Miss Claus and the Secret Santa

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Miss Claus and the Secret Santa Page 2

by J. L. Hendricks

  I couldn’t help but get caught up in their fairy tale romance and smiled as mom continued. “He was the one for me. We both would have been very happy if Kris had lived and become Santa. Fate, or the Magic, had other plans. And here we are.” Dad walked over to her side and wrapped his arms around her.

  “What if Christmas Magic is telling me that this is the wrong match?”

  “Then something will happen, and the right wolf will show up for you. Until that happens, you will accept Rock. Do you understand?” My dad looked at me with his piercing stare.

  The kind of look that always made me cry when I was little. He never needed to spank me. Giving me that look as a kid was enough to scare me straight! I am no longer a kid, and his stare didn’t scare me straight.

  “When do we leave? Can I at least have some time with my friends before we go?”

  My parents looked at each other. Dad spoke up first, “I am sorry, but we leave right after lunch. You need to pack light and be ready to leave in four hours. The situation is worse than what we originally thought. I need to be there right away.”

  “Really? Do you think they will try something like the Russians?” This was getting real. If the Europeans were going to do something, it would most likely be against me.

  “No, I don’t think they will go after you or our family. However, I do believe they will try to undermine us. Make sure Christmas is messed up somehow and try to get the packs to push us out of power. They have already received support from a few other packs we never got along with.”

  “It can’t be. After what happened to Uncle Kris, I thought you travelled the world and got all of the Alphas to swear loyalty to you?”

  “I did. A lot of those Alphas are no longer in power. I think it’s time we made our presence known. We will send regular envoys to all of the packs and shore up support as well as make sure that no pack forgets what everyone promised in blood.” Dad looked off into the distance, and I could see the pain in his face.

  His eyes were shining. I guessed he was thinking of his brother. They were close and dad never wanted the role of Santa.

  “Are we taking the jet? Or some other transport?” Santa had his own private jet for when he needed to travel fast and the sleigh wasn’t an option. Like this trip. I had only traveled on it a few times.

  “Yes, we are taking a large group on this trip so we need the jet. Be sure to spend some time running before we leave, we won’t be making any unnecessary stops.”

  “Yes, Father. Mom, two suitcases?” I had a habit of packing too much, but since we were going to be gone for a couple of weeks, I felt that two wasn’t even close to what I would need.

  “No more than two. I prefer if you keep it to one.” Mom was almost as bad as I was, so her wanting me to keep it to one meant she was worried we would have to make a quick exit. Hmm, it might be easier for me to make my way south if I only had one suitcase. The question was, how would I get away?

  “Alright. I’ll try to keep it to one, if at all possible.” I smiled and kissed my mom on her cheek before they left to finish their packing.

  A plan was forming in my head of what I was going to do. Mom was right Christmas Magic would guide me in this decision. My only job was to be open to its guidance. So fighting my parents wasn’t the best move at this point. The best thing I could do was pack and play along with their plan until the opportunity showed itself.

  Packing was the last thing on my mind. There was only one thing that would help me when I needed to think, so I went for a run.

  I loved the smell of the woods within the magical dome. The scent of pine, spruce, and even winterberries filled my nostrils until I left the protected area. Once I was outside of the shield, smells were quite different. As was the terrain.

  It was mostly an arctic tundra. There were bushes around and a few very thin spruce trees but not many. It smelled like a dirty pond, or at times, dung. There were several varieties of animal in this area, mainly smaller animals such as rabbits. Although, we did see some caribou at times as well as polar bears.

  The run was exhilarating. I felt the crunch of the snow beneath my paws. No one was around, so it was quiet and peaceful. I could see for miles since it was a flat area and mostly clear skies. All of my problems temporarily left my mind as I just felt the moment. Nothing was as adrenaline-charged as a good, fast run. The last two years my speed and agility had increased ten-fold. Father said it was the Christmas Magic preparing me to be a very strong Mrs. Claus.

  Our last name was Kringle, but once my husband became Santa, we would both take the last name of Claus. It was an ancient name. Some say the first Santa was actually named Claus, and that’s why we take that name, out of respect for him.

  I had been running for an hour before I realized the time. It was time to head back home and to my new reality. This situation with the European packs was bothersome, but I knew my dad would get them in line. He was right, we did need to send an envoy there on occasion. For as long as I could remember, we barely had any contact with them. That was a mistake. Probably the only one my father made. Well, until he decided I had to marry Rock!

  After thinking about him, my heart dropped like a stone into a deep creek bed with nowhere to go. It sucked, but I had to deal with it. There was no way I wasn’t going to be the next Mrs. Claus. And I sure as heck wasn’t going to allow some upstart wolf to take over Christmas! That was my family’s responsibility; no one else could do what we do. It was time to stop thinking about what I needed, and figure out what Christmas needed. Running away wasn’t an option. Following the Magic was the only way forward.

  The past twenty-four hours were confusing and just plain messed up. I had several ideas of what I wanted to do. Now I had a plan. Listen to the calling of Christmas. Let it guide me in my path. Running always helped to clear my head. I was so glad I had a chance before we left.

  Somehow, I made it home even faster than I expected. After a quick shower, I dried my blonde hair and took a long look at myself in the mirror. Before we made our way home, I would technically be put on the naughty list. If I found a way around the wedding. I wondered how that would feel. Would the magic leave me?

  I just knew that my path was the right one. Maybe it was the Magic that was leading me. That was going to be my story, and I was sticking to it.

  Chapter 3

  Once I was ready, I walked to the study where I could hear my father speaking with Nolan, Mikey, and Masha. They had been his best friends since they were young.

  “I don’t care what they want. This is unacceptable! How did I not know that the Russians had killed off an entire pack? And now you’re also telling me that several more packs are almost gone due to the Europeans? Why would you keep this from me?” My father pounded his hand on his desk.

  I was watching from the side of the door. I shouldn’t have been hiding like that, but he sounded so angry I didn’t want to disturb him. Plus, I wanted to know what was going on.

  “Santa, I’m sorry. I thought you would prefer we handle the situation ourselves. With the pressure to have Lizzie marry, it seemed like it was something that you didn’t need to know.” Nolan, Rock’s dad, lowered his head and held his hat in his hands while standing in front of my dad.

  “Nolan, I always want to know these things. We may not have been able to help the Greenland pack, but those who are being bullied need us. We should have already left.”

  “Yes, Santa. It won’t happen again.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Christian, or Chris? We have been the best of friends since we were the tiniest of pups. When no one is around, please call me Chris. It helps me to feel more normal.”

  “Yes, Si… Chris.” Nolan laughed, and my dad put his hand on Nolan’s shoulder. They seemed to be making up. Not sure why they didn’t just hug it out. Instead, they both cleared their throats and bopped around a bit on their feet. Almost like they wanted to hug but couldn’t because it wasn’t manly enough.


  “Nolan, I think I want my wife and younger daughters to stay behind. It sounds like we might come across some danger, and I can’t worry about them if I have to defend our pack.” My dad walked around the desk and took his seat.

  “I agree. But what about Lizzie? Shouldn’t she still come with us? It would be a great chance for her to spend some time with Rock and discuss what they want to do for their wedding. We should, at least, let them decide the details since we took the actual choice to wed away from them.” Nolan sat down and drank his hot coffee.

  “Yes, you’re right. But I thought you said Rock wanted to marry Lizzie.”

  “He does. Although, I think it is more out of loyalty than love. Sure he likes her, but he isn’t in love with her. I think he had his eye on your niece over in the Barrow pack.”

  Dad laughed and scratched his chin. “Yes, Chrissie already has several suitors. Sons of prominent Alphas too. I believe her dad prefers she marry a future Alpha. Too bad, she would have made a great addition to our pack.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter now. Our kids are getting married.”

  “Yes, I’m glad that your son realizes the importance of this. With all of the upheaval in Europe and Russia, it is even more important that my successor is someone we can trust. I am a bit worried that I haven’t seen the Magic on Rock yet, at least no more than usual. Even before Kris died, the Magic was preparing me to take over. Remember how fast I ran the weeks leading up the choosing ceremony? I even beat Kris in one race.” Dad looked far off as he reminisced.

  “Yea, I remember. I just thought it was because you were getting bigger. Turns out you got bigger because the Christmas Magic knew what was to come. I still miss your brother. I hope you know that. He will always be missed.” Nolan lowered his head and rubbed his eyes.

  “Thank you, my friend. I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t think about him and miss him. If he was here instead of me, he probably would have had four sons instead of daughters!” Dad chuckled and fidgeted in his chair. I knew he always wanted a son, but did he regret having so many daughters?

  “I thought you loved having so many girls.”

  “I do. I am very glad for my daughters. But somehow I feel that I have let Christmas down by not having at least one son. I know that makes no sense. There is no way for me to control the sex of my children…Alright, we must get ready to leave. No more emotional stuff.” Dad laughed and Nolan joined him.

  That was probably the most emotion filled conversation I have seen him have outside of our family. As the head of all packs, he always had to show such a strong persona. Which I understood. Even though it was stupid.

  “Right, I will get Rock and meet you at the plane.” Nolan got up, and I had to back up before he could see me.

  Then I started walking towards my dad’s office as though nothing had happened. Nolan walked out of the room and almost ran right into me. He backed up slightly and said, “Hey, Buttercup! Are you all packed? Please tell me you didn’t bring your entire wardrobe for this trip?” Then he chuckled.

  I laughed a bit and smirked. He loved to call me buttercup. It had something to do with a movie he liked about pirates and a princess. “Nolan, I am a grown woman now. Buttercup might not be the best thing to call me when we get to Europe. They will need to see me as their future Mrs. Claus, not some teenage girl.” I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head slightly.

  His eyes opened wide. “Oh, I am so sorry. I guess we are just so informal here I didn’t think. You’re right, Miss Claus. I will be more careful when we are away.” He shook his head which caused me to laugh some more.

  “Nolan, you can call me Lizzie. Just not Buttercup. That was cute when I was seven, but not now that I am twenty and about to marry your son.” I stepped past him and looked into my dad’s office. His face was red from holding in his laughter. He knew how I hated to be called Buttercup.

  “Of course, Lizzie. See you at the plane.” He raised his hand in a mock salute, and I pushed him away. Growing up, he always teased me like an uncle would. One of his favorite things was to treat me like a princess or a captain. He was a lot of fun to play with when I was little.

  “Dad, I’m ready. Let’s get this over with. I think mom and the girls are waiting in the entryway downstairs.”

  “Sweetie, don’t pretend you don’t know. I saw you standing just outside the door. Go get your bags, and I will explain to your mother and sisters that they need to stay here.” He stood up and came toward me.

  I met him with a hug. “I think it might be smart to keep them away. They don’t have the same training as me. I’m grateful I received all of the combat training just like a son would.”

  He kissed me on the top of my head. Even though I was six feet tall, he was closer to seven feet. “I am too. This trip could prove to be dangerous. You need to be ready to defend yourself and others at any time. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Father. I will be ready for anything. Let’s get this over with.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the hallway with me.

  Chapter 4

  Once we were all loaded on the plane, I looked around and noticed that our party was made up of more enforcers than family. We had ten enforcers who brought their eldest sons. I was the only girl on the plane. “Dad, don’t you think we look a bit imposing? Maybe we could bring a few of the girls to help this trip look a bit friendlier?”

  “NO! I am done playing nice Santa. We need to clean house. Again. The enforcers are needed. It seems certain packs have forgotten who we are. It’s time we showed them. Next trip can be family oriented.”

  “But it is only a couple of packs, not all European wolves want you gone, Daddy. I’m sure it’s the same with the Russians, too. We would probably have more issues in North America, if you weren’t located there.”

  He sat down in his usual seat and patted the one next to him. I sat there and waited for him to gather his thoughts. “It’s my own fault. I was so caught up in my own life that I forgot others outside of our tight knit group existed. Sure, they delivered Santa’s letters to me, but other than that I had no real contact for the last ten years with anyone outside of North America. That needs to change, but first we have to demonstrate our strength, and then we can worry about making friends with those who want to. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I do. I guess Mom is starting to wear off on me.”

  “How so?” He tilted his head and looked at me with a furrowed brow.

  “I think I’m starting to hate violence. We are Arctic Wolf shifters, and it’s part of pack life. But, I feel like there must be another way. Is that strange?” I rubbed the back of my neck with my right hand.

  “No, it just means you are preparing to become Mrs. Claus. Traditionally, she is the one who ensures that Santa doesn’t go too far with violence. As you said, we are wolf shifters and violence is part of pack life. However, as Santa, I need to always try and find the peaceful solutions to problems. Your mother has always been a huge help in turning my thoughts around to the proper way. I think bringing you along will turn out to make this a better trip in the long run.” He patted my knee and pulled out a book to read, while we started our trip down the runway.

  I hadn’t said one word to Rock. He was sitting two rows in front of me with his dad. He hadn’t said anything to me either. Once we were at our cruising altitude and the pilot, who just happened to be Mikey, told us we could unlatch our belts, I got up and walked to him.

  “Hey Rock, got a moment to chat?”

  He turned to look at me while I stood in the aisle. “Yeah, we should talk. Can we use your dad’s office in the back?”

  “Sure. Let’s go.” I felt multiple eyes on me as we walked to the back of the plane. I had no desire to look at any of them. The last thing I needed was someone suggestively raising their brows at me or Rock.

  Once we were in the room I closed it and sat on the opposite side from him. Not that the room was very big, I just needed some space, even if it w
as only a couple of feet. “So, what do you think? I want you to be honest with me. No games, alright?” I tried to look him in the eye, but his wouldn’t meet mine.

  He rubbed the back of his head. I knew that move. It meant he was really nervous and considering what he was going to say. At least I knew him well. That was one plus, but also a minus. There is nothing exciting about knowing your future husband so well you know what he is feeling, without using any special powers.

  “Well, I bet you know how I am feeling about now.” He looked up to me, and I nodded. “I want to do what is best for the pack, just as I am sure you do. Who wouldn’t want to be the next Santa Claus? And to marry you would be a huge bonus. You are easily one of my best friends.” He tentatively smiled and then looked down at the ground quickly.

  I arched my eyebrow knowing there was something more to it. “You really don’t want to marry me, do you?” I wondered why my mom said his heart was leaning towards me. Maybe, that was just a friendly feeling he had and NOT a romantic one?

  “Look, I know you can fiddle around in my mind if you don’t get the answer you’re looking for. Don’t. Okay? I need some privacy.”

  I bit my lip. “Fair enough. Let’s be honest. We’re friends, good friends. But neither of us is in love with the other. Or am I reading you wrong?” I stood up and leaned against the wall.

  “That about sums it up for me. You feel the same?” He did make eye contact that time, and his eyes were wide.

  “You thought I was in love with you? Really?” I almost laughed but stopped myself. That would have been rude.

  “Well, my mom did make it sound like you were into me. Does that mean you don’t want this marriage either?” The look on his face almost broke my heart. He was so hopeful that I might let him out of this.


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