Miss Claus and the Secret Santa

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Miss Claus and the Secret Santa Page 3

by J. L. Hendricks

“I don’t have any power over this.” I spread my arms wide. “At least not any more than you do. It’s good to know we both feel the same.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “That won’t do us any good. We need a plan. How do we change this?” He huffed and ran his hand through his hair.

  I noticed the muscles in his forearms for the first time, ever. He was a fine specimen of a man, and his wolf form was very strong. However, I didn’t feel anything even remotely close to attraction. Although, I did finally see what my sister saw in him. They would make a great couple, if he ever noticed her.

  “I say we stick together on this trip as friends. Don’t let on that we are trying to find a way out. Maybe a solution will present itself. Who knows? I might find my Santa in Europe.” I smirked.

  He snorted. “Yeah, right! And I’ll meet a princess who will want me to be her prince charming.”

  “Nice!” I put my hand up for a high-five, and he didn’t let me down.

  “Alright, I can go along with your plan for now. If anyone asks, we agreed to hold off on any wedding plans until we get home so we can focus on this trip. My dad is expecting a lot from me, and I need my head in the game, not in the clouds. Deal?” He put his hand out to shake on it.

  “Deal!” I accepted.

  I scratched the side of my head. “Soooo, do you think we could get away with staying in here for the rest of the flight?”

  “I doubt it. They will want to know what we are discussing. I’m surprised no one has come to the door to eavesdrop yet,” Rock said.

  “Your dad did try, but I could hear my dad stop him.” I chuckled. These guys were worse than women! Well, maybe not worse, but at least as bad.

  “You can hear that well?” His brow furrowed, and I could tell he had no clue how much my gifts had developed lately.

  “Didn’t your parents explain to you anything about what my role would be when we married?” I raised my brows, and my chin dropped a little bit.

  “No. They just talked about me. Or, maybe all of my questions were about my role?” He shrugged and scrunched up his nose.

  “Ah, I see. Well, pay more attention. I could easily kick your butt and persuade you that you deserved it. So be careful what you say to me.” I raised my eyebrows suggestively and smiled at him.

  He laughed. “No, really. What kind of powers do you have? I can feel the magic coming off you, and it feels stronger than usual. So what does that mean?”

  “I was actually being serious. It is getting easier for me to use my mental powers. I try not to use them, but sometimes things come through when I am not even paying attention. One of my jobs will be to help keep people and wolves calm. Not sure how much I can do now, maybe it will be tested on this trip.” I smiled and kind of hoped I would get to try out some of my mental abilities on stupid wolves.

  So long as no one got hurt. Ugh! What was with that? I never had a problem hurting wolves. It made training fun.

  “Huh, what else can you do?”

  “I was serious about kicking your butt. If you tested my strength, you might be surprised.”

  “Lift that oak desk.” He pointed to my dad’s desk.

  “I can’t. It’s bolted to the plane. All of the furniture is. It’s a safety thing.”

  “Oh, yeah. Ok, when we get off the plane I will point something else out, and you have to try lifting it.”

  “Sounds like fun! But I am NOT carrying your luggage for you!”

  He laughed and said, “Aw, why not? If you are so strong, it shouldn’t be an issue.”

  “Because I’m not your personal bellhop. Carry your own luggage, idiot.” He reached out and slapped the side of my leg. I leaned forward and punched his shoulder.

  He grabbed his shoulder. “Ow, be careful with your super strength, you could hurt a wolf.”

  “Oh, poor pup! Did this tiny girl hurt you?” I gave him my puppy wolf eyes.

  “Actually, you did.” He rubbed his shoulder and then rotated it a few times. “I guess you were serious about your strength.”

  “That was nothing. Just wait and see.” I smirked at him and hoped I got a chance to show him up.

  I put my hand up before he could say anything else and with my other hand put my pointer finger to my lips. We had eavesdroppers.I walked close enough to him to whisper in his ear, “Stay here and watch.”

  Quietly, I stepped to the door and yanked it open. Two of my dad’s youngest enforcers fell on the ground. “So, who talked you two idiots into spying on us?” I put my hands on my waist and tapped a foot impatiently.

  They scrambled to their feet. “Ahhh, it was Nolan. He bet us we couldn’t listen in without you catching us.” Mikey’s son, Mike Jr., answered.

  “You do know that it’s wrong to listen in on someone else’s conversations, don’t you?” I tried to give them the stern look my dad had down pat.

  Nick, Masha’s son, said, “Of course. We just thought you two were in here a long time. I wanted to make sure that you were alright, Rock. I know from experience that she is tough.” He pointed to me.

  “You better be careful, she might kick your butt when we land.” Rock looked at me and winked. That was his trial for me. Challenge accepted.

  Our privacy was gone. So we all went back out to the main cabin and picked out a card game to play. Just like we had on a previous flight. It helped to pass the time as we made our way to Northern Europe.

  I looked out the window as we taxied to the private hangar we arranged for in advance. As we pulled in, I saw about fifteen men looking like they were upset. Most had folded their arms over their chest and a few had their hands on the butt of a weapon. This was going to start out fun.

  “Dad, do you see what I see?” I turned my head and looked over my shoulder at my dad.

  “Yes, and I don’t like it. I think we should send Nolan, Mikey, and Masha first. Maybe even have them shift before they go out.”

  “No, I think I should go first. They won’t expect it, and it might catch them off guard.” It would also give me a chance to see if I can affect their emotions.

  “Hmm.” My dad looked at me and then back out the window. “Are you sure you want to do this? They might attack. Are you ready for that?” He raised his left eyebrow. The one he always used when he was sure he was right, and I wasn’t. I got his number.

  “I am positive. Send the goon squad behind me if you want, but I should go first. Isn’t this what I’m here for anyway? To make sure things don’t get violent?” I raised my eyebrow at him. It turned into the “shifter eyebrow standoff.” I won.

  “Alright. Nolan and Mikey, you flank her. Masha and Rock, I want you both shifted and ready to fly out if she needs help.” He stood up and smoothed his shirt. “I will go behind Nolan and Mikey and use my influence if needed. I just hate making them bow down. It always makes things worse later.”

  As Santa, Dad had the ability to cause such devotion from those around him, they would literally take a knee or bend at the waist. Depending on the level of Magic he used. It was one of the many forms of protection he had in his arsenal.

  I put my hand on my dad’s shoulder. “Don’t worry dad, I got this. They won’t expect it.” Then telepathically I told him, “I don’t think anyone realizes what I can do. Which includes you.” As a Kringle, we can all mentally communicate when needed.

  His shoulders relaxed, and he waited as Mikey and Nolan undressed and shifted. Once everyone was in their place, I opened the door.

  Chapter 5

  I stood at the top of the stairs and focused my Christmas Magic on peace and harmony. As I looked around at the mean faces staring at me, I noticed them turning to smiles. “Hi guys! So nice of you all to come and welcome us!” We had landed in Northern Norway, or Lapland. So it was freezing cold. However, as an Arctic Wolf shifter, it wasn’t too bad.

  I made my way down the stairs and my bodyguards were close on my heals. Once we got on the ground, they stood back and waited for Santa to come down.

  “My n
ame is Lizzie. I can’t wait to meet all of you!” Most of them came toward me with their hands out and smiles on their faces. I could feel no malice from any of them. This was a good test of my abilities. I would say so far, success.

  “Hello, Miss Lizzie, I am Randolfo. The Pack Alpha. Very nice to meet you.” He tilted his head in respect to me, and I returned the honor. The men surrounding him started clapping and yelling. It startled me at first, but I quickly realized they were cheering our meeting.

  My father walked up beside me. “Randolfo, it is good to see you again. You were just a pup the last time I was here. It has been too long.” He reached out to shake hands, and both men smiled over their hearty shake.

  Randolfo introduced his pack to us. All of them were very nice looking, but then, most of the shifter males I met were. A couple of them were checking me out. Most guys didn’t dare do that in front of my father. It was rather refreshing and exciting at the same time. I almost giggled like a school girl but remembered Rock. He stood to my other side and gave an intimidating stare at the wolves who had been eyeing me. Masha and Rock had shifted back once they realized a fight wasn’t in the cards.

  I rolled my eyes and slapped Rock’s shoulder. He gave me a stern look, one he had never given me. I had seen him use this with the younger wolves. He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at me. I could tell he was trying to tell me to knock it off, play the game. Instead, I almost laughed.

  I turned to face him and crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow - classic dad move. But I had the benefit of Christmas Magic. I smirked at him when he lowered his eyes and put his hands to his side.

  “Alright, why don’t we head out to wherever it is you have your homes?” My smile sparkled like light reflected off of the Hope Diamond. Well, maybe not quite as bright. Although, it did cause all of the wolves to look at me with puppy wolf eyes, and their tongues practically lolled out of their mouths.

  Randolfo walked over to me and put his arm out for me to hold. “Please, Miss Lizzie, if you will allow me? We have SUV’s just outside the hangar ready to take us to our village. Luka, call ahead and make sure everyone is prepared to meet our guests properly.” He walked me out to his SUV and held the back door open while I climbed inside.

  He sat next to me which ticked off Rock. I could almost see the steam coming off his head. Dad took the front seat and Rock went in the far back of the SUV’s third row. Not the best place for a man who was just over six feet tall. Some of the luggage was next to him so he couldn’t even lay down in the back.

  “Randolfo, when we arrived, it looked like we were going to be met with a fight. What was that about?” My dad asked once we were on the road.

  I noticed the driver, looking back to Randolfo who shook his head. “We were under the impression you had planned to have a visit similar to twenty years ago. I am very happy to see you brought your daughter. Her presence makes it look more like an official visit and less like an executioner’s visit.”

  I swallowed hard. It had almost turned into the latter.

  “Why would you think that? Have you done something against our accords?” Dad asked.

  “Of course not. My father was a supporter of your family, even back before Kris died. He always spoke highly of you and your father. We were one of the first packs in Europe to offer our loyalty to you.”

  “Yes, I do remember that. But something has changed. What is going on.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait until we can speak in private? Such matters don’t need to be spoken of in ladies’ company.”

  I looked at my dad and smiled coyly. “I am actually here to learn all aspects of politics, the good and the bad, Randolfo. Please, continue with your story. I am very interested in why you brought what looked to be your entire contingent of enforcers.”

  He cleared his throat. “My apologies, we received word that you were coming to Europe to clean house before handing over the rule to whomever Lizzie marries next year. Not to change the subject, but I haven’t heard word of a choosing ceremony.” He turned his head to me. “Have you already found your future Santa?”

  “Actually, yes. Rock is going to be my Santa. Unless, of course, I meet someone else on this trip that has more Christmas Magic.” I winked at Randolfo. He was married and had a young son, but there were other wolves in his pack that were my age and single.

  “Lizzie! You don’t know Randolfo well enough to tease him in such a way.” My dad shook his head. “Forgive my daughter. She has the strangest sense of humor.”

  I just laughed. “What? It was funny.”

  Rock tried to reach over and thump the back of my head, but I anticipated his movement and swiftly turned to catch his hand. I kissed it quickly and released it, then winked at him. “I still owe you a demonstration Rock. Maybe later today I can show you what I meant earlier on the plane.” Rock coughed and looked away.

  I hoped my little innuendo put an end to any thoughts of me not being happy in my situation. It was imperative we put forth a united front. There was definitely someone trying to mess with us.

  It took about thirty minutes from the airport to get to their village. It was actually really nice. They had plenty of trees in the area so they had no issues with building their homes and other buildings. It reminded me of something you might see in a movie. There was brick mixed with the wood in the buildings, which made for a beautiful facade. I counted ten buildings on one side of the quaint village, with twelve on the other. Then, further out, I could see more houses. Every building had at least two chimneys and they were all smoking. I couldn’t wait to see what they did with the inside.

  “Do you operate in some sort of trade here? Your pack is quite large.” It seemed like they might have had over 100 wolves in this area, if the quantity of houses could be used to accurately gauge population. I counted at least 25 homes since we arrived in their village. It’s possible there were even more I couldn’t see.

  “Yes, we do trade with a few other villages nearby. They are populated by the Sami people who are indigenous to the region. They know about us and don’t mind as long as we leave the reindeer alone. I think they used to support the Claus family when they operated their factory in this region centuries ago. They have passed down stories of your ancestors.”

  “Who else do you trade with? I see some very fine woodworking. Do you sell to others besides the Sami?” I walked over to a store that was full of various pieces of handmade wooden furniture and toys.

  “Yes, no one in this region is as skilled at woodworking as my pack. The humans in the area know this and travel here for our monthly markets.

  I looked back over my shoulder at him. “Really? You regularly interact with humans, other than the Sami? Do they know about you?” Indigenous people all over the globe were more in tune with the shifter community and magic. If these Sami had truly been around when my ancestors lived here, then they would have been part of the secret. A regular human, however, was not to be trusted with our secrets.

  “No, we have a very firm rule about shifting on market days. Anyone who shifts within a ten mile radius is punished. Our existence must remain a secret from the humans.” He walked over and looked inside the window in front of me.

  “I find this all fascinating! This is one place I want to visit regularly. You are so nice, and the talent I see here in your village is fantastic! Dad, check out those wooden toys!” He came over to the window, stood behind me, put his hands on my shoulders, and smiled when he saw an old fashioned toy train set.

  “I would love to buy that toy train set before we leave. It reminds me of some of the old toys we have displayed in the Elves Museum. I was never allowed to play with any of the toys there as they were preserved. A wooden train was always something I wanted.” He looked over to Randolfo and smiled like a kid in a toy store.

  “I am sure we can arrange for that. Thank you, Santa. That is high praise coming from you. Let’s get you all settled, and then we can meet back here. I will get Luka to ope
n the shop. It’s his. He closed it to meet you all.” Randolfo guided us away from the store and led us to a large building that appeared to be a bunkhouse.

  Randolfo walked us into the large, open room. “Forgive me, we only have a bunkhouse for when wolves come from far away. Generally, they don’t mind sharing the same space with males and females. Miss Lizzie, maybe you could stay with my family? We have an extra room you could have to yourself.”

  “Thank you, Randolfo, that is very generous. However, I think I will stay here with my dad. I don’t have a problem with sharing a bunkhouse.” I smiled at him and walked inside so I could try and claim a good bunk.

  Chapter 6

  I had unpacked my one suitcase rather quickly. “Let’s head over to that shop and see if it’s opened yet.” I pulled my dad by his hand and motioned with my other for Rock to follow us.

  Everyone dropped what they had in their hands and immediately followed me. I stopped pretty hastily. “Alright, what gives? Are you going to be following me the entire time we are here?” Each wolf was in human form and refused to look me in the eye as I stared at them.

  My Dad spoke up, “Lizzie, I can’t afford to have any problems while on this trip. Randolfo and his pack seem nice enough, but I want you protected at all time. Do you understand?”

  I huffed, “Dad, I can take care of myself. I doubt these guys mean any harm to us.”

  “Then why did they come out in such force?” Rock asked.

  “Because of what they were told. Which reminds me, I need to find out who said we were coming here to put them on the chopping block. I don’t like that one bit!” I started for the door, and Rock stepped in front of me.

  “Here, let me get the door.” He opened the door for me, and I gave him a snarky smile as I walked past.

  “Ah, you two make such a cute couple. I don’t know what all the worry was the other day. You will both be very happy.” Dad said, as he patted Rock on the shoulder, when he exited the room.

  Later that evening Rock and I took off for a walk. “Rock, do you think there is anything going on here? Because I think that these nice wolves are being led astray by someone else.”


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