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50 SHADES of SEX: Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Short Sex Stories (Daddy Daughter Sex Stories,Babysitter Sex Stories, Hot Wife Sex Stories, Quickie Sex and More)

Page 10

by Hunt, Lexi

  “I’m just feeling kind of down daddy,” she said plaintively. Tentatively she reached for him and Liam Wilson leaned down to take his slender and beautiful stepdaughter into his arms. Shana clung to him, her face nestled in the hollow of his neck. She could still smell the Old Spice he had slapped on after shaving that morning and she inhaled deeply of the familiar fragrance. The scent of him and the feel of his strong arms around her was a heady feeling. She could feel the skin of his forearms against the naked skin of her back, and even though she knew it was wrong, she wanted more. She clung to him tighter.

  “Is there anything I can do to make it better?” Liam asked softly, his eyes darting around the room as she hugged him tighter. He couldn’t help noticing when she raised up and put her arms around him that her back was bare. The idea that she was naked beneath the sheets was causing a totally inappropriate reaction for a guy who was supposed to be acting as her daddy, and he was a little uncomfortable with his own weakness His eyes lit on the book lying open on her bed, and when Shana let go of him and lay back down in the bed, he picked it up.

  Shana started to panic when he turned the book over, but in the depths of her mind, the wicked side of her nature forced her to keep her mouth shut. She wanted him to see what she had been reading. Her eyes went to the fly of his jeans and she was absurdly pleased to see the lump there. She wriggled her shoulders and the sheets fell down to a point where the color of her nipples was barely concealed. Her breasts weren’t large, but they were very shapely. This was turning into an interesting game.

  Liam’s eyebrows rose as he read up through the point where Shana had left off. “Jesus baby, does your mother know you’re reading stuff like this?” His hand was shaking as he set the book back down on the bed. Shana reached for his hand, one tender breast spilling out from beneath the sheets.

  “No,” she said, “besides, this is the first time.” She wasn’t smiling as she guided his hand to her bare breast and pressed it there.

  “Honey, this is every kind of wrong…” he started.

  “No it’s not daddy,” she whispered, “you want this too.” She sat up, exposing both breasts and her hard flat belly, her breath coming rapidly.

  “Oh shit,” Liam moaned, his head bending down, taking her hard nipple into his mouth. Shana shuddered and put her hand on the back of his head, pulling his mouth down hard, willing him to nibble at the hard nubbin. She gasped as she felt his teeth close lightly on it.

  Shana’s hand rubbed across the huge lump in his soft work jeans. She had never felt a man’s penis in her hands, and she was getting desperate to see this one. “Now daddy, please, let me see it now…”

  Liam pulled his head up, trying to get hold of his emotions. “Your mother…”

  “Mama won’t be home for hours,” Shana murmured, her fingers tracing the length of his now swollen cock. There was a large tip on the end, and she could feel a wet spot forming on it. The idea had become full blown desire. Shana wanted Liam’s cock, and she wanted it now. No one else cared as much about her, there were no handsome boys her own age that could teach her, there was only Liam. Sweet, kind, caring stepdaddy Liam. Hot, sexy stepdaddy Liam. She found the zipper and slid it down. It made a really loud noise in the silence of her bedroom.

  Her fingers fought the zipper open and her hands immediately felt the naked flesh of Liam’s penis. Her sharp intake of breath showed that she had not expected to find him without jockey or boxer shorts. That he was going commando was a huge turn on, and her fingers wrapped around his thickness. “Oh daddy,” she breathed.

  Liam kissed her. It seemed to last forever and she wanted it to. She wasn’t even conscious of the fact that she was bare from the waist up and holding her stepfather’s naked, rigid cock in her hand, she only knew he was swallowing her alive and she loved it. Without thinking, she began to stroke his swollen cock. Liam moaned into her mouth and she knew it was time. She remembered every word that was written in the book, and she knelt up, her pretty face moving to within inches of the damp tip of his cock. The clear liquid was forming on the tip just as it was described in the novel, and she wasted no time in curling her tongue around the mushroom shaped helmet that was the tip of Liam’s penis.

  As she expected, it had a slightly salty taste with just a hint of the taste of honeyed almonds. With no further hesitation she took the whole head in her mouth, her tongue wildly laving the angry red head. Her lips encircled the smooth skin and she sucked at it. Liam’s groan of pleasure was music to her ears, and her excitement mounted as she felt his hands cup the side of her head. There was no way to say it with her mouth so full, but mentally she was begging him to fuck her mouth, just like Baron had done in the novel. Somehow Liam knew, because he grabbed the sides of her head and began to thrust wildly into her mouth.

  The first two times the hard tip passed over her gag reflex, Shana choked, but afterwards, the irritation seemed to go away and she felt him pass so deep into her throat that her nose was bumping against his pelvic bone with each thrust. Shana realized with a flash of excitement that Liam was very close to cumming. Her hands went to his ass and pulled him all the way in, holding him tight and pushing her nose into his pubic hair. With mounting excitement, she realized that Liam was going to cum. Her breasts pressed into his thighs as she held on to him tightly. Liam threw back his head and began to ejaculate wildly into her gulping mouth.

  “That was so good daddy,” Shana whispered into his belly. Liam, now fully naked and laid out on top of her bed, caressed his stepdaughter and marveled at her slender, compact beauty. Her wavy brown hair brushed silkily against his skin, and his cock was already rising again.

  Pushing her onto her back, Liam dipped his head between her perfect thighs and put his tongue between the lips of her sex. Shana cried out in sheer pleasure as Liam sucked her clit into his mouth. Nothing in her life or her imagination had prepared her for this, and her elation was frantic, her legs flexing wildly and her toes curling. She reached for his ears and tugged him on top of her, her hard nipples pressed tight against his chest. “Are you going to fuck me daddy?” she gasped.

  “Baby,” Liam asked her, “are you sure? This isn’t something we can take back, once it’s done, it’s done forever.”

  Shana’s legs wrapped around him and she pressed her wet slit against his rampant penis. “It means we can do it again daddy,” she murmured, rubbing herself against him like a cat. Liam looked deep into her eyes, and his little girl wasn’t in there any more. All he could see was a grown woman, and she wanted him.

  “This is going to hurt a little baby girl,” Liam said as he reared over her, placing the tip of his cock against her wetness.

  “I don’t care daddy,” Shana sobbed, “do it, fuck me, put it inside me!” Her legs locked behind the small of his back and she hunched her hips upwards, driving him inside her. “Oh fuck daddy,” she gasped, “it stings!” Locking her hands behind his head and pulling with her heels, Shana brought the full length of his penis inside her. Her eyes widened and then squeezed shut as his pelvic bone brushed her clit. “But it stings so sweet…”

  As she came in great heaving gasps, Shana knew that her days as a shy girl who missed out on all the fun were gone. Today was the first day of her new life.



  Eighteen year old Jennie was love bitten. There was no room in her life for the boys at school, or for the men who whistled at her when she went to the beach or went shopping with her friends. The only man who stirred the secret spot between her slender thighs belonged to her mother…but that never stopped Jennie from wanting him…

  She had been ultra-shy around him since they had first met, the night he had taken her mother out on their first date. Jennie wasn’t really a shy girl, she was normally a loud and boisterous tomboy. Suave, confident, handsome Dan Talley turned her into a giggling flirt with a single glance of his devastating green eyes.

  Sonja didn’t miss the interaction between the two, and
she often wondered how it would play out when Jennie got older. She was sure Dan wanted to marry her, but she wasn’t sure how he was reacting to Jennie’s obvious infatuation with him. He probably saw it as a passing phase, but Sonja knew better. Her stepfather was sixty now, and he was still as handsome and sexy as ever. He also still had the biggest cock Sonja had ever seen.


  “Does he love you baby?” Thomas Allen asked Sonja.

  “Yes daddy, I’m sure of it.”

  “I just want you to be happy darling, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. If you love him and he loves you, that’s all I could ever ask for.”

  “Thank you daddy,” Sonja said, bending her head down to kiss the tip of his cock, still glistening with their mixed juices. “Your blessing means a lot to both of us.” She got up from the bed and began to get dressed. She had another date with Dan, he was taking her and Jennie to dinner and a movie.

  “Have you considered how Jennie feels about this baby?”

  “I think she feels about Dan the way I feel about you daddy.”

  “She’s a little young yet baby…”

  “She’ll be eighteen before you know it daddy…”

  “Do you think you can deal with how she feels?”

  Sonja laughed, a bright tinkling sound that cheered Thomas’s soul. “I’ve been dealing with the same situation in reverse since I was eighteen daddy. I doubt it will suddenly start to bother me now.”


  Dan and Sonja were married at the end of Jennie’s junior year in high school. When they left the church to go on their honeymoon, Jennie was filled with bitter longing. Her mother was going away with the man she wanted for herself. The man she wanted to see leaning above her when she finally decided to spread her legs and allow someone to make love to her. It just wasn’t fair.

  Jennie couldn’t help but smile as she climbed into the fire engine red 1965 Mustang convertible that Dan had bought and restored for her with his own hands. She had spent a lot of time with him rebuilding this classic car. Her slender hands caressed the original equipment steering wheel they had located over the internet. The old one had been cracked and all that was left of it was the wire structure. This one had come at an outrageous price, but it had been the last piece and neither wanted to skimp on it. Dan had wrapped it himself and given it and the car to her on her seventeenth birthday. Mom had just beemed at both of them and then cut the birthday cake.


  Jennie’s campaign to seduce her stepfather began as soon as he returned from the honeymoon. Jennie did everything she could to get his attention, to force him to see her as a woman and not as a stepchild. She wore skimpy clothes and daring bikinis. Every opportunity she got she walked in on him in the shower ‘accidentally’ or crossed the hall from the upstairs bath to her bedroom with her robe open or her towel hanging half off.

  She wore loose middie tee shirts with no bra when she did chores around the house when he was home. Jennie did everything she could think of to provoke Dan into touching her, but nothing worked, nothing at all. As she neared her eighteenth birthday, she was so miserable that she gave up. She let her appearance go, and she hung around the house listlessly, showing no interest at all in the thing other girls her own age were involved in. Jennie was love bitten.


  “We’re going to have to do something about Jennie baby,” Dan said, a worried look on his face. “I hate seeing her like this.”

  “You know as well as I do what’s wrong with her Dan,” Sonja said. “There’s not much I can do until she turns eighteen.”

  “I know all about you and your stepfather Sonja, we’ve been over this a thousand times. I’m still not convinced the same relationship will work for us.”

  “Why not? It’s worked for me for years…and as you well know darling, I’m delightfully well adjusted.”

  “That’s because you’ve had the attention of your stepfather and your loving husband for many years baby, what’s going to happen when you see me with an eighteen year old version of yourself? What’s going to happen when you think of me lying naked in a bed with your daughter?”

  “Oh baby, I’m not going to be satisfied with just thinking about it,” Sonja said, caressing his cock with her smooth slender hand. It hardened and rose between her grasping fingers as he felt her hot breath on its sensitive skin. “I want to watch,” she whispered just before her lush lips surrounded the engorged head. When she made him cum, she kept her lips closed tightly around his slick flesh until the surging fluid stopped erupting. And her knowing smile was wicked indeed.


  “Come on Jennie,” Sophia said. “Take me for a ride out to the lake in that beautiful old car of yours.”

  “Mother,” Jennie said, “couldn’t we do this some other time?” She blew a strand of her lank dark hair out of her eyes and gave Sophia a sullen look. She had her legs up on the sofa and a book that she wasn’t really reading propped against her thighs. Sonja knew that her daughter was letting herself go, and she knew that she had the answer that would bring some spark back into her. It was time to be pleasantly insistent.

  Minutes later, after persuading Jennie to tie back her unruly mop of raven black hair with a scarf, they had the top down and were speeding along the narrow two lane road to the reservoir. Much to Jennie’s surprise, Sonja had her stop at a small bait shop. When Sonja came out, she was carrying a small, cheap cooler of ice and a bottle of Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill wine. Sonja set the cooler in the back seat with the bottle buried in the ice, and they set off again.

  Jennie turned off into one of the smaller picnic areas close to the dam, a collection of sturdy wooden tables with a fixed steel charcoal grill at each table. There was no one else around this late in the afternoon on a weekday, so they picked the table closest to the sparkling clear water.

  Her curiosity was piqued. Sonja was in a good mood, and had truly seemed to enjoy riding in the powerful red convertible. Jennie had covertly watched her mother on the ride out, trying to discern the purpose of the trip. Sonja’s sundress had ridden up high on her hips because of the wind whipping through the open cockpit, but she had made no move to pull it down or cover the skimpy white panties beneath. Jennie cracked a small smile. She had never pictured her mother as a bit of a wild child.

  From the cavernous purse Sonja carried, she pulled a cheap plastic tablecloth to cover the wood surface of the picnic table, a packet of plastic cups, and a small paper bag containing an assortment of cheese cubes and crackers. Another foray into the purse brought out some napkins and a small box of wooden toothpicks. Jenna was oddly touched by this grown up version of a child’s tea party. Sonja unscrewed the metal cap on the cheap wine bottle and poured a healthy slug for each of them before reaching for a toothpick and a cube of cheese.

  Sonja wasted no more time. “You’ve spent a lot of time and effort trying to seduce Dan you know. You really shouldn’t have given up quite so soon.”

  Her mother’s blatant statement hung in the air between them like a bomb, and Jennie’s plastic glass of wine froze between the tabletop and her mouth. Her protest and denial was automatic and was coming out of her mouth before she had time to think.

  Sonja cut her off with a wave of her hand. “Come on Jennie, you’re talking to me. No one on earth knows you better than I do. Take a sip of your wine, I’ve got something to tell you that should take that perpetual frown off your face and get us all back to the happy life we’ve always led.”

  Jennie closed her mouth and obediently took a sip of the sweet summer wine.

  “I’ve been fucking my stepfather since my eighteenth birthday,” Sonja said matter of factly. “He’s really good,” she said, “in some ways even better than Dan…but I suppose that has more to do with the ‘taboo’ nature of our relationship.” Sonja seemed to enjoy the look of open shock on Jennie’s face. “Don’t look so surprised,” she said. “You’ve been moping around for the last year flashing your naked or nearly naked body at
my husband every time you had half a chance. I think he’s had a permanent erection for the last six months or so.” Sonja tipped up her glass and emptied it before pouring more for herself and for her daughter. She cocked an eye at Jennie. “Thank you for that, by the way.” She smiled, a soft, sexy, friendly smile.

  Jennie gulped the wine down without tasting it an picked up a cube of cheese, nibbling at it while staring wide eyed a side of her mother she’d never seen before. Sonja poured some more wine into her glass and leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “When I was eighteen years old, my daddy was the most handsome man in the whole world. He was my world and everything revolved around him as far as I was concerned. More importantly, he loved me back. Right after my eighteenth birthday, he went fishing out here, right out from where we’re sitting now. There were no tables or grills out here then, just a path that led from the road down to a little clearing beside the little cove.” Sonja sighed. “It was early in the morning, and I had followed him in my own car, parking behind his by the road. I walked down the path with my heart in my throat, scared to death by what I intended to do but I intended to do it anyway.”


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