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Miss Claus and the Secret Santa

Page 6

by J. L. Hendricks

  “Lizzie, right?” He took my hand and held it to his chest.

  “How do you know me?” I narrowed my eyes at him as I wondered what was going on.

  “I have dreamt of you every night for the past month. Since I arrived here in LA. Something told me we would meet, but I never thought it would happen in real life.” He kissed the back of my hand and stared into my eyes.

  My heart was fluttering and wouldn’t stop. Breathing became difficult and my head clouded up. Who was this man?

  “You have dreamt of my every night for a month? How much Christmas Magic were you born with?” I reached my hand up to move his hair out of his eyes so I could see them better.

  “No more than any Alpha’s son. I have felt like there was more surrounding me lately. What do you see?”

  “I see a wolf who has more Christmas Magic than any outside of the Kringle family I have ever met. You know who I am?”

  “Yes, you are my fated mate.” He leaned in to kiss me and stopped short. I felt my heart burst.

  In my head I was screaming, “NO! NO! DON’T’ STOP! KISS ME YOU IDIOT!”

  “Lizzie! What happened, where did you go? What? What are you doing?” My father ran up behind me and stopped short when he saw Palo.

  “It can’t be. You can’t have met your future in the alley.” He looked intently at me and then at Palo. His eyes widened as he must have realized how much Christmas Magic was coming off of him at that moment.

  “Dad, it’s alright. This is Palo, he is the son of an Alpha. An Arctic Alpha. Palo, this is my dad…”

  Palo interrupted me and took a knee. “Santa, it is an honor to meet you in person.” He lowered his head in a further sign of respect.

  “Rise, Palo. What pack are you from?”

  “I am, or was, the Alpha of the Greenland pack. Back before we were destroyed by the Russians.” He stood up and looked my father in the eyes. Palo stood a couple of inches taller than him.

  “Palo, I am so sorry for your losses. I only just found out a week ago. Had I known, I would have sent help. Which Russian pack destroyed yours?”

  “I don’t know. They were speaking in Russian, but I did not recognize any of them. We had been having some skirmishes with Northern Europeans and Russians from the Lapland region. I never thought they would destroy us all.” Palo lowered his head and shook it slowly. Then he took a deep breath before exhaling it very slowly.

  “Why don’t you come with us? Our hotel is close by. We need to talk about…” My dad looked at me, then back at Palo, “everything. Do you understand what just happened?”

  “Yes, my dream came true.” Palo looked at me and smiled.

  A wolf has never made me melt. Maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the magic. All I know is that I went week in the knees and almost fell. I took hold of Palo’s arm and didn’t let go until we arrived at our hotel room.

  Chapter 9

  Normally, I would have plopped down on the sofa once we made it back to our hotel room. However, with Palo, I wanted to appear as sophisticated as possible. After I set my packages in my room, I offered to give him a tour of the suite, what there was of it. Then we sat in the living room and waited for my dad to get rid of the rest of our entourage.

  “Palo, what made you come to Los Angeles? This isn’t exactly the type of place Arctic Shifters thrive in.” I sat next to him, closely, and crossed my legs toward him.

  He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me even closer. “There was something that drew me here. I can’t explain it. All I knew is that I had to come here. My gut wouldn’t rest until I did.”

  Sitting close to Palo was exciting. He had a scent that was all man. I could pick up scents of sandlewood, pine, and even a hint of peppermint. The perfect combination on a man.

  “Once I was here, it seemed as though the reason was to help all of these kids. Did you know that there are children who don’t live with both of their parents? Some don’t live with either of their parents. It is really sad what is happening in the human world today.”

  “I know, my dad makes a few trips a year down south to different orphanages or group homes and silently leaves toys and clothes for them. He wishes that he could do a Christmas Eve run every month. Some of the good boys and girls don’t just deserve it, they need it! He can only do so much. It is wonderful to see the humans reaching out to the kids and helping during the year.” I took Palo’s hand in mine and squeezed it.

  “Is that why you are in a Santa suit? Were you delivering presents to children who didn’t have much?” I looked into his eyes and almost lost track of where I was. Slowly, without even realizing it, I leaned into him.

  He leaned closer to me as well. “Yes, I felt the need to give gifts.”

  I could feel the warmth of his breath against my lips. This was it. He was finally going to kiss me and I would get to experience the fireworks my parents always talked about. My heart was a flutter, and I could feel my breathing getting faster and faster.

  His lips were a few centimeters from my lips when my dad disturbed us, yet again. “Oh, sorry to disturb you two. But we need to discuss a few things before you can continue…” He waved his hands between us and stuttered a bit. “Tha… What… Well, let’s have a chat, shall we?”

  He took the chair opposite the sofa we were on. “Change of plans, I told the enforcers to stay in their rooms and that I will contact them later. For now, I need to know what happened to your pack. How did you get away?” My father furrowed his brow and leaned his forearms on his knees as he leaned over to hear what Palo had to say.

  “I was away visiting a pack in Norway. Two of my Omegas came with me. The rest of my pack, sixteen souls, stayed back. The Norwegian Alpha had invited me to visit with him as he wanted to discuss a possibility of merging our packs. I wasn’t interested, but figured I should visit him anyway. Maybe he had a daughter or niece I could mate with and that would work to bring out packs together.” Palo put his hands on his knees and stood up rather quickly. He walked to the window next to our sofa and looked outside.

  “As soon as I arrived I knew something was wrong. There were too many Beta wolves there. I overheard several speaking in Russian and laughing. They disappeared after that. When I went to Hans, the Alpha, he told me he had been entertaining a few Russians who were out looking for mates.” Palo ran his hands through his hair and just stared outside for several minutes before beginning again.

  “I wish I would have listened to my instincts. They told me that something was wrong. The idea that Norwegian wolves would allow Russians to mate with their females was all wrong. I knew they didn’t intermingle. Hans distracted me, and I let him. He wanted to merge our packs and make me his Beta. For the betterment of our species he said.” Poor Palo, he looked down, and I could see his eyes were shining with unspent tears.

  “Hans threw a great party that night. I went to sleep in the bunkhouse with my Omegas, but something was bothering me. Sleep wouldn’t come so I went for a run around midnight. Running usually helped me to think straight. And I did. While running I realized that everything was off. The Russians had disappeared once I pointed them out to Hans. He had this big party, but he had said that resources were scarce, and that it would be better if we joined forces and shared the land.”

  He pounded his hand on the wall next to the window. “My pack had an island to ourselves. We were small and didn’t outgrow our natural resources, unlike a few of the Northern European packs. Food and other resources were never an issue for us. Hans just wanted our land. Or the Russians wanted it. I am really not sure who ended up with it.”

  I stood up and went to him. He turned around and hugged me. While I was still in his arms, he continued his story. “By the time I made it back to the bunkhouse, it was in flames. Both of my wolves were dead. Hans and his pack were laughing! I couldn’t believe it. As I was about to attack him, I felt the deaths of the rest of my pack as well.”

  “I am here for you.” I kissed his cheek and ran my han
d along the back of his head until he was able to speak again.

  “Once I felt my pack dying, I took off as fast as I could. I knew I wouldn’t make it before the attackers left, but I had to go and see if there was anyone I could rescue.” He paused, and his face had this far off look. I think he was back on that journey again in his mind.

  “When I made it home hours later, everyone was dead. Not one soul was left. I caught a Russian Arctic Wolf who was robbing our homes, and I killed him in my anger. It was stupid, I should have questioned him first. Found out who, exactly, ordered this. Instead, my anger and hurt took over, and I killed him. Then I cried and buried my pack.” Tears started rolling down his cheeks. I reached over and hugged him tight.

  There was no way I could have survived something like that. How do you come back from being the only survivor of your pack? Especially when you are their leader? Tears slowly made their way down my cheeks as well. I could even hear my dad sniffing behind me.

  My dad stood up and cleared his throat. “I am so very sorry for your loss. There are two Norwegian packs. Hans is the Alpha of the larger one, right?”

  Palo let go of me and wiped his face. “Yes, I heard while I was there that his daughter was to marry into the smaller pack. So I wonder if both packs were in on it. I wanted to stay and seek revenge for all of my pack, but with no allies or anyone to help me find out more, I realized it would have to wait.” Palo ran his hand through is gorgeous, sandy blond hair.

  “Once I realized that something was calling me here, I left right away. I hoped it was a sign that I would find help elsewhere, or that my path would lead me to more answers. Our small village was no longer safe, and it was a cruel reminder of everyone I lost.” Palo sighed and gave me a tentative smile.

  “The decision to leave made sense at the time. I needed to find out what that strong desire to leave meant. Maybe it was something leading me to answers? I didn’t know, I just hoped.” He paced around the sofa a couple of times before continuing.

  “So I hopped on the first flight I could to LA. Once I arrived, my stomach started to feel better. It was more of a physical relief. However, the emotions were still very strong. In fact, my heart still aches for my family and friends.” He sat down on the sofa and leaned his back so he was looking at the ceiling.

  “At first, I thought it was just because I was away from my home. My second night here I started to dream of Lizzie. At first, I didn’t know your name.” He looked at me and put his hand out for me to join him. I went to him and sat down.

  “You dreamt of me? Every night?” He nodded his head. “How long before you knew who I was?”

  “At first, I thought it was my subconscious trying to take my mind off of everyone I had lost. Get me thinking of something else. Then after a week I noticed the children. I could feel their needs, their sorrow and their happiness.” He gave me a small smile, and my heart leapt with joy.

  His right hand caressed my cheek. “A few days after that, a bag of toys and a Santa suit showed up in my hotel room. There was a note that told me where to go and who to give the toys to. I followed the note. The next day, the bag of toys was there, but no note. I just knew what to do. It was as if my soul was guiding me to where the kids were. Sometimes I went right up and gave them gifts, and at others, I secretly left them inside their domiciles at night.”

  “That is so sweet and wonderful! Thank you, Palo, for taking such good care of the children here. And for following the Christmas Magic. I sensed it on you in the alley. Do you understand who you are?”

  “Sweetie.” My father interrupted. “Maybe now isn’t the time to tell him that part. Maybe you two should spend the rest of the evening talking, getting to know each other. Tomorrow we can talk about what it all means.”

  Palo took both of my hands in his and kissed the tips of my fingers while staring into my eyes.

  “Uh-huh, whatever, Dad. Bye now.” I couldn’t look away from Palo. His gaze held mine while I wished with all of my being that he would kiss me.

  I could hear my dad chuckle as he walked out of the room. “Be back later.” Then the door closed behind him.

  “Man, I thought he would never leave us alone.” I smiled and took my hands back from Palo. Then I took one and softly ran it across his cheek, and then down his neck to his shoulder. This man was in fantastic shape. I had no clue how he was going to have a belly full of jelly.

  “Are you sure he is gone?” Palo asked as he slowly leaned in.

  I nodded. My breath left me, and I couldn’t breath as I closed my eyes in anticipation of what was to come next.

  He lightly kissed my cheek and moved his lips to the corner of my mouth and kissed me again. Then when I could no longer stand it, he kissed me on the lips. As I kissed him back, the fireworks went off all around us. They were so loud, I thought we would lose our hearing. It didn’t matter. I kept kissing him, and he kept kissing me.

  His arms went around me and pulled me close to his hard body. I parted my lips and welcomed him as he deepened the kiss, and the fireworks continued to go off. I wasn’t sure how long we kissed, but my father came and interrupted us, again.

  “WOW! That is some fireworks display! Did you know that the entire city is seeing this?”

  I stopped kissing Palo and looked at my dad with furrowed brow. “Huh? They can see us kissing?”

  Dad chuckled, and his belly jiggled with his laugh. “Ho, Ho, Ho! No! They can see the fireworks display your magic created.”

  “But, I thought that was something only the magically inclined could see. Not humans.” I looked outside to see the finale winding down. The colors were spectacular! I could see every color of the rainbow represented. It was a gift from the Christmas Magic.

  Palo put his arm around me, and we watched the rest of the fireworks. “We did that? But how?” He asked.

  “Palo, you know who we are, right?”

  “Yes, you are Santa’s daughter.” He kissed me on my nose. Then he pointed to my dad. “He is Santa Claus.”

  My dad came further into the living room with us. “Yes, and you two have been chosen by the Christmas Magic to replace me and Mrs. Claus. You, Palo, will be the next Santa Claus.”

  He sputtered a bit. “But, bu…But how? I am not a Kringle. As far as I know, I don’t even have any blood from your pack. My ancestors have all been from the Lapland region.”

  “Ah, that is it then. Palo, you probably are a very distant relative of ours. Sometime ago my ancestors were in Lapland. We moved further into the Arctic Circle, above North America, and some of my ancestors’ relatives stayed in Lapland. The Magic is a part of you. Originally, all Arctic Wolves came from Christmas Magic. Over the centuries, we have just forgotten that we once were one pack.” My dad sat back down in his chair.

  “Palo, why do you think you were able to understand the needs of the kids? And the presents? How did you know where to go? It was the Magic. This is what happens when the heir meets his mate. Granted, we are doing it a bit backwards. If you had been born into the Kringle family, you would have known all of this, and I would be the one scratching my head right now.” He was so cute when he looked confused.

  “The dreams, they were to prepare me?” He asked softly.

  I took his hand and kissed his palm. “Yes, you were being prepared for this very moment. Those fireworks went off when we kissed. It signified our union as well as the Magic that will become a part of you. The stronger the fireworks display, and the longer it goes, indicates how much Magic we will both have.” I gazed into his eyes that reminded me of lapis lazuli. They were so beautiful and captivating.

  “I would say from that display that you two will be the strongest Mr. and Mrs. Claus ever recorded. Your fireworks display was at least three times as strong as your mother’s and mine. I wish she was here to see this. Oh! We need to call her and let her know.” My dad went to his room and came back with his cell phone.

  Even though we lived in the Arctic Circle, and there were no cell towers
, we still had cell service, thanks to the Magic. My grandfather once told me that cell carriers came up with cell phones because of a gift he once left a young boy who would grow up to discover cellular technology. So many inventions came because of a gift Santa left for a good little boy or girl, who used their imagination as they grew up.

  “Alright, it’s getting late. What do you say we go to sleep and continue this in the morning? Palo, you can stay here on the sofa. And I mean on the sofa!” My dad pointed his finger at Palo and gave him the look he used to give me when telling me I had to obey him, or else!

  “Dad, we just discovered each other. I am so far from being tired. I want to stay up a while longer and just talk. He is my future husband. After we call mom, I promise we will be quiet, and good.” I inclined my head toward my dad, and he smiled.

  “Alright, but if you wake me up, I am going to break up your little party.” He called my mom who screamed very loudly as soon as she answered. Apparently, she knew.

  I took the phone from my dad. “Mom, how did you know?”

  “Oh, honey! Of course I know! You are going to replace me soon. I felt it in my bones when you two kissed. Or at least when I think you kissed. Your grandmother felt it the same way when your dad kissed me the first time. Both of your grandparents came running into the room where we were dining and congratulated us before your dad could even explain it all!” She chuckled, and I looked at my dad. His eyes had this far off look, like he was back in that dining room kissing my mom all over again.

  “Wow, that’s nuts! Dad said that my fireworks almost tripled yours. Do you think that could be why I have all of these extra powers?” We continued to talk for a little while longer, and then I handed the phone to my dad who left Palo and me alone.

  Hopefully, this time he wouldn’t be interrupting us again. I planned on kissing my Santa as much as possible! As Santa’s daughter growing up in the Arctic, there weren’t many chances for me to kiss a boy. Only one boy was brave enough.


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