hands with Bob and Duck as he led them into the hacienda. He pointed them to the bathrooms, and had them drop their bags in the hallway. “Piss call, then we’re meeting in the living room. Bathrooms are down this hall on the right and left. Drinks are in the living room.”
Duck poked the old man in the chest, “How’s that chest doing, Captain?”
The old man winced, “Still attached Duck, now stop poking it. You ran my ass back into shape, and I’ve stayed in shape. You and Bob are the only two I recognize.”
Duck shrugged, “Yeah, different folks but they come with good references, if you get my meaning…” With that, he trooped after the others toward the bathroom.
Tomas had come into the living room from the kitchen and joined Aaron and Spears on one of the couches. The others filed in one by one, with Bob doing a double take at Tomas sitting on the couch. He mumbled something under his breath, but took a wing chair angled so he could see the doorway as well as the other couches and chairs.
Once everyone had made it into the living room, the old man started, “Okay, listen up. We’ve got a mixed bag of folks here, so we’re gonna have to practice a bit before we actually do any ops. We’ve got a week at the outside, three days if the boat comes in early.”
Leaning against the table he said, “Quick and dirty around the room. Name, experience, if you’ve stacked, where you normally lined up and your task.” Putting a thumb in his chest he continued, “John Cronin. Ex-Green Beret, long before y’all were born. LEO with a DEA stint, and deputy sheriff for the last thirty years. Don’t do stacks. I’m overwatch, sniper and intel. Speak some Spanish.”
Huerta stood up, “Tomas Huerta, Mexican Marines. I am a lieutenant, your army equivalent of a captain. I am ten years experienced, a number of shootouts, raids and assorted interacciones against the cartels.” Wagging his left hand, he said, “I’m normally either stack number two or number four, I go left. I also do intelligence, and speak English, Spanish, German, and Portuguese. I am, how you say, loaned to you, for this exercise to provide liaison in case of issues with the Mexican government.”
“Thank you, Tomas. Next?”
Bob stood and drawled, “Bob, ex Green Beanie, weaps and ops, worked with the captain before. I’m normally breacher or first in. I can get by in a few languages. Spanish is okay.”
The old man nodded, “Next?”
Aaron and Spears both stood, and Aaron waved to Spears as he sat back down. “Michelle, ex-Air Force, DHS, Border Patrol, now DEA. Sniper, intel, and security. The few stacks I was in, I was number three, going right. Languages, well… Pashtu, Dari, Urdu, Farsi, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian. I was in Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom at Camp Sather, in oh-three, pulling security. And before you ask, yes I can and will shoot the bastards.” She sat back down with a glare around the room, as everyone chuckled.
The old man said, “I’ve seen her shoot under pressure. She took out two cartel shooters down on the border while she was under fire. She’s integral to this, due to the ragheads we’re expecting, so get over it.”
Aaron stood, “Aaron, Marine Recon. Sniper, primary spotter, intel, ops. Fallujah and various FOBs in the ‘Stans. Stack position was normally number four or seven as high cover and overwatch. Little bit of Spanish, Pashtu and Dari.” Tapping his leg, “Prosthetic below the knee, but I’m fully operational.” The old man noted the speculative looks as Aaron sat and thought, Gonna h
ave to let Aaron convince them. Once they see he’s good to go, it shouldn’t be an issue. Same with Spears.
Jeff popped up, “Jeff, Air Commandos, combat controller, rescue and exfil. Just Cause, Gulf War’s One and Two. Coupla hundred jumps. Pashtu, Urdu, Farsi, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. Don’t do stacks, but I can learn. Looks like I’m the short straw here, but I can run an 870 pretty damn well.”
Willie stood, looming over the old man, and drawled, “Willie. Ex-grunt. Pigs and SAWs are my specialty. I pulled security or ambush control. I do the heavy lifting you scrawny pukes can’t handle. Also, tracking if needed; spent a few years with the Shadow Wolves. English, Spanish, and a few tribal languages.”
The old man nodded, “Tohono[28]?”
Willie answered, “Yes sir. Born and raised on the res.”
“Any medical problems we need to worry about?”
“No sir, no diabetic issues, and I don’t drink. Seen what it’s done on the res to my people. Ain’t goin’ there.”
Duck stood up, “Duck Drake. Ex-SEAL. ID Medic and weapons. I can do any position in the stack. Tagalog, Spanish, Pashtu, Urdu. I can do anything but open cranial in the field, so don’t get hit in the head. I also have things I’ll need if we need to interrogate anybody.”
The old man saw Spears shiver at that, and wondered what was up with her reaction.
Ron stood self-consciously, “Umm, Ron. Former Recon Marine. Shooter… I can do whatever you need. GWOT, Fallujah, ‘Stans. JTAC, comms, and intel. English.” He sat quickly, and looked over at Aaron with a nod. Aaron nodded back, something about Ron was tickling the hindbrain, but he wasn’t able to pull it up.
Maurice stood, and the old man realized he was even bigger than Willie, “I’m Mo Money.” Grinning he continued, “Ex-Beret, engineer. You need something blown, I can do it. Plastique, Semtex, C4, improvised… Been there done that. I can also EOD if required. English, Spanish, portagee, Russian, Farsi, Urdu, and yo sister too!”
Bob grimaced, “Mo, just sit down and shaddap. None o’ that rap shit down here.”