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Miss Claus and the Secret Santa

Page 8

by J. L. Hendricks

  His demeanor completely changed. I could feel the anger coming off of him in waves. “He will not be my Beta if he has been engaged to you. How would that make me look? I could never trust him with you.”

  His jealousy was kinda hot, but not really. I needed for him to accept Rock, not hate him. “Palo, he never even touched me. I told him to kiss me once, and he refused. He was only doing his duty to his pack until you came along. He and I talked and agreed to go along with our parents’ plan until the real Santa came forward. He knew it wasn’t him.” I took Palo’s hand in mine, and squeezed it.

  “There was no way he would have the Magic required to fly the sleigh and deliver all of the presents in one night. You have nothing to worry about. I am sorry I brought it up. I should have kept that part a secret and let you meet him and decide for yourself.” I hung my head and folded my hands in my lap.

  He took my chin in his hands and delicately brought it up to look him in the eyes. “I am sorry I overreacted. You were right to tell me. I hope you will always tell me the truth and never keep any secrets.” He let go of my chin and leaned over for a quick kiss.

  “I will meet him and see for myself. However, if he and I can’t get along, then I will choose a new Beta when the time comes. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I think you will like him. He is a lot of fun. I have never felt any attraction to him, and I doubt he has ever seen me as anything but the cocky pup who used to beat him up when we were little.”

  Palo and dad both laughed. “You used to beat him up? Really? I sure hope he has grown up a lot since you were kids.”

  “He is the most powerful wolf in our pack, outside of my family. And for your information, I trained with my dad my entire life. All Kringles do, even the girls. Although, I did get more training than my sisters did. I wanted more. I always thought that I would be Santa one day. Earlier, when you caught me smiling, I was thinking how glad I was that it turned out you will be the next Santa instead of me.”

  Dad piped in at that moment. “What my daughter is trying to say, is that you need to be careful with her. She will kick your backside roundly if you tick her off. When we get home you should join her for practice. She leads most of the classes for our youth.”

  Palo looked me up and down. “You do look to be in peak form. I can’t wait to see you in action.”

  I smirked at him. “Be careful what you wish for, Buddy. You might end up on your back.” I turned to my plate, since it was just delivered, and began to eat my chocolate chip waffles.

  The flight home was uneventful. We spent time talking and getting to know each other better. His life growing up wasn’t too different from mine. Well, except for the whole Christmas thing. He liked to have snowball fights, and he still did apparently. Plus, he ran through the woods whenever he needed to think. It sounded like we would be a good match.

  There were a few things that bothered me. Like how old he was. What was his level of experience with other girls? That was a conversation to be had in private, not in front of my dad.

  When we landed, there was only a few of the pack there, besides my family.

  “Dad, where is everyone? Didn’t they know we were coming home today?”

  “Yes, they all know. I asked for a quiet welcome home. So that Palo isn’t overwhelmed.”

  Oh, that made sense. Dad was smart, sometimes. “Dad, where is he going to stay? With us?” I really wanted him close. We needed to spend time together, and the next few weeks were going to be super busy.

  “Yes, we will give him the special room for the future Mrs. Claus, since Lizzie already has her own room. Although, I guess we will have to change a few things around. That is, unless you like pink, frilly curtains Palo?” We all laughed. My mom made a few changes when she stayed in that room and even later. She felt it wasn’t very feminine, so she decided it needed updating. Dad was probably regretting that move.

  “Well, as long as the bedcover isn’t a lacy pink, it should be fine.” My dad and I looked at each other. That was exactly what it was!

  “Hmm, maybe we should have done some shopping before coming home?” I raised my eyebrows and nibbled on my lower lip hoping that we could get another trip to a mall.

  “Sweetie, you mom has plenty of Christmas bed covers. We can swap it out. No need to do anymore shopping.” He raised that darn one eyebrow at me. I hated it when he did that.

  “Fine, I suppose there are a few things we can change out in that room.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Palo asked.

  “Your room. My mom made it extra girly. Pink and lace everywhere. But we do have a few things we can use to make it more, um, manly?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  I walked outside to see my mom and sisters all waiting for us. But Nolan wasn’t here. He should have been back by now. Rock wasn’t either. That was strange. “Mom, where are Nolan and Rock?”

  “Hi, dear. It’s good to have you home. We can talk about them when we get to the house.” She walked up and hugged my dad and gave him a kiss.

  “I thought as much. What trouble have they gotten into now?” My dad shook his head and walked to the snowmobile holding my mom’s hand.

  “Now Santa, don’t go assuming they did anything bad. It’s actually good. I just don’t want to discuss it here.” She looked over to Palo and smiled. “You must be Palo! How wonderful to meet you. I have your room all set up and ready for you. And I can’t wait to get to know you better! This is going to be a wonderful Christmas!”

  He nodded to my mom. “Ma’am, it is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to celebrating the season with you all.” He smiled at me and took my hand.

  Once we arrived back at the house, we went straight to my dad’s study.

  “Alright, tell me straight. What is going on?” My dad barked.

  “Honey, calm down. Everything is alright. It’s good even. Rock and Nolan discovered the pack who has been manipulating others in their region. They are dealing with them now. I won’t be surprised if they are home in three days, tops. Maybe sooner if you send Mikey and the rest over to help them.” Mom sat down in the overstuffed brown chair in front of the fire.

  She must have known we would all be in this room. The fire was warm, and there were snacks already set out. How did she always know?

  “I’ll do one better, I am going over and taking Palo with me. I need to know if those wolves are the ones responsible for the death of his pack. This violence will end. I am not going to leave this mess to my successor.” He pounded his hand on his solid oak desk, something I have only seen him do once.

  “Santa, I would be honored to accompany you to Northern Europe and help to put a stop to this tyranny.” Palo stood up and lowered his head toward my dad.

  “Well, if you two are going, so am I.” My dad started to object. “No, wait. Hear me out.”

  I took a cookie from the platter along with a hot chocolate and went and sat down across from my mother. “I am trained to handle these situations, just like any of the boys. In fact, I am better than most of them. As the future Mrs. Claus, I also possess power that none of you men have. I can calm the beasts, you can only incite them.”

  “I don’t want to calm the beasts. It is time that we end this aggression toward our family and against anyone who supports us. Going forward, I hope that we can have a regular presence in Europe and foster better relationships but right now we need to be firm. There is no excuse for destroying an entire pack. Inciting all of this violence is not good for our kind. We have seen dwindling numbers in recent years. We don’t need any more causes of low population.” My dad was on fire.

  “A few months ago I would have agreed with you. But now, I seem to be on the side of peace. I do think that there might be some wolves who had little choice, so they went along with what their alpha said. Those might be rehabilitated.” What was I saying? Stupid Christmas Magic! It has changed my attitude to violence!

  “Ugh, Dad. Do what you must. Just take me along. You
know I can take care of myself, and help those in need.” I shook my head and drank my hot chocolate.

  “If I may?” Palo looked to my dad. When he nodded his head, Palo continued, “We should bring Lizzie with us. She was right when she said that some could and should be rehabilitated. If she can calm the beast, we might need that power if they have very large numbers.”

  My dad scratched his chin, “Hmm, you might be right. Alright, Lizzie, you are going with us, again. I just hope I don’t regret bringing you along.”

  The rest of the day was spent making plans for the next trip.

  Chapter 12

  “Where exactly are we going, dad?” I looked out the window and noticed that we were not landing in the same airfield as the last time we went to Lapland.

  “This is the Russian part of the Lapland region. Nolan tracked the wolves here.” Dad closed his book and looked out the window as we touched ground.

  It was a white, flat area. What most would think of when they thought about the Arctic Circle. There were only a few trees that I could see. Not nearly as beautiful as what we saw in in Randolpho’s terrain.

  We taxied to a hangar that had Nolan and his team waiting for us. This was going to be the time where Palo met Rock. Not the best time for them to butt heads. “Palo, Rock and his dad are here. Please tell me that you can get along with him while we are here?”

  “Lizzie, the most important part of this trip is to deal with insurgents who have been murdering packs of wolves. My jealousy can wait until we get home.” He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

  “Good, I am glad you can prioritize. You really have nothing to worry about. I’m sure you’ll notice that he and I are just friends.” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

  “Alright you two lovebirds, we have business. Let’s go.” My dad said over his shoulder as he walked to the exit.

  He walked up behind me and massaged my shoulders while he tried out a new name. “Hmm, Turtle Dove?”

  “Mmm, I don’t think so. Keep trying. But it’s one of the better ones, Rudolph.” I thumped the back of his head with my index finger.

  We both exited the plane laughing and holding hands. I saw the gang all waiting for us. Everyone had huge smiles on their faces. They must have heard the good news.

  My dad came over to us. “Everyone, it is good to see you all. As I am sure you have heard by now, Lizzie has a new fia…Um, a new man in her life. He will become my successor. I would like to introduce Palo to you all. He is from Greenland, the pack that the Russians destroyed.”

  I heard some murmurs coming from the guys. It sounded like they thought the entire pack was gone.

  Nolan came up to Palo and extended his hand. Palo shook it. “Palo, I am Nolan, Santa’s second. Please feel free to come to me any time you need anything at all.”

  Rock came up next, and I stiffened just a bit. “Palo, I am Rock. Nolan’s son, and Lizzie’s friend. I can’t wait to get to know you better.” He gave Palo a great big, genuine smile and then winked at me.

  Palo smiled and shook his hand. “It is nice to meet you both. Thank you for welcoming me into the pack.”

  Rock said, “Of course! Better you than me, man.” And he snickered when he said it too. Rock was in trouble. I have him my serious look, the one with the raised eyebrow and mouthed, “You are dead meat.”

  Palo laughed and put his arm around me. “Looks like you two are more like brother and sister than friends. This should be good. Tell me, Rock. Do you have some good, juicy stories about Lizzie from when you were kids?”

  “Rock, I will kill you if you say anything embarrassing about me.” I fisted my right hand and was about to punch Rock when my dad interrupted our fun.

  “Alright, save the fighting for the Russians. Nolan, I take it you know where they are? They probably know we are here now, so we should get moving if we want to catch them before they can increase their local numbers too much.” My dad put his hand on Nolan’s shoulder and guided them to the waiting SUV’s.

  “Yes, Chris. We only arrived a few minutes before you did. Hopefully they don’t know yet.” Dad and Nolan got into the first SUV. Palo and I followed them.

  “Sorry, Rock, you will have to ride in the next car.” I turned to get inside the car when Palo stopped me.

  “Lizzie, Nolan calls your dad by his given name? Not Alpha, or Santa?” He furrowed his brow.

  “Yes, we are pretty laid back in our pack. In front of others, Nolan always refers to my dad as ‘Santa.’ But when it is just us, my dad insists he call him ‘Chris.’ They were best friends growing up. Mikey and Masha are his closest friends as well. The four of them used to get into all kinds of trouble when they were kids. You’ll see.” I laughed as I climbed into the SUV and hoped that my dad and the guys would let loose while we were here. After the business was handled, of course.

  Once we were on the road, Nolan began his briefing. “Chris, Palo, these Russians are a pretty big group. It looks like they took in a very large amount of singles.” Singles were wolves that didn’t have a pack. They usually were loners who wanted nothing to do with an Alpha.

  “How many?” Palo asked.

  “At least thirty singles, and this pack was at least twenty before they joined. We aren’t sure if we have seen all of the wolves, but we counted at least fifty in their pack. Could be more. With you guys, we only have twenty here.”

  “Nolan, have you spoken with Randolpho? I bet he would be willing to help us if we needed it.” I knew that Randolpho had been pretty mad about getting tricked by this pack. He would most likely want to help.

  “We already spoke with him. He’s joining us. His pack has been here before, and they have given us directions to meet them. Randolpho has a pack member who grew up in the region. That guy’s family has a house in the area. We are going to meet them there.”

  Dad asked, “Are you sure he isn’t a spy or doesn’t have one in his ranks?”

  “I can’t be sure, but I think it is worth the risk if it means another dozen fighters.” Nolan responded.

  “Yes, I agree. Although, I want to send in a few wolves to check out the area before we all go in. Make sure there isn’t a surprise there waiting for us.” My dad was pretty wise.

  “Of course. I will take Rock, Mikey, and Nick with me. The rest will stay with you.”

  “Alright, that sounds like a good plan.”

  We made good timing. It took only about thirty minutes to get to the house Randolpho told Nolan about. Nolan stopped the caravan about two miles away.

  “Alright Nolan, if all is good, just come back. But if it isn’t, then send us the howl. Good luck, my friend.” Dad sent them off while the rest of us sat inside the cars. It wouldn’t take long for them to know if there was trouble or not.

  “Lizzie, have you been in real fights before? Not the sparring we all do with our packs, but a real fight where you might get hurt, or worse?” Palo looked at me and took my hands in his.

  “No, I have led a pretty sheltered life. While I do have a ton of training and can seriously hurt a wolf, speaking from experience here, I have not had to worry about my life before. My dad has, when he was younger. Which is why we all received so much training. Me more than the rest.”

  “I see. I have been in battle before. It isn’t fun or exciting. Killing another wolf is very serious. I hope you don’t have to make that choice. Please do me a favor and stick close to me. If it comes down to where someone needs to die, don’t do it. Let me or someone else do it for you.”

  I interrupted him, “Palo, I can do this if I have to. I won’t stand by and let someone else do the dirty work. If it has to be done, I can do it. Obviously, I want to save as many lives as possible, but I won’t stand by and let an evil wolf hurt my pack. That is not something I can do.”

  He put his hand on my shoulder and leaned in so that our foreheads were touching. “Lizzie, it’s easy to kill, but it isn’t easy to deal with the aftermath. Someone as sweet as you, will have
a hard time dealing with the emotional aspects once it’s all over. Maybe not today or tomorrow… but soon. If I can keep that from you, I will. The first time you kill someone is the hardest to deal with.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that you want to protect me. I don’t want to kill. But I don’t want you to kill either. Our roles should be that of peacemakers, not killers or enforcers. How about we both let someone else do the killing if we can help it? The future Santa needs to focus on love and peace.” I took his left hand and brought it up to my lips for a soft kiss.

  “Deal. We both need to focus on peace. Maybe your Christmas Magic will be enough to stop the wolves from even needing to fight.” Palo said.

  “Maybe, let’s hope I have that much power and strength. Dad can also use his power to make them kneel before us. He rarely uses it as once it has worn off, those who were forced into submission tend to hate him for it.”

  I heard the wolves returning. Thank goodness they didn’t give the signal for danger!

  “Santa, it looks like they are all there. I didn’t see anything that looked like an ambush. Randolpho and over a dozen wolves are with him. I think it is safe for us to continue.” Nolan reported to my dad.

  “Alright, let’s move forward with caution.”

  Palo put his arm around me as we faced forward and paid attention to where we were going. “Remember, stick close to me.” Then he kissed the top of my head. I really liked it when he did that. It made me feel loved and protected. Just because I could protect myself, didn’t mean that I didn’t appreciate him wanting to keep me safe.

  We drove slowly to the cabin and when we stopped, Randolpho and his men all came out in their human forms with smiles on their faces.

  “It is so good to see you all! While I am not looking forward to fighting with Mikael’s pack, I will be happy to see this tyranny of theirs come to an end. Ah, Lizzie! Are you to fight along with us?” He looked at me with furrowed brow.

  I could tell he was worried about me, which was sweet. However, these wolves needed to know that I could protect myself and others. It would nice if after this fight, they learned that just because I am a female didn’t mean I couldn’t fight.


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