Shady Bizzness: Life as Eminem's Bodyguard in an Industry of Paper Gangsters

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Shady Bizzness: Life as Eminem's Bodyguard in an Industry of Paper Gangsters Page 14

by Williams, Byron

  November 27th I called Slim’s apartment to see what was going on. I found out that they hadn’t yet released Kim, whom they had clocked going eighty mph in a twenty-mph zone, swerving, and it was a miracle that she hadn’t killed herself or someone else. Pathetic. They also revoked her license indefinitely, and it was possible that she would have to serve some jail time. Slim was going to have to spend a lot of money, because he had hired a lawyer and was trying to keep her out of jail, at least until after Christmas. Kim is just a reckless person. You would think that Slim, being the wild hip-hop star, would be the reckless one. He did his share of crazy shit, but Kim was just outlandish. It was a bad reflection on him. Not only was his mother suing him, but also he was going to have to shell out twenty or thirty grand representing Kim in court, and Paul was controlling his money. Plus, Kim might still have to do some jail time.

  Kim is going to AA meetings to show she’s getting help, but how long is that going to last? Knowing Kim, she is still going to keep drinking and driving. Thinking back over all the past events that I witnessed, I wondered why Slim stayed with her in the first place. She would drive a normal man crazy. The biggest thing I fear for Slim is his life, because I fear that she is either going to kill him or he is going to kill her, or she is going to do something to make him go broke. I don’t know if she realizes what she is doing, but she is doing it. I can recall one time in South Carolina on the Warped Tour when Slim flew Kim and a few of her family members out so they could enjoy themselves. He treated them real nice and did a lot more than he had to do for them.

  At one point, we were loading up the bus and suddenly I saw Slim and Kim getting into this huge blowout fight. They had both been drinking, but they weren’t overly drunk or anything.This wasn’t caused by liquor, this fight stemmed from something else. I’m not quite sure what; all I knew was they were both fuming. He was sitting at a table with his legs up and his head against a mirror, and she was standing. He told her that he was going to send her home tomorrow and, as usual, she flipped the script and involved Hailey. She kept saying, “This is how you do your daughter? You’re just going to send Hailey home??” She kept saying that over and over. She always did that to make him seem like the bad guy. She tried to twist everything and use Hailey against him. He really wanted to spend all the time in the world with Hailey, but not with Kim, and I don’t blame him. The bitch is crazy! He was like, “Kim, you got to go, you got to get out of here. You are going home tomorrow. ” It got really ugly.

  Slim was like, “Naz, will you get her out of here?” And I was like, “Man, I told you before that I don’t like to get involved in this domestic shit, and if y’all can handle this between yourselves, I would very much prefer that. ” He was like, “Naz, she has to go!” So, everyone was looking at me to get her off the tour bus. There I was, trying to coax Kim off the bus, like, “Kim, we have to get on the road, you have to go. ” She was like, “I’m not leaving. This is all the time he wants to spend with his daughter, ” and I was like, “Kim, it’s not that, it’s you. ” She was steadily ranting and raving, and the whole scene was sick. I decided to go outside the bus and tell her cousins what was going on and that Gus, the tour manager, had arranged for them to leave tomorrow.We would give them some money if they wanted to stay longer, that they would definitely be taken care of, but Kim and Slim were getting into it. Slim was tired, and Kim was causing too many problems on this tour. Kim’s relatives didn’t like it, but they understood. I convinced one of Kim’s cousins to come get Kim off the tour bus because I didn’t like to get involved in the domestic aspect of the problem. She agreed, and by that time there were groupies gathering in front of the hotel, and they could hear everything being said. They were standing in awe because they were getting a real-life taste of what he talked about on his album. They were like, “Wow that’s Hailey! That’s Slim! That’s Kim! Wow this is just like the album!!”

  I managed to convince some people to leave, but some remained, staring.It was like some paparazzi shit.Kim’s cousin tried—unsuccessfully— to get her to leave. Slim then stood up and said, “Kim, will you please leave?” and she used this moment as an opportunity to try to provoke him into a fight, saying, “Oh, you want to fight me now?” He just sat back down and said, “No, Kim, I don’t want to fight you. I just want you to leave. I will call you tomorrow. I just don’t want to go through this anymore. ” Suddenly, she was like “Fuck you, Marshall!” and slammed his head into the mirror—BAM!! He sprang up from the chair with his fists balled up, but he didn’t hit her. I could tell he wanted to beat the shit out of her— and I wanted to help him—but he didn’t hit her.

  By this time, I was standing between them, and he was yelling at the top of his lungs for her to get off the bus, and she was trying to get at him even more. I was like, “OK, Kim, you’ve proven your point, it’s time for you to go. ” So she reached around me and pushed his head with her finger. She was trying to irritate the hell out of him, and I know she was, but all he was trying to do was not catch a case. At this point, I was guiding Kim off the bus gently by her elbows, and she pushed me. I said, “C’mon, Kim, this is between you and your husband, not me and you. I’m trying to make the situation better, and you are trying to make it worse, ” etc. She was like, “Fuck you, Naz. He’s not a good father. All you guys do is what he tells you to do. You guys all kiss his ass!!” I was like, “Kim, I’m trying not to hear that.You have put your hands on me now, and I am trying not to hear that!” I stepped outside, because trying to be a gentleman to a total bitch had made me reach my threshold of tolerance. She is the type of woman who wants you to put your hands on her. She wants to fight.

  Finally, she decided to get off the bus. She was making a big scene in front of his fans, saying how he’s not a good father and he didn’t want his daughter on the tour bus with him. She was really trying to demean his character. They gave me like $500 to give to her if she decided to stay, so I took it up to her room, and she said to me, “You know, Naz, all you guys do is kiss his ass. He’s always wrong, but you guys all kiss his ass. ” I told her, “First of all, you don’t know anything about me, because I took a leave from my job to do this, so when I quit working for him I have a job to go to. So, I don’t have to kiss anybody’s ass. Second of all, you have got to be the biggest idiot I have ever seen. You have a man out here busting his ass making money, taking care of you. He acknowledges his daughter, he takes care of his daughter, he gives you the world, and he takes care of you and your whole family. You don’t show him any support whatsoever. All you do is come out here and bust his balls. I don’t know what he does to you when we are not around to make you act this way. He is trying; you aren’t even trying. You don’t even try to support him. You don’t even try to let him be the man because you are such a bully. You need to realize what you’ve got and stop being so foolish. I know marriage isn’t easy because I’m married. But there are a million women out here that would love to be in your shoes, and you want to give all that up? You need to think about that. I’m out. ”

  Honestly, I hope the two of them can be friends if their marriage fails because right now they are on two different pages. I refer to a passage in the Bible, Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 Verse 17, which states, “Do not be overly wicked nor be foolish. Why should you die before your time?”

  November 29th, Back to Business Slim called me and told me he wanted to go get his gun registered and get his gun permit. I told him, “Cool, because I need to check on some of my personal gun permits as well. ” I took my older son along with me, and we picked Slim up from his mother-in-law’s house. Slim and my son were laughing together, and my son said to me, “Daddy, you have a belly and you are bald headed. ” I said, “Yes, son, I do have a belly and I am bald headed. My father has a belly and is bald headed, too. It runs in the family. Therefore, when you grow up you will have a belly and be bald headed, as well. ” He just stood there with this dumbfounded look on his face. I guess he was trying to imagine himself bald hea
ded with a belly, and everyone in the place got a kick out of that. My son didn’t think that was funny at all; he didn’t like that too much. But I thought it was funny, and so did everyone else. Anyway, we were in this place getting Slim’s concealed weapons permit, and I didn’t feel comfortable because he hadn’t gotten Paul’s permission. I knew somehow that it would come back on me, since Paul was his manager. I told Slim I don’t go behind peoples’ backs, that’s not how I do business, but I guess he felt that since he was home and Paul was in New York that he could do some things on his own. I told him, “OK, but when Paul has questions about it, I am just letting you know that you deal with him because all I did was bring you here, and me and him are already on different pages. ”He was like, “OK, no problem. ”When it came time for him to pay for his permit, he didn’t have any checks on him, just like I figured he wouldn’t. That’s why I had made it a point to grab my checkbook. Slim told to me that he needed a check because Paul had all of that stuff in New York, so I wrote out the check for him. He took the test, and they told him it would be few months before he received his permit.

  After that, I dropped him off at the studio, where he and D-12 were doing some recording. They said they would take him home, and I told them that was OK because there was enough of them where they could handle it if something jumped off. I took my son to the movies, then went home and gathered all my receipts from money I spent that I needed to be reimbursed for. Half my cell phone bills were usually Slim’s calls. Basically, my cell phone was his cell phone because he always lost his cell phone. My last cell phone bill was shut off with an amount due of $1, 221, all that needed to be paid to keep it on was $650. When Slim talked, he talked like it was a house phone. I was supposed to be reimbursed for all Slim’s calls, as well as any incoming or outgoing calls concerning business. I gathered all of my receipts and my cell phone bill and sent them overnight Federal Express to Slim’s accountant, Bruce Secondorf.

  The next day, I received a call from him stating that they weren’t going to pay for my whole cell phone bill. I explained to them that that wasn’t my whole bill, which was half my cell phone bill. They said that they weren’t going to pay that, that they needed an itemized list, etc. I told them that what they have is what the phone company sent me. It was a shut-off notice, and they didn’t send an itemized list. I explained to them that half of those calls were made by Slim. We went back and forth about it, and I got off the phone pissed off because they said they weren’t going to pay it. Then I got another call later on regarding the check for the gun permit. The secretary said Paul wanted to know what that was all about

  DJ Head shows off one of his many fat joints! London, England. before they paid it, and I told her to tell Paul to call Slim to find out about it. She was like, “Well, we can’t pay you any money until we know, ” and I was like, “Whatever. Just have Paul talk to Slim and pay me my money. ”

  Paul still tried to come to me with this middleman shit, and I again told him he had to talk to Slim about the permit. I told him the same thing I had told Slim about the permit situation, that I wasn’t dealing with Paul on that. The next day, I got another call from Paul about the cell phone bill. I told him the same thing I told Slim’s accountant. Slim was responsible for half because he didn’t have a phone while we were in California, and he always used mine. Paul said they weren’t going to pay it, and I was like, “What the hell do you mean you aren’t going to pay it? Slim made the calls and y’all owe me that money. ” We went back and forth, and he said he had to talk to Slim about it first. I was like, “Whatever. Do what you got to do. If y’all would have set up a petty cash fund for Slim like I told you this would not even be an issue. ” All in all, the total correct amount that I should have gotten reimbursed was $850, but I only got $450, which wasn’t even enough to cover my phone bill. My phone ended up getting shut off for about a week.

  Then the next day, I got a call from Slim, and I thought he might need me for something, so I was like, “What’s up man?”Then he said, “We got to talk. Paul says you’re trying to get more money out of me, man. ” I was like, “What are you talking about?” He was like, “He says you are trying to get me to pay your cell phone bill. ” I explained to him, the same as before, that it was only half, and he was responsible for it. He was like, “Man, I didn’t know you were charging me, man. ” I said, “Slim, I don’t make money like you do, so all that talking you did to your girls and shit I need to be reimbursed for. ”He was like, “What about all the times we went out and I paid for your dinner, man?” and I was like, “What about all the times we went out and I paid for everything? But look, I’m not about to go tit for tat with you over this shit.What is your point? We never had a problem over this before, so why now? You called me with this shit. Paul is trying to make it seem like I’m trying to steal from you. I told you, I don’t have to steal from you. Before I met you I had nice shit, and after I leave you I’m going to have nice shit. Plus, if I’m going to steal from you, I’m damn sure going to steal more than $600.You’ve got millions! You need to get Paul out of your head because he is brainwashing you, and if anyone is stealing from you it’s him. Everyone doesn’t have fat bank accounts like you and Paul. This issue is petty to y’all, but it’s serious to me. I spent that money out of my own pockets, and I need to be reimbursed. If that’s going to be a problem, then you need to let me know right now. But you are calling me accusing me of stealing, so what is this, are you saying you are firing me? Is that what this is?” He was like, “Na, man, I’m just saying do you like your job?” And I said, “What does that shit mean, don’t you get taken care of? Why would you ask me something like that? I take care of you as if you were my own son. ” He was like, “That doesn’t have anything to do with anything. ” I said, “Yes, it does matter. I take care of you, Slim. After all I do for you, you call me with this bullshit, man. I never got to steal from you man. Y’all are getting on my bad side now accusing me of this shit. That night when Kim got arrested and you were drunk, Paul gave me three grand to give to you, and I didn’t steal any of that, and every time I held money for you, I had receipts accounted for. You need to watch Paul because he is fucking with your brain. I know that’s your boy, but he has you thinking that everyone around you is stealing from you, and that’s some bullshit. He’s making everyone else look like the bad guy while he’s the fucking villain. I don’t have to steal from nobody, and I never have because I have always had. ”

  We continued to go back and forth and he said, “I talked to Bruce, too. ” I was like, “Yeah, and?” And he said, “You are the only one keeping up trouble. ” I said, “Keeping up trouble? How’s that?” and he was like, “You are always complaining. ” I was like, “Look, any time there’s money missing out of my check I need to know why. I need to have those questions answered, man. When they take money out of your check they are supposed to list on there why they took the money out, and they don’t do that, man. Y’all mutha fuckas got millions man, I’m just making this little $1, 300 a week, and y’all call here insulting me like I’m trying to steal from y’all. ” So he was like, “Well, we just wanted to know if you like your job, man, ” and I was like, “Yeah, I like my job, but that doesn’t mean you can call here and accuse me of shit and insult me. If y’all are going to fire me then do what you got to do. I can walk away from this job. Just let me know. Paul is your man; he doesn’t have shit to do with me. I would appreciate it if you would keep him out of your head when it comes to me because he obviously has something against me. I intimidate him because I am an intelligent big black man with my own connections and I don’t ask y’all for shit. I don’t like the way he treats me, as a matter of fact. He won’t take my phone calls at his office or the cell phone; he only talks to me on the SkyTel pager. I think that’s why he bought it because he is scared to talk to me for some reason. I am closer to you than he is. I am on the road with you all the time and you let him get into your head about me? That’s real fucked up, man. You nee
d to reevaluate that. I see where I stand now, man. ”

  Then Slim said I was tripping and brought up the fact–one I didn’t like–that we might have to do something in December, and I was like, “You are damn right. I have been on the road with you all for eight months, and you promised me the whole month of December off, and I made plans with my family. You already fucked up this weekend for me that I was sup posed to have off because you have to do something with Dre. ” He was like, “Well, shit comes up man. ” I was like, “Well, I can’t plan shit because y’all’s word doesn’t mean shit.You tell me one thing, then you do another. I got guys that’ll cover you who you are familiar with. You’ve seen these guys work. If they are good enough for Dre and Funkmaster Flex, they are damn sure good enough to work for you, so what’s the problem?” He was like, “Well, they ain’t you. I feel like if some shit jumps off, they can’t cover me. ” I said, “Come on, now. These guys are cops, they are professionals, and they have been in the business way longer than I have. I know they would do top-of-the-line work. ” He was like, “Naw, man. They aren’t you, man. I want you there.You always get to be with your family. ”I said, “Look, my family comes first. You are not first, my family is first and foremost. ” And he said again, “Well, we just want to know if you like your job, man. ” I said, “Look, if you are going to fire me then let me know so I can call GM and tell them I will be at work in the morning, because I don’t have time for this shit, man. Y’all have thoroughly insulted me today. ” He was like, “Alright then, ” and I said, “Alright, I’m out. Peace. ” And that is how that conversation ended.


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